17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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bbm Could I have a link to this.

The link that you posted earlier yourself clearly states that "NO EVIDENCE" ever surfaced that it was reported stolen.

I know for an absolute fact that insurance companies will NOT reimburse for stolen jewelry without a police report being filed. So that excuse/theory won't fly either.

For one, imo, George obviously wasn't concerned about his own safety, but that of his neighbors and, two, in connection with your earlier post, he did call the police.

Imo, it's all about the context. It is established that there were recent break-ins in the community which are known to have been perpetrated by young men, the majority of whom were black. George had recently assisted a woman whose home was broken into by this same group of criminals while she was in the home with an infant. That woman had to hide with the baby, most certainly praying for her and her child's life the entire time, and George was aware of this and had assisted her. These same criminals or "a&%holes" (personally, I think the shoe more than fits) did, in fact, "get away," as they fled out her back door just as the police arrived.

If I were a man, particularly a man who was a neighbor involved in assisting that woman and part of the NW, I would have done anything in my power to make sure that another incident just like that didn't happen again. Because I'm a woman, I'm not sure I would have followed Trayvon, but I'm feisty and I might have. In any case, if I knew that another woman and her baby in my neighborhood had gone through that, I would have done my very best to make sure I knew where this person was until the police arrived, this time. And if that meant following the person I was suspicious of, then I would have.

It was completely fortuitous that George was wrong about Trayvon. Imo, he had every right to be suspicious and I would have been, as well. Very much so, in fact.

For those reasons, I believe that what George did up to the moment of confrontation is, potentially, completely reasonable. It's what happened in those last seconds that matters to me.

The question in my mind about those last seconds is this. Both George and Trayvon's girl friend agree that Trayvon asked George why he was following and that George asked Trayvon what he was doing there. Why did Trayvon not simply say, I'm staying with my Dad over at *advertiser censored* address. Even if he thought George was going for a gun rather than his cell during that conversation (which I don't think has been established and I'm not sure I believe, anyway) wouldn't a reasonable reaction be "Wait! Dude!, my dad's gf lives here -- right over there. I'm just on my way home!!!"

And GZ did just that, didn't he? He finally achieved his goal. He didn't let another perceived a$$hole punk get away this time. Now he's facing murder charges. But not until after it was nearly successfully swept under the rug.

Trayvon was not obligated to justify his reasons for being where he had every right to be, especially if he was in fear for his life, which quite obviously he was. It's patently absurd to expect that Trayvon, after being pursued by a stranger with a gun, to have to subserviently and politely explain himself in order to prevent being shot dead. IMO
The link that you posted earlier yourself clearly states that "NO EVIDENCE" ever surfaced that it was reported stolen.

I know for an absolute fact that insurance companies will NOT reimburse for stolen jewelry without a police report being filed. So that excuse/theory won't fly either.


My request was not directed to you, sorry if you misunderstood.
Does not make it a fact.

He walked from the clubhouse with GZ watching him in his vehicle to the cut through and down the sidewalk that leads to his condo. His body was found 70 yards from home. And that is a fact. GZ got out of his vehicle to follow TM and that is a fact. jmo
I want to discuss Serino.. Wasn't there a witness who stated Serino spoke with him/her and stated the statements GZ made that night did not fit with the evidence at the scene and that he wanted to charge GZ with manslaughter?

I'm wondering WHY Serino is NOW claiming the statements made by GZ seem to coincide with the evidence SPD has from that night.... At first, nothing seemed to fit and NOW everything GZ has stated seem to fit? IMHO Something real hinky is going on...It STINKS BIG TIME..... JMHO



Some news agencies have reported that Sanford's lead investigator, Chris Serino, wanted Zimmerman charged with manslaughter that night but Wolfinger's office put a stop to it. The city of Sanford issued a statement saying that is not true.

Police did that night prepare an incident report that lists "manslaughter" as the possible crime being investigated, but in every case in which an officer prepares an incident report, he or she fills in that spot with some crime and statute number to allow the agency to properly report crime statistics to the FBI.

