17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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I don't know for sure, but my opinion is that Attorney O'Mara hasn't had this case long enough to realize the disparity that exists between his repeated questioning of the witness to make his point of GZ's statements saying he was walking AWAY and towards his vehicle:

Only to turn around and VOLUNTEER for the record the following:

It seems apparent to me that he may not realize just how far down that back sidewalk the NY Times said TM's back door, and conversely AWAY from GZ's vehicle, would actually be:

Papa, I've said it before: You and your work are brilliant. However, I still say that the accuracy of even the best calculations, analysis, and conclusions can be skewed or rendered moot, if they are based on original data that is inaccurate. JMO

Hoping soon we will have some info that will reveal whether you can stand on this work, or perhaps get busy doing new calculations on new info. Regardless, thanks for the good work. Cheers.
What tweets? The UNAUTHENTICATED tweets that Klankannon ALLEGEDLY hacked? Please link if you have info on AUTHENTICATED tweets/FB posts. I've been fighting commentors on Yahoo and FB about thes UNAUTHENTICATED accounts.

Um...that's kind of the point. The tweets were from an Android phone, when he had an iPhone.

No need to fight over tweets, it's not that serious. Trayvon's character doesn't hinge on whether or not they were real IMO
I don't think he'll post anything about the case, but the discussions could lead to some theories for the defense. It may also provide the platform for answering some questions. I can't believe how many commentors are posting things contrary to the evidence thus far and I actually caught some comments that implied Justice for Trayvon supporters were NOT welcome.


I guess they have $200,000 in a trust fund so they can hire someone to moderate and clean up commenting. :crazy:



Maybe he's gunnin' for a gag order. :eek:

dumb like a fox.
You're right, it's so weird badme. And I don't know what to make of it. Obviously it's a strategic defensive move. Maybe he was not satisfied with his last media rounds, and decided to go Palinesque in order to control his message. Maybe he's not smarter, just more creative than your average criminaldefenseBear.

For once, curious to hear some qualified talking heads comment on this as strategy. Since when did we start using FB for pre-trial media blitzing? And, if he writes it on FB, he can't take it back now, can he?

worth a noodle or two, I'd say. :cow:

Honestly, when I saw that website go up, I was embarrassed for him. I thought he was way more professional than this. Frankly, his explanation/reason for having the site is purely self-serving, IMO.

I really had nothing bad to say about the guy before this, but he sure is changing my opinion of him in a real hurry.
I'm confused....I know, I know.....who put up the FB page for GZ?

It says right on it:
The official page on Facebook for information about the George Zimmerman Legal Case, administered by the Mark O'Mara Law Group.
If GZ was in fact in mortal fear for his safety/life as he was being beaten, as he claims; and if he saw "John" nearby and screamed to him for help, as both he and John seem to indicate; and if John actually did NOT help, but instead left the fight to go call 911 from inside his home... I do not see how that sequence of events would give GZ any indication of hope whatsoever that he was going to be okay -- just the opposite. The one person he was pleading to help him just disappeared and he was still on the bottom, getting beaten up. JMO

Yes, GZ would assume LE was on the way because he had called the non-emergency line to report a suspicious person. But I disagree a person being beaten and in immediate fear for his life would imagine LE will certainly arrive just in the nick of time to save him. Rather, more naturally would he not despair that they will probably get there too late? JMO


Good post. My thoughts exactly.
What tweets? The UNAUTHENTICATED tweets that Klankannon ALLEGEDLY hacked? Please link if you have info on AUTHENTICATED tweets/FB posts. I've been fighting commentors on Yahoo and FB about thes UNAUTHENTICATED accounts.
Do you have a link for this? (An allowed one?) TIA


I guess they have $200,000 in a trust fund so they can hire someone to moderate and clean up commenting. :crazy:



Maybe he's gunnin' for a gag order. :eek:

dumb like a fox.

Right, and they don't have to accept any "Friend" who opposes their "white washing" of the details and GZ's character flaws.
Since we learned from the reporter that John called 911 and there was only one adult male who called 911 it is pretty safe to say this is the transcript of John's call.

Neighbor #1, male - Call begins 4:12

Police … I just heard a shot right behind my house. [4:14] They’re wrestling right in the back of my porch.

911 dispatcher:

You just heard one shot go off?


