14 october 2011 press conference

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I'm dying to know what's going on.
Sounds like I missed 2 pressers today?
Were either recorded and posted somewhere?
Hi C@rol! Basically, you only missed bs and BS.
So <modsnip> is in front of the house "they are never going to live in again"?
From BS' bs 1:00 p.m. presser today ...

- This so-called "renowned" team member is Marissa Randazzo, a psychologist and "expert" on "threat assessment" and "targeted violence" ... WTH ? What does this have to do with a baby who was ALLEGEDLY TAKEN from her CRIB in the middle of the night ?

- There is a so-called "benefactor" ... but we do NOT know WHO this benefactor is ...

- There is a $100,000 award for "safe return" of Baby Lisa or "conviction" ...

AND NO UPDATE about Baby Lisa ! :banghead:

NOTHING about leads ... NOTHING about the progress of the investigation ... :banghead:

NOTHING about Baby Lisa ! :banghead:

IMO ... this is DAMAGE CONTROL to remove suspicions away from the parents ...



But wouldn't this info have to come directly from LE as second and third hand info could be misconstrued?
for those who didn't hear wild bill, here ya go. I don't care for the dude - he seems very self serving. Blah, blah blah - benefactor, blah blah blah, psychologist. Why couldn't the guy come out and tell us there is a reward. Why the big secrecy on who it is -- heck, it's about baby Lisa and not some secret benefactor that most of us could care a flying flip about.

The parents are not my client - the truth is my client? Did he just say the parents are liars? Maybe I thought Baby Lisa was his client?

Sorry to sound like such a wench! MOO


Source: http://www.kctv5.com/story/15694576/private-detective-lisas-parents-grief-stricken-holding-onto-hope

I believe the benefactor wants to stay anonymous, and he is respecting that wish. That may even have been a condition of the offer of financial help.

The truth will help find Baby Lisa.
I'm dying to know what's going on.
Sounds like I missed 2 pressers today?
Were either recorded and posted somewhere?
Press conference:

Thanks the press for spreading the word on Lisa

Thanks the people of KC—people he’s met have a huge heart

Thanks the KCPD

Going to briefly discuss his role:

Wealthy anon. benefactor is true. They contacted him because there is a relationship with the family. Called BS and said get out there and help. The priority is the child. All hands on deck in helping to find this child safely, hands off when it comes to interfering with LE. If he finds anything of value it will be a one way street to LE.

Team: BS has connections with a lot of different people. To BS this person is a rock star. Well known in LE circles--Dr. Marissa Mendazo (sp) was a fed, now works in private sector. Specifically works in threat assessment.

Wealthy anon. benefactor—when BS was approached, this person (she) wanted to be anonymous. Don’t focus on who it is, focus on bringing Lisa home. They don’t want notoriety. BS found an independent source. Never spoken to this person before. Made call this morning. To verify and talk to one of the benefactors. Was confirmed this benefactor does exist.

$100,000 reward put up for safe return and/or information leading to conviction of person (s) who did this.

This $100,000 is coming all from benefactor, nothing to do with t-shirt sales.

Clients aren’t the parents. Client is the truth.

KCPD has already given me his boundaries. Has not asked for case files, has too much respect for KCPD. He’s here to compliment LE, not hinder them in any way. The moment he feels he’s a negative, he’s out of here.

Parents will be opening up, but for now the way they are behaving is the best way to go.

Just because the parents aren’t speaking to you (local media) doesn’t mean they aren’t speaking. The family appreciates everything the press is doing, for the most part.

Let’s keep an open mind and let’s get Lisa home.
for those who didn't hear wild bill, here ya go. I don't care for the dude - he seems very self serving. Blah, blah blah - benefactor, blah blah blah, psychologist. Why couldn't the guy come out and tell us there is a reward. Why the big secrecy on who it is -- heck, it's about baby Lisa and not some secret benefactor that most of us could care a flying flip about.

The parents are not my client - the truth is my client? Did he just say the parents are liars? Maybe I thought Baby Lisa was his client?

Sorry to sound like such a wench! MOO


Source: http://www.kctv5.com/story/15694576/private-detective-lisas-parents-grief-stricken-holding-onto-hope


I got the impression he is walking a tightrope (circus pun unintentional). IMO he doesn't want a negative public reaction if it seems he is aiding and abetting the parents (if they are guilty of a crime of course) but he also doesn't wish to alienate the parents either. It would appear, imo, that he needs them...or at least the media coverage they can help provide. MOO.
for those who didn't hear <modsnip>, here ya go. I don't care for the dude - he seems very self serving. Blah, blah blah - benefactor, blah blah blah, psychologist. Why couldn't the guy come out and tell us there is a reward. Why the big secrecy on who it is -- heck, it's about baby Lisa and not some secret benefactor that most of us could care a flying flip about.

The parents are not my client - the truth is my client? Did he just say the parents are liars? Maybe I thought Baby Lisa was his client?

