2008.09.05 - Richard Grund Interview with OCSO

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And who is this Kyle Richard speaks of ? I don't remember anyone of that name in this case.

Wasn't there a call made during the June 16th "flurry" of calls, at first the name wasn't released at all and then it was released that a call to Kyle was made?
Been so long since I heard the RG interview!
Wow he so had Cindy pegged.
This has been backed up by most everyone who knew her.
RG was more than fair in his statements.

Said this on another thread, sorry. Question bolded by me.... But I think she she wanted to collect DNA after she seduced him. Or have an intimate moment and then scream abuse/rape so it would set the tone of JG's frame of mind toward her and Caylee. He dodged a monsterous bullet by being not falling for her ruse. His Dad could see it and counseled him perfectly.

I think she wanted to seduce him too but not to yell rape afterwards. I think she planned on placing a little of the s****n in her car, backseat maybe or on a piece of Caylee's clothing!! :eek: :cow:
Something that continues to bother me about the interview that RG arranged to have with LE is that he is the only person who claims to have heard the full name of ZFG since 2006. The only other single person who said that he had heard the full name of the nanny stated by KC as Zanaida F. Gonzalez and that ZFG would be watching Caylee from now on.

What's that about?

Hello WS

(Snip respect Woe.be.gone):)

I have been reading the thread: Zanny timeline, Zany thoughts... and while reading it became my understanding that RG had stated to LE he had known of a "Nanny named Zanida Gonzales" as far back as Casey's engagement to Jesse. I do believe and understand that any ZFG/Zanny/Nanny that Casey speaks of is a made up person to cover the truth of what happened to cause the death of her daughter Caylee-and that is why it is even more mystifying to me that anyone with that name would/could/should show up to a place Casey chose out of the air(or because it was in her mind from when her friend Annie lived there).

This is a RG thread so I will not go much further in my speculation of all the other early incidence where "zanny/zenida" shows up in Casey's life/story/documents. And, even as I do all this work I wonder what am I doing because I can see that Casey just made up stuff all the time and the story of the nanny was another one of those and a real ZG showing up at SGA must just be "one of those things." It's hard for me to say that because I do try to make sense of EVERYTHING.:crazy:

But: knowing what RG has to say about Casey is telling imo and I do not think he is making anything up so...I still think there is something to be said for adding into our thought process re: this case timeline : Casey had used the full ZFG is my nanny story much earlier than we had been applying to our timeline.

Here is the part of RG statement where he speaks of ZFG:


RG: Okay? Jesse decides to give up his only day off from Progressive. He's watching her on Mondays. And then it got to the point where somebody else in my family was watchin' her two days a week. So now Caylees at our house three days out of a week during work and Caseys there at night and on weekends. I don't have a problem with that because Caylees a wonderful little girl, but I work out of my house and, this was a severe disruption, to me. So I began to press Caylee(my note: I am sure he meant Casey)about have you found anybody yet and when she finally said she found someone as I told you on the phone it was really odd, rather than just saying: "yeah, I 've got that worked out...oh yeah, I've found this lady, eh, Zanida Gonzales and she, she, watches my friend Jeffery Hopkins son Zachary, Zachary and Caylee play together and they, they love to be together so this will work out great." I was thinking, wow, that's a whole lot more information than I really needed.

(End Part I)

...jmo...I :blowkiss:WS
I putting my money on the bet that a jury will find Rev. Richard G. a very credible, believable witness. His testimony that KC created the entire ZFG story back in April of 2006 will be just one of many nails in her coffin! (Hey KC, don't let the coffin door hit your "behind" on the way out!!!)
:waitasec: When I heard RG say this I said Aha! That is sooo possible!
I read it again here and I think Aha! soooo possible!

Then screeeeccchhh... this pops in my head... you ready?

If Jesse would have came and "put gas in her car" and touched it and got fingerprints on it. HE WOULD HAVE SMELLED A HORRENDOUS SMELL and he would have NOT bought the squirrel under the hood story....BECAUSE he was a cop. He would have started asking more where Caylee is and maybe even got real suspicious of Casey.


RE bold: as soon as I read SS comment about KC calling Jesse for gas, :bigstick: BAM right upside the head! (don't know why it didn't hit sooner! KC never would have had her 31 day vacay. Or her new tattoo.

Do you think Jesse would have gotten Caylee's location out of her? Or a confession? He was a Rookie PO but I'll bet he knows that smell...

(In all nosiness, wish we knew why he "quit" the force.
RE bold: as soon as I read SS comment about KC calling Jesse for gas, :bigstick: BAM right upside the head! (don't know why it didn't hit sooner! KC never would have had her 31 day vacay. Or her new tattoo.

Do you think Jesse would have gotten Caylee's location out of her? Or a confession? He was a Rookie PO but I'll bet he knows that smell...

(In all nosiness, wish we knew why he "quit" the force.

