100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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I thought she screwed up on that. I thought she originally claimed that, after getting the gun and running into the bathroom, TA was behind her and he came at her from out of the closet door nearest the shower.

But today she said he went back out the bedroom side closet door and then came down the bathroom hall.

Did I misunderstand her first version (sorry, I mean 3rd), or did she change the sequence today?

It seemed that way to me, too. There's a possibility that because of the camera angle, we couldn't tell just where she was really pointing. I did notice for sure, however, that she did very little pointing during that narrative. She was vague about exactly where things happened.
Hello everyone. I have been lurking here for sometime and I have followed this case from the beginning.

I was watching the video from this afternoon just now. When the juror question regarding the amount of gas, the camera pans to Travis's sister and brother and I feel at that moment they know the jury is invested and will bring justice Travis and their family.

His sister looks at his brother and she takes a deep breath and he looks towards the jury. This moment for me was was emotional...it took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.

Yes, it was the validation they needed. "Yep, the jury got it."
Because when she was stabbing Travis after he was already DOWN, the knife could have slipped after the stab and gotten her ankles. She would have been in a squatting position... jmv. Especially regarding the less-deep stabs to the back, when she hit bone with a significant amount of force, the knife could have "ricocheted" (not the right word) off the bone and cut any part of her. Guessing she was squatting for her ankles to get cut.

We have no proof of these injuries, but this is the only thing I can think of that comes close to a possible theory as to how her ankles got cut.

It was such a weird thing to mention - there's nothing about the so-called attack from Travis that would have created cut ankles.

The only thing (imv) that could - is a wayward knife.

Or Napoleon as she attempted to put him behind the baby gate.
I wanted to give you credit! I put quotes around it but for some reason my other editings didn't show up. I wanted to make it red and bold. In any case, good post!

Aw. you're a sweetie! :) I figured you (like me) didn't know how to do it. When I figure it out, I'll let you know - I'm sure it's a simple little thing... I'll investigate. :seeya:
hello cincygirl! :wagon:

Hello everyone. I have been lurking here for sometime and I have followed this case from the beginning.

I was watching the video from this afternoon just now. When the juror question regarding the amount of gas, the camera pans to Travis's sister and brother and I feel at that moment they know the jury is invested and will bring justice Travis and their family.

His sister looks at his brother and she takes a deep breath and he looks towards the jury. This moment for me was was emotional...it took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.
ok thats very similar to my Nikon DX. I hold it in my left hand laying down, and swing my arm around what would be a leg and i can take my head and right shoulder. and hit the shutter release

I couldn't find Allen quote sorry, but my camera has 10, 30, to a minute or a minute in half timer options. Also, don't forget there are other pictures taken in between, I think the one of just the ceiling.

I can definitely see him scooting out to the hallway with the camera, setting the camera down and hitting the timer button. How else do you think the camera and TA eneded up in the hallway? Before or after his throat was slit. We know his throat was slit in the hallway, from the pics in evidence.
if my memory serves me correctly... During her trip she saw Matt, Daryl, Travis, Ryan, and was planning on seeing Dixon and Gus.... all in 3 days, and then after killing Travis was planning a camping trip with a bunch of guys.... WTH... she is a *advertiser censored*! IMO

But she takes her guys one at a time. :floorlaugh:
And right after the gunshot----she says she HEARD him say "f ing kill you b"????

How could she hear that--she said she wasn't looking at him (so couldn't lip-read)


She did mention in her Flores interview that she heard a loud ringing noise when Travis was shot. I bet she did.
I am right handed..I have a camera similar to Travis camera used that day (I have a Nikon)

I can lay down and hold the camera in my left hand upside down or right side up and both ways I could take a photo of the back of my head and right shoulder just as that one shows him down with her pant leg.

Yes, can be done. and Could have been taken by a dying Travis

I believe you can do it, Steph - but I don't think Travis could have done it because it looks like his throat has already been slit in the photo. Am I wrong? Was that taken before he was sliced up?
Work interferes and I missed it all again....what was her answer of why she did not run out of the house away from him rather than toward him ( if it was asked and I sure hope it was!}

Thanks in advance if anyone can answer!!

Basically that it was a split-second decision and that she remembered that last time when he caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrists when she had tried to go left (and downstairs) instead of right (into the closet). In other words, just more BS.
Because when she was stabbing Travis after he was already DOWN, the knife could have slipped after the stab and gotten her ankles. She would have been in a squatting position... jmv. Especially regarding the less-deep stabs to the back, when she hit bone with a significant amount of force, the knife could have "ricocheted" (not the right word) off the bone and cut any part of her. Guessing she was squatting for her ankles to get cut.

We have no proof of these injuries, but this is the only thing I can think of that comes close to a possible theory as to how her ankles got cut.

It was such a weird thing to mention - there's nothing about the so-called attack from Travis that would have created cut ankles.

The only thing (imv) that could - is a wayward knife.

She probably got cuts to her ankles while walking into the desert in the darkness to dispose of evidence - cacti attacked her!
Argh! I've been at my daughter's soccer game since 3:00PST so I have a lot of catching up to do!! Thank goodness for you all! :rocker:
Is it too late for Jodi to plead insanity? Maybe some of the jurors find her mentally unstable prior to this incident that's why they asked if she ever got help for her mental issues?

Insanity was considered by her Attorney's early on but she would never fit the definition as she did way too much planning and plotting and then did a lot of clean up, then back on the road and attended a meeting, and drove home.

Insane she would be running in the street naked afterwards wielding the bloody knife. But she was signing up PPL agents in Utah

crime of passion also did not fit again, the long planning, driving. Passion would be she walked in on him and Mimi
Because when she was stabbing Travis after he was already DOWN, the knife could have slipped after the stab and gotten her ankles. She would have been in a squatting position... jmv. Especially regarding the less-deep stabs to the back, when she hit bone with a significant amount of force, the knife could have "ricocheted" (not the right word) off the bone and cut any part of her. Guessing she was squatting for her ankles to get cut.

We have no proof of these injuries, but this is the only thing I can think of that comes close to a possible theory as to how her ankles got cut.

It was such a weird thing to mention - there's nothing about the so-called attack from Travis that would have created cut ankles.

The only thing (imv) that could - is a wayward knife.

IF her ankles were cut. I do know she's a liar. I got excited about the dog for a minute but now I've recovered!

I don't think she's ever mentioned cut feet before, has she? Which most likely means they weren't. Just interesting to kick around.
Why didn't she take the camera? She took the gun and knife?
If you're wrong, so am I. I thought I heard that and thought WHUT? Then I promptly forgot it.

Hope someone remembers for us.

Wait...she did originally testify that he came out of the closet by the shower... what did she say today?
I consider myself to have a small amount of talent painting. My avatar is one of my paintings. I am proud if they hang in a display in my town's public library. Based on Jodi's evaluation of her own talent maybe I'm aiming too low. Lol

your avatar looks amazing! wish it was bigger so i could see it better! :)
I predict we're going to hear from a couple expert witnesses about battered women's syndrome and blackouts blah blah but here's where I'm at.

Here's what I think is bottom line. Everyone knows she killed Travis, it's not really a question. I think one could say it was aggravated murder if they have that distinction in AZ.

I think bottom line this case boils down to is will she get life or will the jury give her a death sentence. Was it premeditated?
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