Sorry to sound like such a wench! MOO


Source: http://www.kctv5.com/story/15694576/private-detective-lisas-parents-grief-stricken-holding-onto-hope

One of the reporters asked BS if the reward money was in a trust and all he said was that he wouldn't say there was a reward if there wasn't one. So, why the money isn't in a trust?
Ok I just read everything that I missed which was nothing. Lordy. No one cares about Baby Lisa except us, thats how I feel. I guess I will go onto another forum on here and see what else has happened today. When are we locking up the parents, I think enough is enough now.
If the media can bring attention to this case, I'm 100% for it. IF baby L was kidnapped, then the perp is going to be ever so nervous. If the parents are involved then maybe the pressure will get to them. Sitting at LE hadquarters is not gonna do a thing - the players don't live there.

Just my opinion - thank you very much.


Lisa's parents are not living there now either.

But innocent bystanders are. The disruption to their lives can be greatly diminished by some respect and consideration from the media who has invaded their formerly quiet streets. Being thoughtful of the people who live in the neighborhood will not hurt Baby Lisa in any way, or prevent the media from doing their jobs.

IMHO...as usual.
I think BS has picked this case carefully. The parents haven't hired a lawyer and are not worldly( I'm not sure that's the right descriptive word?) Why didn't he go help with Aliayah's case?Think about it? I really think this is just another step on his climb and I pray that he's not trying to get a reality show out of it or another?

He did not come across well and I myself am offended. As someone said earlier this is not our first rodeo and as Patty said too many I's.

That conference was a waste of time. If he has not interviewed the parents in a week and is not representing them then he is just like Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew ,Geraldo or the News Reporters, only he had a different background. He's just an outsider reporting on the case. The family would be wise to back off from him.

This is me I'm talking about here-but- if I had been on that grocery store video and there had been inuendos about me I would have walked right out and addressed it to the media myself!

And for anyone who tells me I'm pretending what I would do that I can't possibly know I've got news for them- I've lived 60yrs on this earth and been through all kinds of experiences and I know exactly what I would do!
He was filmed talking to family members in the yard of where they are staying YESTERDAY! Somebody misspoke. He said he hasnt talked to LE since earlier in the week.
What we we supposed to do about all of this?? This has to stop!

You should not be making national media deals with in days of your child disappearing. There should be resolution to a case before you can profit.imo Is it writing to the heads of media? Honestly tell me cause I cannot watch anymore of this, it makes me feel like I'm a whiling participant in this money making scheme.

A child has disapeared!

I think the whole family has been sold on the whole money making venture. moo

But wouldn't this info have to come directly from LE as second and third hand info could be misconstrued?

Yes, updates should come from LE ... BUT ... there were some things BS should have done -- if he is to be considered even remotelyl 'CREDIBLE' in working with a family who has a missing baby.

- BS should have held up a photograph of Baby Lisa ...

- BS should have asked for "support" and "prayers" from the community and country in locating this beautiful baby ...

- BS should have given out the Tip Number Line ...

These are just a few of the things that come to mind ... and there are more ... just giving examples here ...

All these announcements regarding a "psychologist" and a "benefactor" ... WHAT does that have to do with finding Baby Lisa ? IMO ... NOTHING !

IMO ... all BS did was "smile" :seeya: and "wave":seeya: for the cameras ...

So .. .IMO, the 1:00 p.m. presser was a WASTE ... a HUGE WASTE !


Prayers that Baby Lisa is found SOON !
One of the reporters asked BS if the reward money was in a trust and all he said was that he wouldn't say there was a reward if there wasn't one. So, why the money isn't in a trust?

Because it is the money of a wealthy benefactor. No trust needed, benefactor pays if Baby Lisa is found.

Today's presser sounds as if it is to announce that there is a reward, and there is this PI guy. Nothing else. Nothing else should have been expected.

I will guess the family has been told to stop speaking for the moment, and gather their emotions, so I do not understand any angst against them. Perhaps the simple posters on the tree is all the family can do, and most likely the family is not allowed to do anything else, nor would it be advisable.
good catch Duke..did nt even dawn on me they were there-I must be having a blonde moment!!-LOL

Don't believe was at Baby Lisa's home. A relative's/family home. In any event, not the home Lisa went missing from.
I believe the benefactor wants to stay anonymous, and he is respecting that wish. That may even have been a condition of the offer of financial help.
The truth will help find Baby Lisa.

BBM I got that impression too.

Of course if the benefactor had been named there would be plenty of people (here on WS and in the general public) who would be throwing up their hands in outrage that the benefactor was trying to draw attention to themselves and away from Baby Lisa. :D

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
So <modsnip> is in front of the house "they are never going to live in again"?

I don't understand what you mean by this. They haven't moved back in have they? Weren't they just there for the press conference?
The family will still have to spend some time there to get clothes and other items they may need. That doesn't mean they are living there.
KCTVPhotog_Josh Josh Collins
Police paid a short visit to the home where the family of #LisaIrwin is staying. Police left after talking to someone at the front door.
Stanton should have been prepared to answer the question directly-Is the money in an escrow account right now (asked by Judge Jeanine P and later, by another reporter)? He dodged the question both times.
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