2008.08.06 Cindy on NG

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FYI only.

Updated the title of this thread to reflect the original 2008 air date of the NG show. Hope that will help to make it easier to recognize that this is an older thread that was bumped for new discussion vs. a 'new' appearance on NG.


Respectfully Quoted BondJamesBond :cool2:

Thank you! I didn't mean to freak anybody out by this bump, I have never seen or read this interview before. However, I have heard Cindy say most of these things before...just not this particular interview. I will say Cindy has been very quiet since taking on her new attys.

Casey`s a mom that puts an extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car because she`s afraid if she tries to grab too many things and she leaves her purse she doesn`t want to lock the car and not have a key that she can get in there and get her purse back out or to take care of her daughter.

(Why? Would she be afraid she might lock Caylee in the car?) I am still stuck on this information Cindy spewed out. I think it is telling that Cindy used this example of how Casey is such a good mom. Cindy says Casey puts an extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car. So, Casey only does this when she takes Caylee in the car. Cindy says Casey is afraid if she tries to grab too many things and she leaves her purse-(she doesn't want to lock the car/lock her purse with keys in the car)and not have another key so she can get in there to get her purse back out.

Okay. So at some point Casey the mother of the year, let Cindy know that she keeps an extra key to her car so that if she were lock her purse with her keys in it in the car: she can get in there to get the purse/keys out. Makes sense. I have locked my keys in my car a few times since I have had a license. It happens, I'm not proud of it but it happens. It could have happened once and Casey wanted it to never happen again, "hints" the key in the pocket and the explanation to Cindy.

But then, Cindy says "or to take care of her daughter." Cindy begins this example by saying that Casey takes a extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car. She doesn't say Casey always carries an extra key in case she ever locks her keys in the car. Cindy is giving this as an example of what kind of mom Casey is(presumably we are supposed to think "good.")Cindy doesn't say "good mom" she just says "Casey's a mom who..." A mom who is worried about not just locking her keys in the car, or she would always have an extra key...but worried about taking it when she has Caylee in the car so if(when?)Casey locks her purse and keys in the car(clubbing?)she can "get in there to take care of her daughter." :eek:

Does anyone else find this weird, or am I grasping because this is the first case I have ever followed, I try to sleuth other cases(but honestly, I am NO good at it...there is something about this case that allows me to have an opinion on it that the others do not)and I never knew it could take this long for a trial. Scratch that...I knew it could...I just didn't know this one would.


Respectfully Quoted BondJamesBond :cool2:

Thank you! I didn't mean to freak anybody out by this bump, I have never seen or read this interview before. However, I have heard Cindy say most of these things before...just not this particular interview. I will say Cindy has been very quiet since taking on her new attys.

Casey`s a mom that puts an extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car because she`s afraid if she tries to grab too many things and she leaves her purse she doesn`t want to lock the car and not have a key that she can get in there and get her purse back out or to take care of her daughter.

Does anyone else find this weird, or am I grasping because this is the first case I have ever followed, I try to sleuth other cases(but honestly, I am NO good at it...there is something about this case that allows me to have an opinion on it that the others do not)and I never knew it could take this long for a trial. Scratch that...I knew it could...I just didn't know this one would.



Chiquita, I for one love your posts and look forward to them. The above is respectfully snipped by me and underlined:

Just one tiny observation--CA mentions that KC might need an extra key FIRST to get her purse out and SECOND to take care of her daughter.

Cindy went directly from saying that "Casey did not leave her car" to talking about always taking an extra key in case she locked her purse inside. She must have been saying that Casey did not leave the car at the money place or leave Caylee locked inside? Casey seems to be narcissistic and really had Cindy fooled about being capable of violence in the two years after Caylee's birth. Casey had Jesse, his family, and her friends fooled as well. I don't think it was all about getting rid of being a mom, but going into a narcissistic rage and trying to get out of being held accountable for all the thefts and being supported without having to work. A missing child would have gotten her out of many things and created much sympathy.
I haven't been here in a while, but I always check back in around doc-dump times!

