2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

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DNA Solves
It was drug out onto the side of the bank of the river laid out for all to see. The media and everyone else didn't cover their eyes when it was brought out. The cameras have zoom lenses, they could make out everything laying out there.

You are so RIGHT. As soon as the LP and the FBG was called over it was a circus.
OCSO seemed very concerned today about private persons (LP) performing a search. Yet, the OCSO gave TES money to do just that; use private people to perform a search. Seems to me that most cases originate with in the private community and so does the evidence. So, LE should only be concerned with chain of custody when their custody begins and leave it to the States Attorney to handle any issues that arise concerning quality and reliability of the evidence prior to LE custody of it. Pick it up, tag it and test it. Turn the results over to the SA office. LP didn't have the chain of custody, labs to test and other support systems, but he did what any citizen finding evidence would do, he called LE. IMHO, it was OSCO's attitude that needed adjusting today; not LPs or the blackwater divers.

The issue of planting "evidence" is another matter entirely than the issue of finding it and turning it over. Who cares if the media or god was watching and who cares who was called first? That's just jealousy and ego and it isn't proper when a citizen is trying to turn over evidence to the government.

Caylee needs to be found!!!
Fabulous image. Very moving.
I don't think she'd try to burn the body for one simple reason.... THE SMELL.

Just dump the body near water & let the gators do the hard work OR pick a dumpster.

That's Casey's style.... fast & easy & off to hang out with her friends. The past is the past.... time to PAR-TAY!!!!!

I agree that seems more likely with her. But without seeing all the evidence or knowing Casey personally, I can't say she's not capable of being very clever in getting rid of the body. She has managed to evade having the body found for half a year so far, after all, when a lot of people have been trying to find Cayle.

What I wonder--and I'm not saying I do think this happened--is if Casey had help. She strikes me as the kind of woman who is very manipulative.

You know, now that I'm thinking about it, she reminds me of Scott Peterson.
You know I have been watching and checking in here everday since Caylee went missing and have not posted much.But I am going to say something that might make a lot of posters upset or even mad with me.My gut is telling me that yes Mom killed her and diposed of Caylee.
But with that said if Caylee was placed in water they will never find her. Those waters are filled with Crocs and gators. I truly hope that when this case goes to trial Mom is found guilty.

Since I am in Calif. it was a miracle that Laci was found.Also TM stated when looking for Laci they saw something but it moved.
Please all when we hear of something being found do not get your hopes up. I have a felling they will not find a trace of Caylee all though I hope I am wrong.
You know I have been watching and checking in here everday since Caylee went missing and have not posted much.But I am going to say something that might make a lot of posters upset or even mad with me.My gut is telling me that yes Mom killed her and diposed of Caylee.
But with that said if Caylee was placed in water they will never find her. Those waters are filled with Crocs and gators. I truly hope that when this case goes to trial Mom is found guilty.

Since I am in Calif. it was a miracle that Laci was found.Also TM stated when looking for Laci they saw something but it moved.
Please all when we hear of something being found do not get your hopes up. I have a felling they will not find a trace of Caylee all though I hope I am wrong.

Yes, it WAS a miracle. An out of season storm came up from the sea into the Bay area and blew hard that weekend. Instead of going OUT to sea, the churning tide turned inward. Then baby Conner's body was found on a shore by someone walking. Then Lacy was found not far away on another shore soon after. Damn near broke my heart, but she came back to put the LIE to Scott Peterson, to bring her baby and herself back to her beloved family, who were suffering so hard. I said when they found their bodies Scott better WAKE UP, because whatever was after HIM wasn't playing. Some may think is was just bad luck for Scott, but I believe Lacy put Scott Peterson on death row.

So you never, ever know how things will turn out. But sooner or later, Casey will have to answer for what she has done.
It was drug out onto the side of the bank of the river laid out for all to see. The media and everyone else didn't cover their eyes when it was brought out. The cameras have zoom lenses, they could make out everything laying out there.

Too bad Leonard forgot to bring a tarp. What if he HAD found Caylee? Was he just going to plop her little bones down on the bank of the water? With no covering? And if had some sort of covering available, why didn't he use it for this bag?

Or, for the other theory: the divers didn't know people could hear them talking. A professional search wouldn't have had onlookers standing closely enough to see OR hear what was going on.....

