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  1. S

    Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

    In practice, there are different levels of probation, and the PO has some judgment. I personally know of a case in Florida where a person served probation in another county; they just mailed in the cost of supervision and documented their community service, et al. So it is possible KC can...
  2. S

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    If KC has any advisors worth anything, this will never happen. Get the cases settled, the judgments entered, and then declare bankruptcy and poof! They go away. KC won't have to even do that. Let's say Tim Miller sues her for $112k. All her lawyer has to do is say "tim, you can get your...
  3. S

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Geragos an geragos wanna-be JB make their money from the media circus that follows these high profile trials. The newsworthy nature of the case enables MG and those like him to charge huge advisory fees and make paid appearances. He is a legal profession celebrity with no real scholarly...
  4. S

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    No. Caylee should be alive. Alive is better than dead until you're very very old and incapable of caring for yourself. There is no silver lining or lesson to learn. Caylee's death is pure evil and cannot be rationalized by some "she's better off sentiment". As soon as we reach for that, we...
  5. S

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    I've never used a help me here. Couldn't one, in theory, download a book, and then upload to a website somewhere, making the book available at no cost?
  6. S

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    If she really wanted to speak and be heard, she can just put it online for free. Such a move might gather her some sympathy. (you reading this, Jose?) Edit: while the kindle thing is probably a fake, the writing is kind of childish (though much marketing language is) and the writer is dumb...
  7. S

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    BBM if they don't shop it around now, KC will probably just steal it, along with the camera used to film the footage, the fridge where the beers were, and possibly the plane itself. Such footage isn't worth big money IMO. ABC paid $200k for miscellaneous Caylee items; that's when Caylee...
  8. S

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    Interesting way to categorize it... both sides were able to get a real-time read of public opinion...which certainly informed their strategies and led to mid course corrections. This tends to favor the defense since the state has to present evidence. I do believe it has a place in the...
  9. S

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    I am not sure I agree. 100 years? For a homicide? Implausible, imo. World War 1 was 100 years ago, roughly, and few people today could discuss the root causes or discuss the major players, battles and resolution. As far as I can see it, the only way this case is discussed meaningfully...
  10. S

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    That's a great comment about how Cindy aged 20 years since this started. She has; the toll on her must really be something. It's an emotional impact hard to fathom; just the facts of it are staggering: 1 - her granddaughter, who she definitely loved, is dead 2 - her daughter, who she...
  11. S

    Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

    I think you nailed it.
  12. S

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I seem to recall similar shenanigans in the OJ trial. Judge Ito would levy small fines against OJ's team, and that was just that. However - re: the part I bolded - Something fishy happened. as more facts emerge, the fish get stinkier.
  13. S

    Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

    I think the Judge is being pragmatic. As for the "speak as a group" angle, I find it hard to believe that there is something truly fishy going on. (Interestingly, I was at the rosen shingle creek the same time the jurors were, for a biz function - just a tangent there. it's a nice place...
  14. S

    2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I've made several posts to that effect. Seems like the DT is starting to figure them out; it's not rocket science. Hi JB ;) Just kidding. The tea leaves with regard to KC are easy to read. Don't make the mistake of assuming very high intelligence on JB's part. he just got really...
  15. S

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    Geraldo's ultimate boss is under enough pressure (Murdoch, that is) facing calls from his board to split the Chairman and CEO jobs. It'd be hard to imagine him green-lighting a KC interview (and yes I think the public outcry would be such that it would rise to the level of a chairman; it's...
  16. S

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    I'm certainly no expert. But if you watch the head and shoulders on the jail walk and the video linked in this thread, I see similarities. My two cents
  17. S

    Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

    The "grieving grandmother" angle and others - I'm sorry, I just don't accept it. Not in this case. Cindy would not have lied if she did not believe in her heart that KC was guilty. She lied to protect he or daughter in a murder trial. Predictable? Sure. Understandable? Yes, through the...
  18. S

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    Interesting first post. ;) wow. That's really something. Watch the girl in the dress when she walks up to the door. She's nervous, shoulders hunched over, trying to minimize her appearance, as if trying too hard to appear inconspicuous. Similar mannerisms to KC walking out of...
  19. S

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    I know from family experience that probation in the state of Florida comes in different flavors. In most cases, the offender need not even meet with a P/O, rather, just mail in the monthly costs of probation along with a form that they are employed, and if any community service is required...
  20. S

    2010.07.22 Casey reported seen in Palm Springs

    In theory, she could be hiding. But unless someone on the DT or friendly with the DT is very wealthy (FYI to others who are not familiar with PB, you can't really get a house here for under a couple of million dollars, and it's $20M to live really well down here) then she's not here. The...

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