I'm nosy too!...not of the belief that after just (what?) a few months...that he "quit". As far as Jesse being "former" LE and therefore would KNOW the tell-tale stink of Human Decomp...is that something taught/demoed in the police academy? He wasn't a cop long enough to have much on-the-job experience.
I wonder if she went there to shower so she could plant hairs and dna from Caylee's poor little dead body?? Maybe some hair and skin in the drain trap?? When they suspect someone of murder don't they go take their traps out of their drains to see if they showered off dna from the body?

I really think she planted some evidence from Caylee's body.

Did she not know Jesse was packing up and moving to GA or something in a week? Maybe this was a back up plan in case Caylee was found in those early days? Evidence in one place or the other, wouldn't matter where, as long as it pointed to someone other than KC...

Any chance that Jesse's roommate working for RG was a co-inkie-dink? Or was RG keeping a strong reminder there right under his son's nose

I thought this as well VERY early on when I still believed that KC was intelligent. I no longer think that she had any other motive other than wanting to shower. She went there the night after she had slept in her car (after TL had left for NY)...I think she needed to wash and that is that.


PP, why not just run over to the gym to shower? Wouldn't that have been closer than going to Jesse's apt? Not to mention no need to make excuses... Plus Jesse said she left the door open (ajar) when she went in to shower? an invitation? Lucky?/Smart? of Jesse not to take her up on that invitation?

Why was Jesse the first person KC threw under the bus? (Aside from ZG) What did he do to deserve this or was he just convenient? Obviously she didn't want Jesse and her folks to talk too much, (too late for that!) but I believe initially he was keeping their secrets (from their families) to himself.

Do you remember the look on CA's face in the jail vid when CA asked KC "anyone we need to be concerned about?" KC's immediate answer was Jesse. CA's face instantly changed to surprise and alarm. Jesse had been at the house and working with volunteers. You could read her thoughts about what he was "really" doing written all over her face!
Something that continues to bother me about the interview that RG arranged to have with LE is that he is the only person who claims to have heard the full name of ZFG since 2006. The only other single person who said that he had heard the full name of the nanny stated by KC as Zanaida F. Gonzalez and that ZFG would be watching Caylee from now on.

What's that about?

Sorry for quoting myself here but I need to correct two errors I made above.

LE states they had called RG's house trying to reach JG. JG was not there and RG began to tell LE some stuff. At that point, LE asked RG if he would mind coming down to the station so they could talk face-to-face and record the conversation for the sake of reference. RG agreed to come. My misstatement may have come from RG's statement to LE that was something like; I had wanted to come down here or I had wanted to talk to you but I wanted it to be after you found Caylee. :confused:

Also I wrote that RG referred to Z Fernandez G. Actually he said Zenaida Gonzalez, not ZFG. But he did say that he had heard the whole ZG story to include the part about JH and son as far back as early '06.

Nobody else, to my knowledge, had heard all of those details about who supposedly took care of Caylee prior to July 15, 2008.
You are correct. It is not going to fly. But, they have been putting his name out to LE since Day 31 saying they didn't trust him, he might be the nanny, on and on and on. KC said in one of the jail videos that she wanted CA and GA to stay away from him because she didn't know if she could trust him. They are never going to be able to implicate him, but that doesn't mean they aren't going to try. Reasonable doubt and all. They don't care who they hurt as long as KC walks.
Also Casey tells Annie that Jesse had access to her car. News channels had just released LE's discovery of Chloroform in the car, I believe.
I'm noisy too!...not of the belief that after just (what?) a few months...that he "quit". As far as Jesse being "former" LE and therefore would KNOW the tell-tale stink of Human Decomp...is that something taught/demoed in the police academy? He wasn't a cop long enough to have much on-the-job experience.

Sorry I missed this last night Ripley, he had his training plus approx 6 mos. Chances are pretty good in 6 mos time he would have encountered a db. My bro has been LE for +25 years, his very first call as a new PO was a young kid (12 or 13 y o) who had been thought to be a run away, instead had committed suicide.

It sounded to me listening to him talk way back when, LEO are the primary response to a lot of calls that turn out to be db.

Yeah, Jesse has floundered around a bit, he goes through the academy and 6 mos later decides LE isn't for him? I'm not buying. It seemed that maybe he was given a choice to resign or be canned. Even one of the D's during his interview commented about him not having to retell his story of an unpleasant day or event.

His mom was blogging about her son going through a bad situation at the time too. If they only knew how much worse it was about to get they may have all decided to take a personal day and stay in bed that week...
I made a promise to try to stay on topic -

My notes have :) that JG quit the force for psych reasons whatever that means. He phoned KC and told her this on 6/24 or 25 (both dates are listed in my notes).

JG and KC spoke quite a bit during the timeframe Caylee was missing.

That said, KC told JG not to answer the phone if her mother tried to contact him. She told him that on July 3. He asked "why?" and she said that she would explain to him someday when she got drunk.:waitasec: This is positive for Jesse because part of KC's M.O. was to keep info away from her different groups. If CA had spoken to JG, she would have told him that she was worried about Caylee and asked him if he knew where they were. That indicates that KC did not want JG to know Caylee was missing. She knew he'd be upset and then she'd have new problems.

