100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Sorry just GOT to ask - are you related to Nursebeeme? This is a place of curious minds, so please excuse my question. lol

Oh no, but I have noticed the similarity in the names! No, I use that screen name a lot so I used it here. My first name is Melissa:)
:takeabow: JA certainly seemed to enjoy her day on the stand. At times, she was downright perky.
Guys of WS please tell me everything is going to be ok and Travis's family will get justice!

I hate getting so emotionally involved in a case then have the rug pulled out from under me. (aka Casey Anothy Case)

Not sure I can handle another case like that again
The unloaded gun story once again sunk JA. JA testifies that the TA gun was unloaded. She had a discussion with TA about “loading the gun” . That discussion apparently did not go anywhere since the common understanding was the 25 caliber gun was to remain unloaded.

So the question – why spend time reaching for an unloaded gun? ANSWER – Because if I pointed a gun at somebody they would cease and desist.
JA thinks she can avert TA advance by pointing a gun at him.

BUT TA knew the gun was unloaded. Why would JA who thinks the gun that is unloaded would stop a person who KNOWS that the gun is UNLOADED????

AH HA!!!!


The web of lies twists her up again. Just hope the jury figures this out too.

She twists it around so much it comes back to bite her in the butt!!!!
BBM: Didn't she also say in that response that she considers herself to be a "good person"? Which question was that again? I know my jaw dropped when she said that. TIA.
IIRC it was the 'Do you think your boyfriends cheated on you because you were too controlling?' question. :giggle:

My jaw dropped too. Abuse is all about control after all. ;)
Ugh, I just went to her support site and read through the comments and I am totally and completely sick to my stomach. The theories range from she was set up and brainwashed into thinking she committed the crime (evidence cited was the fact the camera and SD card were left in the washing machine, the media quickly assumed she was guilty, and that her hand print in their blood was clear enough to identify her) that his roommate did it, that one of Travis's friends did it because that person has a picture of a boy dressed as Spiderman (I guess the person was implying it's his friend's son he was interested in), and that the new video they're showing on HLN about Travis's robbery experience is actually proof that someone else wanted to kill Travis. Someone even said it was a coinicidence that his story is so close to Jodi's. I cannot even fathom how anyone can believe her, there are even comments writing off her mention of holster. The worst of it is, they talk about his family like they're terrible people. Something about his family wasn't around until after his death?

I thought the jury questions definitely seem to be leaning toward the prosecution and I've heard there are even more questions from today. With the open ended questions the jury is asking, they are allowing plenty of room for her to contradict prior testimony and/or trip over the answers. Juan definitely planted some seeds of doubt about her credibility and I think it's showing. I can only see this leading to a conviction and with the amount of times she's talking about wanting to die for her actions may be a green light to the DP.
I have a little personal confession to make about this case.

I'm extremely attached to this case, much like I was to the Caylee Anthony case because I can relate to them both due to my own personal circumstances.

I grew up and was raised in Riverside County. Not in the city of Riverside, but the same county. I lived in that county for most of my life before I moved in with my husband. We now live in Orange County.

I was also born to two drug addicted parents. There I said it (so many years later it's still hard to say). I was also raised by my grandparents due to my parents struggles. I was shuffled back and forth twice, once because the state had removed me from my mother and step-fathers home back to my grandparents where I remained for the duration of my childhood. Normally when people ask about my background I simply say that my parents had responsibility issues. And due to their drug use that was certainly true but not the full story.

I saw and dealt with things as a child that children should not. It is for that reason I believe that like me, Travis was far more mature than he appeared. In our situation you have to deal with very adult situations and circumstances at a very young age. For a child growing up its hard to understand how drugs can be more important than your own children. Travis was only immature in dealing with romantic relationships due to his inexperience. But I fully believe he had an abundance of maturity due to his upbringing.

Since Travis had a past much like my own I'm enraged that Jodi took from him what children who come from pasts such as our own work so hard to accomplish. We do everything in our power to change the cycle. To be better than what we came from.

Travis could have been something. And Jodi took from him the chance to work towards the goal that I'm sure he was always working to attain, as I myself do on a daily basis. To rise above the beginnings we were given. God hands cards and circumstances that, at times, are completely out of your control. You can either fold or play the hand you are dealt with dignity and resolve to play the game no matter what.

