2008.10.22 Nancy Grace

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Someone posted a Globe article (I know, I know!) on here yesterday that showed a picture and the name of the other neighbor, on the other side, the one who heard and reported the fight. One of MANY fights he overheard coming from the A house, apparently. One of the mods took it down because it was copyrighted material. But hopefully, there is a LE interview with him that will be produced at the trial.

And, IIRC, didn't LP say that LA had also told him about the fight, and that Cindy actually had her hands around Casey's throat?

I could be wrong, but I don't think the Globe gave the neighbor's name. I also don't recall LP saying LA told him about the fight or about Cindy supposedly having her hands around Casey's throat.
I know who the guy was. He is the man that I think KioMarie mentioned in her interview. I am not sure but I don't think he is a direct neighbor. Down the road a piece. I will have to do a tax record search and find his address. Baily D. as in of Christmas past, present, future..... the man who wrote it. Not sure if it is spelled the same but sound the same.

Can I get in trouble for giving clues?
Yep, I agree with what you said about George. I think he honestly may believe he last saw Caylee on the 16th, but I think he got it mixed up with another date. Why would Casey be all dressed for "work" and acting as if everything were normal the morning of the 16th, after that huge fight the night before and not getting any sleep from staying up all night texting. I think Caylee died the night of the 15th. JMHO.

I just remembered the other hinky thing about GA's recollection. The interview inside the A's home with Greta. He started saying how he was watching the news and then CA prompted him " BEFORE WORK" and he started talking about some show that he was watching on Food Network. Funny how the news is on 11pm-11:30pm right when GA gets off work. I know the news can be on all the time, CNN etc. but I think KC left the house late, around this time WITH Caylee. I'm with you I think Caylee died June 15th early morning on the 16th. JMO.
How far is Lee's house from the Anthony's? Could it be close enough she went to Lee's and it appeared the same from the tower hits?
As I recall, he isn't far away at all, but I'm not sure exact distance. Maybe within a couple of miles? I believe the cell towers usually have a 5 mi. radius. MOO
How far is Lee's house from the Anthony's? Could it be close enough she went to Lee's and it appeared the same from the tower hits?

I was thinking the same thing. His house is very close, isn't it?
I know who the guy was. He is the man that I think KioMarie mentioned in her interview. I am not sure but I don't think he is a direct neighbor. Down the road a piece. I will have to do a tax record search and find his address. Baily D. as in of Christmas past, present, future..... the man who wrote it. Not sure if it is spelled the same but sound the same.

Can I get in trouble for giving clues?

Didn't the article say Bailey was a 21 year old friend of the family, not the neighbor who heard a fight?
Aren't there things you can put under your nose to make you not smell. Don't detectives use this? IDK reaching here but I've been pondering the same thing as you!
I think they use somerhing like Vicks in the morgue when they do autopsies
Someone posted a Globe article (I know, I know!) on here yesterday that showed a picture and the name of the other neighbor, on the other side, the one who heard and reported the fight. One of MANY fights he overheard coming from the A house, apparently. One of the mods took it down because it was copyrighted material. But hopefully, there is a LE interview with him that will be produced at the trial.

And, IIRC, didn't LP say that LA had also told him about the fight, and that Cindy actually had her hands around Casey's throat?

Now that you say that, YES I remember LP saying that about Cindy's hands around KC's neck.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the Globe gave the neighbor's name. I also don't recall LP saying LA told him about the fight or about Cindy supposedly having her hands around Casey's throat.

Yes, the Globe article did have his name, it was listed right under his picture. I just can't remember what it was right now. He was young, about 20-25 years old.

And I do specifically recall LP making that statement about the fight. I just can't remember if it was on NG or not.
I just remembered the other hinky thing about GA's recollection. The interview inside the A's home with Greta. He started saying how he was watching the news and then CA prompted him " BEFORE WORK" and he started talking about some show that he was watching on Food Network. Funny how the news is on 11pm-11:30pm right when GA gets off work. I know the news can be on all the time, CNN etc. but I think KC left the house late, around this time WITH Caylee. I'm with you I think Caylee died June 15th early morning on the 16th. JMO.
I distinctly remember Cindy's interruption there in that interview to insert the "before work" comment. I think he might have clarified that with the grand jury since the indictment gives the 15th as the first date in the range of death for Caylee. If he were absolutely sure he'd seen her the afternoon of the 16th, the indictment would reflect that, imo.
I dont think that she had Caylee in the car for 11 days as they said on NG tonight. She got rid of her sooner. Also I believe they can confirm Casey was researching the choloroform by her sign in screen name/date and time. They are on record. Even if the puters were shared, mostly everyone has their own sign in name and most people do not share passwords.
How far is Lee's house from the Anthony's? Could it be close enough she went to Lee's and it appeared the same from the tower hits?

