100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #76

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I was really hoping that a juror would start to think of her as a 'stalker' and ask her if she ever did what a stalker might do:

are you a stalker? yes or no
have you ever showed up in person or called when Travis was out with some girl?
did you ever vandalize Travis' property?
did you ever vandalize property of a girl when she was with Travis?

I kept sending brain waves to the Phoenix court-room but Jodi was scrambling them, I guess, so I couldn't get through. lol
OK, I am in the country so forgive me, but when I think of the jury question "Why should we believe you now?" I keep thinking of the country song, "How do you like me now?" and hearing it to that tune.

Why should we believe you now?
Now that you've been on for days
We still think you're crazy
Testifying here today......

Oh no!!!! I will be singing this all day today!!! LOL!
Wasn't Jose Biaz crowing about representing the guy from Maryland who went to one of the islands in the Caribbean with a friend. The girl friend disappeared in low tide no rip tides kind of water. The guy had taken out boo coos of accidental death coverage from American Express. The coverage was not being paid due to circumstances. Don't know if they paid out or not. The woman is still missing.

He was an 'advisor' in that, he is not licenced to practice law in Aruba. I really think it was because he might get some extra media attention.
If she was assessed by the psychologist who evaluated her (but didn't treat her) as having PTSD, she would have received therapy for it. Ditto to the suicidal ideation. I so can't wait for the expert testimony to come in with those final few nails for her coffin!

When does that come in? I am confused now.
1. She said... I mailed them to my grandmother.....no follow up.

2. She was in a slight fog but did remember kissing the guy in Utah.

there seems to be types of fog----dense fog, light fog, intermittent fog, etc.
Can't wait for her book to come out so I can NOT buy it.....(you know she will write one) with her version of the world according to Jodi Arias. Jane Velez Mitchell made an excellent point, which we are all thinking...."Why ask a pathological liar over a hundred questions?" It's an exercise in futility. You might as well ask me, I'll make up a story too....a really good one.
There were a couple of answers from JA today that I found truly disturbing and I wonder how the jury reacted.

Question had to do with "As I understand it now" responses to violence in the relationship with TA. Her answer was that time helped her understand his behavior was violent and with time, she has forgiven him (want to see actual quote). This smacked me in the gut; she slaughtered him and now she is forgiving him?

Couple of questions later, she was asked again about why she waited so long to tell the truth. Again, that same answer about feeling ashamed. I don't know if she has been coached to use that particular word, but it is not the right word for me, and I doubt that it is for the jury either.

Would you tell the truth if you were never arrested. Perhaps one of the few times she was truthful, "I honestly don't know." A lot of questions from the jury have to do with trying to determine her morals and conscience. IMO, her answers show she has none.

Why talk to 48 Hours and other programs. My stomach literally turned listening to her answer...she started off by saying it was not a big deal and went on this bent for a while. It almost sounded as if she was saying the murder was not a big deal. I need to listen to this again, but it hit me so, so wrong when I first heard it and I was left only with the negative impression.

Hope DA does not go over every question...can he see the forest for the trees? He is not feeling confident right now.
I'm over Jodi.

Sigh, now bring on the experts that will testify in her favor. :banghead:
That's why I'm hesitant to go sit in gallery.. I'd be chuck'n KY bottles at her head doing my best Carole Kane in Princess Bride... " LIARRRRRRRRR!"

Nurmi must think this is his one shot at national recognition so he's hoping for more rapists and diddlers to defend. Sick dude.

Given that he's full tilt prosecuting Travis for just such depravity (yeah, right), it wouldn't seem like there would be too many takers lining up right about now.

Not exactly selling himself here...
Oh please say you mean they are NOT letting her walk.

Yes that's what I meant. I was typing too fast and left out NOT. I just fixed my post. Sorry my bad!
Keep right on talking Jodi . . . the more you ramble, the closer you get to the DP . . .
Using a high profile expert is nothing new. It's disgusting and degrading to the legal system and victims, but not new.

If you are really interested and want some reading material while Nurmi goes on and on, I would suggest:


How batterers use the Battered Woman Defense to their advantage.

I can't remember which day it was, but Nurmi said it goes to the battered woman's defense when Jodi wasn't answering like he wanted. Then another time he told Jodi he didn't want to go there.
My mother wins for innocently googling "Aching thighs" :floorlaugh:

Many years ago I was trying to find an address of a local Togo's Sandwich Shop, so I searched for "togo sandwich" (I don't know if Google was even around then, but I used something that combined several major search engines). OMG! The results consisted mostly of subjects having to do with sandwiches and "together".
Why did someone ask her if Martinez caused her to shake during the trial and how many times? Is the person thinking he/she never saw her shake or is it something else?

Exactly. They're basically saying, you say you shake every time someone yells at you but the prosecutor yelled at you for 5 days non stop and you looked perfectly fine.
Additional Jury Questions from March 7, 2013

Why would you hypothesize about filling a third gas can?

You stated today that you did not have professional help when dealing with your issues yet yesterday you mentioned talking to a psychiatrist about Travis' child *advertiser censored* issues.

You say you waited two years to tell the truth because you were ashamed. Does that mean you are no longer ashamed?

Did you look into a possibility of renting a GPS system when renting the rental car?

In the story of the man and woman attacking Travis you mention talking to him and also mention was T being on all fours. Do you in fact rmember any of those things?

You claim that everything happened so fast and you didn't have time to think so why did you grab the gun from the closet?

How can you say that you don't have memory issues when you stabbed him so many times and slit his throat?

Did Mr. Martinez cause you to shake during his questioning?

Can you please provide an estimate of how many times during the current trial?

After all the lies you have told, why should we believe you now?

What happened to the suicide letters you wrote to your Grandmother?

