2008.08.01 Cindy Anthony's Interview Audio #1

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So Cindy says that she's never called Casey in the middle of the night to bring Caylee home. So where was Caylee when Ricardo woke up on May 31st/1st and Casey said she took her home and came back at her mom's request?

ETA: where the freak do you take a baby in the middle of the night and leave them?

Perhaps Casey just SAID it was at her mom's request, and it was, in fact, that she did not want to have to attend to her in the morning? Possible, considering Casey tells lies...
Does anyone else think it is odd, being Casey's age, that her Mom seems to call all the shots, etc when it came to Caylee? I wonder if Casey ever tried to move out of the house and her mom wouldn't let her. Part of me has to wonder if maybe Casey felt like she didn't want Caylee to have to go through the same thing she did. As in, putting her down in front of friends, boyfriends etc. What kind of mother does that to their own child, rather true or not? Very selfish overbearing mother, that Cindy is.

Welcome to WS crowdersl
Ugh, C implicating JG. Alleging he has motive and the power to intimidate Casey.
Does anyone else think it is odd, being Casey's age, that her Mom seems to call all the shots, etc when it came to Caylee? I wonder if Casey ever tried to move out of the house and her mom wouldn't let her. Part of me has to wonder if maybe Casey felt like she didn't want Caylee to have to go through the same thing she did. As in, putting her down in front of friends, boyfriends etc. What kind of mother does that to their own child, rather true or not? Very selfish overbearing mother, that Cindy is.

I don't think its odd myself. My older sister lived with her son and daughter ages 5 & 4 when she was younger and My mom called the shots for the most part..Basically it was one of those situations where, as long as my mom paid their way, it was going to be her way..Luckily, nothing crazy like this happened..Mom didn't put my sister down in front of her friends at all, mainly because if my sister didn't take time to find a job to better herself, no friends were allowed over at all...
*CA said she didn't know what Casey and Caylee did during the day while she was at work...then said right afterwards that she called Casey every day after work on the drive home to discuss what Caylee did all day. 15:13-15:43

*Caylee's lifevest was in deckbox on the screenporch. It is still there. 25:46


Would this be the same deckbox from the Greta video that was supposedly kept beside the pool they decided to dig up the plant and move to the side of the house because they were worried that Caylee would get into the pool?!
Interesting how she uses past tense so much.

Caylee WAS our life
Never got to take Caylee to the beach
I rocked her at night

I have a grandson and he lives 4 hours away so I don't get to see him much. I talk about him all the time... "I haven't been able to take him to the beach yet this summer" or "He is my life" or "He likes me to rock him at night" or "I rock him at night when he is here" NEVER "I rocked him at night when he was here"

She even says she'd call Casey on her way home and they WOULD talk about what Caylee did that day... not "we talk about what Caylee did today"

......... still listening
Does anyone else think it is odd, being Casey's age, that her Mom seems to call all the shots, etc when it came to Caylee? I wonder if Casey ever tried to move out of the house and her mom wouldn't let her. Part of me has to wonder if maybe Casey felt like she didn't want Caylee to have to go through the same thing she did. As in, putting her down in front of friends, boyfriends etc. What kind of mother does that to their own child, rather true or not? Very selfish overbearing mother, that Cindy is.

Extremely odd. I posted about it a while back, but I seemed to be the only one who thought it was odd.

The only thing I can think of is that Cindy feels because she supports Casey, she can control her. Being as Cindy is so controlling, it may be that the reason she supports her (I'm talking about financially) is so that she can control her, or try to, since Casey seemed to comply with Cindy's control to a certain extent prior to June 15. For example, when she left the one boyfriend's house and went home because Cindy wouldn't "allow" Casey to stay over at the boyfriend's house.

Such a dysfunctional relationship between Cindy and Casey. Really interesting, though. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.
Caylee LIKED to swim in the pool every day

NOT Caylee LIKES to swim in the pool every day
Does anyone else think it is odd, being Casey's age, that her Mom seems to call all the shots, etc when it came to Caylee? I wonder if Casey ever tried to move out of the house and her mom wouldn't let her. Part of me has to wonder if maybe Casey felt like she didn't want Caylee to have to go through the same thing she did. As in, putting her down in front of friends, boyfriends etc. What kind of mother does that to their own child, rather true or not? Very selfish overbearing mother, that Cindy is.