We think so. But it depends on each tower. Ask on the cell ping thread. I am not working on the tower part just putting interviews with Casey sitings and calls to go with the phone logs as well as trying to figure out who all belongs to what numbers. There are a lot of people working hard to come up a possible location for searches but using her phone records; including LE I would presume.
I know who the guy was. He is the man that I think KioMarie mentioned in her interview. I am not sure but I don't think he is a direct neighbor. Down the road a piece. I will have to do a tax record search and find his address. Baily D. as in of Christmas past, present, future..... the man who wrote it. Not sure if it is spelled the same but sound the same.

Can I get in trouble for giving clues?

That's right, it was Bailey! I'd love another clue :)
Yes, the Globe article did have his name, it was listed right under his picture. I just can't remember what it was right now. He was young, about 20-25 years old.

And I do specifically recall LP making that statement about the fight. I just can't remember if it was on NG or not.

No, the young guy was not the neighbor, he was a friend of the Anthony's. The neighbor was not pictured.
In Brian B. statement he did not return home from vacation until 6:00PM on June 16th so it was the big fight, if it happened was not something he could have heard. There is no other interview that I have found as yet, at that has been released, that anyone has stated anything about a big fight. Ryan P. in his statement said the Cindy told him about Casey stealing the money from Cindy's parents at least 3 weeks before the day that Caylee was reported to have gone missing. If you go by the June 9th date first given that means that Cindy knew about the theft by about May 19th. If you go by the new date of June 15th that makes Cindy knowing about the stolen money by the first or 2nd of June.

So if another neighbor has made a statement about a big fight we won't know until trail or more docs are released.
I don't think Cindy would have kept her mouth shut for anymore than a second without jumping on Casey.

The cell pings on that night put Casey in an area at home or within a very close range. She was up texting to Tony until about 3 something in the AM. She was also ping from the same tower in the morning of the June 16 until about 2:30 something that afternoon. She could have left her cell phone behind but and went somewhere but... That girl had it glued to her ear from the way the phone records look. I just don't remember off hand how many outgoing calls and texts she made in that period of time because to make outgoing one must be with the phone. Incoming, no you do not have to be with phone.

Sorry the I don't have the links. See Caylee Anthony Sticky thread and then look for thread with inteview transcripts and videos.
I might be wrong but I just heard that it was a neighbor that heard a big fight, don't think I heard that Brian B. said that - was it in a statement he gave?
I respectfully disagree. I do not believe that there is any trust or love lost between this mother and daughter. I do not think Casey would give Cindy ANYTHING Cindy wanted willingly. And I base this on her nasty remarks to her mother about the "cameos" that Cindy made on TV.

I don't presume to think Cindy and Casey got along. However, it is evident in police interviews (even the police brought up the fact that she seemed much more concerned with how her mother would react then the fact that her child is missing) how much Casey fears her mothers disapproval. Additionally it has been the topic of many discussions here how Casey hid her pregnancy from her mother until the 7th month, that Cindy "made" Casey keep the baby..

Casey lied to her mother about having a job for 2 years, made up work emails to show mommy and everything. Casey wouldn't even sleep away from her mothers home at night if Cindy said she couldn't... she had to check in with her mother before she could decide how to proceed with her own plans.

Last but not least when Cindy went to TonE's and "made" Casey come home with her.. Casey is said to have told her mother "I'm coming back here" and her mother said "No you are not!" and she didn't return, she stayed at home, with mommy.

I don't think Casey was given many choices in her own life and I don't think Cindy suddenly began letting her have any when it was Cindy's home used as Collateral for bail. and there are even more examples of how Cindy controled Casey's life, going back to high school if the teacher thread and the high school friend are to be believed. Even Jesse talks of it.

I'm not saying Casey would have signed anything because she loves or respects her mother because it's obvious she doesn't but these other things are very obvious...
At some point though it would become just flesh over skeleton, and it wouldn't take too long in the hot summer weather, imo. If she were in a plastic bag, that wouldn't "breathe" like a cloth container like a canvas duffel bag would, imo. But I'm not in the scientific field either other than watching Forensic Files. :)

In that heat, she would have pretty much been liquid and bones after 10 days in the Florida heat. I am wondering if she had a cooler or something in her trunk for a while and I have also wondered if she took one of the drums of chlorine and put her in it. That way no one would think a thing about a 50 lb drum in the trunk.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the Globe gave the neighbor's name. I also don't recall LP saying LA told him about the fight or about Cindy supposedly having her hands around Casey's throat.

I remember LP talking about CA's hands around KC's throat that night.
Yes, the Globe article did have his name, it was listed right under his picture. I just can't remember what it was right now. He was young, about 20-25 years old.

And I do specifically recall LP making that statement about the fight. I just can't remember if it was on NG or not.

I believe it was, almost positive.

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