17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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Trayvon wasn't shot walking down the street - according to police and eyewitnesses, he was shot while getting the best of a man half a foot smaller than him. According to the law in Florida, in a self-defense case, TM would be considered an adult, not a child.

I've looked, and I can't find a single case where a child was actually walking down the street and was shot by the owner of a concealed weapon - less than none where SYG law was a defense for such an act. However, cases where children and dozens of teenagers have been shot just walking down the street, riding in a car, or sitting outside/inside their house are countless. Where Trayvon lived, 7 innocent people were shot attending a funeral - there were 30 murders in March alone. In every case the shooters were armed with illegal firearms. Where's the outrage by either side??

Very few concealed handgun owners shoot innocent people. JMO

Disclaimer: The above is not an effort to make excuses for GZ and I truly am not trying to argue - I just can't "guess" what happened, I have to go by what has been said by LE & witnesses. As far as who confronted who - LE has stated the g/f's phone records are not consistent with what they have.


I'm sure you can produce a link for this bit of information because I would really like to see that.

Don't have a problem believing he saw the helicopter, but possibly you could explain how, when he "ran out to the street", he was able to not only count the cars but read the agency names on the doors as well? Surely he didn't run down there from almost three football fields away and risk losing that intimate, "in the know" neighbor image he's been trying to project from the beginning?

JMO, JHMO, MOO, etc.

Maybe he assumed GZ's duties??? jmo
Wonder how long he's been trying to get mileage out of this?


Sorry but many people have discrimination about how some people look especially how some teens want to look these days. It never made anyone into a killer.
I have escorted them out of the office when they walk in with their pants to the knees and their underpants showing. I have also cut interviews to 10 minutes when they come in inked all over.
Yes I have a right to create a proper image for a firm. So we do judge, we will judge, and we should judge. This does not make killers.

I also pray that there will be justice.... :please:

No matter what happens one side will not be happy.

< mod snip > You say that you judge which is certainly your right but believe it or not, there are people out there (myself included) who don't. I have never judged someone based on the clothes they wear or the number of tattoos they have on their skin. The true qualities of an individual lie on the inside, not in the clothes they wear and not because they have tattoos.

Well, there's nothing in that quote to say that he stopped on his own front door as far as I can see. He can have walked or ran a bit on the street until he was able to observe the police vehicles properly.

Odd, considering how it created him so much 'angst' and he felt 'very fearful'. I wouldn't walk in the direction of possible danger if I felt it was a 'scary, scary time' But that's just me and I'm not a busybody.

Racist past haunts Florida town where Trayvon died...

SANFORD, Florida (Reuters) - The year before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by becoming the first African American to play major league baseball, he fled the racist threats of townspeople in Sanford, Florida, where Trayvon Martin was shot 66 years later.

It was 1946 and Robinson arrived in this picturesque town in central Florida for spring training with a Brooklyn Dodgers farm team. He didn't stay long.

Robinson was forced to leave Sanford twice, according to Chris Lamb, a professor at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, who wrote a graphic account of Robinson's brush with 100 angry locals in a 2004 book.

< mod snip > You say that you judge which is certainly your right but believe it or not, there are people out there (myself included) who don't. I have never judged someone based on the clothes they wear or the number of tattoos they have on their skin. The true qualities of an individual lie on the inside, not in the clothes they wear and not because they have tattoos.


O/T I visited a friend in a small Colo town. She wanted a tattoo on her ankle. 5 places in town to get one. We went to all of them. Two forty somethings who looked really out of place. She kept asking me why I wasn't afraid to talk/chat with the Tattoo'd and pierced people. LOL Told her if she didn't chicken out she would be "one of those people"! (she chickened out. :floorlaugh:)

sorry for the off topic....
That article has to be wrong. (brother has been ill and weighs less now).
But just before he got ill. My brother is 6'2" WHICH IS a lot taller than Zimmerman his normal weight would be 185 lbs and -not he is not a skinny guy just average.
My friend here is 6 feet tall and he weighs 180 pounds and has a bit of a belly – he is not fat at all.
So this article with GZ weight can’t be right.

Zimmerman weighed around 250 pounds a few years ago when he was arrested. Early press articles on him used his mug shot and size from that arrest report. Zimmerman's weight wasn't filled in on the initial police report of the shooting. It wasn't until weeks later, when the video of Zimmerman at the police station was released that the press knew Martin had encountered a slimmed down and fitter man.

Papa, the two sentences before the underlined one wave a big old irony banner. They are used by George to justify his own previous assault on an officer because said officer hadn't identified himself, and George had no way to know who he was. Cough, choke.

Nice if he'd learned a lesson from that experience, and identified his own self upon accosting Trayvon.
Papa, the two sentences before the underlined one wave a big old irony banner. They are used by George to justify his own previous assault on an officer because said officer hadn't identified himself, and George had no way to know who he was. Cough, choke.

Nice if he'd learned a lesson from that experience, and identified his own self upon accosting Trayvon.

It is my firm belief that any ATF officer, and I have dealt with them as a former restaurant owner (in a positive way), would NEVER not identify himself. That coupled with the statements about Mr. Zimmerman's parents, prove only to be self serving at the least. It seems it's always "the other guys fault". Of course this is my hopefully objective opinion.
It is my firm belief that any ATF officer, and I have dealt with them as a former restaurant owner (in a positive way), would NEVER not identify himself. That coupled with the statements about Mr. Zimmerman's parents, prove only to be self serving at the least. It seems it's always "the other guys fault". Of course this is my hopefully objective opinion.

