18 y/o Black male shot dead by Police in St Louis suburb of Berkeley MO

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I would love for someone, ANYONE , to explain to me just what they THINK is going to happen if you point a gun at LE?? It's simple, don't commit a crime, don't resist arrest, DONT point a gun at LE. Have some self respect , live a life above all that mess and you won't have all these problems.
It's become clear to me that to a few people there just aren't any justified police shootings. This is about as noncontroversial as you can get. I guess it would be better if we were mourning another dead policeman? I'm sure that isn't what is meant, but there were only going to be two endings in that scenario: dead or dead policeman. Not a dilemma in my opinion.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone will say that the officer should have told the to drop the gun before he shot him. Or shoot him in the leg or some other ridiculous thing.
I would love for someone, ANYONE , to explain to me just what they THINK is going to happen if you point a gun at LE?? It's simple, don't commit a crime, don't resist arrest, DONT point a gun at LE. Have some self respect , live a life above all that mess and you won't have all these problems.

I, too, have wondered what it is going to take for protestors to acknowledge a shooting where the "victim" is clearly at fault.
Seems pretty cut/dry to me. From footage, completely justified. He pointed a gun at the officer. I am shocked that some people are still calling this unjustified. Are you kidding?!? You don't point a gun at an officer, and expect to survive. I feel for the family, but he made a poor poor dumb decision that would get ANYBODY killed. It could be a 75 Year old White Male, and I can guarantee he would have been shot too. IMO

Please, you're making too much sense!
It's become clear to me that to a few people there just aren't any justified police shootings. This is about as noncontroversial as you can get. I guess it would be better if we were mourning another dead policeman? I'm sure that isn't what is meant, but there were only going to be two endings in that scenario: dead or dead policeman. Not a dilemma in my opinion.

I think what some people including the protesters think is that the officer should not shoot to kill........but....that is not going to happen in these situations. they have to kill or be killed....
I think what some people including the protesters think is that the officer should not shoot to kill........but....that is not going to happen in these situations. they have to kill or be killed....

I think there are those who think the cops are supposed to stand there and sacrifice themselves for these thugs.
I can feel for this family and still agree with the cops actions.
Certainly it'd be nice if there was a way to not shoot to kill, but it isn't practical.
It'd be nice if the cop could take cover and tell him to drop the gun, but it wasn't possible this time.

I have family members who could easily have been this young man.
I have family members that are deeply loved by their family.
Yet they rob, run from cops, do drugs and end up in prison.

It is truly miraculous that none of my cousins have been killed by the cops.
My Aunt once told a cop who arrested her son "Thank you for not shooting him, but I wouldn't have blamed you if you did."
He had pointed a gun at the cop, but the cop knew who he was and that he never carried a loaded gun.
That cop took a gamble with his own life. We can't expect them to do that.

When they are being ambushed and killed sitting in their cars... they are in enough danger.
I hope that people are able to look at this one rationally.
It is clear that this cop did not just shoot this kid because of his color.

This kid pointed a gun at him.
That is going to get you shot (and it has) whether you are 12, 18 or 89 years old. Whether you are white, black or purple.

This is not a case to be outraged about. I am just grateful we don't have another dead cop on our hands.
However, I still feel deeply for the family. That mother gave birth to a baby boy, not a .
She still loves her son even if he does some things wrong. I hope she is able to see things clearly soon. :twocents:
wow.....why are these 18 yr olds carrying guns???

This 18 year old was carrying an illegal weapon where the serial number had been filed down.

Which means it was a stolen weapon or had been used in a prior criminal act(s) or both. imo

He used it for the same reason countless others obtain illegal weapons. To commit crimes.

I think what some people including the protesters think is that the officer should not shoot to kill........but....that is not going to happen in these situations. they have to kill or be killed....

It doesn't take but a second for someone to pull a trigger. This police officer reacted very fast and because he did.......he saved his life. If he had hesitated he would be the dead one.

He had to see his life flash before his eyes when he was looking down the barrel of the gun. He had to get chills when he learned there was a live bullet in the chamber and 5 more bullets in the magazine.
But...according to his family members, he didn't have a gun!
Ignorance is bliss I guess. I'm curious what facts they acknowledge about this 18 year old wandering the streets at night carrying a gun with the ID scratched out. I am grateful that the officer got away from this 18 year old with a criminal record.
Ignorance is bliss I guess. I'm curious what facts they acknowledge about this 18 year old wandering the streets at night carrying a gun with the ID scratched out. I am grateful that the officer got away from this 18 year old with a criminal record.

