14 october 2011 press conference

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did he really say the money was in escrow because I thought he dodged that question.. I cannot wait to watch the playback as the sound was horrible

What he basically said was, trust me. Claims he wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Nothing about there being money in a trust.
Just want to say a huge THANKS for all the recaps. My stomach can't take watching the live feed-asco, yet I can't abandon this sweet girl. I appreciate all the updates!
I'm a little hazy on this "threat assessment" part. With all due respect, wouldn't the threat assessment stuff have been helpful BEFORE Lisa went missing?

How is this doctor's specialty going to help now? I mean if it was a kidnapping for ransom, one would think the parents would have been contacted already.

What am I missing here?

My guess would be that either the parents have recieved threats or they anticipate that the parents might recieve threats. So they brought in a big gun threat assessment psychologist to help them prioritize any threats.

And they are giving warning to anyone who may have issued a threat or be anticipating making any threats.
I do love that when Maria Antonio(a?) (KMBC reporter - KMBC being the Biggest PITA in the neighborhood) asks about the family talking to the media, BS says 'just because they are not talking to YOU doesn't mean they aren't talking to the media'. ROTFL!
Not at BS fan, though.
Will there be a huge discount on the Baby Lisa is Missing t-shirts since a benefactor has arrived or are they selling for the same price? Ugh.
That's not true, he spoke with the family yesterday. There were pictures.

Reading between the lines...LE told him what he could and could not do.

He is a reality tv personality. How dare he call the media in KC that.

This guy has ticked off the KCPD (MOO) and now he is ticking off the KC media(MOO)

How long before we hear, "Get a rope and ride him out of town on a rail!" MOO
It's like watching a night club act. I keep waiting for him to break into song.

"It's not unusual to be loved by anyone" lalalala


:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: HILARIOUS ... I am ROLLING ... I am CRYING and I can't even type ...

:waitasec: omg ... I can't say it ...

Dr. Marisa R. Randazzo is a national expert on threat assessment and targeted violence... Who would target this baby. I think that is what she is going to try and figure out.

Well, perhaps she wasn't sought out so much for her specialty, but because she has some connection through the family and knows a lot about these types of cases and also has a lot of contacts for additional resources. JMO
She directed all Secret Service research on school shootings, insider threats, stalking, and other types of targeted violence, . .


Well her entry makes at least a little sense anyway. If this child was abducted most of us agree that it is most likely that it was personal and that the perp had familiarity with this family. So the stalking/targetted aspect would certainly apply IMO
What I heard was a reporter ask when the last time the family talked to LE was. BS said he didn't know. Reporter then asked when the last time HE talked to LE was. BS said that it ws some time last week.

That's what I think I heard, anyway.
BS really needs to take Public Speaking classes before he gets in front of a microphone again.

He is not doing the case any favors.
Privacy ain't gonna bring a lost baby home. Just sayin'.

My thoughts exactly!! If you know the family or neighbors etc please share my thoughts with them. And this is just my opinion here but I live several states away and the national media just is NOT getting everything out there. I have to tune to the local stations who have been trying to report this story to keep up. My friends dont even really know what I am talking about when I bring up missing baby lisa. YES, I understand that the local media can be untruthful, hurtful, lie, trash, bash and throw u under the bus for a "report" BUT>>>> they also help get the story out. The more they share the more the national media will keep interest! Look at the other cases...the more local media that reported the more it piqued the curiousity of the entire country until EVERYONE is reporting on this case and getting the word out there!! Thats what its about - getting it out to everyone so everyone can help look and be aware that she is missing! The more the local media reports and stays on top of this the more pressure will be put on the kidnapper (if this is the case)...I mean honestly right now they are probably sitting back laughing that oh they wont be sharing any news they find cause they are scared of the media. Im just so frustrated although I do understand the reasoning but stand up, find the courage for LISA !! Grow a pair...whatever it takes, its not about your fears, embarassment, privacy etc....its about FINDING LISA!!!
Dr. Marisa R. Randazzo is a specialized psychologist being brought in by the family. In the meantime, the FBI, who has been there since virtually day 1, is searching around the house again today.
I'm kind of warming up to ol' Wild Bill. If all we'd seen was the just-ended presser plus cousin Mike Lerette's statement earlier, at the "fiasco event," this would be a plus day. Docked a notch because of disorganization early.
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