09-17-2011 Topaz Mountain Search Yields Charred Wood and Decomp

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DNA Solves
The tone of the initial post makes it seem as if Susan was bad and Susan got what she deserved. How dare she wear the pants. btw, isn't that just an old chauvinistic way of saying that she should have been in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant?

We all know that Susan was actually made to ride a bike to work 7+ miles one way, grow a garden 'in her spare time' if she wanted to feed her sons healthy food AND she was not allowed to have the computer passwords for the bank accounts where SHE EARNED the money. Oh those bold women, they just have to be put in their place don't they? :sarcasm:

If it walks like a chauvinist and talks like a chauvinist, chances are it's a chauvinist. hhhhmmmm anyone we have heard of? ;)

And not to sound glib, but since Susan was apparently the only one in the family capable of earning a consistent income, you would think she should be able to decide if she wears pants, a skirt, a swimsuit, or whatever else she felt like wearing.

Poor, victimized Josh.
So is it sleuthing the family and forbidden if we wonder what happened to SP's mom? I am wondering what JP knows not just about Susan, but about his own family, and whether missing women are a tradition. If I remember, the story was that SP's father took the kids and left. But did anyone actually see SP's mother after that?
So is it sleuthing the family and forbidden if we wonder what happened to SP's mom? I am wondering what JP knows not just about Susan, but about his own family, and whether missing women are a tradition. If I remember, the story was that SP's father took the kids and left. But did anyone actually see SP's mother after that?

I think, and am interested in what others think, that josh's mom is off limits.

She must have gone through pure he!!.
So is it sleuthing the family and forbidden if we wonder what happened to SP's mom? I am wondering what JP knows not just about Susan, but about his own family, and whether missing women are a tradition. If I remember, the story was that SP's father took the kids and left. But did anyone actually see SP's mother after that?

SP's wife is accounted for. They got has been described as a hotly contested divorce. It is SP's mother that we don't know about. At least that is my understanding.
For those in SLC; on one of the days we went out searching for Susan back in the early part of 2010, we drove all the way south on Redwood Rd and went through a little town that took us to the junction with Rt 6. We traveled WEST 6, towards Eureka. Just before you get to Eureka there is a spot where you have to go around a stone/mountain, if you went straight you would demolish your car. Just before this stone area there is an area on the left where you can pull your car over. There is a low metal guard rail and a drop of at least 100ft, probably more. I tied a ribbon there so others who were out searching would find it. I've always thought that josh could have dropped Susan over this guard rail and she would never be found.

For those not from SLC, this is EAST of Dugway and the areas they are searching now. This info was reported to one of the professional searchers on the Friends and Family FB page.
Did I just read a post or am I losing my mind:eek:hwow:
Please tell me fellow:websleuther:for I feel:shocked2:and I need a big :grouphug:now.
I think dovebar was eluding to Steven Powell's mother. I know there is some info on her from early threads.

ETA: I think the discussion took off from the posting of his Steven Chantrey website...with his "bio" listed.
Lera, can you be more specific? The page is full of posts, and I suppose you have probably read them.
I think dovebar was eluding to Steven Powell's mother. I know there is some info on her from early threads.

ETA: I think the discussion took off from the posting of his Steven Chantrey website...with his "bio" listed.

Thanks, hollyblue and others, yes, I said SP's mom. Because I think it is relevant to JP in that he seems to be under his father's control, his father seems very troubled, and you have to wonder how far back that goes. The story seems to be that Steve's mother either took off, or the kids were taken and that's the last that was heard of her - but you wonder if she was heard of again, or what went down there, and whether there is a long family history of both plotting things, or knowing how to get rid of someone, etc. It does seem Josh was "coached," at least to leave Susan and how to wind up with the kids. One wonders how Josh was the recipient of thise - how this is knowledge handed down, or how *SP* knew how to instruct Josh in this. Whether Josh, essentially, is just the latest practitioner.
Thanks, hollyblue and others, yes, I said SP's mom. Because I think it is relevant to JP in that he seems to be under his father's control, his father seems very troubled, and you have to wonder how far back that goes. The story seems to be that Steve's mother either took off, or the kids were taken and that's the last that was heard of her - but you wonder if she was heard of again, or what went down there, and whether there is a long family history of both plotting things, or knowing how to get rid of someone, etc. It does seem Josh was "coached," at least to leave Susan and how to wind up with the kids. One wonders how Josh was the recipient of thise - how this is knowledge handed down, or how *SP* knew how to instruct Josh in this. Whether Josh, essentially, is just the latest practitioner.

Have you seen chantrey's website?
Have you seen chantrey's website?
I was afraid to click on the link thinking I'll get a case of stupid or some type of disease. Yeah I'm one of those that let my fellow sleuths do that dirty work for me. :floorlaugh:
While steve isn't as much of a freak as this guy in Austria[see link] perhaps he will be a case study one day, just as the Austrian guy is now. IMHO

Sick and until LE tells the media that SP has an iron clad alibi I will suspect he might have done something like this.

