2008.07.25 Discuss Lee's Jail Visit

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oh my god. 10 seconds into the video LA asks her how she is.

And the blatant obnoxious giggle and laugh just made me sick! (the she catches herself and says oh man I dont' wanna start crying).

She is a monster. The first words out of her mouth should have been "any word on caylee, instead she giggles. This is one messed up family. I don't think I can bring myself to watch this video.
I haven't even finished all of the others that came out earlier today...I can only handle so much of KC's world..........AHHHHHHHH!!!! She makes me sick to my stomach with her giggles when I would be frantic, shaking etc. if I was innocent in jail.
Part 1: Lee wants Casey to know that all visitations are monitored and their conversations can be seen by LE or others. He says the best and most private way to communicate is thru letter writing. He emphasizes that Casey should utilize the mail system within the jail to avoid having communications monitored. Lee tells Casey that if she gives her letter to Baez or someone else, that letter could be read.
Lee will write her a letter soon and wants Casey to reply with any info she is uncomfortable sharing while they are monitored during visitation.

He gives Casey a lesson on the meaning of atty-client privilege. He says Baez is not obligated to relay information or reach out to family or anyone else if Baez thinks communication with Casey might not be in Casey's best interest.

Casey, of course, already knows and understands this because she already knows and understands everything.

Lee says Beaz is running a business-- his first focus is himself. Then Casey. Then Caylee. Casey cuts him off to ask for a volume adjustment so she doesn't have to "strain her head."

Lee says his priorities=
1. Caylee
2. Casey
3. Cindy
4. George
5. Himself
He doesn't "give a about" anyone or thing else -- he asks Casey if he should reorder his priorities/focus and she says no-- she has the same priorities too.
Casey, of course, already knows and understands this because she already knows and understands everything.

Great summary, you saved me the pain of listening. But something tells me Lee didn't state any of the above as eloquently as you did.
Lee seems distrustful of Jose. Claims although LE has left messages for JB twice he has not returned their calls. Seems to believe JB is only concerned for his own business, personal interests.

KC no longer wants to talk to LE because "the misconstrued things" "put words in [her] mouth", but she is willing to write a letter. Snippity snappity evil Casey comes out when talking about LE not buying her lies.

Ha! throws Annie (don't even get me started" geez, what did Annie do?) under the bus as not being trustworthy. Poor Annie, and she even made t-shirts for Caylee. I can not wait to read her interview.

ToneE (probably)
RM (most likely)
Patrick (though she barely remembers him he was the first "friend" to visit her counts for something in KC's book)

Not Trustworthy:
Will (not known long enough)

Lee only seems interested in the males..hmmm
Great summary, you saved me the pain of listening. But something tells me Lee didn't state any of the above as eloquently as you did.

LOL thanks! I only summarized like the first 1/2 of Part I because the sound quality was rough. But I imagine the rest is quite similar.
I HATE her know-it-all attitude. Every year I ask for a punching bag for xmas and I never get one. This year I think I'll just have to buy one for myself. She kills me!
oh wow...I didn't realize there was two different Lee videos. Guess I'd better get to listening.
I think Lee is a fool. He is definetely his fathers son. He watched "Law & Order" one time and now he's Perry Mason. He is being chumped out by KC who is totally disinterested in anything he says. I think his heart is in the right place...that being...Caylee. He is refusing to go along with the official party line so now he has been booted to the curb. How pathetic is it to get kicked out of the A family?

Tomorrow ME (Momma Enabler) will get jacked up on the juice and start spinning the story. Can't wait to hear this!
Anyone having problems with the second video? Won't load for me.
OH wow a different set of Lee videos!! Good God I thought I was done!!!

Well here's my notes on the Lee videos from WFTV--I couldn't figure out why other peoples notes didn't even come close to mine so I clicked on the link and found out real quick!

