2008.09.05 - Richard Grund Interview with OCSO

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I think RG will make a very credible witness. I watched the video of his sermon at LP's vigil at JB Park in November, and I have to tell ya, his precious words and feelings for Caylee moved me to great big huge tears. He expressed his thoughts and feelings in such a tender way. It would have been wonderful for Caylee if he had been allowed to speak at her memorial service.

Yes, he is a moving and powerful speaker! Wouldn't it have been wonderful if he had been able to be there for Caylee as she grew up? This whole case is just so tragic! So many lives ruined! So many people hurt! And why?
RG may be a good Preacher but he's just a human being. He admitted and I sense he feels remorse over his own decisions regarding his relationship with both KC and Caylee. Remember how he told the account of them showing up at a graduation and he sortof slighted them because he was mad about the past. Can't say I blame him due to the fact that KC tried to dupe his son (about Caylee's paternity) but still, he's not Jesus.

I appreciate his honesty though and lets me know he is a human being with a conscious that, I believe, reflects a person who HAS God.
RG may be a good Preacher but he's just a human being. He admitted and I sense he feels remorse over his own decisions regarding his relationship with both KC and Caylee. Remember how he told the account of them showing up at a graduation and he sortof slighted them because he was mad about the past. Can't say I blame him due to the fact that KC tried to dupe his son (about Caylee's paternity) but still, he's not Jesus.

I appreciate his honesty though and lets me know he is a human being with a conscious that, I believe, reflects a person who HAS God.

Yes! So true! It's just so sad that there aren't more people with a conscious involved!
RG told LE that DS had moved out of SG in June. I found that interesting. Also DS had changed jobs. In DS's communications here on WS he does not say he moved from SG. What is true?

Why would RG claim that DS had moved out of his place at SG? How can this fact or misstatement be confirmed?


I ask the question here cuz RG said it in his interview with LE. If anyone knows anything about his claim that proves or disproves it then post it here. If we are going to launch into a discussion about it, we should go to the DS (Nitrous----- thread):). Thanks.
Relistening to this after the time that has passed and knowing what we know now with the doc dumps was very interesting. One thing that stuck out to me was when RG is talking about the phone conversation he had with CA about JG still wanting to marry KC even though he wasn't the father and they knew it, and CA states that no one held a gun to his head, he says this: "That told me right then and there a couple of things in my opinion. Cindy is probably as delusional as KC is. But, it also told me that right and wrong was irrelevant. The ends justified the means. Which is why I think we are where we are now with people coming back to me saying 'They're trying hard to frame your son.'" Wow! How prophetic that statement is now that we know that that was one of the things that was written in the infamous diary.

You know---that struck me 2. KC may have picked that up from RG. He probably uses that phrase when teaching his kids. "Have to make sure "The ends justified the means". One of mine was "Think about the consequences before you run up and start a fight."
You know---that struck me 2. KC may have picked that up from RG. He probably uses that phrase when teaching his kids. "Have to make sure "The ends justified the means". One of mine was "Think about the consequences before you run up and start a fight."

She may have picked it up from him. It is definately one of those things you say when trying to teach your children, and somehow, I just don't see GA or CA using something as commonly known as this. They tend to make up their own, like with the "You are the CEO of a company" spiel, or the whole "Think of our family as a hand" story. She's sitting there accused of murdering her baby girl and they refer to her as "beautiful" and "princess".
She may have picked it up from him. It is definately one of those things you say when trying to teach your children, and somehow, I just don't see GA or CA using something as commonly known as this. They tend to make up their own, like with the "You are the CEO of a company" spiel, or the whole "Think of our family as a hand" story. She's sitting there accused of murdering her baby girl and they refer to her as "beautiful" and "princess".

