17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

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OK, I am going to say this although I have no link....this is exactly what I heard back in the beginning of this case... that one of the officers used his cell to take a pic. This was way before this picture or the video ever appeared in the media.

I never mentioned this before because I didn't have a link but I am locate and saw a lot of coverage on local TV before i ever started following this case here a week or so later.

So because I don't have link I will say....jmo

That's very interesting. Wonder why the photo would be released anonymously then. If an officer took it, shouldn't LE claim ownership and sanction its release? Would this mean they didn't take any good, official pix? Very strange.
No but in the link provided, it states...

He was recognized by the city for his efforts, his mother said.

CNN has not been able to confirm Zimmerman's participation in the campaign.


--when we 1st heard about george doing flier duty, outside of an african american church, for the "homeless man"-----the attorney for the homeless man said that she didn't believe it, as she did not recall this act at ALL.

--the homeless guy's attorney-----trayvon family attorney, natalie jackson.
That's very interesting. Wonder why the photo would be released anonymously then. If an officer took it, shouldn't LE claim ownership and sanction its release? Would this mean they didn't take any good, official pix? Very strange.
Not that I believe this is what happened here, but first responders are sometimes known for taking pictures at scenes with their personal cellphones in an unofficial capacity (For example, I believe a young female was killed in a motor vehicle accident not too long ago, and FD or EMS took some pictures with their phone that was released to the press). That would generally result in some sort of disciplinary action against them if it came to light, though.

No but in the link provided, it states...

He was recognized by the city for his efforts, his mother said.

CNN has not been able to confirm Zimmerman's participation in the campaign.


And it seems to me that if GZ organized meetings, handed out fliers and was recognized by the city for his efforts, there would at least have been an article in the local paper or local TV news as a record.

Makes you wonder if all the other 'humanitarian' stuff he claims is true also?

But that contradicts what De La Rionda asked at the hearing and that Gilbreath agreed to:

Found by HiHater and quoted in post: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

I suspect we'll hear a LOT more from this witness at the SYG hearing!

IMO, JMO, etc.
It depends on which article is correct. I have not been able to find the tape. We may have to wait for doc dump. CNN transcript could be correct or incorrect as well as Huffington. We have to wait to see the real record is my comment that I followed up with.
It's hearsay. There was no witness to the phone call. I would give her testimony little weight. She is not an independent witness. She has a dog in this race.

The content of the call is hearsay (every out of court statement offered for the truth of the statement is), but there are exceptions to hearsay which their conversation will fall within.

And in response to another person who questioned whether her testimony would be as valuable because she did not see anything, the answer is that it is objectively just as valuable. Eyesight is not a greater sense than hearing. They are both means of perceiving the world. But, ultimately, her testimony will have whatever weight the jury gives it.

Right now, her statements as released by the media are, to me personally, the most damning evidence against Zimmerman, because, if believed, they will show that his initial story to police about having been unsuspectingly jumped or attacked was fabricated. And if the jury thinks that was a lie, they might not believe anything else he has to say either.
I wonder why the SA asked Zimmerman's father if he ever took any pics of George's injuries the next day. He was pinning him down on something there. Right out of the blue.
Not that I believe this is what happened here, but first responders are sometimes known for taking pictures at scenes with their personal cellphones in an unofficial capacity (For example, I believe a young female was killed in a motor vehicle accident not too long ago, and FD or EMS took some pictures with their phone that was released to the press). That would generally result in some sort of disciplinary action against them if it came to light, though.


Is this an alien supposition? Because to my knowledge the person who took the picture at this time is anonymous. And we really shouldn't be speculating on misconduct of any EMT's without something to back it up.

EMS was told to stage. What we know to be fact is that EMS did not enter until the scene was secured. So if this picture was taken 2.5 minutes or 3 minutes after the incident, EMS was not on scene.
Can you link which site you are using. When it gets quiet here I am going to listen to some of them I have. TY
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BI03-MRKnI&feature=relmfu"]George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes - YouTube[/ame] During the time the dispatcher is asking Z if he wants them to [meet him at the mailboxes.] - (sounds like someone calling another a 'stupid punk'.) I do hear it when the dispatcher is saying 'OK, no problem. I’ll let them know to call you when [they’re in the area."] Within [ ] I hear 'he's watching'. Either Zimmerman at this time was not alone and it was someone else besides Martin, or it was Martin talking and was within Zimmerman's earshot and sight.
Is this an alien supposition? Because to my knowledge the person who took the picture at this time is anonymous. And we really shouldn't be speculating on misconduct of any EMT's without something to back it up.

EMS was told to stage. What we know to be fact is that EMS did not enter until the scene was secured. So if this picture was taken 2.5 minutes or 3 minutes after the incident, EMS was not on scene.
Not at all. Someone asked why, if it was taken by PD, it would have been submitted anonymously and ownership not taken. I was simply answering their question. As I said, I don't believe that happened in this instance. But it does happen, and may be why others may believe this happened.

