2008.10.22 Nancy Grace

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yeah, but that was back when Cindy had just helped land Casey's butt in a jail cell with her 911 call. Since then, as we know, Cindy has done an about face and it's the "Casey can do no wrong" show now. SO maybe things did improve between them a little before she was arrested again last week.

Casey will use her mother complying with this story and let her humilate herself on TV, but she does not trust Cindy. You cannot restore trust, or in this case create it from scratch, in this type of situation.

Cindy doesn't trust Casey either. All of her actions before and after demonstrate that. They are just locked in this dysfunctional dance that will continue for the rest of their lives. They can talk about how horrible it is that Caylee died because LE wouldn't look for her and how persecuted Casey is, in jail for a crime she didn't commit, and Cindy can wallow in the tragedies of her life and do anniversary interviews and death penalty speeches. All the while never having one honest conversation, ever.

Casey's trust and adoration lies with JB at the moment.
Aren't there things you can put under your nose to make you not smell. Don't detectives use this? IDK reaching here but I've been pondering the same thing as you!

I'm a paramedic (or was actually prior to mommyhood) we used vicks under our noses to block out some of the smell. Menthol is the only thing that I can think of that would work. Here's another :eek: for you to contemplate, we always carried gum in the rig. We used it to help block the smell of decomp, and other things also. By chewing the gum it helped keep your saliva going and in turn really helped you not gag to death from the smell (taste buds being distracted by the gum helps the scent not seem as strong). Who do we all see chomping gum constantly? :confused: The combo of the Vicks and the gum was the best for dealing with bad scenes and all the medics and LE that I ever worked with did the Vicks and gum combo in these situations.

Decomp lingers for a VERY long time. The ambulances would retain the smell for quite a while it seemed and that was with the body in a body bag. We used large containers of activated charcoal in the rig after a bad call to help clear the smell.
In our state it is. They charge $6 or $7 for a pair of underware. You can buy a pack of three for that at Walmart. It is very expensive. They have to purchase everything, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, underware, tshirts, shoes. Years ago in our state you could send them Christmas packages, now you have to purchase one from them at a huge markup.

The state I came from will provide hygiene items, paper and postage for Indigent prisoners.
There are little floating things made specifically for that purpose. They float around on the top of the pool water, letting out little poofs of chlorine.

Oh, Okay. I have seen those used in hot tubs but never in a pool. Ours holds 38,000 gallons of water, so something like that would eat us alive in cost.

We have a feeder and a Nature 2 mineral sanitizer also on both the pool and the hot tub. They cut the cost way down.
I first got that impression from how ticked off KC was during the first jail calls. To me, that showed how pissy KC can be especially to her own mother. IMO IF there was a fight there is NO WAY KC stayed in that house and NO WAY would she have left Caylee behind, by her own omission she is a spiteful b*t*h. She was texting with Tony that night and I think she was roaming around in her car as well. Also GA's description of what Caylee was wearing on June 16 is identical, down to the sunglasses of what a family friend who saw Caylee at a strip mall was wearing in June(9th I think?) BEFORE the last siting of Caylee was switched to the June 15th..it's hinky to me and always will be. JMHO.
I agree MD MOMMY. I just don't see Casey staying there at the house after their big blow up. And that fight began from Cindy confronted KC over stealing money from the grandparents ( Cindy's parents ).
Anyone know how much time was between GA bringing the car home and the cops showing up after the 911 call? Was there enough time in there for someone to have gotten in the trunk and try to clean it up/out with one of these chemicals?
IF the Anthonys even had any access to chloroform. It is used INDUSTRIALLY, not in rent a cop work or the kind of nursing that Cindy did.
I'm a paramedic (or was actually prior to mommyhood) we used vicks under our noses to block uot some of the smell.
Decomp lingers for a VERY long time. The ambulances would retain the smell for quite a while it seemed and that was with the body in a body bag. We used large containers of activated charcoal in the rig after a bad call to help clear the smell.


Thanks for sharing that, very interesting.
Why stay near the house though? Why not go to Amy's with Caylee like she frequently did? Or any of the other places she used to crash. I don't follow the hanging out in the car texting with Tony (and the pings never leaving the one tower). I think she was at home and that this fight while horrible wasn't unique. These two have been brawling for a long time.