That explains the remark to LA.
We don't want to get rid of you! :) Just look at the thread names before posting. There's three Cindy interview threads now!
ETA: I totally understand your excitement!

oooh thank you:blush:

I searched the date before I did the thread....not the Cindy name...cuz I will not live long enough to read that many hits . I saw it when this thread got bumped.
That's all folks:blowkiss:

Just wanted to add some of the stuff I am hearing and reading in this new release of info today is chilling to the bone!!! It is just mind-blowing type revelation!!!
Hello everyone!
When someone has a chance, could you just throw a few of the details of Cindy's interview out here to read? Sorry, I don't have speakers on my computer:mad:

Or if anyone knows if there is a transcript available? TIA

HI Chelle..
Most of this first part is going over the calender trying to piece together when Caylee was at home with Cindy and George.
Cindy does claim that during the day when she worked, she didn't know what Casey and Caylee were doing.
She talked about how Caylee sleeps with Casey since they made her crib into the toddler bed, and that Caylee would wake up and get in bed with Casey, so they allowed her to sleep with Casey instead.
Much rambling going on about her mother and father's health and such..
Towards the end, she talks of how she doesn't trust Jesse, how she has seen his anger, and during a video conference with Casey from jail, Casey tells her not to trust him. She also refers to Jesse's old girlfriend as a Nanny..
Other than her saying she never called Casey to bring Caylee home in the middle of the night, the only thing she really said that stood out to me was that Casey would crash at the Nanny's house if she worked late, so she could just get up early to go to work..
You can certainly tell that Cindy is strict..
Since Caylee lived with them... not an occassional visitor what is up with past tense almost throughout?

She HAD a one-piece swimsuit... [my own grandson HAS things at my house, not HAD because his things are still here... he is coming back to play with/use them]

Talking about Caylee's swim things... "It HAD blah blah blah..." "She WORE it blah blah blah" rather than It HAS blah blah blah and She WEARS it blah blah blah
i think we are going to find out she was putting the baby somewhere, maybe not the trunk but maybe a storage unit somewhere and drugging her. That is my gut feeling.. especially after hearing Cindy say Caylee was never brought home int he middle of the night.. You KNOW she would have remembered oh ya Caylee wasnt there when we went to bed and was there when we woke up.. She WAS putting that child somewhere!!!!!
The lack of emotion is what I really notice here. To be discussing all the recent memories: the specific times spent with Caylee, her habits, toys, and nightime rituals with no wavering, no obvious sign of sadness, or no tears to me is very strange. How do you not have an emotional response to recalling those things when you know the child is missing?!
OMG....where to start?

JG is definitely under the bus. That story of JG and KC watching TV in KC's room.....broke the rules! No boys in your bed, KC! OMG....she slept with how many guys? She has a baby...no daddy.

GA was living in Ft. Meyers while separated from CA....2006
So Cindy says that she's never called Casey in the middle of the night to bring Caylee home. So where was Caylee when Ricardo woke up on May 31st/1st and Casey said she took her home and came back at her mom's request?

ETA: where the freak do you take a baby in the middle of the night and leave them?

This is making me sick to my stomach, I think she was putting that child somewhere, maybe the trunk and drugged her up.. or a storage unit somewhere :( I think I am going to puke! i think the detectives are setting us up for this and they will be telling us soon what she was doing with the child! Be prepared, I think this is going to end very badly and make everyone totally upset that is so emotionally involved :(
I found it odd that Cindy said in "May and June Casey and Caylee started crashing at Zanny's place more often. Two or three times a week. Anytime Caylee didn't sleep at our house, its because Casey and her were staying at Zanny's house." This is what my theory has been all along. That Zanny or the Nanny was a cover for her to be staying over at boy's houses without Cindy getting mad.

Also what stood out to me that hasn't been pointed out is that someone Cindy thinks is named Chris brought over a bag of Casey's stuff (after Casey was arrested) and in it was all of Caylee things. :(

I wanted to know if anyone of you have been able to download this interview and maybe put it up on youtube. My downloader won't let me download these videos from news websites.
Interesting that JG talks in his interview about the time he was at the Ant house, he was laying on the couch with KC and CA laid into KC when JG attempted to defend KC and CA made the comment about how KC wasn't going anywhere .... but in this first snippet of the interview with the LEOS, CA throws JG under the bus claiming that she didn't trust him, thought he was a bad guy, had a temper, etc., etc.

Just find that interesting ....
Well now we know where JG got the information that CA had been pointing fingers at him. Probably he was told this by LE. I know a lot of people questioned that after he was on Geraldo the other night. Saying that they had never heard that the Anthonys had accused Jesse of anything.
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