2/10/10 Nancy Grace Jail house tapes

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Did I just hear NG say (while I was getting "cannot find server") that MC picked up Haleigh from the bus stop?

Yes, a caller asked Nancy couldn't what happened to Haleigh have happened prior to Ron going to work and that he could have dropped off the body on the way to work. Nancy asked her young woman producer who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop and she stuttered and stumbled and finally stated that Misty had been the one who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop.

Now why didn't Nancy say anything further about this? How about Ron's story about loving Haleigh on the way home from the bus stop. This is driving me crazy.
Ron's voice sounds completely different, depending on who he is talking to. If Ann Rule writes a book on this case, she should entitle it The Good Son.
At least if Ron is involved in it, which I strongly believe he is. JMO
ok, so the issue of who picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, neighbors saw Misty pick her up, TN says RC picked her up, and TN says RC had Haleighmin the car on his lap. Nancy Grace says ok, that's it, Rons in the clear. Seriously what is up with NG and RC
Misty has wised up big time on the charges, her situ and, boy is she defiant! Don't mess with Misty .... she'll do you in.
IMO, I think TN made a deal with NG for a jail house talk to Ron excluSive and that is why he is acting (crying about Haleigh)

misty says 'WHEN THEY FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED THEY WILL UNDERSTAND???' did I hear that right???

But she has nothing to know about Haleigh.

Lisa says to Misty "Don't cut your hair!"
what? why care???
My exact thoughts.
I have had enough of Misty.Her bail is not high because of Haliegh.She was trafficking drugs SEVEN, EIGHT times.She said she is not scared.It's time she is.She is cocky and thinks she is getting out of this.She doesn't understand she will not.She is going away for a long time.I'm tired of her.They need to put her in population in jail and forget about her.I mean LEAVE her there.I don't feel sorry for her.she did it to her self.I feel she knows exactly what happened to Haleigh.
Yes, a caller asked Nancy couldn't what happened to Haleigh have happened prior to Ron going to work and that he could have dropped off the body on the way to work. Nancy asked her young woman producer who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop and she stuttered and stumbled and finally stated that Misty had been the one who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop.

Now why didn't Nancy say anything further about this? How about Ron's story about loving Haleigh on the way home from the bus stop. This is driving me crazy.
Thanks ~ I thought I was hearing things!! Exactly, what happened to the follow up on that about Ron saying he'd picked up Haleigh? :waitasec:
NG just called them all drug dealers BUT RON IS the ONLY one that cares!!!
NG forgot to issue a disclaimer.... exempting RC from stoopid criminal mentality.... everyone else was caught selling dope but he is, afterall, only locked up in search of Haleigh....

That phone call is such an act, Ron wanting his mom to think that he is working with LE to bust big, bad Misty. Mom must be so proud tonight !

Ron and TN had 11 months to bust Misty - they got nothing from her, absolutely nothing. Right now IMO all they are doing is trying to salvage Ron's image (ha ha - drug trafficking is a bit hard to overcome) and relaying messages for everyone to stay quiet. TN is sucking Ron for info on what LE is asking about so she can spin her yarns.
why don't she play the tape of him with his gf he never mentions his daughter he talks about how he wants attention from anyone i like letters, i like getting mail
Why would they be afraid by Ron putting a gun in his mouth...said NG...FTLOG what is wrong with this picture...?
Ron is the only one continuously talking about finding Haleigh.
ARGH! My hubby got tired of hearing me yell at the TV and took the remote away. Why couldn't this have been aired on a night when he was offshore??????
LP: "MC knows enough to lead people to Haleigh; she knows who took Haleigh... I'm even more convinced of this." aw geeeez... :angel:

Well, we can rest now because Nancy "knows" that Ron was at work the whole time !

Yea right... that musta been the nite NG and the twins drove him to PDM, stayed there the whole shift, then picked him up... LOL!! :crazy:


NG appears to have conveniently forgotten that Ron's very own lawyer told her that one reason LE had not cleared Ron was because, without their being there (or, apparently, seeing him on video), LE did NOT know for sure where he was all night.
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