2008.06.16 James T. says he saw Caylee alive around Noon #1

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I haven't read this entire thread, 'pgizing if this has been discussed.

This sighting is important, imo. And I think we will be seeing (no pun intended) more of these to come? :eye:

Think about all of the places KC might have shopped while Caylee was missing, and before.....
I'm sure LE has checked :detective: all purchases via receipts and cc and bank statements. LE had to have gone to these places and tried pulling video, questioned the employees that possibly could have been in contact with KC. And maybe even questioned folks who were in the stores and purchased items at the time KC did. There has to be more sightings like this one to come. Does LE do this type of thing? Contact people who would have been in the same place same time type of thing, by pulling customers information? Then said customer remembers:waitasec:, "yes! I WAS standing in the check out lane looking at the 100 different types of gum and this chick was in front of me in her hot shorts:behind: and I thought to myself, how I would like to get with that" OR " yeah, I bought lemonaide and the girl in front of me had the same type and I commented to her about how good this particular brand is and blah blah blah..".-you get what I'm saying? And I've heard how she likes to blab:cursing: when given the chance-who knows?

I'm sure there are peeps out there that have "skellies" :iamashamed0005: in their closet and might have been afraid to come forward. Look at what has happens to any and everyone who has been mentioned in this case. OR maybe a someone has a light bulb moment:idea:.....it happens.

I have been going to the same G-store and Target for years now. I know some of the cashiers 'cause I'm there all the time picking up diapers or milk.... (they know my yougest is autistic and will give her a balloon- her favorite color without me asking)

CA went grocery shopping at the same Publix near her home or work - I don't exactly remember which one she mentioned (long time ago) but I'm thinking she might of had Caylee with her at times? Maybe she exchanged words with the cashier from time to time. Idle chit-chat. What could have been said? "I don't know why I keep buying these, they are just gonna go to waste, 'cause she hasn't been home to eat them......"

I dunno just a thought.:twocents:

couldn't. agree. more. :clap:

I especially like your point about Casey shopping pre Caylee and Casey shopping post-Caylee. Casey is a creature of habit - and there were days and days and days where she would have had Caylee in tow at all her favorite shopping haunts. Then all of a sudden~ no Caylee. I wonder what said during some of that idle cashier chit chat...
When he says "Interior Wal Mart doors", perhaps he means she was coming out of one of the other businesses inside the Wal Mart? For instance, the Wal Mart near my house has a hair dresser, H&R Block, arcade, pretzel place, photographer, Subway, etc.

I agree, the way he worded things was strange, but I think he is just a juvenile-minded male who thought "Hey, maybe I could have a chance with her" and then decided against trying to make that effort in the Wal Mart that day. I think this is the reason he mentioned not wanting to get involved with another bad mom. I don't believe this affects his credibility at all.
IIRC, we heard something similar from Jesse ('bout bein' into photography as a hobby) when he stated that he noticed mucho photos of Caylee deleted from Casey's online account(s) the night/morning of 7/15-7/16. Just depends on your definition of "into" it in this case, IMHO. I think it is safe to say Casey prolly liked to take alot of pics...so...in some peeps view that means she's "into" photography IYKWIM.

Rambled a little about this earlier. Methinks the attempt-to-purchase-monitor-@-Techbay episode actually included the Caylee-opening-door scene and happened on 6/16 (vs. Walmart on 6/16). Given that context...I think there's tremendous value to be sleuthed in why 10-minutes-@-a-time Casey needed/wanted a monitor for a laptop precisely @ THAT time.

Methinks it was for Caylee to watch her own movie that evening @ Tony's (or elsewhere) so Casey could give her undivided attention to Tony. Then...w/ the purchase of the monitor not working out...was thinking it might've been an attempt to leave Caylee in the car w/ the laptop/DVD playing...in the backseat or trunk...:shocked2: but, then again, the laptop Encase report would show activity if she used her/Cindy's laptop.

I don't think Casey wanted the monitor at all. I think she was in the area, bored and saw a shop that looked like a Mom and Pop type joint that sells high ticket items. I think Casey went into the shop to in effect "case it". I think she was feeling JT out over whether he would take a check because she was considering buying something with a bad check and then returning the item and pocketing the cash.

Yes this may have been before the passing of bad checks at the Target... but Casey has been accused of using check from SP as well as using money/credit cards of Cindy's as well. Who knows how long that has been going on...

So I think Casey's questions about if the monitor would work with her laptop were in an attempt to find a reason why she could buy a monitor one day and return it the next - "sorry it didn't work with my computer..."

I think JT remembers her because of her "hotness" but ALSO because Casey was working him over. I'm sure she was turning on the Casey "charm" to see if she could get him to accept a check. Mom and Pop joints might be the perfect place for this kind of con because unlike "big box stores", they might be more willing to be flexible and therefore more likely to take her check. Also, Casey could possibly be more assured of having the store to herself so less people would see her there and act as witnesses to her bad check writing.