Leonard hasn't got a defense either way. He did not protect the "evidence" visually, he did not protect it audibly.
I believe that there is a lanyard shamrock in the car picture of KC and Annie. The one with the baseball hat. I could be wrong but for some reason I'm remembering a shamrock there too???


The white shamrock?
People wouldn't have called LE IF LE was on the scene & in a position to control the release of info as they saw fit.

It's not too much to ask that a couple of officers are assigned to a scene that is POTENTIALLY volatile.... if divers find something, police can easily block the media's access UNTIL they are comfortable making a statement.

LE totally ignored this whole thing only until they could not ignore it anymore and then they finally show up because they have no choice.

If they knew nothing would be found isn't it safe to assume they would have found a reason to put a stop to the search. Rather than risk what happened today or worse, a diver being chomped by a gator. I think ego maybe what happened here today.

LP may not be everyones cup of tea, he doesn't hide his love of the media machine but that doesn't make him a criminal. He seems to make sure the ts are all crossed before he puts anyone in gear. Look how late the first dive started, even tho the guys were all there ready to go. Has he been all over the news in Orlando for anything besides the Caylee search?

I believe he wants Caylee found more than anything, he wants it done on the news cuz he wants KC to pay. Well Lennie, me too so please stick to the search cuz Caylee needs you and so do the rest of us who wants her found.
if they knew nothing would be found isn't it safe to assume they would have found a reason to put a stop to the search. Rather than risk what happened today or worse, a diver being chomped by a gator. I think ego maybe what happened here today.

Lp may not be everyones cup of tea, he doesn't hide his love of the media machine but that doesn't make him a criminal. He seems to make sure the ts are all crossed before he puts anyone in gear. Look how late the first dive started, even tho the guys were all there ready to go. Has he been all over the news in orlando for anything besides the caylee search?

I believe he wants caylee found more than anything, he wants it done on the news cuz he wants kc to pay. Well lennie, me too so please stick to the search cuz caylee needs you and so do the rest of us who wants her found.

OCSO seemed very concerned today about private persons (LP) performing a search. Yet, the OCSO gave TES money to do just that; use private people to perform a search. Seems to me that most cases originate with in the private community and so does the evidence. So, LE should only be concerned with chain of custody when their custody begins and leave it to the States Attorney to handle any issues that arise concerning quality and reliability of the evidence prior to LE custody of it. Pick it up, tag it and test it. Turn the results over to the SA office. LP didn't have the chain of custody, labs to test and other support systems, but he did what any citizen finding evidence would do, he called LE. IMHO, it was OSCO's attitude that needed adjusting today; not LPs or the blackwater divers.

The issue of planting "evidence" is another matter entirely than the issue of finding it and turning it over. Who cares if the media or god was watching and who cares who was called first? That's just jealousy and ego and it isn't proper when a citizen is trying to turn over evidence to the government.

ITA - I've been posting on another thread about wishing OSCO had simply said "no comment" today instead of bashing LP for "letting the media know first." Would've beena little less hypocritacal, since LE aired those comments to none other than the same media LP "involved..."
TM talks to WFTV about what he thinks:


"Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, a group that organized a massive weekend search for Caylee's remains, was very critical of Padilla.

"What a disgrace to society this man is for doing this kind of stuff," Miller said.

Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim."

My thought on what Tim said about LP is that maybe since TM is always talking about how much every Caylee search costs, that TM would like to get more donations!...I mean, it's not like LP is the only one talking about the money issue!...Just sayin'!:crazy:
That is totally against TES policy. Your team leader should have been reported to Tim.

Maybe between the introduction of MN and the hour long "don't bad-mouth the Anthonys" lecture at Tabu Lounge, some search instructions weren't given at the Team Leader Meeting! I think the time there should have been spent in more productive ways.
Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim."

Oh, but its OK for TM to go on NG and WHINE about not having money and how expensive the searches are, etc. etc. Hmpffffff, at least LP is direct and to the point

At least LP said it in private to TM...but TM has to say his in front of the camera...I'm just sickened.

Caylee needs to be found!!!

This is an incredibly beautiful and deeply moving image. Thank you Truth Seeker for sharing.
I also agree with you that Caylee needs to be found!!! That is all I care about, finding Caylee!!!!

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