2-15-2013 Dr Phil Show

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Dropped back in to give a shout out to FLMom777 for the fantastic Dr. Phil transcription - thank you!

Thank you for two reasons, because you took the trouble to do it in the first place and second because you did it on your phone! That's a huge amount of work and much appreciated.

:tyou: :yourock: - It is Star members like you that keep the Caylee thread alive!! :seeya:
I think this is exactly how it went down, and is why I get so irritated with people who jumped on the 'abuse/drowning' bandwagon. They made the defense fit the evidence. Had they told this story from the very beginning, before all the evidence was disclosed, I may have considered it, but given the timing of it all ... no way.

As far as the discussions about not visiting a GYN until the age of 19 .. on my last visit to the GYN, I asked her when I should bring my 16 yr old in for an exam and she said not anytime soon .. as long as she's not sexually active, she doesn't need to be seen because she receives annual physicals by the family doc. Not seeing a gyn as evidence of sexual abuse is absolutely ridiculous.

Just chiming in on the OBGYN comment in your post and agree! I guess things are different in Canada because here your GP will handle everything including delivering babies.

It is only when you have a problem above and beyond routine femaile health matters like endometriosis or cancer or prolapse that will require surgery or sophicated testing/diagnosis, or if your unborn child has some special issues that need a specialist. Birth control issues, paps, breast exams etc., all done by a GP and referred on if more consultation and treatment is required.
I have more to post but am at work until 4 am. I will do it asap.
I watched Dr. Phil interview Jose Blah Blah Baez and was REALLY hoping Dr. Phil had done his homework but was sadly disappointed.

I was hoping Dr. Phil would ask Baez to explain the "fool proof suffocation" search! Why, why, why didn't Dr. Phil ask that question? :banghead

See pictures of Casey at the beach and hearing George is paying for her apartment makes me sick to my stomach. This family just goes on like life is usual.....seems they forgot all about Caylee. :(
What does show in the timeline that you presented is that George was there, didnt kill the child, but was there, and covered it up for whatever reason, rather than calling 911. Isn't that a stretch? Why wouldn't someone just call 911? I mean, accidental drownings of children, as tragic as they are, aren't uncommon.

Well, in my book I lay out several scenarios of what possibly happened, and again I want to qualify everything I say because I wasn't there. No one was there. There really are two people that know the answer to this, our one. Who knows? What I said in my opening statement was this was a very common accident that happened to an uncommon group of people. I spent many, many hours with that family, and I just felt, in my opinion, that something wasn't right.

People were taking about the fact that she went to rent a movie, that she was in the hit body contest, that she was out doing things, when we now know that the child had deceased and you said that this flowed from her PTSD.

I think this, and I don't know what you call it, but I noticed that Casey had the unique ability to hide her pain like no one I had ever seen. I would go and visit her in jail, where she was on lockdown, because if her status, 23 hours[/QUO

Did he say in his book he laid out several senarios of what possibly happened?????? I thought he knew what happened? There are only 2 people who were there that know the answer to what happened????? I thought ICA told him what happened. Shouldn't he know for sure if she told him and if she did and he's still unsure of it then why make accusations that may be false???? I knew watching this show and seeing him would open old wounds. Are we to believe that all she told him was that they found her dead in the pool and that GA told her he will take care of it and oh and I let him because he abused me since I was 8????? If it's true where is the timeline? What time did this happen? How long was it before GA left the house with the body? If GA drove her car to dump Caylee then what did she do? Did she wait for him to return with her car ( cause we all know Caylee was in that trunk) so that she could go on her way to TL? Like I said in an earlier post if DP would have asked the right questions then he could've really put JB on the spot.
I have more to post but am at work until 4 am. I will do it asap.

Thank you FLmom For These Transcripts. Great Work. Its Very Good For Members Like Myself who dont Get To See Any Of These Because We Dont Live In The US. Once Again A Big Thank You

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My guess is he has very little work due to his behavior in court and he's trying to clean up his image.
At the outset of the trial he knows that EVERY thing Casey has told him up to that point has been lies, yet he decides to use the most damaging lie of all, because he knows that George cannot disprove it. He's trying to backtrack now and make out that he blamed George reluctantly - he just had to since his client told him it was true! We know what the Psychiatrists said about her and it was nothing like his version. Please... if someone interviews this creep again do a bit of research so you can show him for what he is. A liar.
I'm at a loss to know why these shows keep having him on but are clueless as to his lies. The audience knows a lot more than the host!~


This is exactly what I was thinking... It seemed, to me, the main points he was trying to make, and reasons for appearing were (a) to sell more books, (b) to distance himself from fca, and (c) attempt to alleviate himself from any blame, and make excuses for his immoral, unethical defense strategy... And, imo, the only thing he accomplished was to add a few more layers in his, already enormous, heap of lies and bs...

