10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

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I don't know if that's entirely true. Yes, consent forms must be obtained if the school is taking photos and wants to publish them in an outlet other than for school purpose. Ie, I don't sign a release for my son to be in the school yearbook. But I do sign a release form at the beginning of the year stating I don't want them to use his photo on any school advertisement that may be distributed to the general public.

I see hundreds of photos a day, mine included, where the moms take photos of kids and plaster them all over FB. My son, his friends, etc., etc. Photos being taken from bleachers at football games, in band class, in the courtyard. Do we sign release forms? Nope. Are we on school property? Yup. Am I taking pictures of other children? yup. Do other parents take pictures of my son? yup. I've never had anyone ask me to stop taking photos on school property, ever.

I hope I don't get arrested!



I see what you're saying, but in our schools if you don't want your child photographed, (and it's like, 1% of the kids at most) they won't be. Room moms get lists of those kids and keep them out of group shots at holiday parties, etc. I'm sure that policy gets violated now and again, but sitting across the school taking pics with a telephoto lens and then publishing them in for profit media would certainly get the attention of the school and not be tolerated. ;D
Are there articles or photos suggesting that the media is stalking these children at the school grounds or are we just theorizing?
That's what I'm thinking - the relocation had already been planned & the family was busy packing up prior to his arrival, which could also be one of the reasons the parents were unavailable to meet with TP when she showed up unannounced on the doorstep.

The fact that BS arrived shortly after TP left indicates that the relocation was indeed preplanned, since the last we heard of BS was that he had left town.

I'm still befuddled as to why BS would be involved in their relocating, though. The only reason I can come up with is because the anonymous benefactor is funding the relocation. This anonymous benefactor seems to be pulling the strings, which concerns me greatly, because I'm seriously skeptical as to whether or not that person has Baby Lisa's best interests in mind - based on the shenanigans of the past few weeks, I don't believe he/she does.

IMO, this *benefactor* has put the best interests of media ratings first & foremost.

If the benefactor has the interests of media ratings at heart, why would he pay to secret the Irwins away so they can't be hounded by the press anymore?
Are there articles or photos suggesting that the media is stalking these children at the school grounds or are we just theorizing?

Theorizing. ;D. It started when it was now apparent that the media won't be able to chase them around in their own front yard anymore, they might be tempted to go and photograph them at school.
Are there articles or photos suggesting that the media is stalking these children at the school grounds or are we just theorizing?

I'm just theorizing now that the family has allegedly relocated. I'd hate to think the media would now camp out in public places where the family could be expected to show up while transporting their children or running errands.
If the benefactor has the interests of media ratings at heart, why would he pay to secret the Irwins away so they can't be hounded by the press anymore?

To get exclusives?
I don't know if that's entirely true. Yes, consent forms must be obtained if the school is taking photos and wants to publish them in an outlet other than for school purpose. Ie, I don't sign a release for my son to be in the school yearbook. But I do sign a release form at the beginning of the year stating I don't want them to use his photo on any school advertisement that may be distributed to the general public.

I see hundreds of photos a day, mine included, where the moms take photos of kids and plaster them all over FB. My son, his friends, etc., etc. Photos being taken from bleachers at football games, in band class, in the courtyard. Do we sign release forms? Nope. Are we on school property? Yup. Am I taking pictures of other children? yup. Do other parents take pictures of my son? yup. I've never had anyone ask me to stop taking photos on school property, ever.

I hope I don't get arrested!



If my kids were still school-age, and if their photos were being taken @ school events by other parents & then posted on various & sundry social networking pages without my permission, I would be livid. I would also request that those photos which included my children be deleted from their albums.

My family & I go to great lengths to protect the privacy of my now-grown children (as they also do, themselves), as well as the privacy of my grandchild. No one has the right to publish photos that include either of my daughters or my granddaughter on their social networking pages without the appropriate permission.

Anyone who posts photos of themselves or their children on FB or MySpace that are viewable to the general public is opening themselves up as a potential target. The same goes for anyone who leaves their walls open to the public. It's no different than leaving your front door unlocked 24/7. In fact, it's worse.

Predators trawl FB & MySpace in search of potential victims.
To get exclusives?

