100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Can somebody answer this question for me?

If you take all the details of JA bathroom body slam, chase, jump, enter closet, grab gun, exit closet, tackle, wrestle, shoot, and BLACK OUT . . . . . . sliced throat , body drag. . . . .

Time of melee was 5:29 and the dead 27X stabbed + sliced throat and dragging the corpse ends at 5:31;29 (Not precise on photo time stamps)

Using photo time lines the JA story (fabrication) cannot be true.
Why hasn't this strong inference been pointed out to the jury??????

Hopefully at least one of the jurors will bring this up during jury deliberations. It's incredible enough that she was able to butcher him is such a short time span from 5:30:30 when he is photographed seated in the shower (can anyone confirm or dispute that?), to 5:32:16 where she is dragging his bloody body--a minute and 46 seconds.

The autopsy revealed 29 stab wounds (corrected from the earlier reported 27), which, if each stab took just 2 seconds, would be 58 seconds right there, not including slitting his throat from ear to ear. If jurors discuss that, I don't see how any of them could possibly buy her story.
I think because JM asked her that question on cross, so that leads me to believe she did tell the expert that Travis was looking at pictures on his computer and, as we know, no *advertiser censored* pictures of any sort were found on his computer.

But, she's denying she told the expert that.


Of course she is. Everyone is wrong but her ya know!

She screwed up and told the expert they were on the computer so of course the DT probably rushed to find them on the computer and that didnt workout so she changed it to physical pics.

Travis never was interested in little boys:banghead: and I dont think the jury believes it either and she just may get death because she tried to murder Travis' reputation to save her own pathetic guilty arse.

Her affect is so flat. Also, she doesn't realise that a more realistic answer to "were you jealous that Travis was taking another woman to Cancun" is yes. it would have been a normal emotion to have. IMO sociopaths think denying what's normal makes them seem less guilty and the opposite is true.

It's like the time my son and I were the only ones in the house and there were cookie crumbs on the coffee table and I asked him if he'd been eating a cookie and he replied, 'I don't like cookies.' uh huh, sure.

She's like a child denying the obvious.


Several of the terms she uses are very childish-Travis is "mean" Who says that besides a child? Angry, mad, but not mean.
Many people are commenting on her artistic ability. I am NOT an artist, but I have an appreciation for good art. Her's is somewhat detailed (hands and feet or almost photographic), but she cannot seem to put human emotion into a face. That's why a lot of her work looks "traced", and appears to lack depth. It's chilling really to see that the eyes of all of her subjects in those pieces look as dead as hers do.

An artist doesn't just create from "copying", they create from emotion. IMO that is what her art is lacking. MOO.

ITA there are some decent elements of her drawings but they look high school level at best IMO, and a lot of it has to do with the faces and eyes especially!! They are plastic looking almost in the face, like a drawing of a low quality wax museum person or something? Hard to describe but they don't have life, they aren't shaded like other parts of her drawing are. They are expressionless and unfinished looking to me, and are very reminiscent of her blank eyes.

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That would have been the second in person interview (after she had been arrested) because in the first one, she was still saying she wasn't there.

uh, yeah.. uh, i knew that.. i was, uh, just.. testing you :D

... really though, i couldn't remember if that actually happened, or if it was something i thought happened but hadn't :blushing:
What did it for me was why she didn't call 911

Her answer: No phones upstairs.

I call BS! There are neighbors, pay phones etc... and she was "ashamed". Don't buy it.

There for all those peeps who think I am "Pro-Jodi"- I am not. Just wanted a few things clarified.
I loved it when the juror asked if she was jealous that Travis was taking another woman to Cancun and she was so nonchalant, like, oh no, I knew about it and I was fine. Does she really think that the jury is going to buy that a person who was so obsessed with a man that she reads his email and text messages has no problem with him going on a vacation with someone other then herself?
Should I get an agent before they begin the process of casting for the movie? I mean, not just anyone can play ME, the unknown faceless nameless poster.
I am concerned since the whole gun being loaded , or unloaded or if she dropped the damn camera.. Those things do not fit into the first degree murder theory, do they???
this must mean some of the jurors must think it went down the way she told it..I wish JM would have used the photos with the time stamps - maybe his closing and rebuttal will clear it up. personally, the travis gun thing and the dropping of the camera i dont believe for a second.

i know there is more questions but where is the first degree pre-meditated questions??? its all leaning toward the dropping the camera and his reaction-
Hopefully at least one of the jurors will bring this up during jury deliberations. It's incredible enough that she was able to butcher him is such a short time span from 5:30:30 when he is photographed seated in the shower (can anyone confirm or dispute that?), to 5:32:16 where she is dragging his bloody body--a minute and 46 seconds.

