100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Impossible. It's clear to me that he was deader than a door nail at the time of that photo. Note the limp foot. It's lifeless. The type of foot position you would expect from the recently deceased. She had already finished him off in that photo.

I think he scooted out and brought the camera, hit timer, or took the picture - before she slit his throat. That is how he and the camera ended up in the hallway.
Are the questions over? I wish someone had asked her if the reason her parents beat her was because she was always lying.

Notice her beatings sounded worse today than when she testified in direct. Wonder what changed?? Could be that look on Dad's face which was one of: "I know what you did and I'm ashamed to call you my daughter". I feel Dad has her number and he's not too happy with her right now. jmo
and whether it existed that day. It suddenly appeared in yesterday's testimony but it's existence is now in question. She's starting to, I guess, get foggy about the pre-fog.

Also, she doesn't seem scrambled at all about all the events in vivid detail up til she shot him, and yet she was in mortal terror. I thought that was when she scrambled?

Or is that when she fogs up? Or shakes? I'm getting confused.
I'm so touched by the united front Travis' Family has. He was a very lucky man to be surrounded by this love.

JM made me a little teary, too, when he made it very clear he was there for Travis' Family. So often the Pros says they are there for the Family, but actions make it clear they are there for the State.
I am hopeful that so many people are hopeful by the juror's questions.

For me it makes me sick with fear that this sociopath may be successful in manipulating the juror's thoughts & conclusions. Yes, she is a horrible liar; all I have to do is come to the conclusion a 7 year old might come to when lying to realize where she will go (ie: Where is she going to say the gun came from? What is she going to say about the stabbing? Etc.). Still, I am anxious & sickened to see her assured demeanor when answering these questions today.

I grew up with a sociopath. She is my 1st Cousin, peer, and we were raised together closely. It has taken most of my life to understand what she has done to me, and what she did to my family. She was "diagnosed" as a teenager or young 20's, but I was only told at that time, by my Mother, that the Dr(s?). had stated to her parents that she should never ever have children (she has 4 now). It only became clear to me that she is a sociopath when my Cousin did what she did to my family… then that specific info was backed up by family knowledge of her then "diagnosis".

She "loved me", I was her "best friend", she also hated me and was so jealous of my relationships with my family (even my own Mother), and me in general, that she would do anything to destroy me… Anything short of physical violence. the things that she did are still astounding to me and angering.

The damage is still built into every bit of my personal knowledge I have about myself. I lack the clarity that someone like BritsKate has in her experience with a dangerous peson. It is a muddied water that is attached to a very base fear and knowledge of the path of destruction these people are capable of creating with lies and manipulation.

I know this is not a 'good' post.

I just WANT THAT JURY TO UNDERSTAND what a sociopath is. I want them to understand what an inspired demon this JA is.

I am terrified when the questions imply they are exploring her story as if were real.

My husband is not really following this case like I am and I had him listen to the questions. He thinks they hate her guts, also, he just said that some of the questions were clearly just trolling Jodi because they can't stand her.

Let's hope he is right.
IIRC it was the 'Do you think your boyfriends cheated on you because you were too controlling?' question. :giggle:

My jaw dropped too. Abuse is all about control after all. ;)

Yes, that's the one! The jury sees the pattern with the previous boyfriends that JM so brilliantly brought out in his cross.

She is all about control, right down to controlling this trial. And it seems that she doesn't seem to realize (or care) that she is in a fight for her life! I agree with others (and the brilliant post by Minor4th earlier in the thread), that she is using this trial to "put forth". This, in her mind, will be the biggest performance of her life, and I think she is enjoying every second of it.

The problem is, the jury is not buying the role that she's playing. If she considers herself a good actress, I'm nominating her for a Razzie :p. An Academy Award performance it is not. :notgood:
The Anthony case is an anomaly. Acquittals are actually extremely rare once a defendant is charged with a crime. Casey Anthony is ONE example compared to dozens of mothers who killed their children and were convicted of it.

(With special props to my Mom who lent me her copy of 'Small Sacrifices' when I was all of 11. I lost her 7 years ago today - she was an avid true crime aficionado. :heart: I remember her literally jumping up and down at Scott Peterson's conviction and, no matter who the defendant was, her emphatic proclamation they were always guiltier than sin. 'Guilty, guilty, guilty!' She would have so loved you all and this forum.)

Small Sacrifices is what got me interested in true crime, too. :seeya:
Has anyone zoomed in on Jodi's left hand when Travis is telling about the gun to his head in the video last night?
I want to know about Travis' dog too. Where was the dog when Travis' body was discovered? Does anyone know?

The girlfriend of one of the roomates fed him and he had a doggy door to do his business. still......
She used the word 'edify' a lot... "I wanted to edify Travis is good ways always"

Who uses that word to talk about someone!!

Edify - definition:
Verb - Instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually...
My boyfriend just said (with Jodi on the screen), "God, she's so ugly."
Moreover, the camera does indeed indicate belief in her self-defense claim by at least one juror. The question was posed in a way that would suggest the author is looking for more details to further support his or her position that the killing was in self-defense.

Jaun will take care of it , if that is the case imo
Thanks, MeeBee! Fixed that for ya. Sort of. :)

Thanks for bringing my post over! I am lousy at figuring out when threads close - and I don't know how to bring posts over (so that they appear correctly) Looks like you don't either! :floorlaugh: Thanks just the same.

And I still think it makes sense. :)

I wanted to give you credit! I put quotes around it but for some reason my other editings didn't show up. I wanted to make it red and bold. In any case, good post!
Every question Jodi doesn't want to answer, she says she doesn't understand the question so the Judge moves on. The first time or so, she seemed startled the Judge did not clarify like an attorney would. Didn't take her long to figure out how to avoid answering. IMO, we wil see more of Jodi using that excuse.
Guys of WS please tell me everything is going to be ok and Travis's family will get justice!

I hate getting so emotionally involved in a case then have the rug pulled out from under me. (aka Casey Anothy Case)

Not sure I can handle another case like that again

Everything will be ok. Travis's family WILL get justice.
I truly believe this.
The Anthony case is an anomaly. Acquittals are actually extremely rare once a defendant is charged with a crime. Casey Anthony is ONE example compared to dozens of mothers who killed their children and were convicted of it.

(With special props to my Mom who lent me her copy of 'Small Sacrifices' when I was all of 11. I lost her 7 years ago today - she was an avid true crime aficionado. :heart: I remember her literally jumping up and down at Scott Peterson's conviction and, no matter who the defendant was, her emphatic proclamation they were always guiltier than sin. 'Guilty, guilty, guilty!' She would have so loved you all and this forum.)

Awwwww, that part about your mom got me. My mom was just like that.

She was terminal during the OJ trial. She asked me "do you think I'll make this verdict?"

I love the walkthrough of the sktech question! Brilliant! The jury has all the questions because they do not trust her... and want her to fumble in her web of lies.
While I'm not an artist, I can draw - only because I had to take courses in figure drawing for my fashion design degree. When I saw JA's art I thought it looked "flat". There is no dimension to it - no depth. She has some talent, but her art is nothing special. Her art is of the "dime a dozen" brand.

She surely could get something hung at MOBA

I am right handed..I have a camera similar to Travis camera used that day (I have a Nikon)

I can lay down and hold the camera in my left hand upside down or right side up and both ways I could take a photo of the back of my head and right shoulder just as that one shows him down with her pant leg.

Yes, can be done. and Could have been taken by a dying Travis

How does one do this with his head almost cut off?
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