The ends justified the means

Maybe, with the way the A's like to put their own special spin on things KC was telling them "the end (of Caylee), was justified by the means of KC" KC needed Caylee shut up, she was just learning too fast to say things that got her in trouble with C & G. (No job, no nanny, no Jeff or Zach, there was TonE, there was RM who let Caylee sleep in his bed, who knows what else that angel saw that she was learning to put into words.....) so KC can justify the whole thing.
You know---that struck me 2. KC may have picked that up from RG. He probably uses that phrase when teaching his kids. "Have to make sure "The ends justified the means". One of mine was "Think about the consequences before you run up and start a fight."

I used that with a twist at the the end "Think about the consequences before you run up and start a fight with someone twice as big as you!

(or smarter or older, depending on the circumstances!)
i agree, rev grund is a good, insightful and honest man, but i think he's a bad witness.
i don't doubt that he firmly believes that he saw what he thinks he saw, and he may actually have seen it, but people might have a big problem w/ a man who has visions of angels taking away dead children while he's praying to God. i just wish he hadn't said that. i know he was just being honest but, well, 'discretion is the better part of valour' and all of that.
I agree... I have much respect for religious beliefs, and I admire the strength of Richard's faith. I just don't know that everyone on the jury will be able to understand visions. I am sure the defense will try to use his visions to raise questions as to his credibility. Hopefully the jury will see through any such defense maneuver and see Richard for what he is, a kind, honest Christian man with a strong faith in God.
I'm not clear on Kyle and also I thought it was very interesting that RG said one of KC's friends moved out of the Sawgrass apartments on June 15th!

The boy that is is in the military that KC was stringing along, could that be KC's father? So many boys.....so little time

I need a scorecard!

I have been doing some research on Kyle.

Richard G was called by someone at Fox News who asked him if he had heard the name Kyle, Richard was told everyone was hot on this Kyle (possibly KK). Richard did not know who it was and spoke to LA about it. LA said there are two or three Kyles and one is a close family friend of the Anthony family. Richard asked for the name (guessing he wanted the last names) LA said he would check and call him back. He never did call RG back and promptly proceeded to block RG from Casey's myspace. As of this interview this was the last time RG ever spoke to LA. Yuri does not ask any further questions about this, he merely says hmmm.

Link to RG interview with LE: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InMf2PNo_rk&feature=related"]YouTube- p2/5 - Richard Grund Police Interview Tapes - Casey Anthony Case Witness[/ame]

Initials KJK, aka as "The Animal"

Phone records requested by LE for a Kevin K (maybe his father)


Casey texts Kyle 0026am 15 June - Sunday morning father's day
Kyle texts Casey 0151am 15 June - "
Casey texts back 0632am 15 June - "

Kyle calls Casey 1543 (23 secs) 15 June, she lets it roll to voicemail and retrieves it straight away (23 secs)

If he was interviewed by LE it has not been released. His name does not appear in the witness lists.

Found him on facebook (have the link but won't post it here), he is friends with Brian L, J Passmore, K Kirkland, Chris C,Corey and BJ - check the slideshow below.

[ame="http://www.slide.com/r/2-Fmwfcn6D_ucQzY6PCDsb67ec1qTu4s?map=2&iid=72057594228410489"]my momma is cooler than your's. by caseyomarie@@AMEPARAM@@http://widget-44.slide.com/p1/72057594048859460/lt_t046_v000_s0un_f00/images/xslide1.gif@@AMEPARAM@@44@@AMEPARAM@@72057594048859460@@AMEPARAM@@lt_t046_v000_s0un_f00[/ame]
Hello WS :)

