2008.08.01 Cindy Anthony's Interview Audio #2

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I don't know if you guys have talked about this already... I'm waaay behind... but I loved this quote,
"Women don't leave their purses in cars and other places." What do you make of it given her daughter left her purse in her car at Amscot?

THAT was the icing on the CAKE. I can't believe Cindy said it.

Honestly, after watching the complete two hours of this interview, it seems to me that Casey found it easy to lie in that household. Cindy, as Caylee's grandma and caretaker, NEVER met Zani? NEVER knew Casey really didn't work at Universal? NEVER knew the real dad's last name? Never looked at the half-brother's name on the obituary? Believed Casey when she stretched her "Hard Rock convention trip" for five extra nights? Believed the accident, and that Casey would spend the night at the hospital without Caylee?


Did Caylee ever really have a chance?
I don't believe in her heart she believed any of that, yes, she wanted to believe it and acted as if she did but some parents will "project" themselves so to speak on their children, ie, if my child is a bad person, therefore, I must be a bad person too. I think Cindy did not want to acknowledge her daug issues as she felt it reflected on her as a parent.. Lots of parents tend to do that, especially these days , seen it with my own friends over and over. Some even when knowing the truth about their own child prefer to pretend, ie fantasy so to speak as to what they wish their child was.

RR0004, I also have a family member with mental health issues, so I know what you mean.

That's what I got from CA's interview too. I got the feeling that she wanted Casey to pay for whatever she had done, and knew she had done something wrong, but she could not believe Casey would murder her own daughter.

ETA: I wonder what CA and GA feel about their daughter now. What we see of them in the media means nothing, IMO.
I too think that Cindy appeared to be heavily medicated. But I do believe that from the start of the interview she tried to keep the upperhand and to control how it went. She tried to familiarize herself with the two officers by being friendly. She tried to MAKE them believe what Casey had fed to them. She wanted them to just believe the lies. She knows they were lies, but kept on trying to impress them upon the officers in many ways. It made me angry to listen to her. Poor little Caylee missing and all she could do was run damage control for KC!!
I don't know if you guys have talked about this already... I'm waaay behind... but I loved this quote,
"Women don't leave their purses in cars and other places." What do you make of it given her daughter left her purse in her car at Amscot?

I'm obviously SOOOO behind, but I just got to that part 32:51 in second interview and I actually snorted it took me soooo off guard! The first part was kind of ho-hum, but my head is spinning at all this nonsense. EE just kind of looked at her like - Are you kidding me, did you just say that? He even says, "Well sometimes." And Cindy shakes her head no.
Cindy left a lot out, after listening to George and Cindy's Mom, Cindy's interview just shows that she is not on board with LE. She should be ashamed of her self for not being more forthcoming. She should have stopped thinking about Casey and kept her attention on the fact that her Grand daughter is missing and probably deceased.
Shadow.....your post brought tears to my eyes......I have a heavy heart for these people as we all , and just about the whole world.....sit and watch their whole world fall down all around them......leaving them exposed and helpless....may God help them and I sincerely mean that.......
thank you for what you wrote......
and will add that I am glad that there are LE like D. Yuri and others on his team
im wondering how anyone knows that cindy really believed that she wasnt pregnant?.. imho cindy knew she just denied it to everyone . just because she said she believed her doesnt mean she did . i think cindy knows exactly what casey is all about . and blames herself for it . that is why she is helping her now .. at the expense of caylee :(and i beleive in cindy is incredibly torn about that .. she equally loves her daughter and caylee ..

Well if the story that they hadn't noticed she was pregnant until her 7th month is true - then it kind of explains how her head could be in the sand now...Either way, I think she's living in her own bizarre reality - just like her daughter.

Okay this is totally frustrating, I'm trying to watch this video and it's buffering like every 5 seconds!!! Is there any way I can watch on my windows media player????:mad:
I'm obviously SOOOO behind, but I just got to that part 32:51 in second interview and I actually snorted it took me soooo off guard! The first part was kind of ho-hum, but my head is spinning at all this nonsense. EE just kind of looked at her like - Are you kidding me, did you just say that? He even says, "Well sometimes." And Cindy shakes her head no.

Yep, I love that "Well sometimes." I think that most cops hear lots of crazy tales and lies in those interview rooms. I understand they are conditioned to play it straight when they have to. But, HOW IN THE WORLD can they keep it cool. I would just want to force her to listen. They are so calm and calculated. Truly brilliant at their jobs. But, some people just make too much Kool Aid and partake a little too readily to see the light, I guess.
I really felt for Cindy when she was pleading with YM to the effect of, "I lost my granddaughter!" She was slipping honesty there. She was telling him how hard this had been grieving. I feel her pain. She raised that child. She may be mentally ill and imposing it on her family, but she still loved Caylee so much. My heart breaks for her, really, because she knows in her heart that she is grieving a loss (death, not misplace), but she can't come to terms with the details. Too much for her. I know plenty of people like that. I once thought it was a quality of the Southern woman, but now I think it can take shape all over the country.
Cindy left a lot out, after listening to George and Cindy's Mom, Cindy's interview just shows that she is not on board with LE. She should be ashamed of her self for not being more forthcoming. She should have stopped thinking about Casey and kept her attention on the fact that her Grand daughter is missing and probably deceased.

