17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #18

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We have witness reports that on TWO known occasions, Zimmerman PICKED UP AND THREW a grown adult woman across the room. Assuming that a small to average adult woman would weigh at least 125 to 135 pounds or so....it is only pure logic to assume that the extra 15 pounds of Trayvon's weight would be of no consequence to Zimmerman in an altercation that he himself was prepared for and instigated by stalking the victim. If he twice before LIFTED AND THREW an adult woman, surely he could hold his own with a young boy!


I have only seen one report, from an unknown ex-coworker. It seemed to be an unverified anonymous report.[ a drunk lady who hurt her ankle] What is the other account that you are referring to?
I have only seen one report, from an unknown ex-coworker. It seemed to be an unverified anonymous report.[ a drunk lady who hurt her ankle] What is the other account that you are referring to?

It's in the documents filed with the domestic violence stuff and the order of protection from his former girl friend.

The other report was not from the drunk lady, but from a co-worker of GZ who observed him assaulting the other woman. There were multiple witnesses to that, as it occurred at a party/event.....those others have not been heard from....at least not in the media.
Could it be that they removed the info because Trayvon was a minor/child under the age of 18?

This has nagged at me for a while now and I am just going to toss it out to see what others think…

At the age of 17, Trayvon was still legally a child. Why didn’t LE arrested GZ on suspicion of Child Abuse once they realized Trayvon was unarmed and under age of 18?

This guy was arrested for hitting 17 year-old (his daughter)…

Is there a possibility GZ be charged with Child Abuse?


This would be a twist...(and not a bad one)


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No. I think he was expressing a fear that Trayvon might come break into his home, which was the crime that the neighborhood was dealing with, that caused the formation of the Neighborhood Watch.

The problem is that Trayvon was not walking towards George Zimmerman's house. In fact, he was walking away from the vicinity of Zimmerman's house, hence his fear that the boy was "getting away" on the 911 tapes.

"Castle Doctrine" doesn't cover Zimmerman outside of his house or place of business. Please read the link in my signature.
Sybrina Fulton has so much class!!!!!!!!! I could not be that way if it was my child who was Murdered..... IMHO JMHO and all that

It is truly amazing what shock and living in a fog can do for so many. Not anything I would wish for my worst enemy!
My soul aches for her!

I'm going to keep hold of this article and repost it as necessary because this pretty much sums up what this family has wanted since day #1. Any parent would want the same.

Thanks for posting this!

That is one classy lady. < mod snip> It is a tragedy all the way around.
I really wish we had an autopsy report. I would like to know what injuries Trayvon had, besides the fatal gunshot wound, because everything that has come out from George's side has made it seem like George just sat back and allowed Trayvon to beat on him and 45 seconds later, he had snapped out of it and grabbed his gun?


I believe the autopsy will be the key to something big! Otherwise you'd thin it would have been released during the time GZ was free and there was not further need for investigation, until the SA took over. It's a curiosity!
It's in the documents filed with the domestic violence stuff and the order of protection from his former girl friend.

The other report was not from the drunk lady, but from a co-worker of GZ who observed him assaulting the other woman. There were multiple witnesses to that, as it occurred at a party/event.....those others have not been heard from....at least not in the media.

I looked through the info from the ex gf and I don't see anything about him 'throwing her across a room.'

The woman said she offered to drop the papers off the following day, but Zimmerman became upset, took her cellphone and shoved her. A fight ensued, she said, and her dog bit Zimmerman's cheek.

The ex-fiancée reported that Zimmerman had "open handed smacked" her in the mouth and berated her during an argument in January 2003.

In November 2002, Zimmerman claimed his ex had assaulted him with a baseball bat after he went to a concert without her.

It sounds like a troubled relationship on both sides, imo. But a shove and an open handed smack don't sound all that violent in comparison to what we are hearing about him.

As for the other 'story' about his being fired for assaulting a woman. I am not sure how accurate that is. Nobody else has come forward, including the woman. And why wouldn't she sue if he threw her across a room while he was on duty as a security guard? Why wasn't he arrested?
So the judge found her complaint valid, but also his. Both were awarded injunctions.

It's a 'he said, she said' sort of thing. So no one really knows the true story.

Thanks for the link,

YES!!!! so it seems he used the same "the other person attacked me and I was defending myself" excuse before to his own benefit.......hmmmm....perhaps she was lucky and he wasn't carrying his weapon at that time!

So the judge found her complaint valid, but also his. Both were awarded injunctions.

It's a 'he said, she said' sort of thing. So no one really knows the true story.

Thanks for the link,

It seems to be a pattern with all these complaints of violence involving GZ. No one knows the true story because it appears he never was held accountable. His life appears to be just one big lumpy rug. jmo
It is much easier to shoot someone into the body mass than into the foot.
That's why policemen are trained to shoot into body mass. Why do you expect private citizen be able to shoot better than trained policemen?

That's my point exactly. Why did he shoot like a professional? Maybe in his delusional mind he thought he was one. There are many places that you can shoot in the 'body mass' and not kill someone.
YES!!!! so it seems he used the same "the other person attacked me and I was defending myself" excuse before to his own benefit.......hmmmm....perhaps she was lucky and he wasn't carrying his weapon at that time!


