17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #24

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Maybe he can go to some kind of program to get help for his issues while he is out on bond? I know he won't be able to have a gun because of the other Florida case. Remember LE found out GA had purchased a gun and they went and confiscated it?

IMO, he is more likely to get help in custody. He could get help while on bond and some clinicians make house calls. I have done this. But for GZ there is a huge trust issue right now with people he does not know. He does have to be careful. If I were GZ, I would be very concerned that anything said in therapy or anger management classes could be used against me at trial.
The other concern I have is that friends and family of GZ seem to have trust issues bordering on paranoia and if he stays with any of them, I think there will be guns because they all seem to be so concerned about death threats. I am not minimizing the threats. They are real. But there are other ways to promote safety. I think it will be almost impossible to keep guns out of this family's environment.
I also think IMO individuals in this family have a hard time following advice and seem to think rules do not apply to them. There seems to be an air of entitlement.
All is JMO, MOO.
Could have something to do with the way LE handled/investigated this case, compared to the one you referenced?

That's exactly why this case has attention. It's not because GZ shot an unarmed person and that person happened to be black. That kind of stuff happens a lot, people get shot and killed every single day. It's attention because the follow up was not done. And yes, because TM was black. If TM was white and the same circumstances happened, it may be in the news locally but not nationally. Add in past history of racial aspects in Sanford and here we are.

It not just one aspect, it's a multitude of aspects that make this case a 'lighting rod'.
GREAT POST. :clap: :clap:

:( Sadly I believe that the cases that get attention are money machines.
I want to know why Al has not gone after the case you just mentioned?
I have not heard about it and it is wrong, that it is not getting more attention.
The only thing I am guessing is the country is racially heated right now,
and just maybe they are doing something without much Tabloid fodder.

But the vengeance and the hate is a very sad sign of the times.
You can hear it in the despicable music of these days.

I don't want to get in trouble, but will say AS and JJ are going to Tulsa. Also the killers confessed. GZ is trying to use a controversial law as his defense. Throw in the gun lobby and racial tension, not to mention past issues with the police dept. and on and on....= national news story. IMO JMO MOO
BBM, I have a question, no disrespect meant honestly but...this is an opinion board, that is what we are all here doing, voicing our opinions...so if you have heard enough opinions, what are you doing here?
I am actually enjoying the "Sound OFF" thread because
it is more open. I just come here to see that TWO SIDES have some fairness.
NOT only one.
:) There are always as we know my side, your side and the truth.

I see too much one side, I always jump in. You do not see me posting as much as most here.
Does anyone know is Zimmerman's attorney appointed by the court as his defense counsel or is he being paid privately. I don't recall reading this anywhere.

he took it pro bono saying the state will pay because hes indigent.
That just does not add up. I'll tell ya, if someone has a gun pointed at me, i'm doing what they say, regardless of if I think they are right or wrong. The LAST thing I would do is come at the person. With a gun pointed at me the NUMBER ONE thing I would be thinking is "DIFFUSE THE SITUATION" Then wait for the police and tell the police that "this guy pulled a gun on me, I live here have every right to be here and is brandished a gun on me for no reason"

I strongly disagree. I am sure I've posted this before but I told my daughter when she was Trayvon Martin's age to run when she saw a stranger that MIGHT be pursuing her, not to be embarrassed in case she is wrong and the person was just walking in the same direction. I told her to pay attention to alarm bells when they go off in her head. I told her that if that stranger caught up to her and tried to abduct her to make her stand right there, not to go with him, armed or not, because statistics show that if someone is going to try to take you elsewhere, they are going to kill you. I told her to fight with everything she had.

I did not tell her to try to defuse the situation. I did not tell her to explain herself. I did not tell her to wait for police who might not come in time or at all. Why would Trayvon think that police were about to come?

According to his girlfriend, Trayvon was afraid of a suspicious man who was following him, walked fast and thought he'd lost the man who then appeared behind him again. He asked why the man was following him and didn't get an answer.

I believe Trayvon's girlfriend on all of that since the phone records confirm that they were talking less than a minute before the shooting and because Zimmerman did not take the opportunity to speak to Trayvon earlier when he was in his car and saw Trayvon 'checking him out'. It would have been so easy for Zimmerman to roll down the window, identify himself as a watch volunteer, and ask if he could help him. (That's how I handled it when I saw a man walking around my neighbor's house when she was away on vacation.) He didn't do it when it would it would have been reasonable to do it so I believe her when she says he didn't do it during the confrontation. It's also hard for me to believe Trayvon would be talking to his friend at the same time he is doubling back to sneak up on Zimmerman.