Anyway, my theory of this case has always been that Caylee died when Casey left her in a hot car in the Florida summer heat. We all know how quickly a child can die that way. I think that Casey probably went to visit a friend, intending it to be a quick visit, and left Caylee in the car. In the meantime, Caylee dies and looks asleep when Casey returned to the car.

I believe Casey didn't discover she was dead until she got home, and then the cover-up ensued. She was too afraid to tell anyone, especially her mother, because she knew she would get blamed for the death. I think she wrapped Caylee up, and threw her in the trunk and rode around like that for a few days until she could figure out when/where to dump the body. We all know Casey isn't that much of a planner, and kind of flies by the seat of her pants. I just can't see her trying to plan out this death, or taking all the premeditation actions that people are saying she did. We also know she is in extreme denial about what she can easily get away with, and really thought people would believe her kidnapping story.

Cindy's interview show's me that this is what was in her mind too. I agree that Casey had already left/locked the child in the car at least once.

Usually, the simplest explanation is the most likely one. I think all the computer searches threw people off about what the real cause of death was.
Chiquita, I for one love your posts and look forward to them. The above is respectfully snipped by me and underlined:

Just one tiny observation--CA mentions that KC might need an extra key FIRST to get her purse out and SECOND to take care of her daughter.


Wasn't it CA that stated in some interview that women never leave their purses behind? I remember her arguing with the interviewer. I'd have to search to find it but IIRC she did. I remember it because finding the car reaking of death with the baby seat and purse in it and not calling 911 contradicted what she was saying about women never leaving their purses.
Yep, she sure did Karn. CA really has a thing about leaving purses in cars. It means something. Not sure what. YET. :)
I haven't been here in a while, but I always check back in around doc-dump times!

Anyway, my theory of this case has always been that Caylee died when Casey left her in a hot car in the Florida summer heat. We all know how quickly a child can die that way. I think that Casey probably went to visit a friend, intending it to be a quick visit, and left Caylee in the car. In the meantime, Caylee dies and looks asleep when Casey returned to the car.

I believe Casey didn't discover she was dead until she got home, and then the cover-up ensued. She was too afraid to tell anyone, especially her mother, because she knew she would get blamed for the death. I think she wrapped Caylee up, and threw her in the trunk and rode around like that for a few days until she could figure out when/where to dump the body. We all know Casey isn't that much of a planner, and kind of flies by the seat of her pants. I just can't see her trying to plan out this death, or taking all the premeditation actions that people are saying she did. We also know she is in extreme denial about what she can easily get away with, and really thought people would believe her kidnapping story.

Cindy's interview show's me that this is what was in her mind too. I agree that Casey had already left/locked the child in the car at least once.

Usually, the simplest explanation is the most likely one. I think all the computer searches threw people off about what the real cause of death was.

Interesting theory and might explain why the ladder was in the pool. To cool Caylee off with hopes to resuscitate her?
I was falling asleep but heard her call in. Here's part of the transcript from CNN:

GRACE: Joining me right now is a very special guest, joining us by phone is Cindy Anthony. Thank you for being with us.

ANTHONY: Hey, Nancy. I`m only here because of Holly.

GRACE: I understand. Tell us -- I can see when you are speaking on camera how much it hurt you not to go to that visitation today. Why didn`t.

ANTHONY: Absolutely. Absolutely.

GRACE: Why didn`t you go to the jail?

ANTHONY: I didn`t go to the jail because I`m protecting Caylee`s well-being. And that is.

GRACE: Can you explain to us how -- not go -- how -- and I understand you think you`re going to be overheard and it`s going to be released to the media. Understood and agree.

ANTHONY: I`m not -- I don`t think I`m going to be overheard, Nance. It`s a fact that they tape everything.

GRACE: It will be.

ANTHONY: Exactly.

GRACE: It will be.

ANTHONY: And they.

GRACE: But why is it that what she may say about the search for Caylee would hurt Caylee?