Two weeks ago, during an exclusive interview with the Sentinel, Lee disclosed certain details of the investigation and during that session, attended by Serino and others, Serino said his investigation turned up no reliable evidence that cast doubt on Zimmerman's account – that he had acted in self-defense.

"The best evidence we have is the testimony of George Zimmerman, and he says the decedent was the primary aggressor in the whole event," Serino told the Sentinel March 16. "Everything I have is adding up to what he says."

In his letter Monday to Roy Austin, deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, Crump wrote, "We look forward to your thorough and comprehensive review of the suspicious circumstances surrounding this meeting, and the decision to disregard the recommendation of the lead homicide investigator, Mr. Serino, who felt compelled to prepare an affidavit memorializing his recommendation to arrest the shooter George Zimmerman."

I tend to believe, they were trying to save face in regards to the way SPD handled this from the start..this was early on, before given to SP, ACorey and her team...and the recommendation from Serino was also offered up at the bond hearing, if I'm not mistaken..they did say GZ version of events didn't match the evidence at the scene but Wolfinger overruled the detectives..this is the backlash..wasn't it TraceyMartin who was told the prosecutor wanted a 'slam dunk'?

I ususally don't take what the media reports as facts unless they have in hand discovery...otherwise it's their own words...

I try to weed out their postings..and await the discovery to come out and have consideration to change my mind then..but until then, GZ is the aggressor who took an innocent life without any regard for human nature..I also believe GZ has a personal vendetta since learning his own property was stolen off his porch..

I also believe so much time passed it gave anyone who is involved a reason to recheck themselves...:maddening:
My request was not directed to you, sorry if you misunderstood.

No misunderstanding, thanks though. The link you requested in your post #2221, was provided earlier for you in post #2216 (assuming post numbers haven't changed due to mod removals while I type this).....I just thought maybe you had missed that it was already posted while reading/typing.

Sorry, also, I was not aware that only one specific poster was allowed to provide the link when requested.

In what world do you protect yourself from a guy with a gun by running AT them? TM was free and clear. He had lost GZ, and was SEVENTY FEET from his door. Bolt for the door? Call the police? Stay hiding till GZ leaves? Nope, lets CONFRONT the guy. Sorry, NOT the actions of a "terrified teenager".

I believe a terrified teenager would stay hiding. GZ admits to following Trayvon. Unless I've missed something, I don't remember hearing anything about Trayvon running towards GZ ????
I have never seen anyone at WS state Trayvon deserved to die.

Why is it constantly stated?

Obviously, there are several who believe this was self defense. But, that does not mean anybody thinks TM deserved to die. It does not mean we don't have hearts and that we don't feel empathy for TM's family.

It simply means, that with the information seen so far, some feel GZ acted in self defense.

That is a major component in this case.

The link that you posted earlier yourself clearly states that "NO EVIDENCE" ever surfaced that it was reported stolen.

I know for an absolute fact that insurance companies will NOT reimburse for stolen jewelry without a police report being filed. So that excuse/theory won't fly either.


I agree, we just had to file a police report for items damaged on our lot at our store and we needed the case # for the insurance company in order to be reimbursed for the damage.

The article does say...

Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation.

No evidence ever surfaced that the jewelry was stolen.

Maybe I am confused here somehow....but when someone has been legally charged, and appears in a courtroom, and a judge approves a probably cause warrant, and a bail hearing has been held.....I am pretty sure that means that they have been CHARGED...

In this case it is with 2nd degree MURDER, by a prosecutor who is highly respected and was even praised by GZ supporters as someone who would make a correct decision (well, that was before she filed the charges, to be fair).


His arraignment is the 8th I believe. GZ has already filed his plea and neither he nor his attorney plan to attend. Obviously there is nothing to be argued and it's just a formality. If they started the discovery process everything appears to be going forward from his bond hearing. jmo
No misunderstanding, thanks though. The link you requested in your post #2221, was provided earlier for you in post #2216 (assuming post numbers haven't changed due to mod removals while I type this).....I just thought maybe you had missed that it was already posted while reading/typing.

Sorry, also, I was not aware that only one specific poster was allowed to provide the link when requested.


