2008.10.15 - Cindy doing TODAY SHOW interview

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Maybe Zenaida killed her because Casey didn't pay her babysitting money?
I "hear" you! :)

I've been working up a little timeline in Excel and the more data I put into it, the more it hits me over the head that there was something really bad a'brewin' in the A household in May/June. There are statements (like you mentioned) of "unfit mother" comments (Casey told Lee), alleged faked e-mails regarding work (why would you fake 'em unless you were using them as proof to someone calling you into question), stolen money from Anthony home (see BS interview to LE), stolen money from Grandparents, calls to Ryan from Cindy calling Casey a sociopath and to stay away from her, Cindy seeing the No Clothes Party pictures and confronting Casey with them with the "So you were at work, Huh?" (see AH interview), and so on. Cindy told the 911 operator that she wanted her daughter arrested for stealing the car and for stealing from her (and she referenced an affidavit she had from her bank). The more one reads into the discovery docs and puts them together the more it becomes painfully obvious that there was some real discord going on at home for Casey and she likely wanted to be away from there when her parents were home. BS's interview with LE also mentions that CA went over to her house to discuss Caylee missing and that CA told BS that Casey would offer to meet CA somewhere and then Casey would not show up. When CA would get home she'd find that Casey had been there and gotten clothes and stuff. Nothing of Caylees was ever disturbed. [Paraphrased from the interview docs.] My opinion.

AWESOME WORK!! I had forgotten about KC not showing up at meetings for Cindy to see Caylee. Now how CA can go on and on like she does when she KNOWS KC snuck into the house and got only her things - never Caylee's - I cannot understand.
I agree completely! Whatever meds she is on obviously aren't working!! I feel bad for her as I couldn't imagine what she is going through but her continuous denial and whacked behavior makes it short lived.
KC sure does know her mother doesn't she? CA is back at doing the "cameos" she so loves!
I was thinking the same as you, Suzi. Did CA forget she called her daughter an "unfit mother", wanted to have her arrested, told friends she was a thief and to check their accounts, because KC had probably stolen money? Does she recall her first comment, "What did you do?"I am so frustrated by this woman. I had to turn the interview off, because I felt my blood pressure skyrocket,<snip>

Don't forget Cindy also told one of the guys that her daughter was a sociopath and he should stay away from her!!

Cindy speaks out both sides of her mouth when it comes to Casey!!! :furious:
I don't even know why I still watch these interviews. They are all the same. *sigh* I guess I just love to make myself scream and rip my hair out in frustration.
Let's suppose for a moment that Cindy had never called LE into this. Suppose that the family had discovered Caylee was missing, finally came to their own conclusion that she was dead and that Casey was responsible. Then they decided to tell neighbors/family that Casey had allowed her to be adopted by a nice family. They're all hurt about it but after all, she was Casey's child and Casey just felt that, as a single mother, she could not give Caylee a good life. That would have been a perfect crime.
Didn't CA intimate on the interview that everyone will know the truth when it comes out in court? What purpose does waiting for that serve in finding Caylee?

Exactly. This "when everyone knows the REAL story" stuff is really getting to me. If there is some truly viable story out there that will garner all this public sympathy and support, why not put it out there and see how it flys. Lord knows they have nothing else to lose.
Just a scenario..."Meredith:Cindy? what were you and KC doing below the underpass? Cindy: I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my daughter". Because I know the LE has not looked for my granddaughter." :furious:

Meridith should have asked Cindy, Have YOU looked for Caylee???!?!!? The answer would be a big fat NO!

Cindy cannot expect people to look for Caylee, when her own family wont.

LE is looking, TES is looking, the A's are NOT looking!!!!
Is there a link for George's interviews this morning? Especially one where you can see the picture of Caylee?


After reading thru this thread this morning, because I am off work today (yippeeee) and following the GJ thread yesterday there are a few things I want to say and remember, these are my opinion and speculations only:

1 - I have not seen nor heard anything but speculations that Lee is the father of Caylee, with all the people KC slept with, I will never believe that Lee is the father...

2 - The "switcharoo" that everyone is commenting on was nothing but media sensationalism I think. It was confirmed on NG last night that the gray SUV was the bondsman. JB said KC was going to turn herself in IF an indictment was handed down. Cindy drove under the bridge for the change so that media couldn't film KC getting into the other car. As we know, Cindy only likes the media if it benefits her. I don't think KC was trying to flee, I think it was just a simple change of cars so she could turn herself in outside of media coverage.

