17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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Yep, and I think she is being put in a very bad position. I honestly feel bad for her, regardless of if she was his girlfriend, or just a friend. If it is determined that those twitter posts are accurate, it would lead me to believe that this whole phone call has to be discounted, and Crump has a lot of 'splain to do.

I think whatever story she told her doctor the night she was hopitalized is the story that will stick like glue. jmo
I keep hearing lawyers give O'Mara high ratings as a professional, the best, ethical.

But the cumulative affect of his apologies has me scratching my head.

He apologizes for the apology saying he didn't know the Martin family didn't want an apology.....

He apologizes for naming a minor witness in court yet we learn from the State inside the same hearing, that O'Mara asked them to hold off on discovery so that they can work out a deal on protecting the witnesses. What's that about? All the witnesses except one? Hmmm

And another, he apologizes for not knowing about $204,000 collected by George Zimmerman.

Any attorney who is going before the court before a bond hearing had better know full well that what they are asserting to the court is true. And when you say your client is of no means you have better know that to be true. He had been talking about closing down all the website activity from very early on. Why didn't he ask his client how much money he collected?

Mr. O'Mara's apologizes are ringing hollow for me at this time. I'm not drinking his Kool-Aid

We need a thread for every time Mr O'Mara apologizes for being unawares and every time he uses the word coincidence or coincidentally. (With no discussion) just the quotes/links and their context.
He didn't turn himself in, as per Mark O'Mara. He reportedly wanted to talk about his safety and the arrest took him by surprise.

THANK YOU! I stated that a day or so ago and was jumped on as making a false statement.....even though there are MULTIPLE links showing that O'Mara himself made that fact clear.

The point was on the day it was said though, she was given the benefit of the doubt. Why isn't the courtesy extended to everyone in this case, even the defense lawyer?

Given the benefit of the doubt by whom? IIRC.. She wasn't given the benefit of the doubt by those here who have been defending GZ's actions since day one...Most everyone I am speaking of was chomping at the bit eagerly stating SB (herself) thinks it was just an accident.JMHO..
I don't consider it rhetoric, And I"m sorry you disagree. Remove the blogs, remove even MSM. They don't matter. They are ethically wrong to disclose a minor's name and it doesn't matter that the WEB has that information. I expect more from a defense counsel who knows the law.

In a court of law Mark O'Mara said the name of a witness. While later in the hearing because of the Sunshine Act, he told the Judge he wanted the names of the witnesses sealed. The State stood up in a court of law and said that they had the discovery but were asked by Mark O'Mara not to give it to them so that they could work on an agreement to protect the witnesses. The Judge said work it out.

My personal belief is that is was no accident. And I'm sorry if others need to dismiss my opinion and that of others here as rhetoric, in an effort to dismiss the validity of the argument.

It is what happened, and my opinion is as valid as those that said it was a oopsie moment. How would anyone know that. One opinion is no more rhetoric that the other. It took off all over the internet. Sly like a fox he is." And, as a result it did increase the ferocity of the posting on the internet about this girl IMO including misleading records that surfaced that were phone records in Pacific Timezone.
My one and only weigh-in on this topic:

Logic would indicate that an attorney who has made a special effort to protect the names of witnesses (as mentioned in the OP quoted) indeed simply made an unintended slip in the tension of the moment. That's my take, and everyone is free to believe what they will; it's kind of an Occam's Razor thing for me. JMO
I think it was big of GZ to offer an apology, whether it is viewed as condolences or not, to people who spent the prior 50 days calling him a racist and a cold blooded murderer in front of the entire free world - people who continue to call him both at churches, rallies, and press conferences. People who said nothing when a $10,000 bounty was put on his head.

What we do know, according to witnesses and has never been disputed by Crump or his clients, is TM was on top of GZ refusing to let him retreat. Just as one might feel GZ had no right to shoot TM, TM had no right to hold someone down who was begging for help. I think it was mighty big of GZ to swallow his pride and give condolences to the parents. I can agree with everyone in this regard, I wish he hadn't wasted his time.



You have no evidence that's the way it happened that night. Continuing to repeat it doesn't make it true.
Everyone who cared to know already knew her name. All of her friends, neighbors, social media "friends", schoolmates of both her and Trayvon and all of THEIR social media "friends," as well as anyone who cared to know and could google. Another example of much ado about nothing, imo.