It was either that or a rock at the window, I don’t know, the guy’s yelling “help” and I’m not going outside. [4:34]

911 dispatcher:

OK, you hear someone yelling for help?


Um, I’m pretty sure the guy’s dead out here – holy *****! [5:03]

911 dispatcher:

OK, we have several people calling in also. Anything else that you heard?


Uh, no. A guy yelling “help.” Oh, my God! Um, there’s a guy with a flashlight in the backyard now. I think there’s flashlights, and there’s a guy – I don’t know if that’s a cop.

911 dispatcher:

OK, we’ve had several calls in. Are you sure you heard voices? Was there just one …


There’s two guys. There’s two guys in the backyard with flashlights and there’s a black guy down and it looks like he’s been shot and he’s dead. He’s laying and there’s multiple people calling. [5:50]

911 dispatcher:

OK, I have several officers going there, OK? Thank you. Bye.



Ends 6:00

Regarding doc dump, I think when we'll see it depends on how long it will take the SA to redact all names, phone numbers and addresses of the witnesses. That was was MOM's only concern IIRC

Anyone have any idea how long that should/could take ?
Many witnesses have stated that only one porch light was on at the time of the shooting.
While not doubting that you are right, comments like this make me realize there may be much about this case I have not yet encountered. Unfortunately, I have to run and don't have time to look it up. Cheers. JMO

I agree, that call is likely from "John." And he correctly identified the race of a person that has been shot, despite some posters claiming he couldn't say what race the persons were.
Regarding doc dump, I think when we'll see it depends on how long it will take the SA to redact all names, phone numbers and addresses of the witnesses. That was was MOM's only concern IIRC

Anyone have any idea how long that should/could take ?

I thought I read upstream that O'Mara said there would be motion practice on the issue. In that case, it will take longer. I don't know if the motion(s) will be filed or heard on an expedited basis, though.

eta: Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why there would be motion practice if the parties are in agreement. But I'm pretty sure that's what I read.
It says right on it:
The official page on Facebook for information about the George Zimmerman Legal Case, administered by the Mark O'Mara Law Group.

So while the Martins are asking for calm and let the system do their job we have MOM putting up a FB page where people can post their support GZ for killing someone. That is sick because that is all people will do. I thought he was more professional than that. jmo
Since we learned from the reporter that John called 911 and there was only one adult male who called 911 it is pretty safe to say this is the transcript of John's call.

Neighbor #1, male - Call begins 4:12

Police … I just heard a shot right behind my house. [4:14] They’re wrestling right in the back of my porch.

911 dispatcher:

You just heard one shot go off?


It was either that or a rock at the window, I don’t know, the guy’s yelling “help” and I’m not going outside. [4:34]

911 dispatcher:

OK, you hear someone yelling for help?


Um, I’m pretty sure the guy’s dead out here – holy *****! [5:03]

911 dispatcher:

OK, we have several people calling in also. Anything else that you heard?


Uh, no. A guy yelling “help.” Oh, my God! Um, there’s a guy with a flashlight in the backyard now. I think there’s flashlights, and there’s a guy – I don’t know if that’s a cop.

911 dispatcher:

OK, we’ve had several calls in. Are you sure you heard voices? Was there just one …


There’s two guys. There’s two guys in the backyard with flashlights and there’s a black guy down and it looks like he’s been shot and he’s dead. He’s laying and there’s multiple people calling. [5:50]

911 dispatcher:

OK, I have several officers going there, OK? Thank you. Bye.



Ends 6:00


This was his original observation. Trayvon, the one yelling for help is dead.

He never said, in his 911 call, that anyone was beating anyone up. He said, mixing tenses because he'd already heard the shot, that "they're wrestling..."
It was very dark that night. It was raining some, it was overcast, and the Moon was "Waxing Crescent". IF the moon was visible, only 20% of it was visible. Not alot of moonlight. I think the backyard area of the town homes relies on the lights from the houses for its illumination. If they aren't on, there is no light.

Weather Underground Historical Info for Sanford, Florida:

This was his original observation. Trayvon, the one yelling for help is dead.

He never said, in his 911 call, that anyone was beating anyone up. He said, mixing tenses because he'd already heard the shot, that they "are wrestling..."

That's completely false since he never says the one who was screaming for help is now dead.
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