I hope that wherever Travis is that he knows he played the hand well and with great dignity regardless of some of his failings. I hope he knows he attained his ultimate goal.

Thank you for sharing your story I know it helps to verbalize sometimes.. I'm attached because he had such promise I see him as a brother, uncle or friend someone is been friends with had our paths crossed. We are about same age & I have friends involved with women similar makes you wonder how this could happen in my world.. I'm enraged by her actions & that she won't take any responsibility for watch she's done!

One way or another she'll get what's coming to her either in this world or her precious afterlife.. Yes Jodi There is a special hell for women like you!!
HLN was playing the part of Jodi saying Travis asked her to marry him. Remember on the sex tape where Travis said something like marry me in a joking way?

That was May 10. I wonder if Jodi thought this is it, I'll be more than a girlfriend, I'll have it all,and Travis let her at know that wasn't going to ever happen by the end of May and was it. Jodi had to kill him from eternal damnation for lying to her. I guess the ultimate power over him in the end?
I guess I've missed this somewhere along the line. So Travis' roommates were in and out of the house during the 5 days his body was in the bathroom? Wouldn't they have been doing laundry during that time and discovered the camera, etc.? And wasn't the other bedroom upstairs next to Travis'? I thought there was blood all over in the hall :( I'm confused.
did anyone else laugh when ja said her pictures could be hung in a gallery next to van gogh? i have a hard time seeing that image. she may be inspiring someone to go into the psychology profession. jmo

And it sounded like this guy hadn't even seen her s****y art!
Jury "Did you ever seek medical help for your medical condition"?

Jodi "What for? My brain Scrambling, Fogging, Forgetfullness, Shaking? That is just me. How rude to acuse me of having a medical condition. Geeeeezzzz"

Just kidding of course. She didnt say those things but probably thought about it. LOL
I've listened to the video on YouTube and the Judge actually asked: Did you ever seek help for your mental condition?
I think it was the gate to go upstairs to the bedroom areas. Meaning that he had access to the bottom floor and the doggy door. And since the roommates were there, I am hoping they were at least feeding him.

What does bother me, is I know that Napoleon had to be anxious and fretting during those days and it weirds me out a little that the roommates never noticed anything awry. I mean, how close was he to the roommates? And he usually had someone come in and feed the dog for him while he was away, and it never crossed their mind that something was off?

The roommates weren't close at all. In fact, one roommate had just moved in a week or two prior to June 8th. The other, within the year.
(I was always curious whether June's rent was paid and if so, was it cash? And if so, was that recovered?)

One of the roommates girlfriend fed Napoleon during the ensuing days thinking Travis was on a road trip. Why they didn't expect specific instructions or have the favor (to feed the dog) asked by Travis prior....is a bit strange but...they were young men who had more important issues in life I guess.

The dog was cordoned off downstairs and couldn't go upstairs from what I've read. But if asked how that happened (who put up the doggie gate) Jodi will play her amnesia card again so suffice it to say, it probably won't be asked because the answer is already anticipated (which is: I don't remember). Because if the gate was up...how did OJ-Jodi sprint over the gate to get out of the house?

So many questions. So many lies.

Travis could have clicked the camera while it was on the floor while being attacked ....
If he did, Those photos could be an attemp to make sure there was evidence....

We just found out on Dr. Drew that he had a gun pointed at him once before.
When he was being murdered, he could have instinctively reached and clicked the camera... He must have thought about what he would do if he were ever in that situation again.
Those unexplained photos of his murder could very well be his last cry for help.

I feel sooo sad right now.

Omg, this is giving me cold chills. And feeling so bad and sad for Travis. :cry:
Dog lover here too..... I have been curious during the trial, did I read that she closed his gate off so he could not go downstairs? If so does that mean during the 7 days Travis was rotting Napoleon had no food or water?

Napoleon could smell his dead daddy for DAYS. My pups would have been hysterical and going NUTS.
How about those Jodi Arias paintings being hung with Monet or Van Gogh?

I TOTALLY buy that story! said no one...ever!

OK tell me she is not talking about the Getty here?
thats such a LIE

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