ANTHONY: Well, again, the people that have her -- the whole reason Casey is behind bars is because she`s protecting Caylee`s safety. And I cannot say that enough.

Unfortunately, you know, I can`t say things that`s going to jeopardize what we`re doing looking for this child. And I refuse to do so. And I`m not going to waste my time worrying about justifying pictures that you`re showing on your show every night that are two and three years old.

I do want to address.

GRACE: Well, what about the ones that are five days after Caylee went missing? The one I just showed.

ANTHONY: Well, one of the local reporters, Nancy -- one of the local reporters verified with a Fusion employee that that was taken on June 13th, which was prior to Caylee`s disappearance.

GRACE: Well, before you go any further.

ANTHONY: The reason I called.

GRACE: . the photographer that took those photos has given us the date of five days after Caylee went missing, which was the 15th. I know that you guys saw her on the morning of the 16th. And the others are taken by a fellow partier, who also states it`s five days later.

So that`s two sources supporting the date of the photos. But forget the photos. I want to.

ANTHONY: OK. Forget the photos. The reason I`m calling is.

GRACE: The search for Caylee.

ANTHONY: All right. Here`s the thing. Your expert witness, who has some, you know -- some experience in this doesn`t have the exact experience that I have. And I -- you know, I understand that he has a perspective that a lot of people don`t have. But to compare Casey to O.J. Simpson, that she had no way out.

Casey had a way out if she wanted to not be a mom anymore. Casey lived in a loving family and so did Caylee. Casey knew that any time she had any opportunity -- and obviously if you guys have photographs of her over the last few years going out and enjoying her life -- you know, enjoying life as a 22-year-old and a 20-year-old and a 21-year-old, and a 19-year-old normally would, she had that opportunity.

So someone needs to step back for a minute and think what changed? What would make sense? Well, what we`ve been saying all along that someone took her daughter. Casey has not an irresponsible mother. She did not leave her car. She`s not embarrassed. I mean to say that it`s an embarrassment that she`s trying to sit in jail to cover up, you know, to think about a cover-up for an embarrassment?

Casey`s a mom that puts an extra key in her pocket every time she takes her daughter in the car because she`s afraid if she tries to grab too many things and she leaves her purse she doesn`t want to lock the car and not have a key that she can get in there and get her purse back out or to take care of her daughter.

You know, she thinks, again, every little thing she thinks about and everything we think about is child proofing, making sure that that little girl is safe. So that`s why I can say 100 percent Caylee -- Casey may have told lies and she`s continuing to maintain -- since she`s been, you know, with the authorities she`s maintained and has not changed her story that someone that she entrusted this child to has taken her and has betrayed her trust.



GRACE: Police desperately searching for 2-year-old Caylee Anthony. With me now her grandmother Cindy Anthony.

Miss Anthony, thank you for calling in. You seem hopeful Caylee will be home by her birthday on Saturday. Why?

ANTHONY: Well, I hope that`s the case. I mean every day I feel like we`re getting closer to locating where she`s at. Casey`s maintained all along she doesn`t know where Caylee is at. Casey`s maintained all along that she doesn`t trust the authorities and, you know, as much as I want to say I can`t blame her for certain things that.

GRACE: Well, can I ask you.

ANTHONY: . you know I`ve seen and heard over the last three weeks.

GRACE: Can I ask you -- I know you will not reveal who your daughter says took -- has Caylee but do you know.

ANTHONY: I can`t, Nancy.

GRACE: Do you know who it is? Has she told you?

ANTHONY: Again, we`re pretty confident that we`re on the right track.

GRACE: So I`m going to take that as a yes. How are you going about finding her if you`re not having police help you?

ANTHONY: Police is -- police are helping. You know, we`ve spoken with a lot of different authorities over the last several weeks. More so in the last week than we have, you know, since the onset.


ANTHONY: . because we were putting everything in Orange County`s hands, and we`ve been working closely with them over the last -- we`re probably very close.