How can you kiss another man when you knew what you just did to Travis?

Were you in the fog when you were kissing Ryan?

Would you agree that you came away from the June 4th incident unscathed while Travis had a gunshot, his throat cut and stab wounds? (last part is paraphrased)

Nurmi Followup

KN:you were asked about receiving the book of Mormon from T and you had said you read a chapter a day, and there are some other questions that brought up the visits from the missionairies, the basis of some of these questions related to the law of chastity, one of the things you talked about as it related to the book of Mormon, does that contain a sort of list, as it related to premarital sex, activites that are okay or not okay?
JA: it's broad, ????
KN: for example the book of Mormon does not say that oral sex is okay or not okay. It does not spell it out.
JA: correct
You mention the missionairies being younger men that came to your house. And this kind of do's and don'ts list that wasn't in the book of Mormon did they give you anything of that nature?
JA: no, I had pamphlets and as far as the law of chastity goes that was not broken down
KN: when they explained to you from your answers that your take away was penile/vaginal
JA: I considered all kinds of sex, sex but when T explained it, vaginal sex was a place to not go until marriage.
KN: and in terms of going to this place of penile/vaginal intercourse, after these missionaries coming over were you still engaging in sex with DB?
JA: no
KN: part of what he heard in your questioning is that T served to provide you with elaboration if you will on the law of chastity.
JA: yeah he delineated it more
KN: so using oral sex as a continued example, oral sex is okay or not okay, he kind of provided that checklist for you
JA: yes
KN: and based on his teachings if you will, you came away from that, that the law of chastity only prevented penile/vaginal intercourse. after Travis taught you these things
JA: the law of chastity prohibited vaginal intercourse between a man and a woman and that it should be saved for marriage
KN: we heard as you answered these questions, that a guiding principal in your life was the law of attaction, and one of the things that came up, you also started talking about the secret. Is the secret part of the law of attraction?
JA: the secret is a film that came out in 2006. it's exactly the same thing. (book and movie)
KN: is that something you and Travis watched together?
JA: yes, he introduced me to the movie.
KN: but the law of attraction was something you were familiar with before?
JA: yes
KN: now we talked a little bit yesterday about your breakups with your boyfriends and I want to go back through that a little bit. You began with Bobby Juarez, you were 15?
JA: yes
KN: and you said you broke up with him and got back together a few times over the years. Can you explain that?
JA: I broke up with him because I felt the relationship was getting too serious and then after a few years I called him and then he called me back and then...there as a girl that came from Louisiana. and we were always breaking up and getting back together. When I went to Costa Rica that was 8 days I thought that was enough but he came to my job.
KN: and this conversation you just spoke of when you were in a phone booth, how old were you?
JA: I was 19, almost 20
KN: you spoke about this occasion when you gave him groceries after you broke up. Was this before this phone call or after?
JA: it was during one of the several break ups we had. it was before the phone call.
KN: after the phone booth call, you didn't make any other attempts
KN: You were asked about Victor Arias. It sounds like Victor was a gentleman sometime when you were in an off time with Juarez.
JA: it was during a time when I thought I would never see Bobby again
KN: you were asked about a trip you made to spend time with Victor's family in Costa Rica, what were the circumstances? You met Victor in Costa Rica?
JA: I met Victor when I was 16. It was right after my sophmore year and there were posters at the school, I told my parents I was going to Costa Rica and I worked at my Dads restaurant
it was an exchange program, they have some kind of rotating semester system and did extra curricular activities on the weekend.
met Victor during that time
KN: and so when you went to visit, we talked about the continued correspondence with Victor, was there continued communication with his family?
JA: yes, we would email. Victor would email my Mom.
KN: when you went back to Costa Rica was that to rekindle things with Victor?
JA: I was interested in maintaining a friendship, not romantic
KN: you also had a breakup with MM, and we heard about the conversation you had with Bianca and how he was unfaithful to you, that breakup then you had a conversation with MM after you spoke to Bianca.
JA: ummm I went to his father's house and when I show...arrived we...and we went into my car that was parked on the street and had a conversation, we both hugged and cried, we were both sad. it wasn't volatile.
KN: as far as after that conversation when you broke up did you disconnect yourself from MM for a while? did you still converse?
JA: after I sent him a really long email, part of the way I processed it was by writing everything down, I sent him the email about our relationship and how I felt. we talked on the phone but that was after a month.
KN: and afterwards a friendship built?
JA: I don't remember rekindling but he was looking for work and when he knew I was going to be staying in a campground he came with me, not as an intention to get back together with me, he was looking for work.
KN: you mentioned and it was questioned of you yesterday this idea that eventually, this man you were involved with sexually, was more like your brother, is h
JA; with time progressing and the separating, in spring 2002, the restuarant closed and MM's income went away so he moved to Vale Colorado, so I stayed there to earn a little bit of money and then when the season...MM came back to Ventana, and with that space I think he had a trailer and I went over there and we laughed and joked and he thought my blonde hair,

***we don't even really hug..or then we didn't***(slip up there???)

that was then and we are different now
and we are able to maintain a friendship.


Yes! Last question was wonderful! Thank you!!!!
A HUGE thank you to A News Junkie who made this avatar for me!!! I absolutely love it and never could have done it myself!!! Thank you!!!!:seeya:
If she was assessed by the psychologist who evaluated her (but didn't treat her) as having PTSD, she would have received therapy for it. Ditto to the suicidal ideation. I so can't wait for the expert testimony to come in with those final few nails for her coffin!

I just want to know if she is medicated right now.
Man Nurmi again damn it

I agree with you. I can't stand the nurmi questions. I'll just have to keep the feed on until I see JM jump up -- because anything Nurmi has to say is irrelevant to me.


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