All jmo.
And apparently his 'evidence' that Caylee drowned is that FCA TOLD HIM that little Caylee was all wet when she last saw her before her dad took her to dispose of her.

REALLY? He is taking her word for all that?

She was all wet, I am sure. She left her daughter in a swamp after driving around with her in a hot trunk for days.

This is what she has the nightmares about imo. The ones Tony referred to.

How many times do you think she called him after she was acquitted do you think?
She compartmentalized because she's a full blown psychopath, imo.

My thoughts exactly, only a full blown sociopath can go from killing a child and covering for her crime by day and by night watching movies, having sleep overs with your boyfriend and bumping and grinding the night away at clubs all without missing a beat. That's the time when you see pathological lying and compartmentalization to that degree.
But we'll believe this one because it gives us ammo to go after George. It just seemed like... I understand that you not only have the right, you have the duty to zealously represent your client. I mean, I get that if nobody else does.

If there was some proof, if there was some issue to disprove something like that, our I knew it was false, I had the duty to step forward and not, and not present this type of evidence. I could not find something to disprove it,
and unfortunately, unless she had told me "look, I lied. This is not the situation", I couldn't, I had to defend her, and it's to the contrary, like I said, we started to find things that supported it, and I understand people's hesitation. I had a lot of hesitation before doing this, a lot, but there were people lying in this case everywhere, do what was true and what wasn't true, it was for the jury to decide. So long as I had a good faith basis and ghats what I held to and threats what we came forward with.

Snipped and BBM

JBaez told Dr. P that fca first told him the molestation/accidental drowning theory a year after they met, and following that he had a couple of mental health professionals evaluate her... Which they did, but in their reports she told them something different. So, isn't that a lie? Doesn't that disprove her statements to him, making them false, giving him an ethical duty to not come forward with this type of evidence, as he stated to Dr. P? What about the jailhouse letters? She says her dad might have done something, she wasn't sure. Did she miraculously recall the molestation, in great detail, after writing those letters? And if he was, in fact, looking to prove the molestation claims, as he said he was ethically bound to do since she was such a big ole liar, why not just contact that doctor she secretly went to when she was 18 yrs old? :floorlaugh: That would've solved everything. Unless, of course, you knew it was all a lie... Imo, there wasn't a good faith basis involved here, and I personally think he was one of the main contributors to the theory... There was so much more to support the fact that fca was lying, but that's only if he were actually looking...

All jmo.
Seems to me Jose tried to emphasize PTSD syndrome in FCA and DP pointed out that he had no clue as to what PTSD symptoms are. JB is inept as an attorney and will be forever remembered for being so. You can put the Pinellas 12 and certain members of the Ant's in the same bag. They ignored the facts and chose to make their conclusions on anything but. I hope not one of them has a moments peace every time they look at a child. A child that could have been Caylee living her life.

At the beginning of the case Baez did not want to go with the mental health route yet as trial approached he decides to have her evaluated by 2 mental health experts and wants them to testify until the State gets to depose them as well..and then Baez quickly removes them for the Defense Expert witness list.

The reason the first DP qualified lawyer( Terrence Lennamon ) left the team in 2008 was because of difference of opinions on legal strategy. Lennamon wanted to go with the Mental Health related approach, specifically not guilty by reason of insanity, and Baez/Casey REFUSED

Casey's Death Penalty Attorney Explains Why He Quit


After Dorothy Clay Sims joins the Defense team and also after Cheney Mason convinces DP qualified attorney Ann Finnell to join the Defense Team in September 2010 we see movement in the area of mental health and mental health experts are brought in to visit/talk with Casey
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132730"]Psychologists Dr. Jeffery Danziger; Dr. Alan Berns; Dr. William Weitz; Dr. Harry Kro - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(7) Psychologists Dr. Jeffery Danziger; Dr. Alan Berns; Dr. William Weitz; Dr. Harry Krop; Dr. Stephen Gold; Dr. Deborah Day and Mr. Kyle Goodwin

There have been (7) Psychologists on the case, that we know of from jail visitor logs and Defense Motions filed, from the initial psych exam ordered by Judge Strickland in July 2008 to the current time of the Defense trying to add two psychologists to the GUILT phase witness list.