GRACE: What do you make of the cadaver dogs hitting on the car?

ANTHONY: One cadaver dog, Nancy. Let`s get that straight.

GRACE: OK. Cadaver dog. What do make of the dog hitting on the car?

ANTHONY: One cadaver dog. And same cadaver dog that was the one that was inconsistent in my backyard, the same.


ANTHONY: Explain to me why they had to go an extra day and bring an extra dog in.

GRACE: With us, everyone, is.

ANTHONY: . because that cadaver dog didn`t hit the same spot more than once.

GRACE: . Caylee`s grandmother, Cindy Anthony.

Maybe, that "one cadaver dog" was inconsistent in the backyard because, Casey put poor, lifeless little Caylee, in the pool, then over there, and last, for the time being anyway, right about here. Let me try and understand what Cindy might be trying to say. The dog(dogs) didn't hit on the same spot more than once. Time and time again, IMO, Cindy is missing the point. The dog(s) shouldn't be hitting ANYWHERE in the backyard, ever, OR in that death mobile that her daughter used for a babysitter. PERIOD!!!
Since Cindy believes Caylee is still alive..... Who's ashes are in Cindy's jewelry?
I haven't been here in a while, but I always check back in around doc-dump times!

Anyway, my theory of this case has always been that Caylee died when Casey left her in a hot car in the Florida summer heat. We all know how quickly a child can die that way. I think that Casey probably went to visit a friend, intending it to be a quick visit, and left Caylee in the car. In the meantime, Caylee dies and looks asleep when Casey returned to the car.

I believe Casey didn't discover she was dead until she got home, and then the cover-up ensued. She was too afraid to tell anyone, especially her mother, because she knew she would get blamed for the death. I think she wrapped Caylee up, and threw her in the trunk and rode around like that for a few days until she could figure out when/where to dump the body. We all know Casey isn't that much of a planner, and kind of flies by the seat of her pants. I just can't see her trying to plan out this death, or taking all the premeditation actions that people are saying she did. We also know she is in extreme denial about what she can easily get away with, and really thought people would believe her kidnapping story.

Cindy's interview show's me that this is what was in her mind too. I agree that Casey had already left/locked the child in the car at least once.

Usually, the simplest explanation is the most likely one. I think all the computer searches threw people off about what the real cause of death was.

Sorry to bump this old thread again but I'm just catching up on older posts.

IMO (and maybe it's giving her too much credit) even Casey would know that leaving a child in a closed car in the FL heat would result in death within minutes. I do, however, think it's possible Casey left Caylee in the car with the A/C on but then got distracted by her phone or something shiny and the car ran out of gas. I also think she did it more than once and agree with what you propose ensued after she realized Caylee was dead.

IMO Cindy knew Casey was capable of leaving Caylee unattended, probably even caught her once or twice, thus the remark about MOTY and her spare key.
I'm not convinced Caylee died in her car seat. I believe once a body dies, almost immediately it releases, the bowels, and bladder. I think her car seat would have been in much worse condition had she perished in it.

JMO of course
Because KC's statement about the Nanny was sooooooo ill prepared I would think if this were an accidential death KC would not have placed duct tape on Caylee's mouth. There would be no reason to run back to the house to get the duct tape. I think KC in a fit of rage grabbed to duct tape on her way out of the garage and maybe with a screaming, crying Caylee in tow. I think KC taped Caylee's mouth to keep her quiet and possibly for good. I believe this had to do with the argument on July 15th. This is why CA denies it ever happened and all reports are to the contrary. jmo
Because KC's statement about the Nanny was sooooooo ill prepared I would think if this were an accidential death KC would not have placed duct tape on Caylee's mouth. There would be no reason to run back to the house to get the duct tape. I think KC in a fit of rage grabbed to duct tape on her way out of the garage and maybe with a screaming, crying Caylee in tow. I think KC taped Caylee's mouth to keep her quiet and possibly for good. I believe this had to do with the argument on July 15th. This is why CA denies it ever happened and all reports are to the contrary. jmo
I totally agree!!
Because KC's statement about the Nanny was sooooooo ill prepared I would think if this were an accidential death KC would not have placed duct tape on Caylee's mouth. There would be no reason to run back to the house to get the duct tape. I think KC in a fit of rage grabbed to duct tape on her way out of the garage and maybe with a screaming, crying Caylee in tow. I think KC taped Caylee's mouth to keep her quiet and possibly for good. I believe this had to do with the argument on July 15th. This is why CA denies it ever happened and all reports are to the contrary. jmo

