100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Se was taken back too...was the only real outward emotion I ever saw from her! Was great!

She was furious and insulted!

She seemed a little po'd at them questioning her eyesight too, at least I thought so.
Originally Posted by JSR
I have a little personal confession to make about this case.

I'm extremely attached to this case, much like I was to the Caylee Anthony case because I can relate to them both due to my own personal circumstances.

I grew up and was raised in Riverside County. Not in the city of Riverside, but the same county. I lived in that county for most of my life before I moved in with my husband. We now live in Orange County.

I was also born to two drug addicted parents. There I said it (so many years later it's still hard to say). I was also raised by my grandparents due to my parents struggles. I was shuffled back and forth twice, once because the state had removed me from my mother and step-fathers home back to my grandparents where I remained for the duration of my childhood. Normally when people ask about my background I simply say that my parents had responsibility issues. And due to their drug use that was certainly true but not the full story.

I saw and dealt with things as a child that children should not. It is for that reason I believe that like me, Travis was far more mature than he appeared. In our situation you have to deal with very adult situations and circumstances at a very young age. For a child growing up its hard to understand how drugs can be more important than your own children. Travis was only immature in dealing with romantic relationships due to his inexperience. But I fully believe he had an abundance of maturity due to his upbringing.

Since Travis had a past much like my own I'm enraged that Jodi took from him what children who come from pasts such as our own work so hard to accomplish. We do everything in our power to change the cycle. To be better than what we came from.

Travis could have been something. And Jodi took from him the chance to work towards the goal that I'm sure he was always working to attain, as I myself do on a daily basis. To rise above the beginnings we were given. God hands cards and circumstances that, at times, are completely out of your control. You can either fold or play the hand you are dealt with dignity and resolve to play the game no matter what.

I hope that wherever Travis is that he knows he played the hand well and with great dignity regardless of some of his failings. I hope he knows he attained his ultimate goal.

the thanks button isn't enough,brought a tear to my eye :(
That's a wonderful point Minor.

Perhaps that's the one ray of light from this tragedy. That someone will see that it's possible to break the chain and be a successful person even if you are not given the best start in life.

Little consolation to his friends and family who have been deprived of him in the here and now, but in the grander scheme, it's somewhat comforting to know that he is still carrying on his purpose even though he's gone.
Answers that made me laugh out loud today:

1. She considers herself a very trusting person
2. Referring to Mormonism and Law of Attraction as two separate animals WTF?
3. She was taught not to point guns at people, loaded or unloaded
4. Best of all: What mental condition ? :floorlaugh:

Things I learned:

1. Now, finally, we have a 'hand on the top shelf'
2. She only helped Travis when he wanted help. (Guess he didn't want help after she shot him)
3. On trial for life is apparently not stressful
4. She does have a good memory - her vocabulary (descriptions) were word for word the same as on direct and cross.

BBM: Didn't she also say in that response that she considers herself to be a "good person"? Which question was that again? I know my jaw dropped when she said that. TIA.
Dog lover here too..... I have been curious during the trial, did I read that she closed his gate off so he could not go downstairs? If so does that mean during the 7 days Travis was rotting Napoleon had no food or water?
Enrique's girlfriend fed and watered Naps the 5 days before Travis was located.
Dog lover here too..... I have been curious during the trial, did I read that she closed his gate off so he could not go downstairs? If so does that mean during the 7 days Travis was rotting Napoleon had no food or water?

I think it was the gate to go upstairs to the bedroom areas. Meaning that he had access to the bottom floor and the doggy door. And since the roommates were there, I am hoping they were at least feeding him.

What does bother me, is I know that Napoleon had to be anxious and fretting during those days and it weirds me out a little that the roommates never noticed anything awry. I mean, how close was he to the roommates? And he usually had someone come in and feed the dog for him while he was away, and it never crossed their mind that something was off?
Only in this case does the murderer say that the reason why she purchased a gun after she murdered her true love is because she was going on a camping trip with a bunch of dudes and she didn't really trust men anymore. Oh, and because she wanted to be a responsible gun owner.


She feared for her life. You know, the one she keeps insisting she wants to end. Yeah, that one.
I was happy because the jurors questions sure seem like they do not believe her either!
That's what I thought, but someone mentioned earlier that it sounded like the jurors could be reading here so I just wondered. I wonder how many really follow the admonition? I admit, I would have a really hard time not looking up info. :what:

I was on a 1st Deg murder jury back in FL many years ago. Trust me - when you are facing the decision about someone's life...it all becomes very serious, very quickly. Maybe it was b/c I was young and more impressionable at the time, but I took the job and the directions I was given VERY seriously. MOO
I hope the jury asks her how she knew it was a picture of a little boy if her eyes are so bad.

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DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!! If she sees him from across the room, how does she know he wasn't looking at something like: http://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/miley-cyrus-hair-lead.jpg?w=600

Oh, but of course - cause she confronted him, yet there is no proof. Or will she now say she got really close. So many lies. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
"Great point and makes sense. If JA dropped his camera, maybe he did get mad. That's not abnormal - most people would. It makes sense that his first action would be to see if his camera is okay.

Perhaps JA dropped the camera intentionally to get Travis annoyed and distracted - so he was even more vulnerable to a surprise attack. This actually seems quite plausible as to what really happened.