You have a couple of good points. One reason I thought she left that night was because there was a call from inside the A house to KC's cell early in the morning, too. I always wondered when KC told C&G that she needed the "bonding" time with Caylee. Was it right after that fight? Did anyone ever ask CA exactly when was the last time she saw KC after that fight?


Dr Jeff Flowers grew up in Central Florida, and is a Winter Park High School graduate. He graduated from San Jose State University, with a B.A. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Chemistry, and from the University of California with a Ph.D. in Chemistry before returning to Central Florida to work in the family business. He was Chairman of the City's Lakes Advisory Board (LAB) for the two terms that the Stormwater Lakes Master Plan (SLMP) was developed. Jeff is principal violist in the Maitland Symphony Orchestra (MSO) and the founding President of The Performing Arts of Maitland (PAM), Maitlands' 4th Cultural Partner.

Jeff is President and Technical Director of Flowers Chemical Laboratories, the largest and oldest environmental testing firm in the state; now in its third generation.

Dr. Flowers has been an active committee member of The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) for more then 12 years and is the current Chairman of the Accreditation Body Committee (ABC) of The NELAC Institute (TNI). He also represents the private sector vote on the TNI Nominating Committee, and is a member of the TNI Consensus Standards Development Board. Dr. Flowers was re-appointed to the USEPA's FACA, the Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board (ELAB) as the representative of Elected Official of Local Government. Under the existing policy of ELAB, Dr. Flowers has assumed the Chairmanship of ELAB.

He and his lovely wife June live in the Hollieanna Shores area with their friendly golden retriever, Gracie. Jeff has three adult children.

Great information. He is obviously qualified to know that it could not have come from anything else.
I first got that impression from how ticked off KC was during the first jail calls. To me, that showed how pissy KC can be especially to her own mother. IMO IF there was a fight there is NO WAY KC stayed in that house and NO WAY would she have left Caylee behind, by her own omission she is a spiteful b*t*h. She was texting with Tony that night and I think she was roaming around in her car as well. Also GA's description of what Caylee was wearing on June 16 is identical, down to the sunglasses of what a family friend who saw Caylee at a strip mall was wearing in June(9th I think?) BEFORE the last siting of Caylee was switched to the June 15th..it's hinky to me and always will be. JMHO.

Yep, I agree with what you said about George. I think he honestly may believe he last saw Caylee on the 16th, but I think he got it mixed up with another date. Why would Casey be all dressed for "work" and acting as if everything were normal the morning of the 16th, after that huge fight the night before and not getting any sleep from staying up all night texting. I think Caylee died the night of the 15th. JMHO.
she may have purchased the ingredients herself. hard to say. she could have stolen the chemicals for the sawgrass apt. pool or anywhere.
Did the Sawgrass Apt do their own pool maintenance or did they use an outside company? You are assuming that the apt manager did all the work on the pool and that they would even have the chemicals on site. not to mention that the chemicals would have been in an area accessible to visitors.
No written release of information has been released to us to show what searches were made on the computer to what subjects, by who and when. All that has been released is speculation that someone searched on chloroform from a computer. Until we see those searches in a log similar to what we saw with the ATT call records we wont really know.

That is true so your comments would be speculation also.

The following would be what was reported by WESH2 news out of Orlando on September 5, 2008.


Here's what an "expert" says:
Chemist Jeff Flowers, who has testified in state and federal court as an expert, said positive tests for vaporized chloroform mean those results could not have come from anything else -- not cleaning products, not human body fluids or a mixture of anything else.

In Brian B. statement he did not return home from vacation until 6:00PM on June 16th so it was the big fight, if it happened was not something he could have heard. There is no other interview that I have found as yet, at that has been released, that anyone has stated anything about a big fight. Ryan P. in his statement said the Cindy told him about Casey stealing the money from Cindy's parents at least 3 weeks before the day that Caylee was reported to have gone missing. If you go by the June 9th date first given that means that Cindy knew about the theft by about May 19th. If you go by the new date of June 15th that makes Cindy knowing about the stolen money by the first or 2nd of June.

So if another neighbor has made a statement about a big fight we won't know until trail or more docs are released.
I don't think Cindy would have kept her mouth shut for anymore than a second without jumping on Casey.