An unarmed teen was shot dead after his admitted shooter called a non-emergency line to complain of suspicious behavior and then couldn't specify any! He was angry about '*advertiser censored**holes who always get away' and punks. I just don't believe that the only thing that could possibly allow him to claim self defense and get out of criminal responsibility - that he ceased pursuit and was assaulted from behind - is what happened.
I am actually enjoying the "Sound OFF" thread because
it is more open. I just come here to see that TWO SIDES have some fairness.
NOT only one.
:) There are always as we know my side, your side and the truth.

I see too much one side, I always jump in. You do not see me posting as much as most here.

I refuse to even peek at the "Sound Off" thread! I'm scurred to see what in the world ya'll say down there. :floorlaugh:
And thanks to Zimmerman not only is a child dead, but crime has increased in Sanford since this happened. The police have been busy with other things rather than their normal patrols..that IMO weren't that great to begin with.
This from my mother who had spoke to a couple of officers when her neighbor called them about someone possibly attempting to break into her garage.
Oh, he's getting paid alright. I suspect the ALEC and the NRA are ponying up big bucks in support of this case. Pro bono gets MO'M's name out there. Valiant lawyer defending the wrongly accused and all that. He's getting money but we'll never know exactly where it came from.

IYKWIMAITYD :floorlaugh:

If GZ is declared indigent and uses any state funds for any part of his defense, then yes as a citizen of the State of Florida, I can request an accounting of all funds expended in the defense of GZ.
I hate all mother's who kill their children?

I hate all mother's that sit by and watch their "boyfriends" abuse and murder their children.

I hate all father's that kill their children.

I hate father's who kill their children to get back at the mother.

I hate all father's who allow their "girlfriends" to abuse and murder their children.

I'm not ignoring what is going on in Tulsa? I know full well what is going on in Tulsa. There was a case just yesterday where a father went and shot the mother of his children and his two children in a Cracker Barrell. The coward then killed himself.

I don't ignore anything. All these people get the same hate from me.

Well, maybe there's room for him at that same church where CA is staying.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

In that case, could we let him have his gun back?

Move over Aedrys, I couldn't help myself either. ;)
I don't want to get in trouble, but will say AS and JJ are going to Tulsa. Also the killers confessed. GZ is trying to use a controversial law as his defense. Throw in the gun lobby and racial tension, not to mention past issues with the police dept. and on and on....= national news story. IMO JMO MOO

Thank you, I do hope that other case does have proper representation.
IT is not OK to shoot people - unless they present a threat. :maddening:
glad you cleared that up for me.

GZ is using a law that I hate. But it is a legal one in Florida.
I also believe that law stems from biblical time but needs to be adjusted for present time,
so that no mad man can use it ever.
The bible does tell us that you must save your own life first even if it means that you may
have to take the life of another.
But we must have a way to investigate a situation where such a law is used before
setting that person CLEARED. That person cannot be cleared until the investigation is
completed which can take weeks.

YEs that Law need a hall over as does the police department. :maddening:
I am actually enjoying the "Sound OFF" thread because
it is more open. I just come here to see that TWO SIDES have some fairness.
NOT only one.
:) There are always as we know my side, your side and the truth.

I see too much one side, I always jump in. You do not see me posting as much as most here.

Sooo, you want us to hear your opinion but you don't want to hear ours, is that what you are saying?
And thanks to Zimmerman not only is a child dead, but crime has increased in Sanford since this happened. The police have been busy with other things rather than their normal patrols..that IMO weren't that great to begin with.
This from my mother who had spoke to a couple of officers when her neighbor called them about someone possibly attempting to break into her garage.

That's not GZ's fault. Crime happens every single day. A lot of folks think SPD tried to let GZ off with a slap on the wrist. People can handle when ordinary individuals commit a crime (to an extent), they can't handle of it's believed the LE (or any other agency) is in on it.
Sooo, you want us to hear your opinion but you don't want to hear ours, is that what you are saying?

I think with any case, there needs to be opposing viewpoints no matter how in the minority one view is. That is the whole point of a msg board, debate and discuss the points. If only one side spoke about the issues, it would get pretty boring around here.
I refuse to even peek at the "Sound Off" thread! I'm scurred to see what in the world ya'll say down there. :floorlaugh:

Your loss.. it is a great thread. :)

but then again some people do like a one side track.
I saw it on several cases where the posters have a decision
long before the investigation is anywhere near half way done.
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