No evidence being reported is not evidence it was not stolen, :waitasec: sounds like something a kid would say to get out of trouble. jmo btw there's no evidence that GZ did not act in self defense either.
No misunderstanding, thanks though. The link you requested in your post #2221, was provided earlier for you in post #2216 (assuming post numbers haven't changed due to mod removals while I type this).....I just thought maybe you had missed that it was already posted while reading/typing.

Sorry, also, I was not aware that only one specific poster was allowed to provide the link when requested.



I'm not aware of that either raeann.
bbm Could I have a link to this.

From your link:

No evidence ever surfaced that the jewelry was stolen.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy

If I post, I believe, it appears, I feel...a link is not needed..but I will comply with that request above...

In your OWN link, it provides the above..

I also feel you claim TM has a history of stealing, so where is that link?

I have read nothing to back up that statement...so link please???

Before you ask, here is your post that started the 'stealing' part of TM...

Elly Mae said:
I want to know if this was investigated completely or if the owners were found?
Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.
Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.

“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.

That suspension was followed four months later by another one in February, in which Trayvon was caught with an empty plastic bag with traces of marijuana in it. A schools police report obtained by The Miami Herald specifies two items: a bag with marijuana residue and a “marijuana pipe.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy

I do feel (jmo) that TM was acting suspicious, because of his past history of stealing jmo and being deceitful jmo that it was cause for GZ to take a second look. jmo
I tend to believe, they were trying to save face in regards to the way SPD handled this from the start..this was early on, before given to SP, ACorey and her team...and the recommendation from Serino was also offered up at the bond hearing, if I'm not mistaken..they did say GZ version of events didn't match the evidence at the scene but Wolfinger overruled the detectives..this is the backlash..wasn't it TraceyMartin who was told the prosecutor wanted a 'slam dunk'?

I ususally don't take what the media reports as facts unless they have in hand discovery...otherwise it's their own words...

I try to weed out their postings..and await the discovery to come out and have consideration to change my mind then..but until then, GZ is the aggressor who took an innocent life without any regard for human nature..I also believe GZ has a personal vendetta since learning his own property was stolen off his porch..

I also believe so much time passed it gave anyone who is involved a reason to recheck themselves...:maddening:

LLL...Do you mean change their story so they could cover their rear ends? That is exactly what I am thinking..JMHO
From your link:

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/2...#storylink=cpy

If I post, I believe, it appears, I feel...a link is not needed..but I will comply with that request above...

In your OWN link, it provides the above..

I also feel you claim TM has a history of stealing, so where is that link?

I have read nothing to back up that statement...so link please???

I said it was my opinion.
I've never understood comparing the behaviour of an older person to the behaviour of a younger person. If one is going to compare the behaviour of GZ to Trayvon, it should be done when GZ was just barely 17 years old. To compare the behaviour of GZ when he was 21 to 28 years old to the behaviour of Trayvon when he was just barley 17 makes no sense to me.
His arraignment is the 8th I believe. GZ has already filed his plea and neither he nor his attorney plan to attend. Obviously there is nothing to be argued and it's just a formality. If they started the discovery process everything appears to be going forward from his bond hearing. jmo

I can see the judge making some sort of ruling or explanation on the courts position of his paypal money and if it affects his bond at all on the 8th. Other than that, probably a non event.
Ok... look... the proper thing to do is provide a link when asked for it. Do we really want to continue to play the fact, vs. opinion vs. link game? I mean really?

We all have the right to give our opinion here without being attacked for it. If you disagree that's fine explain why. That's how it works.

Trayvon can be discussed here, if you think its against TOS then alert and we will be happy to check it out.

I find it interesting that he blogs about the 2005 incident where 2 felonies became one misdemeanor. I know we can't quote, but he says something to the effect of he knows he was wrong, but he still got his "hump."

Wonder what that means? lol

He refers to his ex-fiance (?)/girlfriend as his ex-hoe. I guess that's a popular way to refer to women.


Just jumping off your post but if we consider GZ posts, we must also consider TM post of racially-charged epitaphs, and violence. All MOO
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