2008.08.01 Cindy Anthony's Interview Audio #1

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azwriter; I agree with what your saying, but Casey is an adult and I just don't feel that she is a victim. The only victim is Caylee.
Yes, Casey lies. Big time lies. But, we know why. Cindy is very angry, not just because her granddaughter is missing. She is angry with Casey and that anger goes all the way back to when Casey was just a little girl.
Casey has said what she fears worse is her mother's reaction to the fact Caylee is missing. Obviously, Cindy has been very negative with her daughter, Casey. Cindy probably has spent all of Casey's entire life telling her she's no good, is lazy is a liar. I see Cindy as verbally abusing Casey and I think it's been going on for a great deal of the time Casey has been alive.
And then, Casey has a baby and then Cindy is even more furious with her daughter. She continues to tell Casey she's an unfit mother. That she isn't responsible enough to have a child. She even refused to allow Casey to give little Caylee up for adoption, even though it would have been a good solution for both Casey and CAylee.
I think Cindy has used Caylee as a punishment for her daughter being pregnant before being married. She makes her keep her and she doesn't let a moment go by without telling Casey how awful she is.
So, Casey lies. She makes up very detailed lies to protect herself from her mother. The way Cindy has raised Casey, she has forced her daughter to defend herself with lies.
Casey is no angel. But with all the bashing she has received from her mother has completely taken away any self-esteem or self-respect Casey could ever have for herself.
When I was in fourth grade, the nun Sister Evelyn acussed me of copying from another student's math test. The other kid was a boy. Sister Evelyn kept questioning me and telling me I was lying when I said I didn't cheat. And, I didn't. That went on for over 20 minutes in front of the entire class. Finally to make her stop the torture I was feeling I finally said "yes. I cheated." And gave a sigh of relief cause she stopped questioning me and calling me names. Of course after the silence came the punch in the middle of my back and the sign she pinned on the front of my dress that read "I am a cheat." When the pin feel off the sign and on to the floor, she made me crawl on the floor and look for the pin, all the time kicking me in the butt as I crawled along the floor.
Episodes like that while I attended Catholic School had me believing I was a really bad kid.
Cindy's controlling nature and anger toward Casey is what I believe made Casey become the irresponsible, lying, person she is.
I know few will agree with me, but I see Casey very much the victim in this whole deal. The vicitm of her mother's anger and own self-worth.

I agree with all of this.
I noticed in a video with the protesters that she was also not wearing a wedding ring. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I saw in last week or 2 some where that Cindy has lost 29 lbs. And some recent pics you can see the ring on her index finger. IIRC
Another thing in the interview - early on Cindy said she had talked to Casey's bosses around the time that Kodak changed over - that's probably why Casey was let go later - whose mom calls your boss up? It seems like Cindy just can't stop messing with Casey's life and Casey has made up this fantasy to try to protect herself.
Why would he and his wife be dragged into it? They haven't named him, he's never been in Caylee's life. CA doesn't know this person is the father... she's guessing. If he has never been around since 9 months before Caylee was born, then he won't be brought into it at all.

Umm, don't see how he won't. They'll say he found out and then he took her or something else. Then they'll have to get DNA from him....
Another thing in the interview - early on Cindy said she had talked to Casey's bosses around the time that Kodak changed over - that's probably why Casey was let go later - whose mom calls your boss up? It seems like Cindy just can't stop messing with Casey's life and Casey has made up this fantasy to try to protect herself.

Anthony's boss warns her about partying

In a deposition, Anthony's former boss at Kodak, Mike Kozak, said he once talked to her about her partying habits.

Kozak, who had a photo-imaging contract at Universal Orlando, told detectives that on one occasion he had told her that she can't manage people during the day and then go out partying at night.

Anthony worked there for a 5-to-6 month period in 2004-05, but left after giving birth to Caylee. She was in the manager-trainee program and Kozak said she got along with the crew, but she was young.

"We actually thought kind of highly of her,'' he said.
I noticed in a video with the protesters that she was also not wearing a wedding ring. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I never wear my wedding rings at home - I put them on if I'm going out to dinner, etc. I don't thing Cindy not having hers on means anything.
azwriter; I agree with what your saying, but Casey is an adult and I just don't feel that she is a victim. The only victim is Caylee.

Yeah. But Casey is an adult in age only. She has no measure of maturity. I think her emotional and mental growth has been stunned by her overbearing mother.
You are correct, Caylee is the ultimate victim but she's not the only victim.
I had heard on NG that she was out on "disability". I was under the impression it was more of a FMLA thing, but even that runs out after 12 weeks. I wonder if she's using her vacation time, or she's just on a plain old LOA?
Some companies have policies where other employees can donate some of their vacation time to an employee who has a crisis. Maybe they are doing that - but if I worked there, I'd be totally po'd that she was using MY vacation time to spin more and more lies like she is.

BTW, detectives do NOT keep victims up-to-date on status of the crimes against them. They don't because they do not want to taint the victim's testimony if the victim needs to testify.
IIRC she said the father was deceased but I don't recall her saying a name.
I think the name Jesse was mentioned because everyone went off looking for a Jesse who had died in a car wreck and that is how Jesus Ortiz's name came up.
I didn't know being gullible and in denial was a disability....:waitasec:

Seriously, I wonder if she is on disability, what it's for?
Didn't Casey claim she hurt her neck landscaping? Or did I dream that?
I had heard on NG that she was out on "disability". I was under the impression it was more of a FMLA thing, but even that runs out after 12 weeks. I wonder if she's using her vacation time, or she's just on a plain old LOA?

Thank you, I thought I was lossing it !.
Another thing in the interview - early on Cindy said she had talked to Casey's bosses around the time that Kodak changed over - that's probably why Casey was let go later - whose mom calls your boss up? It seems like Cindy just can't stop messing with Casey's life and Casey has made up this fantasy to try to protect herself.