I tell you the apple doesn't fall from the tree. Like father like son, both are well I don't want to eat ban but you can fill it in however; the verbiage I would come up with would be better. LOL
Since we are on the subject of family, childhood, etc. here are some more quotes from Robert Ressler's book, Whoever Fights Monsters:

"let me state unequivocally that there is no such thing as the person who at age thirty-five suddenly changes from being perfectly normal and erupts into totally evil, disruptive, murderous behavior. The behaviors that are precursors to murder have been present and developing in that person's life for a long, long time - since childhood.
"though the homes seemed to outward appearances to be normal, they were in fact dysfunctional. Half of our subjects had mental illness in their immediate family. Half had parents who had been involved in criminal activities. Nearly 70 percent had a familial history of alcohol or drug abuse. All the murderers - every single one - were subjected to serious emotional abuse during their childhoods. And all of them developed into what psychiatrists label as sexually dysfunctional adults, unable to sustain a mature, consensual relationship with another adult.
"From birth to age six or seven, studies have shown, the most important adult figure in a child's life is the mother, and it is in this time period that the child learns what love is. Relationships between our subjects and their mothers were uniformly cool, distant, unloving, neglectful. There was very little touching, emotional warmth, or training in the ways in which normal human beings cherish one another and demonstrate their affection and interdependence. These children were deprived of something more important than money - love. They ended up paying for that deprivation during the remainder of their lives, and society suffered, too, because their crimes removed many people from the world and their assaultive behavior left alive equally as many victims who remain permanently scarred.
"The abuse that the children endured was both physical and mental. Society has understood somewhat that physical abuse is a precursor to violence, but the emotional component may be as important. One woman propped her infant son in a card-board box in front of the television set, and left for work; later, she'd put him in a playpen, toss in some food, and let the TV set be the baby-sitter until she came home again. A second man reported to us that he had been confined to his room during his childhood evenings; when he wandered into the living room at such times, he was shooed away and told that evening was the time when his mother and father wanted to be alone together; he grew up believing he was an unwanted boarder in his own home.
"These children grew up in an environment in which their own actions were ignored, and in which there were no limits set on their behavior. It is part of the task of parenting to teach children what is right and wrong; these were the children who managed to grow up without being taught that poking something into a puppy's eye is harmful and should not be done, or that destroying property is against the rules. The task of the first half-dozen years of life is socialization, of teaching children to understand that they live in a world that encompasses other people as well as themselves, and that proper interaction with other people is essential. The children who grow up to murder never truly comprehend the world in other than egocentric terms, because their teachers - principally their mothers - do not train them properly in the important matter."
I agree. On one hand Susan was pressuring him to become more active at church and live up to his promises and commitments. On the other hand, his dad was encouraging just the opposite. (Personally, I think once your children are married, parents have NO BUSINESS telling their kids how to live their lives, including whether or not they attend church--it is time to BACK OFF).

It is important for LDS people to attend church regularly. I know Sunday attendance is not as important for many other faiths. Lots of people attend only on Christmas, Easter, weddings, and funerals, and that is OK. But for LDS, we try to live our faith all week long, all year round. I guess we need that extra reinforcement! :crazy:
Since Daddy dearest had such a stalking thing for Susan I'm willing to bet he tried to put a wedge between them, and when Susan wouldn't fall to that BS and worked hard to keep her marriage, Daddy dearest found another way. What was that? Convince son to share her!
Since we are on the subject of family, childhood, etc. here are some more quotes from Robert Ressler's book, Whoever Fights Monsters:

"let me state unequivocally that there is no such thing as the person who at age thirty-five suddenly changes from being perfectly normal and erupts into totally evil, disruptive, murderous behavior. The behaviors that are precursors to murder have been present and developing in that person's life for a long, long time - since childhood.
"though the homes seemed to outward appearances to be normal, they were in fact dysfunctional. Half of our subjects had mental illness in their immediate family. Half had parents who had been involved in criminal activities. Nearly 70 percent had a familial history of alcohol or drug abuse. All the murderers - every single one - were subjected to serious emotional abuse during their childhoods. And all of them developed into what psychiatrists label as sexually dysfunctional adults, unable to sustain a mature, consensual relationship with another adult.
"From birth to age six or seven, studies have shown, the most important adult figure in a child's life is the mother, and it is in this time period that the child learns what love is. Relationships between our subjects and their mothers were uniformly cool, distant, unloving, neglectful. There was very little touching, emotional warmth, or training in the ways in which normal human beings cherish one another and demonstrate their affection and interdependence. These children were deprived of something more important than money - love. They ended up paying for that deprivation during the remainder of their lives, and society suffered, too, because their crimes removed many people from the world and their assaultive behavior left alive equally as many victims who remain permanently scarred.
"The abuse that the children endured was both physical and mental. Society has understood somewhat that physical abuse is a precursor to violence, but the emotional component may be as important. One woman propped her infant son in a card-board box in front of the television set, and left for work; later, she'd put him in a playpen, toss in some food, and let the TV set be the baby-sitter until she came home again. A second man reported to us that he had been confined to his room during his childhood evenings; when he wandered into the living room at such times, he was shooed away and told that evening was the time when his mother and father wanted to be alone together; he grew up believing he was an unwanted boarder in his own home.
"These children grew up in an environment in which their own actions were ignored, and in which there were no limits set on their behavior. It is part of the task of parenting to teach children what is right and wrong; these were the children who managed to grow up without being taught that poking something into a puppy's eye is harmful and should not be done, or that destroying property is against the rules. The task of the first half-dozen years of life is socialization, of teaching children to understand that they live in a world that encompasses other people as well as themselves, and that proper interaction with other people is essential. The children who grow up to murder never truly comprehend the world in other than egocentric terms, because their teachers - principally their mothers - do not train them properly in the important matter."

Thank you for this. Interesting how the above dovetails with SP's experience with his mother or lack thereof. Also interesting is that one of Josh's brothers is a diagnosed bi-polar and schizophrenic according to Josh's brother in law.
Why haven't we heard from other woman that might have dated JP? Were there any? I doubt there were. That in itself tells a whole like about JP.

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