04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Geffner is hardly someone with no horse in this race.
let's all try out that law of attraction hokey pokey and ''think'' the judge turns down those defense team motions immediately.

some of us have summer vacations planned. i mean, seriously. c'mon!!!
Why doesn't Dr. Carp have to testify, didn't he/she examine and test Jodi? Why a new doctor now?

She became "ill" and could not continue with the case.
After the casey anthony trial. I said I WOULD NOT GET INTERESTED IN ANOTHER TRIAL. Well I am in this one. I am so impressed with Juan and will continue to be after this trial is over. He has done the best he could with a great Liar for a defendant. I hope the JURY takes their time to go trough the evidence. I will be mad at the outcome if it is less than guilty of 1st degree, but WAS SO SHOCKED by CASEY VERDICT

one big thing in jm's favor, he knows how ta died, when he died and who killed him. i've seen much less evidence in other cases that received murder 1 convictions. my only concern is that ta's killer is a woman thus by default she gets sympathy. :moo: (there are already lines of people giving the boston bomber sympathy because he is 19) smh
Ah yes---AVL and her catchy titles. I hope the men in her group are aware of this catchy little title from a publication of her's, according to her CV:

Women Studies Encyclopedia: “The Battered Husband Syndrome and Other Myths” :floorlaugh:

Anything to demonize and harm men.
ACK----I KNEW it. I posted this previously, that I believed they were abandoning their self defense case and going for manslaughter due to her emotionally snapping. I knew they were setting this up.

This has me very worried.

I think they went with this having heard the jury questions for Dr DM. There is a continuous thread lately, I believe, from witness to witness, that there seems to be someone in the jury who is looking for an impulsive/reactive kill, so defence is taking advantage of it. Even though they are arguing self-defence which is the opposite of crime of passion. Besides, I thought the latter was not about a physical overkill but an emotional response a la Loreena Bobbitt.

However, the prosecution has evidence of premeditation, the covering up of the crime, the callousness in the aftermath, all of JA's lies on and off the stand and the glaring fact that the murderess lived over 1000 miles away from him and sought Travis out. That's their course. Unless there is a magic wand, that's what we've got. To me, the evidence is overwhelming and simple and clear. To a moron, maybe not so much. You can't control for that.
So happy to hear that Tulessa! Big hugs to you sweet lady, and your hubby too~ Frigga
Well, couldn't stay away til tomorrow....did you notice my new avatar? I have had the little guy walking around in that square now since Haleigh Cummings went missing....I just couldn't get over JA hiding in the Christmas tree.....LOL

Lol! So lifelike....with her legs wide....(you fill it in).
Well, it took about 3 seconds for me to find some questionable dealing by Robert Geffner...
Seems the defense can not hire a decent witness.
Love it:
The trial court ultimately found that Dr. Geffner was simply a "hired gun" and that his testimony was completely without merit. In light of the deference that the appellate court is required to give to the credibility determinations of the trial court, it appears unlikely to us that any additional testimony that Dr. Geffner might have been allowed to give would have had any effect on the ultimate outcome of this case.

In my opinion, the vast majority of males would have no problem believing that not only did they have sex, but that he knew in advance she was coming, that he waited up for her, for the sole purpose of having sex.

You don't see any men speculating she must have taken the nude photos without his knowledge or participation or that she must have uploaded them from another day.

The idea that "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"..."Women give sex to get love/affection; men give love/affection to get sex" is as old as the hills. Perhaps because it might be true? :what:

The speaker below says that men are simple creatures who think of only one thing at a time--in boxes--and the boxes never touch. Whereas women think of everything all at the same time and everything is connected with everything else. And he makes a compelling case that men have a life-long high interest in sex.

I'm a woman with no problem believing Travis could have waited up for her and was interested in having sex with her. This becomes even more compounded by the idea that--with the types of women Travis had in his circle--he probably hadn't had sex since Jodi had left, and he knew it would be a long time before he got the chance to get any. So with that in mind, I have no problem with him thinking he should get it while the getting is good.
Im hearing about the somewhat breaking news about the new Defense attempts to bring in a new option to the jury of manslaughter and heat of passion crud.

I cant believe the defense can ask to change their defense basically at this point. I hope the judge says no.

Apparently, the basis for their request is that JM failed to disclose that the BPD diagnosis was going to come in during Dr. D's testimony. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it Jenny who accidentally mined that little gem during her cross of Dr DeMarte?
.....she DID return the gas can, but did not take it to customer service, that she met the greeter at the door and he had on a blue Wal mart apron and he noticed her new manicure and he liked the color of the nail polish and then they fell to talking and discovered that he liked the Movie The Secret too and then he noticed she had a gas can and he asked her what she was doing with it and she said she was returning it and by this time they had walked outside and there were cracks in the sidewalk right there and just as he was asking for her phone number she realized she left the reciept in the car and he said he could use a gas can but he did not have any money on him but he did have a couple of Starbucks coupons..........

Wow! Sounds just like her. This is from the interrogation transcripts, Video2:

6:42 Umm…but, umm…there were so many times I just couldn’t wrap my mind around what he… I could… but I would try to get him to do the same for me…like there was a time I broke down on the way to LA once when I was going to watch Chris Hughes do a training, umm and this was January, umm mid January maybe of 2007, and my car got a flat tire, so I had at the time roadside assistance cos my car was still under warranty, and they went to take the car in to change the tire and realized that when they sold me the car they didn’t give me the wheel lock key...
7:20DF: Oh man…
7:20JA: for anti-theft wheel locks so… I had to get a hotel room, I had to get my car towed, it was a big nightmare ummm and I was kinda’ hungry, it was dinnertime, it was 7:38 and it was dark cos it was January ummm…and the tow truck guy said you know there’s a Denny’s two blocks down here, and there’s a Jack in the Box there and he was driving me to the motel I said is there an IHop around, cos I really like IHop he’s like yeah but it’s like 5 miles back in the other direction. I was like uhhhh… okay. He says I can drive you there if you want. And I was like... he’s like this short Mexican guy and he seemed really harmless and I was like… ahhh okay and he, you know, I asked him about his life and he had a wife and kids and… so he wasn’t flirting… or he had girlfriend or something…
08:02 DF: he’s just trying to be nice to you...
08:03 JA: Just being nice. And so I ended up telling, and he didn’t ever say anything inappropriate. And then he drove me and dropped me off and that was that. And umm…and I got to eat. And so I told that to Travis and he didn’t say anything at first but it got back to Sky and sky was like why didn’t you call me and then I think eventually that was used against me to establish a pattern that I do weird things like that......
O/T update. Surgery went great! Cataract out, lens inserted in 8 minutes. go back at 9 in the morning though for a check up. I will miss the first part of the trial. :( But yayyyyy surgery went great! :great:

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