That's my thought too, and why the local media has been shut out for the most part. If NBC, CBS, etc., have exclusives they would be pretty irritated to see the locals get the shots. Thus another reason why they may be out of town. Add to that the whack-a-doodles knocking on the door.

Good enough reasons for me -- even if I have no clue as to why they left (and am just theorizing).


If my kids were still school-age, and if their photos were being taken @ school events by other parents & then posted on various & sundry social networking pages without my permission, I would be livid. I would also request that those photos which included my children be deleted from their albums.

My family & I go to great lengths to protect the privacy of my now-grown children (as they also do, themselves), as well as the privacy of my grandchild. No one has the right to publish photos that include either of my daughters or my granddaughter on their social pages without permission.

Anyone who posts photos of themselves on FB or MySpace that are viewable to the general public is opening themselves up as a potential target. The same goes for anyone who leaves their walls open to the public. It's no different than leaving your front door unlocked 24/7. In fact, it's worse.

Oh bless, I'm sorry you feel that way. I come from such a different perspective and none of the parents do it to harm another child or parent. We photograph award events, school parties, group photos (that none of us have the money to pay for from a professional) and the like. My pages are private, but many are not. I don't stress if I see my son on another page - it's all harmless enough. Been a part of the photo mom club for years and years. But now I think I'm straying from topic, as I'm not talking about cagey media types taking shots of my son going to/from school without his knowledge whilst I have a baby missing.

I'm also one of the moms that monitor FB pages (yes, we are sneaky like that) and my goodness the photos the kids take of each other on their new handy dandy i-phones are enough to make you go :gasp:

So, no, it's not the parents I worry about as much as I do the kiddos. Those teens have no filter!

Anyway - enough of that :)

Most would be easy to get to, but this is one of the charms about this school is that it almost like a private road going to it with very little outside traffic. Then the drop off area is even more on the private side. Not to say it couldn't be done, of course, but not easy.

I don't think getting this video was wrong. Where I live, if you're on school property shooting video, that could be a problem unless you ask permission. It's fair game if you're off school property. The TV station did the right thing by blurring the kids out. It's video they will need for future stories. When reporters talk about the children, they want video of the children as opposed to video of the house.

I did notice that one station showed one of the children's faces as they pulled out of the driveway last night. That's a no-no in my book. Hopefully it was just a mistake due to quick turn-around of the video.
I've gotten indication that Lisa is no longer alive. We know very little of what police know. From what we do know, evidence points to DB has having a hand in it. The cadaver dog hit next to her bed.
Can you expand on that a bit, please? Or are you basing that on the HRD dog hit? :)
Oh bless, I'm sorry you feel that way. I come from such a different perspective and none of the parents do it to harm another child or parent. We photograph award events, school parties, group photos (that none of us have the money to pay for from a professional) and the like. My pages are private, but many are not. I don't stress if I see my son on another page - it's all harmless enough. Been a part of the photo mom club for years and years. But now I think I'm straying from topic, as I'm not talking about cagey media types taking shots of my son going to/from school without his knowledge whilst I have a baby missing.

I'm also one of the moms that monitor FB pages (yes, we are sneaky like that) and my goodness the photos the kids take of each other on their new handy dandy i-phones are enough to make you go :gasp:

So, no, it's not the parents I worry about as much as I do the kiddos. Those teens have no filter!

Anyway - enough of that :)



I understand what you're saying, Mel - of course the parents who take the photos aren't doing it to cause harm. They're simply wanting to capture the joyful moment. I get that.

The problem is this: when photos of other parents' children are posted on FB and/or MySpace without permission, and especially if those pages are open to the public, it puts children at risk of being targeted by predators..

I'm not sorry I feel this way, nor are my daughters, one of whom was the victim of a horrific crime in which she was almost murdered (it had nothing to do with social networking pages, but, as a result, we have all learned to be extra careful).

Privacy is a good thing. Privacy needs to protected, especially the privacy of children who, after all, have little to no control over their environments.

ETA: I would think that, of all places, members of this forum would be aware of this basic safety precaution.
My thought is WHY would media be clamoring to get photos of the boys? I don't see how this could be any sort of big media story. Plus, it would anger most of us who feel that the boys should be protected.
I hear a lot of critcism about the family leaving their latest location, but has anyone thought that perhaps they were asked to leave? Or felt compelled to leave because of the media? Or maybe it was just a temporary arrangement to begin with?