Casey was ALWAYS working some angle or another. I can easily see her "prepping" situations like this all the time, getting a feel for what might work, what she might be able to get away with, and who she might be able to exploit. I think she saw the computer store as a possible source of easy cash...
I'm wondering if some one in the Orlando area could do me a favor? Could you drive to this Walmart and check out the front doors? I looked this walmart up and it is a supercenter. I live in podunk Oklahoma and our supercenter even has automatic doors. I can't think of the last time I walked into ANY walmart that didn't have automatic doors. It's going to truly blow me away if a supercenter in Orlando still has manual doors.

I've got my salt and my hat ready if you come back and tell me they have manual doors.
I'm wondering if some one in the Orlando area could do me a favor? Could you drive to this Walmart and check out the front doors? I looked this walmart up and it is a supercenter. I live in podunk Oklahoma and our supercenter even has automatic doors. I can't think of the last time I walked into ANY walmart that didn't have automatic doors. It's going to truly blow me away if a supercenter in Orlando still has manual doors.

I've got my salt and my hat ready if you come back and tell me they have manual doors.

This is the walmart I shop at. I posted that I was there yesterday and paid particular attention to the entry way/doors. There are all automatic doors up front with a regular manual door to the left side (facing the store) on the grocery side and another manual door on the department store side. both have short narrow hallways (less than 10 feet) that have vending machine, toy machine etc.) I would take pictures but I would feel funny about it and I don't know that you are allowed to take photos without permission.
This is the walmart I shop at. I posted that I was there yesterday and paid particular attention to the entry way/doors. There are all automatic doors up front with a regular manual door to the left side (facing the store) on the grocery side and another manual door on the department store side. both have short narrow hallways (less than 10 feet) that have vending machine, toy machine etc.) I would take pictures but I would feel funny about it and I don't know that you are allowed to take photos without permission.

Thank you so much and I'm sorry I missed your previous post. I think this guy is a freak and I don't buy anything he's stating. I also do not attribute veracity to his statement simply because his name is on the SA's witness list. That is a POTENTIAL witness list and they are not required to call anybody on it. They are simply covering their bases by including potential witness names on it. I don't think we'll ever see this dude on the stand.
About the automatic/manual doors ....... I would think it would be a fire code safety issue that stores have to have a manual exit in the event of fire or for some reason for electric failure. I remember one winter when our local Wally's World had a store wide electric failure. The emergency lights went on, but the cash registers didn't work. Talk about some upset folks standing in line. This store does have a manual door, single compared to the double automatic door. And the Targee' next to it also have automatic/manual (single) doors. Both have these types of doors for the entrance and exit.
I was @ my local Walmart Super Center yesterday and the door on one side going out was not working and the greeter said they had been having trouble with it all week so yes I did manually open it so maybe that was the case that day with Casey and Caylee
Yeah, and maybe this guy speculates on whether he should get in a relationship with every single woman that crosses his path. This entire statement is freaky and gives me the willies.
She wouldn't have to open it by herself. They have automatic doors.:banghead:

Just wanted to say our Walmart has both automatic and manual stationary doors. The automatic doors are in the center of the entrance, while the manually open doors are on the sides...this is where all the games & gumball machines are. Then there's another set of doors right when you walk into the actual store. There are 2 on both sides. The left is the entrance & right is the exit. Each side has an automatic door for handicap access and a manual door for anybody else. All of the handicap doors have a button that can be pressed in case a person doesn't weigh enough for the automatic door to open...this button will make the door open.
Witnesses don't go to witness school; they are simply observers of action. I don't see anything "kooky" about this witness, other than he was a typical (probably younger) guy who noticed KC's very obvious sexuality. He was certainly very sensitive to noticing Caylee and making her feel comfortable.

I feel sorry for all of the Good Samaritans that have come forward and been raked over the coals using inflated criteria for credibility when the people in this case who have all the motive in the world for mendacity have bombarded us with their lies.

Worth repeating...
My "hinky" meter went off when I read that "allegedly" Caylee was about 10 feet behind Casey and Caylee had to push the door open herself. The automatic doors stay open for quite a while.

If this person spotted Caylee having to open the door herself, why the heck didn't he help Caylee with the door? What are the chances that it was only Casey and Caylee exiting out of Wal-Mart at that time.

He also wonders "why" the child was not in school or daycare. Caylee was 2 1/2 years old at that time, why would he think of "school or daycare". School gets out the first week of June in Florida. This sighting was the week after school closed for the summer.

Pretty interesting...
Yeah, and maybe this guy speculates on whether he should get in a relationship with every single woman that crosses his path. This entire statement is freaky and gives me the willies.

Well, the fact that he thought about it also makes me think he had been given an extra large dose of KC's overtly sexual charm attempts. In addition to trawling malls to get a shopper high, I think she did the same thing with guys. Member that poor kid she spent all day with before she picked up Tony at the airport? She had him thinking they could be an item. I think she LOVED to manipulate men into thinking there might be something "special" there, and never missed an opportunity to practice. Of course, it didn't work as well when she had Caylee with her - some people might actually pay more attention to a child.