I think the families of these wanna-be cop killer thugs know the truth, but they'll never admit it publicly. It would be refreshing to hear just one admit that their family member brought their death on themselves because of their bad choices and lifestyles, not because of the police.
do we know if the dead criminal antonio martin participated in any of the 'protests'?
I feel for this officer. What an awful feeling it must be to take a life. Tomorrow is Christmas, imagine how heavy his heart must be. All because of a stupid act by a criminal teen. How very sad for this officer.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone will say that the officer should have told the to drop the gun before he shot him. Or shoot him in the leg or some other ridiculous thing.

Some people think things work in real life as they do on TV shows. Real LEOs don't generally have the time or sharp shooting skills to "wing" assailants or shoot the gun out of a suspect's hand or the reckless, but very cool psychological skills to talk armed gunmen into giving up their weapons as TV cops do in the climax of an episode.

I do have sympathy for the suspect's family and those who cared about him. I also have sympathy for the officer who was forced to make this split second decision and take a life. My father was a policeman for 30 years and never had to fire his weapon on duty. That's true of the majority of officers. This policeman wasn't that fortunate. All MOO
No, no theory at all. Probably happened the way you say. It is just an untimely coincidence I guess that a cop who killed a teen after all that has gone on had TWO cameras that were not turned on. Like, let's get that chit straightened out. And then they don't show us the whole video of what happened. Can't make any assumptions from what we know right now, yet most here have their mind made up as to what happened.

Some people think things work in real life as they do on TV shows. Real LEOs don't generally have the time or sharp shooting skills to "wing" assailants or shoot the gun out of a suspect's hand or the reckless, but very cool psychological skills to talk armed gunmen into giving up their weapons as TV cops do in the climax of an episode.

I do have sympathy for the suspect's family and those who cared about him. I also have sympathy for the officer who was forced to make this split second decision and take a life. My father was a policeman for 30 years and never had to fire his weapon on duty. That's true of the majority of officers. This policeman wasn't that fortunate. All MOO

Sometimes even shooting a person "center of mass" will not incapacitate them. Even if an officer's aim is true, trying to wound an armed criminal is not a good idea.

Stopping the threat means to shoot to kill. It doesn't mean talking to the armed assailant hoping that they won't shoot first or intentionally wounding them in an attempt to neutralize the threat.

Producing a firearm when confronting police leads to one logical outcome. Being shot at.

No, no theory at all. Probably happened the way you say. It is just an untimely coincidence I guess that a cop who killed a teen after all that has gone on had TWO cameras that were not turned on. Like, let's get that chit straightened out. And then they don't show us the whole video of what happened. Can't make any assumptions from what we know right now, yet most here have their mind made up as to what happened.

The police neither owe you or others an explanation. No different than in any crime in NORTH AMERICA. A special investigation unit collects all evidence in a police involved shooting, presents their findings and it goes thru due process, but you know that.

You're from Canada. The SIU, specifically, in Toronto does exactly the same process, but you know that too. The TPS in Toronto when they have a shooting also won't speak to CBC, Toronto STAR, etc. or release all evidence BECAUSE the SIU is handling the investigation, not the police but you know that.

Besides, who cares whether his camera(s) were on or not? I don't. His Patrol car lightbar wasn't on either. Who cares? I don't.
None of that matters. It had no bearing on a 's assault with a deadly weapon AS CAUGHT ON SOMEONE ELSE'S CAMERAS. If it had been filmed by the cop AND his dashcam it would be a conspiracy that the po po doctored the video.

If it had been a white he would be just as dead and none of the peripheral body cam/dash cameras, etc. would have made a difference either.

Your previous post indicate a severe need to say something. Your posts continue to ask posters here "to peel back the onion." As if there exist some profound epiphany that someone in Toronto has discovered but that we in the US can't.

The problem is regardless of white or black , if you play stupid games with the police you're going to win stupid prizes. Obey the laws of the land, don't point guns at cops and enjoy life eh?

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