04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Looks like sur-rebuttal is on if the DT has their way. Hope JSS denies the motion.

4/22/2013 012 - ME: Trial - Party (001) 4/22/2013
4/22/2013 REQ - Request - Party (001) 4/22/2013
4/21/2013 RJI - Request for Jury Instructions - Party (001) 4/22/2013

Isn't the State Party 001?
Somebody was asking about the penis pic. Here it is, and for the record, I do not believe this is a pic of Travis, so I don't have a problem with it being "put out there" so to speak.


Look at the fan shaped fingernails and the shape of the hands and then go look at Darryl Brewer's hands from his testimony. They are fairly distinctive, IMO. Also...that pe...um. Nevermind. I don't want a time out for vulgarity! :floorlaugh:
He is down-to-earth and presents his case in a simple and effective manner when addressing the jury. That's his style. Love it!

I wasn't offended by "going at it" ... tumescent on the other hand... nearly caused me to PMP laughing.
can anyone put their hands on the pic comparisons of the hands taken with the penis pic? maryann123 is looking for them... or does anyone remember who posted them?

I have my settings set to 100 posts per page and I started reading page 22 onwards this morning. There are links to the photo there. Sorry to be so vague.

Can someone translate this to moron please?

I requested the same thing except I said simple plain words.

Glad I am not the only one that does not understand legalese!!
Surrebuttal is only allowed if the state brings in new evidence during rebuttal. The defense cannot address their entire case all over again during surrebuttal but only the new evidence. Considering the new information we're hoping to see from JM I think the Judge will allow surrebuttal. It won't take long though. I don't think...
which she remembers being distributed in the form of 4 $20 bills...
And me too apparently:facepalm:

then I will assume this is the amount of cash that JA stole from Travis wallet on the day she slaughtered him. :furious:
I scanned through the autopsy report and saw nothing about recent ejaculation or not.

I don't know how they could even know that...it's not like there isn't more where the first load came from! (sorry don't know how else to put that)

God I hope my family NEVER googles my user name since I use the same one everywhere! LMAO!

But I have had sex within the same hour and the man I was with has not had an issue with unloading both times! Again, sorry for the words used.
I've read the autopsy report and dont' recall the part about the bit about ejaculation but I may not have read the same thing everyone else did.

The photos do look strange and have always bothered me. I think she took her own pictures - but I don't think the bed scene is totally staged. His fingers up in the air seemed like he was speaking and using his hands - not making a gesture JMO

As I looked through the crime scene photos last night, something struck me. The closets are open and I really think she hid in the closet - hopped out and surprised him. Granted all the photos line up with the sequence of "psycho" (I'm not joking - it's 100% lined up) but the closets are open yet all the stuff on the counters, his robe etc are put away.

I'm starting to think someone else knows what happened that day - someone she's got something over them. It's like we are missing 1 piece of the puzzle, but being the way she is - I don't know that we'll ever hear it. Granted it's none of our business either.

JA's purpose was a smear campaign against TA and it's all based around jealousy. For those that don't see him having sex with her, I hate to say it but ... that's exactly how an unhealthy relationship stays above water - sex. Someone (forgive me, I dont' recall who) put it perfectly: They were in a toxic relationship, people told him to leave her, JA promises to change and to stop it - she realizes her wrongs - TA sneaks around (due to humiliation) to see her. They continue to have sex.

I've often wondered if she stopped over to give him a car payment (that being the excuse) and that was her "in". Anyway - I'm SHOCKED at how long this trial has been ongoing. Geez!
Look at the fan shaped fingernails and the shape of the hands and then go look at Darryl Brewer's hands from his testimony. They are fairly distinctive, IMO. Also...that pe...um. Nevermind. I don't want a time out for vulgarity! :floorlaugh:

It's not about the hands IMO, it's about the foreskin or lack there of in that photo vs the nudes she took of TA.
Surrebuttal is only allowed if the state brings in new evidence during rebuttal. The defense cannot address their entire case all over again during surrebuttal but only the new evidence. Considering the new information we're hoping to see from JM I think the Judge will allow surrebuttal. It won't take long though. I don't think...

If the entry is saying that the defense wants to call 1 new witness, that could be another 1-2 weeks since it seems to take the DT that long to question a witness.
WOW, I have never seen an autopsy report and I wish I had not
read Travis'. Poor Travis , RIP. Don't eat before reading this report;
otherwise, you will regret it.

It's pretty gruesome. I think the pic that is the worst to me is the one of the nine stab wounds to his back. Just brutal.
.Unless it was one of the ninjas who helped her and said that if she was caught and told about the help, that he would kill her family.

Jodi said that one of the ninja's looked at her driver license and threatened her and her family.. I don't see how they could find any of them unless they'd stake out the P.O.box listed on it.
Bingo! I said that on an earlier thread. Her DL lists a P.O. Box in Big Sur (near Monterey). Yet her family lives hours away in Yreka. The only Big Sur connection is Darryl/Matt. They are not her family!!
then I will assume this is the amount of cash that JA stole from Travis wallet on the day she slaughtered him. :furious:

Oh and speaking of JA and her contrivances ... She wrote that check to Travis knowing damned well it was never going to be cashed. JMO.
If the entry is saying that the defense wants to call 1 new witness, that could be another 1-2 weeks since it seems to take the DT that long to question a witness.

Yep. Their direct. Juan's cross. Jury questions. Then both sides follow up.
I wasn't offended by "going at it" ... tumescent on the other hand... nearly caused me to PMP laughing.

OK...hold up a minute!

Did that word surface due to this trial? I know a poster used that word to describe the Pocket Hose - I had to google it! LMAO! Then I showed that post to my aunt who is visiting from California and she cracked up too!!!

Is this like that edify word? Used during the trial so now we have all expanded our vocabulary? LMAO!!! I thought my vocabulary was pretty extensive until I started listening to this trial...LOL!!
Surrebuttal is only allowed if the state brings in new evidence during rebuttal. The defense cannot address their entire case all over again during surrebuttal but only the new evidence. Considering the new information we're hoping to see from JM I think the Judge will allow surrebuttal. It won't take long though. I don't think...

Their request must be based on the testimony of Dr D then. :banghead: I wonder who they plan on bringing on as a surrebutal (sp) witness? Psychology Today has been covering this trial for months in a rather anti-defense sort of way, including the testimony of ALV.
Oh and speaking of JA and her contrivances ... She wrote that check to Travis knowing damned well it was never going to be cashed. JMO.

and she wanted it back..or was curious if it was cashed.....
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