17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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Right, and they don't have to accept any "Friend" who opposes their "white washing" of the details and GZ's character flaws.

If I may expand on what you said a bit. I was reading over there a few hours ago (BIG mistake), but there was a good and healthy debate going on between some people. I just went back a few minutes ago and most, if not all of the posts are gone that had a good argument against GZ. (with REAL facts backing their argument) :waitasec:

Yup, that's fair alright. GMAB! I won't be going back again. Sad, sad, sad.
I agree, that call is likely from "John." And he correctly identified the race of a person that has been shot, despite some posters claiming he couldn't say what race the persons were.

Funny how he did not say the guy on top was black, instead he says the guy on bottom had on a red sweater. Red was the color police wanted him to say I believe. IMO
So while the Martins are asking for calm and let the system do their job we have MOM putting up a FB page where people can post their support GZ for killing someone. That is sick because that is all people will do. I thought he was more professional than that. jmo

I would characterize it as support for George's civil rights, but that's just me. Plus, I haven't looked, but I doubt very much that the FB page will only receive support. In fact, unless they have a full time staff of moderators, i would think that the comments would be largely anti-George based on the general skew here and elsewhere. jmo
Funny how he did not say the guy on top was black, instead he says the guy on bottom had on a red sweater. Red was the color police wanted him to say I believe. IMO

He was giving an interview to the press, not police, when he said the guy on the bottom had on red sweater.
If I may expand on what you said a bit. I was reading over there a few hours ago (BIG mistake), but there was a good and healthy debate going on between some people. I just went back a few minutes ago and most, if not all of the posts are gone that had a good argument against GZ. (with REAL facts backing their argument) :waitasec:

Yup, that's fair alright. GMAB! I won't be going back again. Sad, sad, sad.

So someone's working on a Sunday to clean up the FB page. Wow, just wow. I can see now why MOM said this will probably be a million dollar case. Keep that money flowing in to GZ's account MOM's going to need it. jmo
Right, and they don't have to accept any "Friend" who opposes their "white washing" of the details and GZ's character flaws.
They don't have to accept any friend who wants to paint an untrue or unfair picture of GZ or what happened. The client is accused of 2nd degree murder, and has been pilloried in public opinion.

IMO debunking a false impression is not the same as whitewashing, JMO.
If I may expand on what you said a bit. I was reading over there a few hours ago (BIG mistake), but there was a good and healthy debate going on between some people. I just went back a few minutes ago and most, if not all of the posts are gone that had a good argument against GZ. (with REAL facts backing their argument) :waitasec:

Yup, that's fair alright. GMAB! I won't be going back again. Sad, sad, sad.

That's insulting, disgusting ...ggrrrr :banghead:
No he didn't, but they never asked. Just because he didn't volunteer the info does not mean he didn't know it.

Yeah but he volunteered several things that he was never asked about.
You know you are right. Even the male caller on the 911 tape says they were wrestling.

Then it appears his story changes and I wonder why it changed?

Neighbor #1, male - Call begins 4:12

Police … I just heard a shot right behind my house. [4:14] They’re wrestling right in the back of my porch.

911 dispatcher:

Do you see anybody? I don’t need you to go outside.


There’s someone screaming – I just heard gunshots [caller frantic] [9:17]

911 dispatcher:

OK. Do you see anything? I don’t need you to go outside but do you see anything? Do you hear squealing of tires, anything?

Never noticed this before, note the areas I bolded above. "I don't need you to..." appears to be a phrase that the police (or at least this department) uses to advise callers that the police will take care of things, the civilian callers can report what is evident and the police will take it from there. Too bad GZ didn't listen.
He was giving an interview to the press, not police, when he said the guy on the bottom had on red sweater.

I believe LE already knows GZ was on the bottom because TM was shot in the chest. How the bullet traveled will clear up what TM was trying to do. If he was trying to get away, such as stand up, or half way I believe the bullet path would show that. jmo
Did he say that on the 911 call?
No, he didn't say a lot of things and he was actually outside, he says now. Keep in mind, his was one of the shortest of all the 911 calls. He gave the least amount of details yet saw part of the "wrestling, which he now describes as one guy "beating up" the other, first hand.
Since we learned from the reporter that John called 911 and there was only one adult male who called 911 it is pretty safe to say this is the transcript of John's call.

Neighbor #1, male - Call begins 4:12

Police … I just heard a shot right behind my house. [4:14] They’re wrestling right in the back of my porch.

911 dispatcher:

You just heard one shot go off?


It was either that or a rock at the window, I don’t know, the guy’s yelling “help” and I’m not going outside. [4:34]

911 dispatcher:

OK, you hear someone yelling for help?


Um, I’m pretty sure the guy’s dead out here – holy *****! [5:03]

911 dispatcher:

OK, we have several people calling in also. Anything else that you heard?


Uh, no. A guy yelling “help.” Oh, my God! Um, there’s a guy with a flashlight in the backyard now. I think there’s flashlights, and there’s a guy – I don’t know if that’s a cop.

911 dispatcher:

OK, we’ve had several calls in. Are you sure you heard voices? Was there just one …


There’s two guys. There’s two guys in the backyard with flashlights and there’s a black guy down and it looks like he’s been shot and he’s dead. He’s laying and there’s multiple people calling. [5:50]

911 dispatcher:

OK, I have several officers going there, OK? Thank you. Bye.



Ends 6:00

I believe you and others who believe this caller is "John." But it's interesting that he says he's calling to report a gunshot, and says he's not going outside... doesn't mention that he was already outside, and that the guy calling "help" was actually addressing him. Waiting, waiting, waiting for more info. JMO
No, he didn't say a lot of things and he was actually outside, he says now. Keep in mind, his was one of the shortest of all the 911 calls. He gave the least amount of details yet saw part of the "wrestling, which he now describes as one guy "beating up" the other, first hand.

He was outside first then went inside to make a call.
But he could still see through his window.
I believe you and others who believe this caller is "John." But it's interesting that he says he's calling to report a gunshot, and says he's not going outside... doesn't mention that he was already outside, and that the guy calling "help" was actually addressing him. Waiting, waiting, waiting for more info. JMO

He is not going to tell everything he knows in a 911 call. That's why police also interview those who made calls afterwards.
If I may expand on what you said a bit. I was reading over there a few hours ago (BIG mistake), but there was a good and healthy debate going on between some people. I just went back a few minutes ago and most, if not all of the posts are gone that had a good argument against GZ. (with REAL facts backing their argument) :waitasec:

Yup, that's fair alright. GMAB! I won't be going back again. Sad, sad, sad.
Not sad to me. I'm guessing those who manage the FB will be the ones to decide what is "good and healthy debate," and what is a "good argument." Real facts? Well... those are the best kind, aren't they? The real kind. JMO (bfn)
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