I don't know if you saw my post in the last thread about how she was sprawled all over the place, crowding into his personal space, almost seductive?, when she was talking to EE and trying to wind herself into a ball like an armadillo when Yuri was talking to her.

She was so obviously trying to take control in the first instance and balking like mad at anyone else taking control in the second.

Was anyone struck by the interchange between her and Yuri about the receipts vs credit card statement? First she was whining like a little kid that the police weren't coming to visit every day. When Yuri told her he was talking to Lee or George every day, that was ignored and she complained again.

Yuri told her they needed the credit card statements, not the receipts, because some of the receipts might be missing, she just went right back to the receipts. What the heck is on that statement that she refuses to give it to the investigators? I'm sure they'll be able to get it anyway via warrant.

I almost felt sorry for her when she was sounding so pitiful when Yuri refused to play the Cindy in control game, except I think that was really just a ploy to manipulate them.

In other words, I think this isn't simply denial to face the fact that Caylee is gone and her daughter is responsible. There are just too many instances there of her lying, trying to steer the investigation off onto who knows what wild goose chase even in the face of being told how much crucial time is being wasted with that, balking at providing needed information.

Yuri was amazing. He just kept confronting her, firmly but kindly, with reality and refusing to let her roll into a ball to escape it.

BTW, I thought it was also pretty ironic that, in telling them about JG's "anger and rage issues" she talked about GA being furious. No anger issues there. :crazy:
Yeh Cindy said I looked at the bill and there's nothing there, Lee said she took the 200 dollars when no one was looking, Cindy said the female officer saw her take it ,and George said that Cindy told him it was probably Amy's money. Well I wonder if Cindy gave it back to Amy.
Snipped for space!
This is an incredibly intelligent analysis. Fantastic!
I agree. Shadow did a very intelligent analysis. However, I can't agree with everything she/he said. I won't pick it apart, but it is interesting to me how we can watch the same video interview and come up with such a different take on things.
And I liked it when Yuri confronted about her telling the media that the car was in the drive way for 2 days before LE wanted it, and Yuri said now Cindy you know that we were back the next day, it was less than 24hrs. and she shut right up. There are so many things they could get her on with her inconsistencies when it comes to the truth.
Cindy left a lot out, after listening to George and Cindy's Mom, Cindy's interview just shows that she is not on board with LE. She should be ashamed of her self for not being more forthcoming. She should have stopped thinking about Casey and kept her attention on the fact that her Grand daughter is missing and probably deceased.

Well she did use the fact that her Granddaughter was missing to state she was a grieving Grandmother when she didn't agree with what LE was saying.
I don't know if you saw my post in the last thread about how she was sprawled all over the place, crowding into his personal space, almost seductive?, when she was talking to EE and trying to wind herself into a ball like an armadillo when Yuri was talking to her.

She was so obviously trying to take control in the first instance and balking like mad at anyone else taking control in the second.

Was anyone struck by the interchange between her and Yuri about the receipts vs credit card statement? First she was whining like a little kid that the police weren't coming to visit every day. When Yuri told her he was talking to Lee or George every day, that was ignored and she complained again.

Yuri told her they needed the credit card statements, not the receipts, because some of the receipts might be missing, she just went right back to the receipts. What the heck is on that statement that she refuses to give it to the investigators? I'm sure they'll be able to get it anyway via warrant.

I almost felt sorry for her when she was sounding so pitiful when Yuri refused to play the Cindy in control game, except I think that was really just a ploy to manipulate them.

In other words, I think this isn't simply denial to face the fact that Caylee is gone and her daughter is responsible. There are just too many instances there of her lying, trying to steer the investigation off onto who knows what wild goose chase even in the face of being told how much crucial time is being wasted with that, balking at providing needed information.

Yuri was amazing. He just kept confronting her, firmly but kindly, with reality and refusing to let her roll into a ball to escape it.

BTW, I thought it was also pretty ironic that, in telling them about JG's "anger and rage issues" she talked about GA being furious. No anger issues there. :crazy:

When you bring up the whining here, I keep getting flash backs of times when my mother would be getting arrested and thinking she would get out of it by pretending she was hearing voices while being interogated. She would change the atmosphere in the entire police station by her actions to suite what she wanted to happen. Of course she never got away with the stuff but she got the attention she was craving.
Well she did use the fact that her Granddaughter was missing to state she was a grieving Grandmother when she didn't agree with what LE was saying.

yep. classic.

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