I like this guy cuz he is full of warts and not all that slick. We've taken a couple of badly phrased sentences, probably made in summation after several verbal interviews, and turned this guy into a perv. Frankly I'm more worried about the slick witness types in PowerPoint presentation mode. Let's face it, I doubt any of us would be all that impressed with men who found her wildly attractive or interesting - they don't strike me as all that street smart if they couldn't see what a hot mess she was. And most women are not clouded by testosterone. I'm just hoping his story has been vetted enough that they might be able to use him - even if he is an idiot horndog - to narrow the window of time on the 16th.
You guys are brutal. Men & women are wired differently. Rewatch Billy Crystal explaining this to Meg Ryan in "Harry met Sally". He explains it pretty succinctly.

I like cecybeans description of, "full of warts" for JT, and keying off of, "some badly phrased sentences" to draw character conclusions. IMHO, JT's not filtering out anything in his statement. I call it candor...and appreciate it for what it is.

Also hafta remark about bein', "more worried about the slick witness typics in Powerpoint presentation mode." And to tie the two points together - IRL I'd pretty squarely fall in the PowerPoint crowd...and I'm just filtering out my observations 'bout a woman being attractive in my day-to-day interactions. I can't stay employed if I say what I'm thinking on the subject - either to or about the opposite sex...it would be immediately career limiting & would be immediatley job ending in most cases. So...I learned to adapt, evolve...shut up and keep my thoughts to myself...lest I suffer the same treatment leveled against JT here in our example on WS. Call it civility...decency...sure. But don't kid yourself to think that just 'cause a man's not making these comments out loud that they're not mixed into his thoughts.

JT just didn't have his filters turned on when he wrote his statement. And, IMHO, considering the import of the situation, I'd rather get his raw thoughts & observations on the events. It helps me undertand his account better. And it seems to me he stopped far short of being crude. :twocents:
I agree 100% Bond, men are wired differently and I also appreciate the honesty of the witness.
A male friend of mine puts it this way "Men are Pigs".

No comment from me.
Some of us asked dave to go over to that Wal-Mart to take some photos.

Marinade Dave // September 30, 2009 at 9:35 am

I’m going to take a ride over to Walmart today with my camera.

Tulessa // September 30, 2009 at 4:33 pm

Dave, let us know if that wal mart has manual doors. TYIA!

Marinade Dave // September 30, 2009 at 4:47 pm

Yes and no, Tulessa. The main doors do not open in or out. They slide parallel to the building. In other words, sideways, and they are activated by sensors. There are 2 main entries, one in front of the grocery store section and the other in front of the department store section. The 2 areas are not separated once inside. There are 2 doors along the side (or large foyer) areas, one for each entrance. Those doors open in an outward direction. The video footage will show this.

First, I went to the computer store, but the owner was not there. I spoke to one employee and he preferred that I not shoot any video footage inside without the owner’s approval. I honored that request and decided not to shoot the storefront, either, until I had an opportunity to talk to him. After I do, I will edit the pieces together and post it as one video.

Hope this helps.
I agree 100% Bond, men are wired differently and I also appreciate the honesty of the witness.

ITA Read back to the accounts of other males who encountered KC and you have pretty much the same impression that JT had! Lots of
and plenty of
JT, being a typical male, had a typical
reaction!! KC was probably pizzed JT noticed Caylee - cause homegirl was probably working it!!! Once again Caylee had stolen her spotlight! KC morphs into "spiteful b****" and well we know the rest of the story!!
I do not agree that it's candor. I believe it is "too much information". Much like KC and Cindy when they get on a lying spurt. The man is recalling two brief encounters (one he didn't even interact with her for pete's sake) and he's recalling that he's considering he didn't need to get involved with a heartless woman? what she was wearing? interpretations of reactions? an analysis of Caylee's expression? Right.

Not to mention the fact that it hasn't been a tightly held secret that the 16th of June is the suspected death date and it took him a year to figure out that seeing Caylee and KC at noon on that date MIGHT be important? It's convenient that this year of him not realizing that seeing a child on the last day of her life might be important to a nationally covered murder trial garanteed that no surveillance video could back his story.

Give me a break.
Originally Posted by Patty G View Post
My "hinky" meter went off when I read that "allegedly" Caylee was about 10 feet behind Casey and Caylee had to push the door open herself. The automatic doors stay open for quite a while.

If this person spotted Caylee having to open the door herself, why the heck didn't he help Caylee with the door? What are the chances that it was only Casey and Caylee exiting out of Wal-Mart at that time.

He also wonders "why" the child was not in school or daycare. Caylee was 2 1/2 years old at that time, why would he think of "school or daycare". School gets out the first week of June in Florida. This sighting was the week after school closed for the summer.

Exactly! and the hinkiness just goes on and on with every line. This isn't one or two statements taken out of contest. The whole thing smells like last week's fish!

Of course the reason he didn't help a little girl get a door open is because he was being reflective of his life and how not getting involved with a heartless b**** wouldn't fit well at the moment.

It's laughable.
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