2008.09.11 Kristina Talks to Globe -- Sez Casey Guilty

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Mallory is LA's gf. Kristina wen to Underhill Lake w/ KC and Caylee.

She reported being with them just prior to no one else see Caylee. She was not "date specific" but gave about a 3 day window to LEO of them visiting her.
I don't know, or care, what Kristina did with the money.

I DO know that she was the only one who expressed serious concern and alarm during that phone call.

In that phone call she said she would not know what to do if anything had happened to Caylee, well looks like she figured it out now didn't she? So this makes two friends in the gobe now that one would have thought to be important witnesses as some point in time.:loser:
I hate to say it - you dont know what is true in the article (sorry - but I havent read it yet). The reason that I am saying this is that a friend was interviewed by the Globe a couple of years back. He was a John Belushi impersonator by trade. When the article came out it stated that he thought he was the reincarnation of John Belushi and lived his wife as him. OMG was this farthest from the truth. Added that the article on the cover was, "Frozen head thawed - spoke gibberish". Need I say more...
I hate to say it - you dont know what is true in the article (sorry - but I havent read it yet). The reason that I am saying this is that a friend was interviewed by the Globe a couple of years back. He was a John Belushi impersonator by trade. When the article came out it stated that he thought he was the reincarnation of John Belushi and lived his wife as him. OMG was this farthest from the truth. Added that the article on the cover was, "Frozen head thawed - spoke gibberish". Need I say more...

At the same time it was the National Inquirer who broke the John Edwards affair way back and mainstream media did not report till recently..so I guess you never know whats true and what not in those rag mags..
It was Nate in shadow on NG. Clint is a new name for me. It was Ricardo who was ex-boyfriend of Casey's then she stayed with Amy and Ricardo. Nate was TonE's roommate. While many will disagree with me,I say good going if (C)(K)ristina talked with Globe and also got paid. As this Christina mentioned that was her last conversation when she went with Lee to the jail and I was so happy that she kept at Casey asking questions about Caylee while Casey made her smart aleck remarks...all she had on her mind was getting Tony's phone #. Christina showed more love and consideration of Caylee than the whole cabodle of all the Anthony's. Christina's remarks were heartbreaking and any one could tell she loved Caylee especially when she said it would kill her without Caylee...and then we heard Casey's smart-aleck remarks back then Casey's patronizing of Christina. Thank God Christina marked Casey off as a friend and I believe Christina saw thru all Casey's lies
and did believe the worst of what Casey must have done. Who wouldn't turn against Casey? All the other friends besides Christina...I don't care one whit that they got paid for their remarks...it was more than overdue...I expected they would have talked before now. We do know that all the ones we have heard named called mostly on their own (immediately upon hearing about Caylee being missing and that Casey was arrested) to OCSO and gave sworn affadavits to LE. I don't think because they talked to a magazine would taint their testimony especially as LE has already locked in with all these sworn statements and these ex-friends are the VERY ones who can testify how Casey behaved all the time Caylee was missing yet Casey never told any of them Caylee was missing. This will be crucial tertimony against Casey Anthony. Bt the way,did last night's audio tapes on NG last night shock any one as she was being questioned first there at Univeral with a closed (BUT NOT LOCKED DOOR) as one stupid defense attorney mouthed last night. I utterly hate defense attorneys especially the ones who have been given air space on NG especially altho Nancy never lets them get by with their maybe lawful but stupid remarks.
I searched and found this thread which is the closest thing to a thread for all the tabloid articles and photos. So here is the 9/15/08 Globe center spread:





In the July 16 jailhouse call we heard Kristina desperately beg Casey to come clean and tell her what happened to Caylee. This is in stark contrast to the child's own grandma Cindy's approach to this nightmare. After initially raising the alarm Cindy now clearly does not want to lose her daughter as well as her granddaughter. With very little to work with, she's done wonders to help her daughter. She's helped to create a dense smokescreen behind which Casey is hiding while Casey sticks to her absurd pathological lies about what really happened to Caylee. I want to hear what all of Casey's pals have to say. In Kristina's case she's given us invaluable insight into selfish Casey's war with Cindy and how she believes it resulted in Caylee's death. IMO Kristina is a star in this sorry saga.
Likewise, an Anthony neighbor Bailey Jr, who showed wisdom far beyond his young years to persuade his and Casey's mutual friend Kiomarie to tell cops what she told him - that when Casey was pregnant with Caylee she wanted to give the child up for adoption. Bailey's adoption revelation, that BTW was first reported in this same magazine, made world wide news when the 400-page police report was later released.
Another star IMO is Casey's boyfriend Tony L. Tony has received quite a bit of negative attention, including getting ambushed by Geraldo's brother Craig, but according to the police file he was the one who persuaded Amy to tell cops that Casey had stolen from her. All of them no the meaning of the phrase: "Do the right thing."
Kudos to all of them and to the other stars in this story, especially the devoted searchers who have tirelessly and bravely risked alligators and snakes to find Caylee.
As for people getting paid for their pix and stories, ABC says it "licensed" video and pictures from the Anthony family, but "didn't pay for the interview." Yeh right! That's a bit like you and I going into a Mercedes dealership and offering to pay $200,000 for some windshield wipers and saying, "BTW, can you throw in a cool new car please?"
Re. comments that the astonishing pic of Casey appearing to growl at Caylee isn't genuine, note that the caption specifically states it's Casey "horsing around" with Caylee at a pal's house. If the pic was fake then surely the caption would have been baloney too. It would have instead described Casey having a violent meltdown or whatever.
PS thanks to the poster who gently advised me about editing out names. This was my first post, but I will try not to transgress in future.
FYI - you cannot scan in articles ... copyright issues see post I copied from windchime, a moderator here - PLEASE READ THE THREAD that is a sticky "Important Information ..."

1.until there is evidence that caylee is missing because of gang activity ws will not permit this discussion. I'm warning our members if anyone should start another thread regarding this matter they will be removed from ws. Subject closed.
2. There is to be NO personal information posted on innocent people involved in Caylee's case this also includes their last name.
3. There is to be no letters to the family posted here unless its nothing but support and links to agencies that may be of help.
4. There is to be NO name calling of anyone involved in this case.
5. Brians predictions nor his website is permitted to be posted on Websleuths.
6. Copyright rules are very important and the rule of thumb is to copy/paste a paragraph or two ONLY (about ten lines from a hundred line article) and always include the link so others can read the article in full.

Check out this week's Globe, folks.

Casey's friend, Kristina, says she thinks KC killed Caylee to get back at CA.

She says CA was the first person to hold Caylee, when she was born, and that KC and CE fought about whether KC would have to keep the baby. KC, she says, thought CA was interfering with her raising Caylee.

She says she thinks KC chloroformed Caylee to make it a "soft death," then smothered or drowned her.

She thinks KC put the body in a lake that has a lot of gators. Weren't the searchers at Lake Jessup on Monday? Isn't that Gator City?

Kristina says her son keps asking for Caylee. She says she turned against KC after that phone call. You know the one.