When he's (perhaps saying something unkind to JA) and going for his camera - JA slams the knife into him - or shoots him (maybe... I'm still on the gun last team). Then he goes to the sink - coughs blood... asks her to get help, she keeps stabbing him. He tries to protect himself (defensive wounds on the palms of his hands because he's facing her).

So he tries to GET AWAY and OUT down the hallway. She's stabbing him in the back of the head, back, (defensive wounds on the backs of his hands) then - from blood loss he collapses and commando-sliding at the very end, so the bottoms of his feet get slashed. He's weakening, and finally falls just inside his bedroom. Throat slashed, more stabs in the back,

The COPIOUS amount of blood from the neck wound shocks JA (not because he's hurt or she's squeamish, but because she doesn't know how out of control it might get - so she drags him into the shower..

This makes total sense to me - and perhaps it does to the juror, too, and that's why they asked the question... jmv'

I couldn't figure out how to quote from another thread, but I definitely think there is a ring of truth to the camera ending up over by the tub. But not because she was kneeling and it dropped and rolled over there (hello physics! Jury definitely caught this too) but because she threw it or something. He goes all "hey what you doin'" that's when he grabs the knife and plunges it into his chest...

BBM....I am a photographer and if I or anyone drop a camera, no matter if the camera is mine or not, my FIRST thought is Holy Carp, grab the camera and make sure it's okay. Not go all nuts on them bec they dropped it!
Man, this jury is amazing! I wish CA would have undergone this maybe things would have ended differently!

I know it's :eek:fftopic:, but I have never gotten over how it happened, that the entire CA jury was so totally dumbed down. I mean, how many times in history could those exact conditions and circumstances be repeated?
It's how the question was posed.

I recall it going, "could Travis have".
. I was surprised the judge allowed that question since all she could do to answer it is speculate. Did JM object? I guess if he did it was overruled. I just thought it was a bad question.
can't wait for more tomorrow,seems encouraging that the jury are asking more questions as she is answering!

highlights for me today:

"what is your definition of *advertiser censored*"
"have you ever sought medical treatment for your mental condition"

nearly fell off my bed laughing at those two
did anyone else laugh when ja said her pictures could be hung in a gallery next to van gogh? i have a hard time seeing that image. she may be inspiring someone to go into the psychology profession. jmo
and another thought... if it WAS Travis' gun he would have KNOWN it was loaded.... TRAVIS WOULD HAVE STOPPED RUNNING AT HER!

He would have yelled NO NO its loaded!!! I have no doubt. Shes a cold blooded murder and she makes me sick.

Jodi claims Travis told her it wasn't loaded so why even go for it if Travis knew it wasn't loaded. That makes no sense. She figured if she pointed at him he would stop but if he knew it wasn't loaded why would he stop???? Now that one juror is scratching his head saying who put the bullet in the gun????

Also I think one juror thinks he stopped to look at the camera and it was okay and all Travis was doing was going after her to apologize. So that she basically created her own situation, lost control and killed him.

The best one was her explanation for the restaurant guys going on a camping trip and taking her with them. I bet they did not even know she planned on joining them. lol I don't think she did any favors for herself today with some of her answers. jmo
"Great point and makes sense. If JA dropped his camera, maybe he did get mad. That's not abnormal - most people would. It makes sense that his first action would be to see if his camera is okay.

Perhaps JA dropped the camera intentionally to get Travis annoyed and distracted - so he was even more vulnerable to a surprise attack. This actually seems quite plausible as to what really happened.

When he's (perhaps saying something unkind to JA) and going for his camera - JA slams the knife into him - or shoots him (maybe... I'm still on the gun last team). Then he goes to the sink - coughs blood... asks her to get help, she keeps stabbing him. He tries to protect himself (defensive wounds on the palms of his hands because he's facing her).

So he tries to GET AWAY and OUT down the hallway. She's stabbing him in the back of the head, back, (defensive wounds on the backs of his hands) then - from blood loss he collapses and commando-sliding at the very end, so the bottoms of his feet get slashed. He's weakening, and finally falls just inside his bedroom. Throat slashed, more stabs in the back,

The COPIOUS amount of blood from the neck wound shocks JA (not because he's hurt or she's squeamish, but because she doesn't know how out of control it might get - so she drags him into the shower..

This makes total sense to me - and perhaps it does to the juror, too, and that's why they asked the question... jmv'

I couldn't figure out how to quote from another thread, but I definitely think there is a ring of truth to the camera ending up over by the tub. But not because she was kneeling and it dropped and rolled over there (hello physics! Jury definitely caught this too) but because she threw it or something. He goes all "hey what you doin'" that's when he grabs the knife and plunges it into his chest...

Sorry just GOT to ask - are you related to Nursebeeme? This is a place of curious minds, so please excuse my question. lol
I read a post earlier about the sound of the gun blast. As I understand it, the majority of the deafening noise heard when a firearm is discharged is a sonic boom caused by the muzzle velocity of the projectile exceeding the sound barrier. A standard .25 caliber pistol cartridge only has a muzzle velocity of 400 to 600 feet per second. This is below the sound barrier and therefore makes very little noise. More of a pop than a large boom. By comparison a .357 magnum (police revolver) has a muzzle velocity of about 1,450 feet per second and makes a deafening noise when fired.
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