While I freely admit that I know absolutely nothing about these ATF stings, I just can't see any type of law enforcement officer not identifying himself as such. The ATF officer may not have felt it necessary to identify himself to Zimmerman if he wasn't a focus of the investigation. Basically it was none of Zimmerman's business what was going on between the ATF and the people they were targeting or arresting.

Again, I stand by my previous statements and that is if Zimmerman had been held accountable for his past actions, Trayvon would be alive today. Instead it appears that any time he was faced with a situation that didn't benefit him, he placed the blame on the other individual and used what he thought was his ace in the hole and that is "my father is a retired magistrate for the supreme court in Virginia."

Papa, the two sentences before the underlined one wave a big old irony banner. They are used by George to justify his own previous assault on an officer because said officer hadn't identified himself, and George had no way to know who he was. Cough, choke.

Nice if he'd learned a lesson from that experience, and identified his own self upon accosting Trayvon.

It's hard not to notice his assertion that once again, his action was justified by being assaulted first.

Wonder why people keep picking on George?
So Zimmerman indicates it as a cut through street so no wonder I'm confused. There is no cut through street in the complex. There are only 2 streets in the complex - which are Retreat View Circle and Twin Trees. I don't consider Twin Trees as a cut through road. Thanks for answering my question.


There is one more down by where GZ lives that connects to Twin Trees, Long Oak Way. There are a total of three, two as you enter. GZ was on Twin Trees and parked at the cut thru path that leads to the next street, Retreat View Circle. Why didn't he tell them he was on Twin Trees? He's lived there since 2009, how could he not know what street he was on????? jmo
My suspicion is that he, as he may in previous incidents past, justified his actions, he (she) attacked me first, I was defending myself, (seems to be a pattern here, he may actually believe it, there are many people who thrive on being "victims", therefore setting themselves up to be "heros". Kind of like the firefighter who sets fires. Then when it hits the fan, up comes Dad the former Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate, mom who worked in the Court system, and "I am studying to be a law enforcement officer". Wonder if we have any psychologists on our site. In my humble opinion as a lay person.
It's hard not to notice his assertion that once again, his action was justified by being assaulted first.

Wonder why people keep picking on George?

It might possiby help if he stopped going out looking for trouble.
While I freely admit that I know absolutely nothing about these ATF stings, I just can't see any type of law enforcement officer not identifying himself as such. The ATF officer may not have felt it necessary to identify himself to Zimmerman if he wasn't a focus of the investigation. Basically it was none of Zimmerman's business what was going on between the ATF and the people they were targeting or arresting.

Again, I stand by my previous statements and that is if Zimmerman had been held accountable for his past actions, Trayvon would be alive today. Instead it appears that any time he was faced with a situation that didn't benefit him, he placed the blame on the other individual and used what he thought was his ace in the hole and that is "my father is a retired magistrate for the supreme court in Virginia." ~jmo~

They have to identify themselves at the point they make an arrest otherwise anyone could protect themselves from an assault if they did not know who this person was and it would be justified. Police officers want to go home at night and not end up in a morgue. jmo
There is one more down by where GZ lives that connects to Twin Trees, Long Oak Way. There are a total of three, two as you enter. GZ was on Twin Trees and parked at the cut thru path that leads to the next street, Retreat View Circle. Why didn't he tell them he was on Twin Trees? He's lived there since 2009, how could he not know what street he was on????? jmo

Thanks LambChop. He knew exactly what the street he was on was. He knew the neighborhood layout like the back of his hand I'm sure. He merely used this as his excuse for pursuing Trayvon. He knew all the right things to say during his 911 call and put the blame on Trayvon for his justification for murdering him just like he has everything else, i.e., the assault charge, the restraining orders. When things don't benefit him, it's always the other person's fault that he has to become violent. No way did he not know where he was at in the complex. He knew every nook and cranny from all those times that he was "patrolling" and "making his rounds."

Something else I'm curious about, when and how did Zimmerman's wife find out about the murder? I'm presuming she was at home while it happened. Did the cops go to her house to tell her, did they allow Zimmerman to call her, or what? We haven't heard anything about this at all.

They have to identify themselves at the point they make an arrest otherwise anyone could protect themselves from an assault if they did not know who this person was and it would be justified. Police officers want to go home at night and not end up in a morgue. jmo

I agree but remember, he threw in the next paragraph about the sting happening the a few months later where an OPD actually shot and killed an undercover agent presumably again because the agent didn't identify himself and had discharged his weapon which he used I guess as a backup to his claim that he didn't know the agent was a LE officer.

Hmmm, I gotta go digging now and see if I can find where an Orlando police officer killed an ATF agent in Sept. 2005.

Found a link - http://www.fanblogs.com/central_florida/005770.php

IMHO the police did not do an investigation that is fair and balanced.ONE MAN WAS DEAD and only ONE CAN TELL HIS SIDE.
But also IMHO we have become judge and jury without having all the information. but getting trapped by some pictures of a boy that is not a 12 year old child and a fat man.
there was not one ounce of truth within the impression those photos swirled around.
While some do not see GZ was bruised I do see it. While some don’t think that TM's gold tooth represents a very different boy then a little sweet red sweater boy... The media created a case. but IMO it is a different case not a civil one.
YES I do think as a result of all the hate. They do need to keep their cards close to the vest.

BBM..IMHO The question is WHY wasn't a fair and balanced investigation conducted? IIRC an investigator wanted to charge Zimmerman with manslaughter that night.. Seems to me since his decision was overruled LE has been more interested in sweeping Trayvon's death under the rug than holding their cards close to vest...JMHO
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