The autopsy revealed 29 stab wounds (corrected from the earlier reported 27), which, if each stab took just 2 seconds, would be 58 seconds right there, not including slitting his throat from ear to ear. If jurors discuss that, I don't see how any of them could possibly buy her story.

I think they are going to believe Dr. Horn's testimony to be the correct one.

I have always believed in criminal cases when it comes to a defendant's testimony if one part falls then everything falls. Imo, they do not believe what she is telling them about what happened in the bathroom that day. I think the closet may be a big part of the evidence. Nothing shows that either one of them ever went through that closet that day. Nothing.

I'm watching the new video on Dr. Drew again. I'm watching Jodi and she's fooling with her hair while she is pretending to be asleep on Travis' lap. Then she sits up and runs her fingers through her hair again. Obviously trying to fluff it up and make herself look "pretty" so the attention turns to her. She's such a bad actress.

This is just my opinion, but I find it highly inappropriate for her to be laying in his lap like that at a work conference. I know people hang on each other in public at times, but this is at a work conference in front of Travis' business associates.

The couple on Dr. Drew who provided the tape are on Dr. Drew tonight - and the girl just started tearing up and crying after Dr. Drew asked her what she thought went through Travis' head during his last minutes. Very sad.
Why the problem with her having a cut left ringer after the murder? She admits to stabbing him so why doesnt she just admit that she cut her finger at that time....of course the attack by Travis with the breaking of same finger might complicate things. Yea like that really happened
Watching DD makes me feel even more sad. He is sitting there with the devil in his lap, not knowing that SHE would be the one to take his life, and in such a horrific way.

I hate her even more now. UGH!! :furious::furious:
I am concerned since the whole gun being loaded , or unloaded or if she dropped the damn camera.. Those things do not fit into the first degree murder theory, do they???
this must mean some of the jurors must think it went down the way she told it..I wish JM would have used the photos with the time stamps - maybe his closing and rebuttal will clear it up. personally, the travis gun thing and the dropping of the camera i dont believe for a second.

I think a lot of these questions today were to send a message to her that they do not believe Travis owned a gun and they dont believe anything else she has to say.

They just wanted to see her reaction and if she came up with another inconsistent statement and she didnt disappoint them. They have her number.
She is trying to display the abuse Travis inflicted on her prior to 06-04-08.

The best thing about this is she is literally shooting herself in the foot because the moment abuse and control is brought she gets defensive.

Why the problem with her having a cut left ringer after the murder? She admits to stabbing him so why doesnt she just admit that she cut her finger at that time....of course the attack by Travis with the breaking of same finger might complicate things. Yea like that really happened
She may have gathered the bloody towels and other things and the camera got rolled up in it and she threw it ALL in the wash. Amen for that because without that camera card, there's a good chance she would have gotten away with this.

A bridge camera is pretty heavy. She would have noticed the weight.

In all likelihood she felt that the washing machine was enough to destroy any incriminating evidence on the camera. She felt it unnecessary to take it with her as it did not belong to her and the evidence had been destroyed, unlike the knife and gun which did belong to her and could have been traced back to her grandparents.
Is there any way to watch tonight's Doctor Drew without a tv?
This morning Jodi was asked did she leave her camera in the car or bring it in to do video of her and Travis together. She said both were true. I cann't remember the brands, but if I heard right she said that the larger camera that took videos was left in the car, and she always had the smaller camera that wasn't able to take video (which was brought in) in her purse. This baffles me. How does it make both statements true? If she left the camera that takes video in the car, how could of she taken video of them having sex together? Did anyone else catch this, or did I hear it wrong?
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