The cell pings on that night put Casey in an area at home or within a very close range. She was up texting to Tony until about 3 something in the AM. She was also ping from the same tower in the morning of the June 16 until about 2:30 something that afternoon. She could have left her cell phone behind but and went somewhere but... That girl had it glued to her ear from the way the phone records look. I just don't remember off hand how many outgoing calls and texts she made in that period of time because to make outgoing one must be with the phone. Incoming, no you do not have to be with phone.

Sorry the I don't have the links. See Caylee Anthony Sticky thread and then look for thread with inteview transcripts and videos.
I have obtained the commisary list if anyone wants it...Its a list of what they can buy and how much...Its in PDF file I dont know how to post it
You have a couple of good points. One reason I thought she left that night was because there was a call from inside the A house to KC's cell early in the morning, too. I always wondered when KC told C&G that she needed the "bonding" time with Caylee. Was it right after that fight? Did anyone ever ask CA exactly when was the last time she saw KC after that fight?

Maybe KC knew AH was out that night and wouldn't be home until late? The possibilities are endless as to why she didn't crash somewhere.

The fight has never been confirmed by the A's or anyone that I know of. I had heard a neighbor brought it up but I never saw anything concrete about it. I remember CA bringing it up as a rumor she heard and denying it...it was in one of the interviews.
In Brian B. statement he did not return home from vacation until 6:00PM on June 16th so it was the big fight, if it happened was not something he could have heard. There is no other interview that I have found as yet, at that has been released, that anyone has stated anything about a big fight. Ryan P. in his statement said the Cindy told him about Casey stealing the money from Cindy's parents at least 3 weeks before the day that Caylee was reported to have gone missing. If you go by the June 9th date first given that means that Cindy knew about the theft by about May 19th. If you go by the new date of June 15th that makes Cindy knowing about the stolen money by the first or 2nd of June.

So if another neighbor has made a statement about a big fight we won't know until trail or more docs are released.
I don't think Cindy would have kept her mouth shut for anymore than a second without jumping on Casey.

The cell pings on that night put Casey in an area at home or within a very close range. She was up texting to Tony until about 3 something in the AM. She was also ping from the same tower in the morning of the June 16 until about 2:30 something that afternoon. She could have left her cell phone behind but and went somewhere but... That girl had it glued to her ear from the way the phone records look. I just don't remember off hand how many outgoing calls and texts she made in that period of time because to make outgoing one must be with the phone. Incoming, no you do not have to be with phone.

Sorry the I don't have the links. See Caylee Anthony Sticky thread and then look for thread with inteview transcripts and videos.

Someone posted a Globe article (I know, I know!) on here yesterday that showed a picture and the name of the other neighbor, on the other side, the one who heard and reported the fight. One of MANY fights he overheard coming from the A house, apparently. One of the mods took it down because it was copyrighted material. But hopefully, there is a LE interview with him that will be produced at the trial.

And, IIRC, didn't LP say that LA had also told him about the fight, and that Cindy actually had her hands around Casey's throat?
I thought I read that George had once been in the car detailing business? Maybe he had leftover chemicals in the garage to try and clean up the trunk after he brought the car home from the tow yard?
I think Lee said that George liked his cars detailed, not that George was in that business. It would have had to have been some time ago because he was in the car business in Ohio and they've been in FL for about 20 years. I would think anything he would have from that long ago would be useless by now.
I think that a body keeps decomposing and our body is something like 90% water (stayed home from school on science class days)
At some point though it would become just flesh over skeleton, and it wouldn't take too long in the hot summer weather, imo. If she were in a plastic bag, that wouldn't "breathe" like a cloth container like a canvas duffel bag would, imo. But I'm not in the scientific field either other than watching Forensic Files. :)
You have a couple of good points. One reason I thought she left that night was because there was a call from inside the A house to KC's cell early in the morning, too. I always wondered when KC told C&G that she needed the "bonding" time with Caylee. Was it right after that fight? Did anyone ever ask CA exactly when was the last time she saw KC after that fight?

How far is Lee's house from the Anthony's? Could it be close enough she went to Lee's and it appeared the same from the tower hits?

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