100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Great juror questions!

They ARE paying attention!
Someone please make a poll on how long the jury will deliberate.

I vote 5 mins to reach a guilty verdict...that is just long enough to be seated and take a vote!
I have a little personal confession to make about this case.

I'm extremely attached to this case, much like I was to the Caylee Anthony case because I can relate to them both due to my own personal circumstances.

I grew up and was raised in Riverside County. Not in the city of Riverside, but the same county. I lived in that county for most of my life before I moved in with my husband. We now live in Orange County.

I was also born to two drug addicted parents. There I said it (so many years later it's still hard to say). I was also raised by my grandparents due to my parents struggles. I was shuffled back and forth twice, once because the state had removed me from my mother and step-fathers home back to my grandparents where I remained for the duration of my childhood. Normally when people ask about my background I simply say that my parents had responsibility issues. And due to their drug use that was certainly true but not the full story.

I saw and dealt with things as a child that children should not. It is for that reason I believe that like me, Travis was far more mature than he appeared. In our situation you have to deal with very adult situations and circumstances at a very young age. For a child growing up its hard to understand how drugs can be more important than your own children. Travis was only immature in dealing with romantic relationships due to his inexperience. But I fully believe he had an abundance of maturity due to his upbringing.

Since Travis had a past much like my own I'm enraged that Jodi took from him what children who come from pasts such as our own work so hard to accomplish. We do everything in our power to change the cycle. To be better than what we came from.

Travis could have been something. And Jodi took from him the chance to work towards the goal that I'm sure he was always working to attain, as I myself do on a daily basis. To rise above the beginnings we were given. God hands cards and circumstances that, at times, are completely out of your control. You can either fold or play the hand you are dealt with dignity and resolve to play the game no matter what.

I hope that wherever Travis is that he knows he played the hand well and with great dignity regardless of some of his failings. I hope he knows he attained his ultimate goal.

You grew up not far from me and you are still pretty close. And what a story. This great group brings so many life experiences with it. So many that are inspirational.
I've never been sequestered in a jury before. When they are together in the room, are they allowed to speak to each other about the trial BEFORE deliberation? I was wondering if they were able to tell each other the questions that they were submitting in advance. Thanks
I don't like this more question business.

Why are they trying to get convincing answers out of her?

They must have doubt.

You said that last night too. After today, I have NO doubt the jury doesn't believe a word she says. Not a single doubt.
I want to know about Travis' dog too. Where was the dog when Travis' body was discovered? Does anyone know?

I think he was downstairs and had free run of the 1st floor because Jodi put up the dog gate over the stairs before she left. One of the roommate's girlfriends was feeding him because they thought Travis had already left to go to Cancun. think I read that in the police report, but I'm not sure.
Yep, NG first question on screen is about the *advertiser censored* question.
Literally word for word. And on that one question that was repeated and Jodi had to give her answer again for the juror who had sound problems -- I think her answer was verbatim the second time around.

And reciting verbatim is a sure sign of lying.

We never re-tell the same story exactly the same when we are telling the truth.
Probably because I'm a dog lover, I was hoping that person would ask WHERE Napoleon was during this awful thing happening to his daddy. I want to know!!!

I really think Napoleon was biting the hello out of JA and that is why her only injuries were to her ankles. JMO
My favorite 30 seconds of the day. Was this a Freudian slip by Jodi?

Judge: Were you mad at Travis while you were stabbing him?

Jodi: I don't recall FEAR being a prominent, I mean, sorry, I don't remember anger being a prominent

~ Objection from Juan ~

Judge: The question is were you mad at Travis while you were stabbing him?

Jodi: I don't remember being angry that day. I remember being terrified.

I'd like to have Juan read that one back to her. Lol

Travis could have clicked the camera while it was on the floor while being attacked ....
If he did, Those photos could be an attemp to make sure there was evidence....

We just found out on Dr. Drew that he had a gun pointed at him once before.
When he was being murdered, he could have instinctively reached and clicked the camera... He must have thought about what he would do if he were ever in that situation again.
Those unexplained photos of his murder could very well be his last cry for help.

I feel sooo sad right now.

All the juror questions were fantastic, but I immediately had a red flag go up when this was asked and answered. This explains to me who set the camera, and how TA ended up in the hallway.I think it happened after TA was stabbed in the heart, I think he stood over the sink and fell to the ground, he then grabbed the camera and scooted, not crawled to the hallway.

Great juror questions.
I was happy because the jurors questions sure seem like they do not believe her either!

Good evening everyone! :seeya:

From what I have heard so far, it definitely does seem that way!

Good jury!
one or more jurors has caught onto her lack of normal female friendship/relationships which is incredibly odd for a woman that age. All of her mentions are basically of men she had slept with and who she continued to rely on for favors, sleep-overs, gas cans etc. She was even asked whether there was a woman she could have lived with rather than Matt. With Matt there were questions about why she would live with him, how could he be like a brother after you slept with him, etc. That indicates that they may have caught onto how she collects and manipulates men and that she has no use for women and/or women have got her #.

That and many of the other questions have given me confidence that at least some jurors are capable of discerning exactly who she is despite the inability of JM to present so much of the evidence about her stalking actions. I'm always nervous with any jury but this has made me feel better. I really like this juror question procedure in AZ. It also, of course, clues the attorneys into what is going on with the jurors but I see that as being m ore helpful for JM as KN has little to work with except to amp up the abuse, pedophilia, battered woman thing but I'm feeling pretty good that her story is not getting traction and I don;t think today helped. More stories elaborately and blithely conjured up that come flying off her tongue must make her look like it is all too easy for her to try and talk her way out of anything. And with no tears, emotion, or any emotional reaction to the horrible things she is relating. I think she just made herself look sicker and more dangerous than ever.

BBM. I was SO glad someone asked her that. Your girlfriends are everything. All the women here know that. Her age and NO girls she confides in?

Not normal at ALL.
Right? She can't see a license plate glowing in the darkness two feet in front of her, but she can see the details of a printed photograph that falls at her feet (in that chaotic pattern)?

She can't see the numbers on the license plate but she can see the dead bugs??? Read the plate like brail!!
Someone please make a poll on how long the jury will deliberate.

I vote 5 mins to reach a guilty verdict...that is just long enough to be seated and take a vote!

I think they will make her squirm for awhile as payback for the torture they had to endure.
Monet, Vincent van Gogh...and Jodi Arias. All on the same wall. HAHAHA!!
If Travis had stopped and picked up the camera it would not make sense to what she tesified to earlier--She said that she could hear Travis running behind her(chasing her).
Now she said today that she wasn't sure but she thought she heard him chasing her.
Another fabricated to fit what was happening.

She also said yesterday that there was a holster with the gun now today the holster wasn't mentioned.
She said Travis had told her the gun was not loaded so if someone was chasing you and you thought you were going to be killed--Why would you run back into the bathroom where there was no escape with a gun as far as you new wasn't loaded.
If Travis was chasing you and he knew the gun wasn't loaded that wouldn't stop him from doing you harm would it?
Even after he was shot through the front part of his skull he wouldn't be saying kill you *****( he wouldn't be saying or doing anything) and this would give you plenty of time to flee the house and phone the police.
Then the fog part comes in because there is no way she can talk her way around stabbing him 29 times.
She can't explain cutting his throat then dragging him back to the shower.
In order to clean up a crime scene lock the bedroom door and put up the dog fence all take concsious thought so the fog theory can't work.
The mind would still have to make decisions for a person to function.
There is no way you could do the shooting,stabbing.crime scene clean up,pen up the dog,lock the bedroom,then drive for hrs out into the desert all without thought,
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