I have oft times wondered if perhaps CA was asking Caylee questions on the way home from SP's house. Caylee would have been able to tell CA about being at parties, etc. I think ICA blamed Caylee for telling on her and shut her up for good. (That makes me ill to type)
I think so too. Think about it if there was a fight between CA and KC wouldn't you expect that Caylee would be really upset and maybe want to stay with CA and not KC. You've just had a big fight with Mom and your child is screaming she wants her CeCe. So you are not only mad at Mom but now you have someone to take your rage out on who can't fight back. I think the fight is the reason Caylee died. KC may have been stockpiling her firewood for months but the fight was the ignitor that set it all off. jmo
I think so too. Think about it if there was a fight between CA and KC wouldn't you expect that Caylee would be really upset and maybe want to stay with CA and not KC. You've just had a big fight with Mom and your child is screaming she wants her CeCe. So you are not only mad at Mom but now you have someone to take your rage out on who can't fight back. I think the fight is the reason Caylee died. KC may have been stockpiling her firewood for months but the fight was the ignitor that set it all off. jmo

I have always thought this as well. I believe CA may have asked Caylee about certain things and Caylee just told her the truth. I believe CA was loaded for bear by the time ICA strolled into the A house, she let her have it with both barrels and a choke out. And what cemented my belief in this was CA's assertion that she "tucked" both Casey and Caylee into bed. :angel:
It is so interesting to revisit old interviews. I think at the time of the interview, CA was still in total denial, and believed Caylee was alive and with the "nanny". She has an ability to recollect things to prove to herself that Caylee is alive and ICA is not a killer.

JMO: I felt the rambling story about two keys was probably something CA forced ICA to do. Or maybe CA put a key in her pocket. She has a tendency to give ICA credit for mothering that she herself has done. For example: packing her backpack, making sure she has breakfast, bathing her, clothing her, interacting verbally, etc. The reality is, ICA didn't even know what Caylee liked for breakfast. She was too busy sleeping late. NO WAY SHE CARRIED EXTRA KEYS!!!
Maybe, that "one cadaver dog" was inconsistent in the backyard because, Casey put poor, lifeless little Caylee,Lo in the pool, then over there, and last, for the time being anyway, right about here. Let me try and understand what Cindy might be trying to say. The dog(dogs) didn't hit on the same spot more than once. Time and time again, IMO, Cindy is missing the point. The dog(s) shouldn't be hitting ANYWHERE in the backyard, ever, OR in that death mobile that her daughter used for a babysitter. PERIOD!!!


Love your logic!

I've always felt it possible the dogs hit in the backyard because GA set the gas cans down on the ground to unlock the shed before replacing them. Those gas cans sat in that decomp infested trunk for quite a while.
I'm not convinced Caylee died in her car seat. I believe once a body dies, almost immediately it releases, the bowels, and bladder. I think her car seat would have been in much worse condition had she perished in it.

JMO of course

She still wore pull ups though which hopefully would have contained that. I do agree she didn't die in her carseat though. It would have been game over for KC if someone had seen a toddler alone in a carseat in a locked car. I really feel she drugged Caylee and left her in the trunk.
I'm also not convinced KC was concerned enough about Caylees wellbeing to leave the AC on. Although it might explain the constant need for people to drive her to gas or deliver it to her car.
I hope there's no AC at Lowell and it's hot as hades next June or July when she takes up residence.
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