100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #76

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I want to see those suicide notes she sent to grandma but of course they will no longer exist

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well no, they are negative and we must not write out negative thoughts now right? </sarcasm>
Thirteen years ago I had a life threatening experience. To this day I can't think about it without getting a knot in my stomach. If I try to talk about it I start to tear up, as I'm typing this my palms are sweating. I have no control over these reactions.
How can she be so unemotional when talking about the day she killed Travis, in what she claims was self defense? It's mind boggling!

I start sweating when caught in an innocent (yes dad, I bough all schoolbooks, nope didn't go to zara) lie. LOL. :please:

She's evil.
Yep. And her attitude/lack of any appropriate social boundaries is just as loud.

Judging by the way she chews her gum with her mouth open wide enough for Europe to see her tonsils, I'm guessing she is a character and a half!
I have a feeling that Nurmi wants her to have time to review the questions. If so that a bunch of bull
Judge: "....wait a second...what's this? Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that in addition to the jurors' questions, there is a question that has been submitted by defense counsel. I will read it to you, Miss Arias, and you may respond yes or no."
Arias: "Yes ma'am."
Judge: "The question is: "Would you be terribly upset if we just left? Both of us?"

hahahahahaha needed that laugh
I agree with you--I have shot thousands of rounds through semi auto hand guns and have had a lot of experiance with them.
That is why I keep bringing up the hand gun on here.
I know it's impossible for her to do what she said about how she shot him.
I hope Juan brings in a gun expert to show the Jury how it would not have been possible to shoot in the time frame that happend.
I really believe the handgun will crack this whole case wide open.

I watch CSI. I want to see the red string tied to a gun held at the height she would hold it and stretched out to a dummy at the position she says he was in.

Trajectory would be all wrong IMO.
I am certain she sliced his neck with a straight razor.

gitana I am as well. And I think another juror thinks the same thing we do which is why the question was asked. You will noticed she switched right away and said he used a "BIC" type razor. Right .... she said differently on the stand last week.
Me thinks Jodi has gone over her tstimony with the girls back at the big house over night. I put the hose back in the dispenser while I was closing the gas cans and that ended the transaction so that might be why therre was more than one.

Gimme a break - you either did it or you didn't -not it might be why. Dumbchit.
Nurmi looks like Quasimodo standing all hunched over like that.
Who is the blonde chick that keeps busting out laughing?
:boohoo:I'm surprised she doesn't count nicking herself while shaving as a suicide attempt.
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