What I found interesting was GZ had injuries to his face and his ex blamed it on the dog. LOL.
The woman said she offered to drop the papers off the following day, but Zimmerman became upset, took her cellphone and shoved her. A fight ensued, she said, and her dog bit Zimmerman's cheek.

I looked through the info from the ex gf and I don't see anything about him 'throwing her across a room.'

The woman said she offered to drop the papers off the following day, but Zimmerman became upset, took her cellphone and shoved her. A fight ensued, she said, and her dog bit Zimmerman's cheek.

The ex-fiancée reported that Zimmerman had "open handed smacked" her in the mouth and berated her during an argument in January 2003.

In November 2002, Zimmerman claimed his ex had assaulted him with a baseball bat after he went to a concert without her.

It sounds like a troubled relationship on both sides, imo. But a shove and an open handed smack don't sound all that violent in comparison to what we are hearing about him.

As for the other 'story' about his being fired for assaulting a woman. I am not sure how accurate that is. Nobody else has come forward, including the woman. And why wouldn't she sue if he threw her across a room while he was on duty as a security guard? Why wasn't he arrested?

BBM: I wonder why he didn't shoot her? lol I think all we have to do is look at his past history and figure out whether or not we believe this story or just take it with a grain of salt. It is pretty easy for LE to check and we have never heard GZ's attorney deny this story is not true. jmo
I looked through the info from the ex gf and I don't see anything about him 'throwing her across a room.'

The woman said she offered to drop the papers off the following day, but Zimmerman became upset, took her cellphone and shoved her. A fight ensued, she said, and her dog bit Zimmerman's cheek.

The ex-fiancée reported that Zimmerman had "open handed smacked" her in the mouth and berated her during an argument in January 2003.

In November 2002, Zimmerman claimed his ex had assaulted him with a baseball bat after he went to a concert without her.

It sounds like a troubled relationship on both sides, imo. But a shove and an open handed smack don't sound all that violent in comparison to what we are hearing about him.

As for the other 'story' about his being fired for assaulting a woman. I am not sure how accurate that is. Nobody else has come forward, including the woman. And why wouldn't she sue if he threw her across a room while he was on duty as a security guard? Why wasn't he arrested?


I think this is a false impression that BOTH sides of this issue are often operating under. Just because a person does not seek out or grant media interviews does not mean they have not "come forward". There are several types of "witnesses" :

1. Those who actually saw or know something and come forward to both LE and the media.

2. Those like Mr. Oliver, and Mr. Taffe who give media interviews in multiples, but who have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of the incident at all....in fact, both have stated they have not seen or spoken to GZ at all. Neither one was even in the area of the crime when it occurred, so they have no knowledge of the incident at all.

3. Then there are numerous witnesses who most willingly speak to LE and give them whatever information they may have observed or heard....but under no condition are willing to discuss that information with ANY media. At this point it is only logical to assume that there are quite a number of these kind of witnesses that we know NOTHING about yet.

......If I were a witness, I would definitely be in the third category.....I would NEVER speak to the media about any information that I had on a crime! I highly doubt that I am unique in that frame of mind.

Jenna T, your comment about "shooting to kill" reminded me of a question that I wanted to ask a few days ago. Why did GZ shoot to kill. Only cops are trained to shoot to kill? I think there is something delusional about GZ by those actions. Did he have to kill TM? He could have shot him in the foot and gotten his attention. It would have definately quelled the fight and by that time the cops would have arrived. Why did he aim for the kill?

You cannot employ deadly force as a warning. The ONLY justified use is when there is no other alternative and the subject must be stopped immediately. Going into court saying you were aiming for a foot or whatever, is the same thing as admitting you never should have fired in the first place.

That's the legal stuff.

On a practical level it's impossible. Most guys have trouble hitting the toilet in the dark, from two feet away, while armed with their favorite 'weapon' -- hitting a moving target under stress with a firearm is something else altogether.
Doesn't mean he hasn't read the transcript or seen the video of the initial interview. Since the interview was with his client he would have legal access to it. Or gee maybe his client (you know the one that was interviewed) told him that.

jmo, imo and all that jazz

IMO (from the Bashara case thread learnings that Bob's atty can't see any evidence) unless the client has been CHARGED, his client does NOT have legal access to anything!
Thanks LambChop. Apparently GZ did believe this would blow over because that's what Joe Oliver told ABC news in an interview.....

"Because he was there and he knows what happened...he's been very confident - naively - that this would all blow over," Oliver then continued saying Zimmerman is "just now realizing not just how big this is for him, but how big this is for the country."

(article here)

(video here)

(additional link to video)
Trayvon Martin Shooting: Joe Oliver Discusses His Friend George Zimmerman - YouTube

It's naive for Zimmerman to think that it was just going to blow over but I guess he thought his story was going to be so air tight that no one would dare second guess him. Guess things haven't worked out quite so well in this regard.


That chills me to the bone. Anybody who can shoot someone for walking in his neighborhood and looking wrong and think that it'll blow over...

Death will never blow over.

Just frightening. Cold to the core.
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