KC had her parents pacified, TL was too new to know things were strange but Jesse would have wanted answers July 3 if he had found out there was a problem.
I made a promise to try to stay on topic -

My notes have :) that JG quit the force for psych reasons whatever that means. He phoned KC and told her this on 6/24 or 25 (both dates are listed in my notes).

JG and KC spoke quite a bit during the timeframe Caylee was missing.

That said, KC told JG not to answer the phone if her mother tried to contact him. She told him that on July 3. He asked "why?" and she said that she would explain to him someday when she got drunk.:waitasec: This is positive for Jesse because part of KC's M.O. was to keep info away from her different groups. If CA had spoken to JG, she would have told him that she was worried about Caylee and asked him if he knew where they were. That indicates that KC did not want JG to know Caylee was missing. She knew he'd be upset and then she'd have new problems.

KC had her parents pacified, TL was too new to know things were strange but Jesse would have wanted answers July 3 if he had found out there was a problem.

Excellent point, WBG! That makes a lot of sense! This could also tie in with her telling her parents to stay away from JG. She didn't want them to get together and 'compare notes'. However, they already had at that point, but it did give CA someone else to point the finger at.
I made a promise to try to stay on topic -

My notes have :) that JG quit the force for psych reasons whatever that means. He phoned KC and told her this on 6/24 or 25 (both dates are listed in my notes).

JG and KC spoke quite a bit during the timeframe Caylee was missing.

That said, KC told JG not to answer the phone if her mother tried to contact him. She told him that on July 3. He asked "why?" and she said that she would explain to him someday when she got drunk.:waitasec: This is positive for Jesse because part of KC's M.O. was to keep info away from her different groups. If CA had spoken to JG, she would have told him that she was worried about Caylee and asked him if he knew where they were. That indicates that KC did not want JG to know Caylee was missing. She knew he'd be upset and then she'd have new problems.

KC had her parents pacified, TL was too new to know things were strange but Jesse would have wanted answers July 3 if he had found out there was a problem.

:clap: Good Post ! Good thoughts... GOOD INFO = TRUE ! ! !

:eek::furious::liar: KC makes me soooooooooo MAD ! ! !

MAD Mother Against Death ! ! ! !

That KC she totally is WRONG ! She was working every single
angle ! ! ! Just L@@K when LE & FBI and DA & SA
put all this
together..... and present it to the j u r y..... how could they

not KNOW she.... is guilty....
is so very clear ! & then to turn around and try to blame

no wonder he quit the police force dealing with

:behindbar:censored::censored::censored::liar: KC

Man that KC ! what a " W A S T E ~ HUGE WASTE ! ! !"

Leading the LE on the WildGoose chase while Little Angel CAYLEE

was in the swamp !!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


God Bless !
Maybe KC decided to pin it on JG after he confided in her his "psych reasons" for leaving the force and a lightbulb went off in her head.
i agree, rev grund is a good, insightful and honest man, but i think he's a bad witness.
i don't doubt that he firmly believes that he saw what he thinks he saw, and he may actually have seen it, but people might have a big problem w/ a man who has visions of angels taking away dead children while he's praying to God. i just wish he hadn't said that. i know he was just being honest but, well, 'discretion is the better part of valour' and all of that.
i agree, rev grund is a good, insightful and honest man, but i think he's a bad witness.
i don't doubt that he firmly believes that he saw what he thinks he saw, and he may actually have seen it, but people might have a big problem w/ a man who has visions of angels taking away dead children while he's praying to God. i just wish he hadn't said that. i know he was just being honest but, well, 'discretion is the better part of valour' and all of that.

I agree! Kinda doubting that his 'visions' will be introduced at trial though. I can see no reason why they would be. Hopefully, he will be asked pointed questions and will give only precise answers. Remember when people who saw visions were revered as prophets?
I agree! Kinda doubting that his 'visions' will be introduced at trial though. I can see no reason why they would be. Hopefully, he will be asked pointed questions and will give only precise answers. Remember when people who saw visions were revered as prophets?

Not to be icky, but there was a time they were burned at the stake too!

Most peeps would raise an eyebrow at vision claims imo. Best to keep them to yourself. :)

I hafta admit that RG was one of the few peeps interviewed by LE who could manage to string together a complete sentence.
Not to be icky, but there was a time they were burned at the stake too!

Most peeps would raise an eyebrow at vision claims imo. Best to keep them to yourself. :)

I hafta admit that RG was one of the few peeps interviewed by LE who could manage to string together a complete sentence.

Lol! ITA! Can't you just see the jurors? He's sitting on the stand, answering questions, giving some very enlightening perspectives, then BAM! He starts talking about his vision. I'm afraid that no matter how religious any of them might be, they would doubt his stability at that point. Not saying there's anything wrong with him having them. I'm just saying! Most people would doubt his credibility at that point.
I think RG will make a very credible witness. I watched the video of his sermon at LP's vigil at JB Park in November, and I have to tell ya, his precious words and feelings for Caylee moved me to great big huge tears. He expressed his thoughts and feelings in such a tender way. It would have been wonderful for Caylee if he had been allowed to speak at her memorial service.
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