‘Take Care of Maya’ - Kowalski v. Johns Hopkins Trial

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I agree the witness Anderson (not attorney Anderson) gave false information. I feel bad for him if it turns out hospital lawyers withheld important information from their own expert witness!

Apparently the hospital insisted the link with the article be taken down, but here is a saved copy I found if anyone is interested:

Nothing in this report surprises me after watching the depos of the department chairs for chief of surgery, etc. None of them felt the need to do anything but collect a paycheck and have the job title. They all had an "I don't know, I didn't handle that, it's not my job" response.
This is a from the top down problem, not one from the bottom with those doing the actual work of caring for patients.
Nothing in this report surprises me after watching the depos of the department chairs for chief of surgery, etc. None of them felt the need to do anything but collect a paycheck and have the job title. They all had an "I don't know, I didn't handle that, it's not my job" response.
This is a from the top down problem, not one from the bottom with those doing the actual work of caring for patients.
Have you ever seen so much passing the buck? Zero communication among departments, executives and staff - we all saw it in the depos; now we have confirmation from those reports.
I am catching up on this trial and am still really of mixed opinion. This may not be popular but when I saw the Tribeca photos of Jack and family with Mayo trying to look like some Bollywood starlet I have to wonder. Jack really bothers me. I am amazed at the lack of interest in this trial on websleuths.
I am catching up on this trial and am still really of mixed opinion. This may not be popular but when I saw the Tribeca photos of Jack and family with Mayo trying to look like some Bollywood starlet I have to wonder. Jack really bothers me. I am amazed at the lack of interest in this trial on websleuths.
Yes, I really think he is the driving force behind this.

Even if they do win, this case will be tied up in the court room for years.
Yes, I really think he is the driving force behind this.

Even if they do win, this case will be tied up in the court room for years.
I contrary to many in some chat rooms found most of the defense nurses etc. credible and hard to believe that they are all lying about Beata. Clearly during the first days of hospital stay Beata raised the alarms in the staff for good reasons. I was amazed at one testimony of a 9-10 year old girl using that language to staff and also the mother would be outrageous. I think as life goes along Maya is a girl at high risk to follow her mother's fate. That father will not let this go as said above win or lose. She lost most of her childhood not just to pain (lets assume it is real) but to all of this legal action. I have to wonder what her relationship is with her father these days? Expert Anderson opening the door to the reports may have derailed any chance they had but still I think the judgement will not be what Jack wants.
I think this case will eventually be settled out of court.

I think this case will eventually be settled out of court.

I think that ship has sailed long ago. This latest debacle with Expert Anderson testimony and the defense not giving him the documents as well as plantiffs (who had them anyway) is going to blow up on rebuttal. I don't know the attempts at settlement up to now and what happened but at this point I think plaintiffs will prevail but not sure on the damages award..I don't think hospital can be held accountable for Beata's suicide as I think she was unstable long before they came to JH.
If the emails Beata was sending herself that she was writing asif she was Maya are allowed into evidence, I think this will show the true full picture to the jury. If the aren’t allowed then they won’t be seeing everything as it really was.

The defence have the chance here to really expose what was happening with Maya, and to show exactly why the hospital were completely justified IMO in raising concerns. There were red flags right from the beginning. The case documents are deeply disturbing IMO.


Yes! Those emails her mother wrote as if Maya wrote them herself is just crazy.

I definitely think Maya would have either been dead or in a wheelchair permanently if the hospital didn't intervine.
Yes! Those emails her mother wrote as if Maya wrote them herself is just crazy.

I definitely think Maya would have either been dead or in a wheelchair permanently if the hospital didn't intervine.
Beata was a real force in Maya's life and I get the impression from testimony that Jack her husband did not agree with much of what she was promoting but she seemed to be the stronger of the two. Getting Maya off that Ketamine was the major accomplishment of the hospital. I can only hope she is still off of that drug. The Mexico trip was just a nightmare. A mother than is an RN making these decisions....I can understand how family services were called in. The Beata factor cannot be underestimated in this case and I don't think the hospital is to blame for her suicide. I hope Maya can get away from the father and going to college may be the best thing to happen to her but she is at very high risk for mental issues as life moves along. Appealing anything about this case of keeping it going will not benefit her in any way. At this point I don't trust Jack...he seems obsessed with the legal actions and it is and has been his entire focus years.
Have you ever seen so much passing the buck? Zero communication among departments, executives and staff - we all saw it in the depos; now we have confirmation from those reports.

I was on the edge of my seat Monday watching the trial shenanigans. What are your thoughts on whether the judge will sanction the defense for not producing the requested Immediate Jeopardy papers?
Does anyone know if the judge allowed the prior lawsuit settled w/Kowalski family into court? TIA
I don’t believe they did due to it being considered too prejudicial to the case. I believe there were 52 stipulations in the case including elements that could not be discussed. I don’t have a source, and could be wrong, but that’s my general understanding.
Beata was a real force in Maya's life and I get the impression from testimony that Jack her husband did not agree with much of what she was promoting but she seemed to be the stronger of the two. Getting Maya off that Ketamine was the major accomplishment of the hospital. I can only hope she is still off of that drug.
You're aware that ketamine is an approved treatment for pain, as well as depression...? For some people with treatment-resistant depression, it can be life saving. It's also used for CRPS and other chronic pain, particularly nerve pain. Here's a 2019 review of its effectiveness.
You're aware that ketamine is an approved treatment for pain, as well as depression...? For some people with treatment-resistant depression, it can be life saving. It's also used for CRPS and other chronic pain, particularly nerve pain. Here's a 2019 review of its effectiveness.

The 2019 review of effectiveness didn't include a review of research results in PubMed, which covers a much wider database of clinical research. Of the 600+ trials they reviewed, only 7 were chosen to be part of their analysis. Just sayin.


Evidence suggests that IV ketamine provides significant short-term analgesic benefit in patients with refractory chronic pain, with some evidence of a dose–response relationship. Larger, multicenter studies with longer follow-ups are needed to better select patients and determine the optimal treatment protocol.

JMO Long term effects should be considered closely when any treatment is used for children.
WATCH LIVE: ‘Take Care of Maya’ Trial — Kowalski v. Johns Hopkins All Ch... https://youtube.com/live/4neAWVjQ-BE?si=wWa2JvGIPzWLK7Ul via @YouTube

Each side gets 2 hours for closings. The plaintiff will split their up as 1 hour 15 min for initial closing and 45 mins for rebuttal closing.

CLOSING ARGUMENT by plaintiff in #TakeCareOfMaya trial. "What we have here is a great American family." Anderson describes Beata as a lioness protecting her family.


X posts 15 hrs ago

JURY ISSUES in #TakeCareOfMaya trial. One juror was released today due to medical problems. Defense filed a motion to have another juror (#1) removed from the panel citing several of his jury questions he wrote that appeared to show a bias. Judge disagrees and says the juror's questions appear to show he hasn't made up his mind yet. The juror is former law enforcement.

Interesting thing that happened is the Plaintiff (attorney Anderson) agreed to have the juror moved to being an alternate but then Jack Kowalski would not agree to that. So if Jack had not objected the defense would have got juror #1 off the deliberating jury. He is now still on.


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