ETA: You will also notice I used the generic term, "First responders". The only time I mentioned FD/EMS was giving an example of an actual event of this type that occurred.
George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes - YouTube During the time the dispatcher is asking Z if he wants them to [meet him at the mailboxes.] - (sounds like someone calling another a 'stupid punk'.) I do hear it when the dispatcher is saying 'OK, no problem. I’ll let them know to call you when [they’re in the area."] Within [ ] I hear 'he's watching'. Either Zimmerman at this time was not alone and it was someone else besides Martin, or it was Martin talking and was within Zimmerman's earshot and sight.

Excellent exercise. I might also suggest that the 911 tape with Rescue, any any and all tapes of the hearing be searched out. We are finding different spins in articles in the main stream media which could be leading us down the rabbit hole.
It's hearsay. There was no witness to the phone call. I would give her testimony little weight. She is not an independent witness. She has a dog in this race.

The phone call is corroborated by phone records. There is no dispute that the phone call happened.

What she says Trayvon says in the phone call is hearsay.

My position is that it doesn't matter what he was saying. The fact that Trayvon was on the phone with someone directly contradicts what GZ says happened. How many burglars are talking on the phone as they case houses? How many people sneak up on someone while they are engaged in a phone conversation?
CNN not being able to confirm it is not the same as CNN confirming he was not involved.


No it doesn't, but if it really did happen, and George was as heavily involved as he and his family say, it shouldn't be to hard to confirm, since the case was huge after the video of the beating hit youtube, it was on the news everywhere.

"She said her son also participated in a 2010 campaign to "get justice" for an African-American homeless man who was seen in a videotape taken by an onlooker being struck by a man who later turned out to be the son of a Sanford police lieutenant."

Not at all. Someone asked why, if it was taken by PD, it would have been submitted anonymously and ownership not taken. I was simply answering their question. As I said, I don't believe that happened in this instance. But it does happen, and may be why others may believe this happened.

ETA: You will also notice I used the generic term, "First responders". The only time I mentioned FD/EMS was giving an example of an actual event of this type that occurred.

Thanks I misunderstood. I hope there are good pictures taken by LE minutes after the incident. Those are the photos that would hold the most weight.
I believe there may be a hearing this week over the motions filed by the news agencies. Let's hope we have some real documents to work with. MSM is the best we have sometimes but it isn't always perfect.
The content of the call is hearsay (every out of court statement offered for the truth of the statement is), but there are exceptions to hearsay which their conversation will fall within.

And in response to another person who questioned whether her testimony would be as valuable because she did not see anything, the answer is that it is objectively just as valuable. Eyesight is not a greater sense than hearing. They are both means of perceiving the world. But, ultimately, her testimony will have whatever weight the jury gives it.

Right now, her statements as released by the media are, to me personally, the most damning evidence against Zimmerman, because, if believed, they will show that his initial story to police about having been unsuspectingly jumped or attacked was fabricated. And if the jury thinks that was a lie, they might not believe anything else he has to say either.

IMO, GZ is going to be exposed as a liar to a jury when his ridiculous claim of being attacked while walking back to his car after 18 seconds is brought out.

What the girlfriend's testimony will do is help the jury figure out who was chasing who:

Gilbreath also said the state had a witness who reported seeing the shadows of two people running, one chasing the other, but could not identify who they were.



"Trayvon said, 'What are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing


IMO, JMO, MOO, etc.
No it doesn't, but if it really did happen, and George was as heavily involved as he and his family say, it shouldn't be to hard to confirm, since the case was huge after the video of the beating hit youtube, it was on the news everywhere.

"She said her son also participated in a 2010 campaign to "get justice" for an African-American homeless man who was seen in a videotape taken by an onlooker being struck by a man who later turned out to be the son of a Sanford police lieutenant."


Flyers on cars at a church bothers me. Why not just hand them out when the people come out. I would really like to know where this church was and how did he know it was a black church?
I would like to hear Hornsby's thoughts on the admissibility of the gf's testimony

I believe he has already stated it may be admissible because of the state of mind exception (Regarding Trayvon). I can't remember where I read/saw him say that, so I'll say JMO

Going beyond that, one can look at Florida law:

(1) SPONTANEOUS STATEMENT.—A spontaneous statement describing or explaining an event or condition made while the declarant was perceiving the event or condition, or immediately thereafter, except when such statement is made under circumstances that indicate its lack of trustworthiness.
(2) EXCITED UTTERANCE.—A statement or excited utterance relating to a startling event or condition made while the declarant was under the stress of excitement caused by the event or condition.
(a) A statement of the declarant’s then-existing state of mind, emotion, or physical sensation, including a statement of intent, plan, motive, design, mental feeling, pain, or bodily health, when such evidence is offered to:
1. Prove the declarant’s state of mind, emotion, or physical sensation at that time or at any other time when such state is an issue in the action.
2. Prove or explain acts of subsequent conduct of the declarant.
(b) However, this subsection does not make admissible:
1. An after-the-fact statement of memory or belief to prove the fact remembered or believed, unless such statement relates to the execution, revocation, identification, or terms of the declarant’s will.
2. A statement made under circumstances that indicate its lack of trustworthiness.

Read more: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes...ng=&URL=0000-0099/0090/Sections/0090.803.html

I think it's clear that her testimony is admissible, based on those three exceptions.
CNN not being able to confirm it is not the same as CNN confirming he was not involved.


This is something that could have very easily been verified so I'd say if they haven't been able to verify it, that probably means it didn't happen.

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