Why were Dr Berns, Dr. Gold, Dr Day and Mr. Goodwin NOT added to a Defense Witness List after initial contact with the Defense?

A doctor who has testified about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in cases, Dr. Harry Krop, was added to the Defense PENALTY Phase Witness List on December 30, 2010 and visited the Inmate on Feb 15, 2011 for 3 1/2 hours. He has not been moved or added to the GUILT Phase Witness List.

Dr. Danziger was added to the Defense PENALTY Phase Witness List on the same day, Dec 30, 2010.

The Defense added a psychologist who specializes in PTSD, Dr. William Weitz, to the Defense PENALTY Phase Witness List on March 21, 2011, then asked to move him to the GUILT Phase Witness List on March 22, 2011.

It appears that the Defense plans to use some type of PTSD explanation for the Inmate's inappropriate behavior, and started working on this strategy at least by December 2010 (or earlier, in September 2010 when Finnell joined the defense team) and is trying to add psychologists to support that defense theory now.


- July 22, 2008 - Bond Hearing - Judge Strickland ordered a psychological evaluation done by Dr. Danziger and Dr. Berns

- July 24, 2008 - Order appointing experts for competency evaluation

- July 28, 2008 - Dr. Alan S. Berns correspondence to Atty Baez filed
[Berns NOT added to Defense witness list - why??]

- July 31, 2008 - psychiatric/mental health evaluation filed

- July 30, 2010 - Atty Dorothy Clay Simms visited Casey for 1 1/2 hours

- August 26, 2010 - Dr. Stephen Gold visited Casey for 5 1/2 hours
He has NOT been added to the Defense Witness List (why??) - not have to give a Report from him
specializes in psychological trauma, dissociation, hypnosis and sex addiction at Nova University in Fort Lauderdale

- August 27, 2010 - Dr. Stephen Gold visited Casey for 2 hours

- Sept 13, 2010 - Atty Ann Finnell visited Casey for about one hour

- Sept 14, 2010 - Atty Finnell joined the Defense

- November 12, 2010 - Dr. Deborah Day visited hour and a half
Her practice specialties include forensic psychology including divorce/parenting plan evaluations, collaborative law practice, Factitious Disorders (Munchausen By Proxy), child abuse, and criminal matters [she has NOT been added to the Defense Witness List - why??]

- November 17, 2010 - Mr. Kyle Goodwin visited Casey for 8 hours
Kyle Goodwin attended the same school as Dr. Day, Florida Institute of Technology, and co-authored an article with Dr. Day regarding assessment of psychological testings

- November 30, 2010 - Dr. Deborah Day and Mr. Kyle Goodwin visited for an hour [neither added to Defense Witness List - why??]

- December 30, 2010 - Dr. Jeffrey Danziger - added to Defense PENALTY Phase Witness - List - Maitland, FL - EXPERT - Forensic psychiatry -

- December 30, 2010 - Dr. Harry Krop added to Defense Penalty Phase Witness List
former forensic psychology expert for the State of Florida
associate professor in the Dept of Psychiatry at UF
Dr. Harry Krop has been disciplined before, but is currently cleared to practice
Dr. Krop testified for Defense using PTSD self defense in State of Florida v Thomas Mizell case, Dec 12, 2000
Dr. Krop testified in the State of FL vs Connie Israel case to personality
deficits and Defendant was under influence of extreme mental or
emotional disturbance at the time of the murder

- Feb 15, 2011 - Dr. Harry Krop visited Casey for 3 1/2 hours

- March 22, 2011- Jeffery A. Danziger, MD - Defense asks to add to Witness List on March 16, 2011- completed all work - rebut recent rulings related to Defendant's state of mind and consciousness of guilt - no report yet.
Did psychological evaluation when ordered by Judge Strickland at Bond Hearing
July 22, 2008
[on PENALTY Phase Witness List since Dec 30, 2010]
[requested add to GUILT Phase Witness List March 22, 2011 - as state-of-mind witness, [not a mental health defense nor diminished capacity - Finnell just got his Opinion on Saturday - March 19, 2011 - why??? Dr. Danziger has been on Defense team since July 2008]