Another one, he goes sortof in depth into surface/circumstance. There are related posts above and below it too on page 7 of that thread.

it's not conclusive for death, it's quite a strong indication of human remains. Blood is a human remain. Amazingly, it also includes gases invisible to human perception. I think this makes dogs amazing and invaluable, but the proof comes afterwards- in what they extract from the location that the dog hit on. SO glad we have these dogs, and amazing trainers!
Based on your experience as a psychiatric nurse, do you believe DB's statements in media interviews claiming intoxication (and possibly blacking-out) during the time Baby Lisa went missing provides enough probable cause of child endangerment in order for CPS to investigate?

Since CPS investigations are sealed & not public knowledge, is it possible they may already have or are currently investigating?
Some counties have a more aggressive CPS than others. In western PA, CPS would have already removed the boys. I don't know anything about the aggressiveness of KC's CPS, but CPS can investigate whoever they desire and an attorney could not stop a CPS investigation especially after Deb's statements. She admitted that she left her young kids unsupervised (she might have been unconscious) and something terrible happened. That was child neglect and she could have been arrested for that behavior (at least in my state).

If CPS wanted to interview the boys, they could if they interviewed them on their school property (public property) or if they found a judge that would sign a court order. CPS can and frequently does share the info. that they have collected with LE.

One child has already "disappeared" in the care of Deb and now Deb and her boyfriend have hidden their other children. To me, this is worrisome. Statements have been made suggesting that Deborah and Jeremy might be despondent. Despondent people can have irrational behavior.
Additionally, what is the difference between toenails that are clipped and those still attached to to the toe? Nothing! These dogs would be alerting to feet constantly! :floorlaugh:

I have told my brother a couple times that his feet smell like death. :innocent:

I understand what you're saying, Mel - of course the parents who take the photos aren't doing it to cause harm. They're simply wanting to capture the joyful moment. I get that.

The problem is this: when photos of other parents' children are posted on FB and/or MySpace without permission, and especially if those pages are open to the public, it puts children at risk of being targeted by predators..

I'm not sorry I feel this way, nor are my daughters, one of whom was the victim of a horrific crime in which she was almost murdered (it had nothing to do with social networking pages, but, as a result, we have all learned to be extra careful).

Privacy is a good thing. Privacy needs to protected, especially the privacy of children who, after all, have little to no control over their environments.

ETA: I would think that, of all places, members of this forum would be aware of this basic safety precaution.

:heartluv: -- I hear ya too. Safety is never a bad thing and your reminder is received with the utmost respect!


Some counties have a more aggressive CPS than others. In western PA, CPS would have already removed the boys. I don't know anything about the aggressiveness of KC's CPS, but CPS can investigate whoever they desire and an attorney could not stop a CPS investigation especially after Deb's statements. She admitted that she left her young kids unsupervised (she might have been unconscious) and something terrible happened. That was child neglect and she could have been arrested for that behavior (at least in my state).

If CPS wanted to interview the boys, they could if they interviewed them on their school property (public property) or if they found a judge that would sign a court order. CPS can and frequently does share the info. that they have collected with LE.

One child has already "disappeared" in the care of Deb and now Deb and her boyfriend have hidden their other children. To me, this is worrisome. Statements have been made suggesting that Deborah and Jeremy might be despondent. Despondent people can have irrational behavior.

Thank you for your response, Pens. I trust your professional opinion.

I, too, am worried about the parents' emotional & mental state of mind after reading Mr. Abeyta's statement when he said they might commit suicide.

This is obviously an extremely emotional, volatile situation.

I hope that if one or both of the parents are feeling suicidal, that they would contact someone who is capable of intervening. I hope that someone who is in the inner circle would recognize any signs of suicidal ideation & would take action.
Please know....I still reach for my 16 year old in busy areas. lol My neighborhood is not very busy. We have visited DC several times.... hold both my kids' hands much to their dismay. lol

I am glad I am not the only one! I still reach for my 13 yr olds hand when we cross a street. I am lucky though. My 23 yr old will still take a walk with me and have his arm around my shoulder.

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