3 - I am not so sure that George is a hero in this case. Yes the media is claiming that George testified against his daughter, but the GJ only hears evidence of the case. It's not like they asked George "do you think KC killed Caylee" He simply testified to her behavior with the gas cans and such and probably her past behavior of lying etc. It was not a trial, it was a simple presentation of the facts and these would be the same facts he told LE in his interviews. Yes I do believe that he is acting differently around his "family" because the man is not stupid, he would be put thru pure H*** if he didn't appease Cindy to a certain exent.

4 - I think Cindy is so far in denial that professional help is needed for years and years. Yes I would go to the ends of the earth to protect my son, however, when wrong is wrong then I would be all over his *advertiser censored** for the truth. I, however, cannot say with all honesty how I would react in a situation of this magnitude and I pray to God that I never have to find out.

5 - JB will be out of the "lead" picture soon. An attorney must have 5 years of trial experience before he can represent a case of this magnitude, as reported on NG last night. JB will stay on as the co-counsel but he will not be lead counsel. Will MN be lead counsel? I don't think so, but I do not see KC representing herself. Although she thinks she is so much better than anyone, she is not stupid.

6 - The video of Cindy is loading now, however, I am not sure anything new is going to come out of it. Cindy has convinced herself that everyone is against them and nothing, NOTHING is going to change that in my opinion. The Anthony's have been wronged and THEY are the victims in Cindy's mind.

7 - Lastly, I believe that KC will NEVER admit to what happened and I do not think we will have the total and complete truth in this story. I think it will be left up to the public to fill in the gaps based on LE's evidence and testimony. But I do believe that only about 25% of the evidence has come out now. I think that Tim Miller knows more than he is saying and I respect that from him, he is an exceptional man.

Okay, I think I am done :)

I agree with most everything you said thus why I copied your post. George may not be the hero in this but my opinion of him has changed a bit that he's trying to do the right thing for Caylee. I get he didn't volunteer for GJ but his own lawyer said he was testifying against his daughter. I believe he knows in his heart what's happened and in order to 'keep the peace' he hasn't be vocalizing it at home as the wrath of CA would be horrible.

Ultimately this is what will be their downfall and it will lead to divorce. He will slowly try and get CA to admit the truth to herself and she will have a mental breakdown. I posted somewhere yesterday that I fully believe some time soon, she'll be commited to a psych hospital. It's coming and YES, from years of untreated emotional issues.
I wish we knew some of the info they presented yesterday.....ugh
I just wanna know
Let's suppose for a moment that Cindy had never called LE into this. Suppose that the family had discovered Caylee was missing, finally came to their own conclusion that she was dead and that Casey was responsible. Then they decided to tell neighbors/family that Casey had allowed her to be adopted by a nice family. They're all hurt about it but after all, she was Casey's child and Casey just felt that, as a single mother, she could not give Caylee a good life. That would have been a perfect crime.

i think at least one neighbour would have called that into question and let the authorities know, especially a neighbour who knew there had been problems in the home before the 'adoption', and who would assume that cindy would never let that happen.
Well we all know the money ISN'T going to getting casey out of jail....hey maybe just maybe CA will donate to TES. :rolleyes:
I shudder to think it but, given the way this family ignores reality, if KC had hauled her butt to California, I doubt that we would have ever heard about anything.
Maybe Zenaida killed her because Casey didn't pay her babysitting money?

Yeah... and since Casey had gotten money from Cindy she can't tell the truth. She's giving clues though. She spent the money on dress clothes for her job at Universal.
Let's suppose for a moment that Cindy had never called LE into this. Suppose that the family had discovered Caylee was missing, finally came to their own conclusion that she was dead and that Casey was responsible. Then they decided to tell neighbors/family that Casey had allowed her to be adopted by a nice family. They're all hurt about it but after all, she was Casey's child and Casey just felt that, as a single mother, she could not give Caylee a good life. That would have been a perfect crime.
I agree this could have easily happened if CA had not become so enraged with Casey over the money and the car enough to call 911. They could have said that bio dad's family came back, won custody, and took her out of the country. No one would be the wiser since no one was privy to the inner workings of this family. It could have been the "perfect" crime.
Let's suppose for a moment that Cindy had never called LE into this. Suppose that the family had discovered Caylee was missing, finally came to their own conclusion that she was dead and that Casey was responsible. Then they decided to tell neighbors/family that Casey had allowed her to be adopted by a nice family. They're all hurt about it but after all, she was Casey's child and Casey just felt that, as a single mother, she could not give Caylee a good life. That would have been a perfect crime.
I have thought on the some line of things also. I do believe if CA hadn't got the police involved this all would have been covered up to spare KC and not to air CA's dirty laundry.
After Dizz Knee Land by Dada, maybe we can hear some Kokomo, by the Beach Boys.

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