You're kidding??!! I missed this.

Seems to me that Cindy created a facade of her family. She wanted it all to LOOK good from the outside. All fake... like one of those chocolate Easter bunnies that are hollow on the inside. Casey went from man to man... sometimes even overlapping men. For what? Attention? Affection? Acceptance? Who are these people? Really, deep down who are they? It's no wonder they are standing alone without friends, family, neighbors. How could anyone get to know these people with all the stories and excuses? Thank God these people are not related to me in any way. Can you just imagine having to deal with people like this? I bet even the dog poops special crap...
Yes, Casey lies. Big time lies. But, we know why. Cindy is very angry, not just because her granddaughter is missing. She is angry with Casey and that anger goes all the way back to when Casey was just a little girl.
Casey has said what she fears worse is her mother's reaction to the fact Caylee is missing. Obviously, Cindy has been very negative with her daughter, Casey. Cindy probably has spent all of Casey's entire life telling her she's no good, is lazy is a liar. I see Cindy as verbally abusing Casey and I think it's been going on for a great deal of the time Casey has been alive.
And then, Casey has a baby and then Cindy is even more furious with her daughter. She continues to tell Casey she's an unfit mother. That she isn't responsible enough to have a child. She even refused to allow Casey to give little Caylee up for adoption, even though it would have been a good solution for both Casey and CAylee.
I think Cindy has used Caylee as a punishment for her daughter being pregnant before being married. She makes her keep her and she doesn't let a moment go by without telling Casey how awful she is.
So, Casey lies. She makes up very detailed lies to protect herself from her mother. The way Cindy has raised Casey, she has forced her daughter to defend herself with lies.
Casey is no angel. But with all the bashing she has received from her mother has completely taken away any self-esteem or self-respect Casey could ever have for herself.
When I was in fourth grade, the nun Sister Evelyn acussed me of copying from another student's math test. The other kid was a boy. Sister Evelyn kept questioning me and telling me I was lying when I said I didn't cheat. And, I didn't. That went on for over 20 minutes in front of the entire class. Finally to make her stop the torture I was feeling I finally said "yes. I cheated." And gave a sigh of relief cause she stopped questioning me and calling me names. Of course after the silence came the punch in the middle of my back and the sign she pinned on the front of my dress that read "I am a cheat." When the pin feel off the sign and on to the floor, she made me crawl on the floor and look for the pin, all the time kicking me in the butt as I crawled along the floor.
Episodes like that while I attended Catholic School had me believing I was a really bad kid.
Cindy's controlling nature and anger toward Casey is what I believe made Casey become the irresponsible, lying, person she is.
I know few will agree with me, but I see Casey very much the victim in this whole deal. The vicitm of her mother's anger and own self-worth.

I think it is deeper than this. I think there are serious secrets this family is hiding. They are all lying to protect those secrets. Casey may have something on her parents and that is what is keeping them lying for her. jmo
Another very interesting thing to come out in this interview is that CA tells the detectives that KC told her that Caylee's father is a guy named Eric, but she doesn't remember his last name. I don't believe for one moment that Cindy could possibly forget the name of the father of her grandchild....especially if she had seen the obituary. That is just not something you would forget. KC's story about the father and his wife wanting to all get together so Caylee and her step-sibling could grow up knowing each other....the widow of Eric staying in touch with KC after his death. Is any of this true or just more of KC's lies? Have we heard the name Eric before from any of her friends? How on earth could CA believe anything that KC has ever told her at this point? If there is a widow out there with a baby that is Caylee's half-sibling, didn't CA think the detectives would want that information? This whole family lives in an alternate reality.
The name Jesse came from Cindy too, I believe. Lee said on TV he Knows who the father is, and there's the rumor of a one-night stand and the father named Brad or Brandon and from TN. My money is that Casey slept with every one of them and has no clue who the father is. moo
I didn't see any sign of a grandmother who had just lost her grandchild. I would be a basketcase when telling them about the things we do together: the nightime rituals, the playtime, rocking, cuddling and everything. I just don't see it in Cindy's interview at all. Where are her tears? Where is the raw emotion? Where is the anger towards the situation of Caylee missing and at Casey? I saw nothing of the sort.

It made me think far less of CA instead of bringing me closer into a sympathy mode for her. She has made that virtually impossible. Does this family ever cry and ache for Caylee?!
Cindy did not mention that she "heard" Casey and Caylee on the morning of the 16th.
I didn't see any sign of a grandmother who had just lost her grandchild. I would be a basketcase when telling them about the things we do together: the nightime rituals, the playtime, rocking, cuddling and everything. I just don't see it in Cindy's interview at all. Where are her tears? Where is the raw emotion? Where is the anger towards the situation of Caylee missing and at Casey? I saw nothing of the sort.

It made me think far less of CA instead of bringing me closer into a sympathy mode for her. She has made that virtually impossible. Does this family ever cry and ache for Caylee?!

I'm right there with you SS, Cindy was/is not the grieving Gm she is trying to save her defective daughter.
Gosh after listening to this, I feel like I'm down the rabbit hole at the mad-hatter's tea party. This stuff is definitely through the looking glass, completely out of Kansas, over the rainbow. I'm not even sure we're in Oz anymore, Toto! Wonder if they put these vids out so little KC could watch them while she's surfing the Net!

O/T , I guess, but just HAD to say it......that was FUNNY!.....not much about this case makes me chuckle but that did!
thanks for a laugh in the midst of the "perfect Cindy storm".........:)
Cindy did not mention that she "heard" Casey and Caylee on the morning of the 16th.

I noticed that too. She mentioned them being home because their door was shut....then she mentioned GA being there during all the morning activities - breakfast, etc.
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