I feel so badly for her friend too! She so oblviously loved little Caylee and was absolutely crushed by the whole situation. Actually you could here it in her voice. She did not want to belive nor think that Casey would harm her child but like everyone else it really has become so oblvious. Casey is completely void of any emotion at all!
In the July 16 jailhouse call we heard Kristina desperately beg Casey to come clean and tell her what happened to Caylee. This is in stark contrast to the child's own grandma Cindy's approach to this nightmare. After initially raising the alarm Cindy now clearly does not want to lose her daughter as well as her granddaughter. With very little to work with, she's done wonders to help her daughter. She's helped to create a dense smokescreen behind which Casey is hiding while saying absurd pathological lies about what really happened to Caylee. I want to hear what all of Casey's pals have to say. In Kristina's case she's given us invaluable insight into selfish Casey's war with Cindy and how she believes it resulted in Caylee's death. IMO Kristina is a star in this sorry saga.
Likewise, an Anthony neighbor Bailey Pickens, who showed wisdom far beyond his young years to persuade his and Casey's mutual friend Kiomarie Torres to tell cops what she told him - that when Casey was pregnant with Caylee she wanted to give the child up for adoption. Bailey's adoption revelation, that BTW was first reported in this same magazine, made world wide news when the 400-page police report was later released.
Another star IMO is Casey's last boyfriend Tony Lazarro. TL has received some negative attention, but according to the police file he was the one who persuaded Amy Huizenga to tell cops that Casey had stolen from her.
Kudos to all of them and to the other stars in this story, especially the devoted searchers who have tirelessly and bravely risked alligators and snakes to find Caylee.
As for people getting paid for their pix and stories, ABC says it "licensed" video and pictures from the Anthony family, but "didn't pay for the interview." Yeh right! That's a bit like you and I going into a Mercedes dealership and offering to pay $200,000 for some windshield wipers and saying, "BTW, can you throw in a cool new car please?"
Re comments that the astonishing pic of Casey appearing to growl at Caylee isn't genuine, note that the caption specifically states it's Casey "horsing around" with Caylee at a pal's house. If the pic was fake then surely the caption would have been baloney too. It would have instead described Casey having a violent meltdown or whatever.

HI there..great post..some info I did not know and dont remember reading in regards to KM T..and just a FYI no first and last names allowed..so you might want to edit out the
names to first name and intial or vica versa KWIM?
I learned to read them during the OJ trial.

The Enquirer got an award for journalistic excellence for their reportage of same.

The Enquirer also busted OJ on his denial of owning Bruno Magli shoes of a particular model (the footprint).

Tll you one other thing.. the tabloids often report medical breakthoughs ahead of the respectable media. I'm a nurse, so I like to keep on that....

I Agree!
OK, this explains a big question I have had. Everything points to Casey having killed Caylee on June 16.

But I feel like Jesse Grund and his family are very credible, so when he said he talked to Casey on June 24, the day he quit his job, it made me really have to pause. But if she was at Khristina C's house, she could have told Kristi's child to get off the table, and it could have been Kristi's child he heard in the background.

OK. It's all coming together.

I've read your comments about how possibly Caylee was left in a gator infested lake.

I'm not a very religious woman, but I pray with all that's in me that Casey wouldn't have done something so heinous.

But, I don't see Casey as the kind of person who would stand in snake and gator infested marsh while she dug a hole either.

Plus, whatever she used the shovel for was done at the Anthony's house. She only had it for an hour.

tangled web...
WTF, is a 'soft death', that seems like a very odd choice of words.
One in which your victim doesnt struggle, make any noise. i think she actually killed her in the trunk. i think casey was a squatter at oviedo house or the empty apt at sawgrass since her friends worked there or lived there, and that she chloroformed caylee there regularly so she could go out. but i dont think she left her at either place in case caylee woke up before she got back, or in case caylee would be discovered by someone who would call child services on her. i think after she would chloroform her, she'd put her in a suitcase or backpack or box (caylee certainly was small enough) to get her into her trunk without suspicion (who would suspect someone putting a suitcase, backpack or box in a trunk of anything?), and that the trunk was her "babysitter." putting her in the car "asleep" on the back seat would also draw too much attention, caylee could wake up, a passerby could notice a baby asleep in a closed car, call child services. i think the trunk was the babysitter for a chloroformed or xanaxed or otherwised stoned baby caylee. i think casey then killed her in the trunk. carbon monoxide poisoned her keeping her car running at the dumpster at amscot. because the car was perfectly backed in next to the dumpster. yet discovered without gas. so the gas ran out while it sat there, my opinion, with her running it. i think she then got rid of caylee still in the suitcase, backpack or box or whatever she used to get her into the trunk, because carrying something like that out of a trunk wouldnt be suspicious. if she didnt feed her to the gators like k suggests, i think she put her in a dumpster at blanchard to hopefully tag it together with the earlier murder of the jogger there. or that she put her in the garbage at oviedo house.
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