2011.03.22 Defense Motion Clarifying Motion for Leave For Additional
[to Guilt Phase Witness List - Not Penalty Phase Witness List]

- March 22, 2011- Dr. William A. Weitz - Defense asks to add to Witness List - only recently completed all work - defense anticipating his confirmatory letter. - rebut recent rulings related to Defendant's state of mind and consciousness of guilt - no report.
PTSD Expert - http://thehinkymeter.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=46968#p46968
[added to PENALTY Phase Witness List March 21, 2011]
[requested to move witness to GUILT Phase Witness List March 22, 2011 as state-of-mind witness [not a mental health defense nor diminished capacity]

- March 24, 2011 Motions Hearing
Judge tells Defense to get Danziger and Weitz reports to Court and State

- March 31, 2011 Hearing - Ashton said do depos next week - April 7th - both doctors

- April 1, 2011 Hearing - Judge said depos all day April 7th [of doctors]

- April 6, 2011 Frye Hearing - Wednesday
Ashton said he will file Motions after taking depositions of doctors, to ask to have Casey examined by State expert
Baez said short notice for Finnell to be ready by Hearing on Friday April 8th

- April 7, 2011 - State taking Depositions of Dr. Danziger and Dr. Weitz

- April 8, 2011 Hearing - Judge will hear arguments on why Danziger and Weitz should be added to Defense Guilt Phase Witness List - late, and Ashton will tell the Judge why the State has a right to have Casey examined by a State expert and if
the State believes the "good cause" the Defense offers is acceptable to add witnesses late
Here is the next segment. This is with John Bradley, the cacheback man.

During the trial, the search for chloroform on the Anthony's home computer became a heated topic, especially after a witness for the prosecution by the name of John Bradley, testified the word chloroform had been searched 84 times.

(pre-recorded video of John Bradley)
I was approached with a problem by members of the Orange County Sheriffs Office in relation to data that they had recovered from the Anthony home computer. Our forensic software decodes internet activity, tells you where they were, how many times they were there. I provided a custom software solution and I turned the data over to them to investigate. The day I was asked to take the stand I was surprised. A report was out before me that I had never seen before. I read a report, line by line, like a narrator.

(video of him saying 84 times)

When I angered that question I had no idea what would follow.

(video of jvm string 84 times)

The 84 hits was from myspace.com. There was only one hit for a website that spoke of chloroform.

(video of jb at trial. JB: This man not only testified falsely about what was there, he testified about someone else's report. This is fraud.)

When Mr. Baez stated that I had purjered myself in the closing arguments, I felt mortified. I was shocked. I was inundated with hate mail. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. I right my reputation was destroyed. I never lied and after I came forward with the issue I was waiting for someone to come out and support me, and I'm still waiting.

Back to the studio.

Now you two have never met other than when you were down at trial. You've never discussed what went on in the courtroom, right?

That's correct.

And during the trial, in your closing argument, you accused him of perjury. (JB nods his head yes) And that bothered you a lot.

Yes, absolutely

Did you perjure yourself?

Absolutely not.

When....You made a mistake, right?

The software had a small hiccup and so it revealed different results when the investigators actually liked at the data.

And when you discovered that, what did you do?

The first time I became aware of the discrepancy, I was back in Canada, watching the video where the forage, where Mr. Baez had called one of the OCSO investigators to the stand. It was only during that very moment for the very first time that I ever became aware of the discrepancy.

The issue was that there had been one search for chloroform and this software reported there had been 84.

Yes, that's correct.

So when you found out that there had been a glitch and it had gotten caught in the loop or whatever and said there were 84 instead of one, you called the prosecution and said time-out. This is indirect. Tjer's been one. I'll come back down there on my own expense. I'll set the record straight.

Yes, that's correct.

So you notified them. You did everything you could possibly do to set the record straight and get this right, immediately, instantaneously.

Absolutely correct.

And what did they do?

I don't know.

They didn't ask you to come back?

That's correct.

You didnt have the opportunity to go back on the stand?

That's correct

I admire Mr. Bradley tremendously because not, it's nit easy for someone to come forward and especially when the person is Casey Anthony and to tell the truth and to do what he did and to go to the great lengths that he did to try and correct the record.