Richard Grund's interview with LE
September 5th, 2008

LE: We spoke earlier tonight. I was trying to get a hold of your son, Jesse, have him come down. To make a long story short he spoke to us on the phone and started mentioning things about the conversations you had with George or the Anthony's in general. I appreciate you taking the time to come all the way down to talk to us. I'll let you start where you want to start...(crosstalk).
RG: Just so you know I was coming to talk to you but I was waiting for Caylee to be found first. But now we are at a place where were gonna find her but not the way I wanted...(seems emotional, then silence for a few seconds...)because I thought you needed to know what I know. When all this first happened ah, Jesse immediately went and volunteered to the family to start passing out fliers and I said, now you tell George I want to talk to him. I said, would you ask him a question for me? Why aren't you doing what ex-cops do? 'Cause I know what I would be doing, and ah, his answer to Jesse was tell your dad I want to talk to him. So that's Sunday, I think its the second Sunday of the vigil. I don't remember what the date was, ah, I left George a voice mail. I had decided I was gonna start calling in a few favors of friends in Military, law enforcement,(inaudible)things like that and see what we can do here. But I left the message for George and here was the message, "George, I'm getting ready to shake the trees to see if I can find Caylee, please tell me if anything I'm going to do is going to endanger her." George immediately called me(repeats: "immediately called me" after you hear some talking in the back ground) and said he wanted to talk to me, he wasn't avoiding me, here's the answer to your question as to why I'm not doing what you think I should be doing and he said, "because my wife doesn't want me to."
LE: Knowing George...how long have you known George or the Anthony's?
RG: Ah, I met George when Jesse and Casey got engaged, ah, we went over to the house and I spent some time with George. I've only actually spent any length of time with George twice, same thing with Cindy. Um, most of my information is from Casey and as we know probably not real reliable.
LE: So when George said something about his wife...err, Cindy not letting him, how did you take that?
RG: I knew, I knew it was probably true. From being around them from knowing what went on before hand, my perception of that household is, again this is uh, uh, a regular person but is also a minister. I've been doing this for twenty years. Um, its a house hold that Cindy rules, the only thing that gets is what Cindy wants done and that's the way it is and George, ah, made some mistakes in the past, ah, the gambling which you all know that. Which he talked to me about, and he basically in my opinion had been emasculated since the point. So whatever Cindy wants is what Cindy gets. To me, that still, that wouldn't be enough(inaudible)I'm(inaudible) and that wouldn't stop me from finding what I wanted to find.
LE: Um, so after he made this comment to you...
RG: So, what I said was, he said I do want to talk to you, he said can you meet us half way, he was at the ah, public shopping center on his side of town and I was at home. We decided, I said I'll meet you in the parking lot of the Florida Mall at 3:00 out side the, the main entrance. He calls me back and says I'm late for the prayer vigil, can you meet me at the house, you can stay after and we can talk in private. So I got there late so I would be behind the cameras because I was trying to stay low profile because of Jesse. George acknowledged my presence when it was over and then left. Now, I grabbed Lee because Lee wanted to talk with me as well and he said, "oh, I know my dad wants to speak, wants to talk to you." So Lee and I talked a little bit but didn't go into any detail. George never came back. My wife and I stood outside in the rain for almost an hour and Lee finally said, "hey why don't you guys come inside and sit down, I don't now where my dad is."
LE: Where was the vigil at?
RG: It was at the house, right in front of his house and so we went inside and we sat down and by that point it's after 10:00, most everybody's gone. So we were in the house, my wife Deborah and I, Cindy, Lee and his girlfriend and I think her name is Mallory?
LE: (affirmative)