Lee July 28-Part 1


Confirm that they sent messages back and forth thru Jose

Then goes into "code talk"

Starts talking about 3 people that KC had spoken to and texted on the day Caylee went missing prior to reaching out to mom and about thepotential for them being involved--says she had "numerous communications" with them--one she had 2 calls and 2 texts the other she spoke with much more frequently--KC says they both need attention

I got the feeling that we were supposed to think that the people were supposed to be Jeff and Juliet but I'm not buying that

Lee asks about phone calls she made the next day around midnight the 17th and about a few calls she made to a food place and KC said it was Tonys roommate that she let him use her phone

Lee goes on about her search he said "out and about" he asked her when was it and KC said "during the day,none of it would have been at night whatsoever"

Lee asks about the other cellphone KC said noone bought it for her,doesn't know when she bought it but she was sure it was sometime in the last three months an that the "kidnapper" had no preference for a phone that they called her on

Then they go back to the third person mentioned above--Lee said she had a long conversation with them after lunchtime and prior/about two hours before reaching out to mom and refers to this person as a she from there he then goes on to say "I already know your feelings about this person,it's noted" So could this be Jesse??

Asks about the "Full Sail Crew" when they met Caylee and KC says "last week of May,first week of June" then Lee asks about the last time they seen Caylee and says "Prior to her uhm...prior to the day she went missing" and KC says "the first week of June probably after moms birthday"

Lee then asks if he was to look for the nannys place "would it be advantageous for me to look in places familiar to another friend you may have?"
KC="That's be pretty much on the money"
Lee="Down to the same complex of any of your friends?"
KC="Within the same area I do have a friend that lives in this complex or neighborhood"
Lee="Would that include any of the people I referenced earlier?"

They then go on to talking about Zannys area codes 407/321/954 and KC says she got calls from "down south,possibly Miami,possibly Jacksonville---thruout Florida,scattered calls up the East Coast"
Lee then asks about area code 623,"where he was for a month" and KC says "No that's MH"

They talk about whether the kidnapper has resources outside of Orlando(yes),outside of Florida(yes) then Lee asks if they have resources "up as far north as places I've recently been to or up in that region?"
Lee="specifically for people that I've worked for and been involved with last year,you know,in a particular area for football and stuff. Should I focus on that state as well?"
KC="Possibly yes" then laughs

Lee="Everything has changed from a month ago,that even if we've been used to or acting a certain way or following a certain thing that those rules may have changed and what I'm looking for is some form of direction with you knowing are we still working off the same time,the same instances,the same people or the same areas---If any of that should be changed let me know because there's only so much you can do from there---I want to be able to pick up where you left off"

Lee July 28-Part 2


Talking about the charities and fundraisers
Audio cuts out for a bit
When it comes back on KC says she'd like to thank the charities for helping and to keep Caylee and the family in their prayers and if anyone has any information to come forward "without haste" and to tell the person/s who have her "I love her,I want her home" blah blah blah
I've got sound but the video is frozen.

That was my experience with the first video. I like to think my computer is intervening on my behalf to spare me from more of this bung.
That was my experience with the first video. I like to think my computer is intervening on my behalf to spare me from more of this bung.

Lol, definately could be a blessing in disguise.
GA and CA were on Lee's list of people to ask KC who could and who could not be trusted. Hhmmmm....Nice family.
Interesting: When LA asks for any person he should be looking into that KC does not trust, she does not say the obvious: Non-existent Zanny and her family. You would think she would at least say, "Well you know Zenaida is one, of course!" No mention.
They are up on FOX & Part 1 Of the video dosen't freeze!

VIDEO: Lee Anthony visits his sister Casey Anthony at the Orange County Jail at 9am on July 25, 2008

This is interview below has it's own thread: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75980

VIDEO: PART 2 Lee Anthony visits his sister Casey Anthony at the Orange County Jail at 9am on July 28, 2008
LA asks KC about her tatoo, and she says "It's Caylee related"... and he asks if it's a clue and she says "No".

So there we have it! Why would you get a tatoo meaning beautiful life AFTER your child has been (cough, cough) kidnapped??? Sick, sick, sick!
He doesn't "give a about" anyone or thing else -- he asks Casey if he should reorder his priorities/focus and she says no-- she has the same priorities too.

Ouch. Hope his lady friend didn't watch these.
Ugh, I cracked the code and am listening to II. Casey maintains that her password for home computer is correct, though Lee has tried it and it does not work. Casey implies someone else changed it. Covering her bases for her nefarious internet searches perhaps?

"There was really another phone, I don't know where its at" four numbers "specifically" if she could recover that phone (Jeff, ?, ?, ?) would be important wakka, wakka... I call bee ess.

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