We asked you to come here because we felt like you had been really mischaracterized in this and been painted with a very wrong headed brush and wanted to give you a platform and opportunity publicly to tell your side of this.

I appreciate it.

So do you feel you explained this?

Yes I do. Thank you very much.

I need to say that the prosecution totally denies any misconduct here whatsoever. They did provide us a statement. We will put the full statement on our website drphil.com so you can have an opportunity to read their explanation and their complete denial of any misconduct here whatsoever. We'll come back for some final comments and we'll be right back.
I had a lot of hesitation before doing this, a lot, but there were people lying in this case everywhere, do what was true and what wasn't true, it was for the jury to decide. So long as I had a good faith basis and thats what I held to and threats what we came forward with.

snipped and BBM

I think this speaks for itself...
But let me tell you, let me put it to you this way. You're different than I am. I'm different than you are. Every single person is different. I I I I kinda, I'm, one of the problems I've always had with a lot of mental health professionals is you try and cookie cut every single person into behaving a specific way. Granted, they are generalalities and there are things that a lit of people, categories that a lot of people fall into, but what do you do with that one person who's different?

A broken leg's a broken leg. You say you're different and I'm different, but you get an xray a broken leg's a broken leg. It's not like, hey, we're all different.

So let's get to the key issue here. Is there a murder or isn't there, and I can tell you, based on the fact s, and this isn't just me saying it , I didn't go off and pay a jury off with a suitcase of money. They sat there and listened to every single piece of evidence, saw

To me this reads the key issue is the 'suitcase of money.'
The phraseology does it for me. Of course, JMHO.
Thanks j for the truth finally! LOL :seeya:

PS - I uploaded the entire show, but alas youtube threatened me with copyright strikes and jose is not worth losing youtube for important uploads on other cases. Don't know where else I can upload it and not run into that issue, so thanks to FLmom777 we have the transcript! Bravo!
One thing that stood out regarding jb's statement to John Bradley was that there was no apology there. He admits that he accused Bradley of perjury but never says he is sorry for that.
The segment with John Bradley just comes across as a dig at the prosecution. Jb is smirking though the entire segment.
What does show in the timeline that you presented is that George was there, didnt kill the child, but was there, and covered it up for whatever reason, rather than calling 911. Isn't that a stretch? Why wouldn't someone just call 911? I mean, accidental drownings of children, as tragic as they are, aren't uncommon.

Well, in my book I lay out several scenarios of what possibly happened, and again I want to qualify everything I say because I wasn't there. No one was there. There really are two people that know the answer to this, our one. Who knows? What I said in my opening statement was this was a very common accident that happened to an uncommon group of people. I spent many, many hours with that family, and I just felt, in my opinion, that something wasn't right.

People were taking about the fact that she went to rent a movie, that she was in the hit body contest, that she was out doing things, when we now know that the child had deceased and you said that this flowed from her PTSD.

I think this, and I don't know what you call it, but I noticed that Casey had the unique ability to hide her pain like no one I had ever seen. I would go and visit her in jail, where she was on lockdown, because if her status, 23 hours

FLMom777 said:
Did he say in his book he laid out several senarios of what possibly happened?????? I thought he knew what happened? There are only 2 people who were there that know the answer to what happened????? I thought ICA told him what happened. Shouldn't he know for sure if she told him and if she did and he's still unsure of it then why make accusations that may be false???? I knew watching this show and seeing him would open old wounds. Are we to believe that all she told him was that they found her dead in the pool and that GA told her he will take care of it and oh and I let him because he abused me since I was 8????? If it's true where is the timeline? What time did this happen? How long was it before GA left the house with the body? If GA drove her car to dump Caylee then what did she do? Did she wait for him to return with her car ( cause we all know Caylee was in that trunk) so that she could go on her way to TL? Like I said in an earlier post if DP would have asked the right questions then he could've really put JB on the spot.

Exactly questions FLMom!! And


for posting all that transcript for us - I was at work, but I doubt I would have even watched if I could have...

re bold - Wonder if Tricia might have Jose on her show?? :waitasec: Now there would be VERY good questions for him!! :dance: but I seriously doubt he would EVER come on Websleuths Radio !! :notgood: We'd tear him apart!! :floorlaugh:

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