RG: Okay. That's all there was in the house. George, I don't know where George is at this point. So, we sat there, Lee and I talked we went over the, what notes I had, what I was thinking and Lee was pretty much, you know saying things: Zanida, Jeffery Hopkins, the whole story. Saying he had all the emails, which I know were forwarded to you because he actually printed them off that night while I was there. We sat there, finally Lee said, "look, I don't know what's going on but I'm getting tired it's 10:45, I gotta go." George comes out of a back room at about 11:05 in his shorts, kind of shocked to see me. Now I'm thinkin' I just drove a long way, "oh, I'm really sorry I got delayed" and I'm sittin' there thinkin' trying not to get angry because of the situation but I'm kind of insulted to be honest with you. Okay, I cut him some slack, ah, so you know ah, so you know he starts himming and hawing and I'm thinking, what's going on here? Ah, Cindy didn't really talk to me. Cindy and I, I'm not(inaudible)and Cindy knows it so she pretty much kept away from me. The only thing I did hear her say that night that I think was interesting, she said it to my wife but I was standing right there she, the only thing she said that night that I felt was even human, was in truth was, "you know I could lose both my girls on this one."
LE: Hum
RG: First sign that she had a clue something was wrong.
LE: And did you discuss that with Lee with her in the room? How, how did she make that statement?
RG: She, ya know, my wife and her hit it off(inaudible)when the baby was born, ah, you know it did it came out of nowhere, it was one of those emotional, seeped out kind of things. Ah, but it stuck with me and my wife. But then we were going to the car because it was 11:15, I've go to go home. George walks me out to the car and I start asking him questions. He says, "I know, I wanted to talk to you but something came up and I forgot that you were there." Of course, I didn't believe any of that, I mean, you asked me to come and talk to you. So he says, "what do you thinks goin' on?" I said, George here's where I'm working from right now. I said I have two theories, something happened Casey's snapped this isn't Casey anymore or Casey got involved in something that went wrong and either she's hidden Caylee or somebody's taken Caylee. And, that's the one he was leaning towards. Um, and I said you know George, wha, which, which what has your daughter gotten involved in? He goes, "ah, I don't know she's always had issues,"...that's always been, that's always his statement, Casey has issues. Um, at and then we talked about the smell in the trunk and I said if it's not Caylee, George, who is it? He goes ya know, "I don't know." Then I said point blank, I said George what has your daughter gotten herself into? I said because I'm just startin' and I'm startin' to find things I don't like about Fusian and some of the people she's been hanging out with, I said somethin's really wrong. I said, Casey's life in my opinion is not good, it is a controlled mess up until the end of May, early June, something happens to spin that out of control. Um, so yeah, I dunno it's this new crowd and then he, he just kind of blurted out about the whole job thing. He said you know, we I knew she didn't have any of these jobs. Said, she "when she told us she worked at the Sports Authority I went there one day and they told me she'd never been there and I've discovered most of the jobs she's told us she had, she never had." Which I made a note of, that means you knew, she wasn't working. So, if she has a nanny, who's paying for her? Um, the thing that struck me when I was reading those notes about her story about Zanida, it, hasn't changed word for word since April of '06. It's still exactly the same story. Um, when she told it to us, I think I told you on the phone ah, from the end of her, her babysitter at that point was Lauren Gibbs.
LE: Um-hum
RG: Lauren suddenly couldn't do it anymore, I think she was going back to school. Now she has no babysitter for Caylee and she's supposedly working for Kodak at Universal.
LE: And this is when again?
RG: This is, uh this is March, April and par of May '06.
LE: Okay
RG: Okay? So, Jesse decided to give up his only day off form progressive. He's watching her on Mondays. And then it got to the point where somebody else in my family was watchin' her two days a week. So now Caylee's at our house three days out of a week during work and Casey's there at night and on the weekends. I don't have a problem with that because Caylee's a wonderful little girl but I work out of my house and this was a severe disruption to me. So I began to press Caylee(I am sure he meant to say Casey)about have you found anybody yet and when she finally said she found someone as I told you on the phone it was really odd, rather than just saying, yeah I've go that worked out, "oh, yeah I've found this lady, eh Zanida Gonzalez and she, she watches my friend Jeffery Hopkins son Zachary, Zachary and Caylee play together and they love to be together so this will work out great." I was thinking wow that's a whole lot of information that I really needed.
(end Part I)