I don't know her name. I'm not on Facebook or Twitter or any other social media.
My one and only weigh-in on this topic:

Logic would indicate that an attorney who has made a special effort to protect the names of witnesses (as mentioned in the OP quoted) indeed simply made an unintended slip in the tension of the moment. That's my take, and everyone is free to believe what they will; it's kind of an Occam's Razor thing for me. JMO

Well, we shall see. His reputation will go down pretty fast if he slips up too much. He really seems pretty sharp to me and having been in the business for 35 years (is it?) hard to believe he would be that careless. But then if her name has already been out there....it's possible. Just seems that such an important witness and such a unintended slip which is causing her grief, makes you kind of wonder. jmo
But you have to understand, Emeralgem, that this is just based on your perspective.

There is a group of people out there that believes that the state's case is all smoke and mirrors, and that the prosecution of GZ is just for show.

I know we do not sleuth minors on this board, but maybe take a look at what else was happening in the life of the person that TM was talking to last. Really evaluate what is out there and then ask yourself if you think this person will ever take the stand. I wish I could go into more detail.

What the :censored: ; you actually "sleuthed" a minor! :noooo: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Don't believe everything you read. There have been UNAUTHENTICATED posts about Trayvon's tweets/FB posts (one account was proven NOT to be his); don't you think that those who'd like to smear Trayvon's GF would stoop so low and try and link someone who is NOT the GF as the GF. Slippery slope IMO!

:notgood: :sigh:
I disagree. TM's state of mind is not on trial here, Zimmerman's is. The real evidence in this case is Zimmerman's call to 911, his statements to police and the location of the body.

At least five statements at last count correct?

I, along with thousands, have known her name for over a month...it was all over the Internet after Crump's appearance on ABC. Many people here have never heard it because, and with good reason, minors are not to be sleuthed.


I don't know her name because minors are not to be sleuthed and I've only seen her first name on the Internet.

Yet if you know her name because it was all over the Internet, how did you find out without sleuthing her? Just curious.
The point was on the day it was said though, she was given the benefit of the doubt. Why isn't the courtesy extended to everyone in this case, even the defense lawyer?

Because she is a VICTIM and not a seasoned, experienced public speaker as O'Mara is expected to be with all the good reputation and professionalism everyone is praising.
Where in the following question and answers does his Mom ever say she wants him to apologize?

If you were to come face to face with George Zimmerman, what do you want to tell him? What do you want to ask him?

Sybrina: Um, one of the things that I still believe in, a person should apologize when they're really, when they're actually remorseful for what they've done. Um, I believe that it was a(n) accident, I believe that uh, it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back.

Um, I would ask him: Did he know that that was a minor? That that was a teenager, and that he did not have a weapon?

Respectfully, if you are referring to the issue of "remorse," my post addressed that topic, as well as why GZ, fully remorseful though he may be, is at present constrained from directly apologizing for shooting TM. JMO
I have seen the data/info at several sites online, but have seen no smearing of her character. JMO/HTH

ETA, posted this reply to reassure you, b/c you say you have not seen it yourself. HTH

I have seen much written about her as well and no one is smearing her, why in the world would they? She's innocent of any wrong doing. Just because MANY question the way the phone records were found, and the sketchy story being told by the adults in the case (not parents), does not mean she is culpable at all.
Maybe MO'M simply got snookered by GZ about the $$ in paypal, etc

After all GZ does 'seem' to have a slippery tongue

what with 5? differing statements to LE

only IMO, of course
I think whatever story she told her doctor the night she was hopitalized is the story that will stick like glue. jmo

But what if her social networking sites would show she was not hospitalized? What if she tweeted about going to the movies,and things like that, but made no mention of any hospitalization?

Respectfully, if you are referring to the issue of "remorse," my post addressed that topic, as well as why GZ, fully remorseful though he may be, is at present constrained from directly apologizing for shooting TM. JMO

I was just pointing out that it is a misconception that is being repeated over and over that Trayvon's mother asked for an apology.

She never did.

You have no evidence that's the way it happened that night. Continuing to repeat it doesn't make it true.

Initially it was reported that an eye witness saw the man in the "red sweater" on the ground yelling for help. It has also been reported that GZ claims that TM attacked him. This is all evidence even if it's evidence the SA has decided to ignore and, most likely, it is evidence that will be presented at trial by the defense.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
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