I just realized I never finished this transcript. I will do that this week and post part II. After re-reading this first part I feel that Casey was very premeditated in Caylee's murder. I think she was establishing a "invis-a-nanny" very early on and I think that is what RG is thinking also. I also found it telling where RG says about Cindy "the only thing she said that night that I felt was even human...", it only confirms for me-that Cindy is just as much of a monster as her daughter and it has always only been about attention and money for Cindy. That is what started the mess in the first place, both Cindy and Casey fighting for attention and money. :furious:

There is a thread already for this interview, maybe your post could be moved over to it?

I have just bumped it up.
I have been doing some research on Kyle.

Richard G was called by someone at Fox News who asked him if he had heard the name Kyle, Richard was told everyone was hot on this Kyle (possibly KK). Richard did not know who it was and spoke to LA about it. LA said there are two or three Kyles and one is a close family friend of the Anthony family. Richard asked for the name (guessing he wanted the last names) LA said he would check and call him back. He never did call RG back and promptly proceeded to block RG from Casey's myspace. As of this interview this was the last time RG ever spoke to LA. Yuri does not ask any further questions about this, he merely says hmmm.

Link to RG interview with LE: YouTube- p2/5 - Richard Grund Police Interview Tapes - Casey Anthony Case Witness

Initials KJK, aka as "The Animal"

Phone records requested by LE for a Kevin K (maybe his father)


Casey texts Kyle 0026am 15 June - Sunday morning father's day
Kyle texts Casey 0151am 15 June - "
Casey texts back 0632am 15 June - "

Kyle calls Casey 1543 (23 secs) 15 June, she lets it roll to voicemail and retrieves it straight away (23 secs)

If he was interviewed by LE it has not been released. His name does not appear in the witness lists.

Found him on facebook (have the link but won't post it here), he is friends with Brian L, J Passmore, K Kirkland, Chris C,Corey and BJ - check the slideshow below.

my momma is cooler than your's. by caseyomarie

I thought Kyle was the boyfriend she dated during high school? The Anthony family liked him... ?
Not to be icky, but there was a time they were burned at the stake too!

Most peeps would raise an eyebrow at vision claims imo. Best to keep them to yourself. :)

I hafta admit that RG was one of the few peeps interviewed by LE who could manage to string together a complete sentence.

I would definitely second that statement. Too many psychiatric labels around already in this case- the defense will be calling him Schizophrenic or out of touch with reality.
I would definitely second that statement. Too many psychiatric labels around already in this case- the defense will be calling him Schizophrenic or out of touch with reality.

Well I'm sitting here with egg on my face. I'd have to track it down but sometime after I made the post above, I posted about a vision of sorts I had. It was around the discussion of the fight between KC and CA and how, all of a sudden, I envisioned that CA and Caylee were in the pool and were interrupted when KC came home on Father's day. KC and CA began getting into it and forgot about Caylee who was ducking bullets so-to-speak and decided to return to the pool on her own. CA and KC were so embroiled in their fight they did not notice Caylee was no longer with them. I saw this play out behind my eyes and thought it looked to be a real possibility. It was around the time that Tracy's interview came out revealing the comment about the shovel being used to dig the ladder out from the pool.

Sorry O/T but I'm just commenting regarding the topic of having visions and how back in May, I said what I said about visions and then not much later, I claimed to have had one! The way my vision seemed to me was that it was more than an idea or thought - it sort of played behind my eyes like a news clip or something. It was weird. Geesh!
Hello WS :)

Sorry. When I started the RG thread re: this interview with LE, I did a search but obviously not a very good one. I would have posted the interview here. Maybe the mods can move it here? Should I post the second part here or on the thread I started? Just tell me what is best.

All merged now (thank you mods), please post the second part of the interview you have. :)
Something that continues to bother me about the interview that RG arranged to have with LE is that he is the only person who claims to have heard the full name of ZFG since 2006. The only other single person who said that he had heard the full name of the nanny stated by KC as Zanaida F. Gonzalez and that ZFG would be watching Caylee from now on.

What's that about?
Listening now...he does mention Zenaida Gonzalez...didn't hear the F. (not like it matters)
I think RG will make a very credible witness. I watched the video of his sermon at LP's vigil at JB Park in November, and I have to tell ya, his precious words and feelings for Caylee moved me to great big huge tears. He expressed his thoughts and feelings in such a tender way. It would have been wonderful for Caylee if he had been allowed to speak at her memorial service.

Or be a Grandpa to her as she grew up. I 'm sad to write that!
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