2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

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My thought on what Tim said about LP is that maybe since TM is always talking about how much every Caylee search costs, that TM would like to get more donations!...I mean, it's not like LP is the only one talking about the money issue!...Just sayin'!:crazy:

............Just agreeing.

Caylee needs to be found!!!

Oh my............that picture gave me cold chills..........Really beautiful Truth!
Whatever happened to this statement made by CA?

"If I have to go out myself, door to door, and look for this child, until the day I die, I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door everyday and I will look in every nook and cranny," Cynthia said. Fox News Interview, July 20, 2008
Whatever happened to this statement made by CA?

"If I have to go out myself, door to door, and look for this child, until the day I die, I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door everyday and I will look in every nook and cranny," Cynthia said. Fox News Interview, July 20, 2008

It appears that was some sort of misstatement. I think she meant to say CROOK & NANNY.
ITA - I've been posting on another thread about wishing OSCO had simply said "no comment" today instead of bashing LP for "letting the media know first." Would've beena little less hypocritacal, since LE aired those comments to none other than the same media LP "involved..."

It appears that was some sort of misstatement. I think she meant to say CROOK & NANNY.

LMAO....how you have such a great sense of humor in the wee morning hours is beyond me!:clap:

On that note (rather on that 'laugh') I'm going to bed!
LMAO....how you have such a great sense of humor in the wee morning hours is beyond me!:clap:

On that note (rather on that 'laugh') I'm going to bed!

Night LJ. I'm thinking a nap might be a good idea, too.
i get what your saying but in the end, if caylee is found..no matter by who or what means, THAT is what matters..

the search was stopped and the scene roped off, no one touched anything after the first pieces of evidence were brought out of the water...it would be no different than if i were walking my dog and he dragged a bag of bones out of the bushes, the initial discovery has to be made and looked at first before LE is called..after that then the evidence can be preserved...which was the case today.

i know people have a beef with padilla thinking he is trying to profit from it but if no one else is even bothering to look, what does it matter, at least SOME ONE is looking.

I don't post alot but I have to agree with you 100%! I want this baby found and I don't care how she is found, as long as she is. I applaud LP for trying to find her. Everyone has their own idea's where Caylee is, so in my opinion let everyone check out what they think....so all bases are covered.

I watched Murt's stream too, the media was there first thing this morning, I first began watching before taking my kids to school. Infact Murt couldn't get his parking spot because the were at least 5 other van's there already.

I don't understand everybody downing everyone for what the are doing. In my eyes everyone who goes out there and searches, rather on land or in the water is a HERO. I wish I could go and search, but being in Kansas...makes that a long trip that I can't afford. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY SEARCHER AND MURT, as well for giving us the opportunity to witness the search going on.

The most important thing is......"IT'S ALL ABOUT CAYLEE"!
I have been trying to read to find out what happened when LE went to Anthony home last night? So many posts. Can someone tell me?
My thought on what Tim said about LP is that maybe since TM is always talking about how much every Caylee search costs, that TM would like to get more donations!...I mean, it's not like LP is the only one talking about the money issue!...Just sayin'!:crazy:

I think it is within the realm of possibility. And I say that because on NG last night, LP said he was begging Tim to put his divers in there, did everything short of offer to pay him. I'm not saying Tim is all about money, but maybe LP knew how stressed TM was about money (which TM spoke about on NG, SM, and anywhere else) and how much the search was costing, so maybe (just maybe) LP was trying to appeal to that side of Tim in trying to convince him to put the divers in there rather than leave for the 30 or 40 k in NC.

I haven't seen LP tshirts being sold anywhere. He was giving out the pics or cards of him. I haven't heard him ask for donations for himself, just for TES. So I have to agree with Missmybaby that LP's greatest motivation is publicly exposing (because that will "hurt" her worse than jail, she lives her life by conning people) Casey Anthony for what she did. Any grand plan to make money is going to be a distant second to that, and I have not seen any signs of that agenda besides TM's comment.
I have been trying to read to find out what happened when LE went to Anthony home last night? So many posts. Can someone tell me?

I read on another thread that LE had gone there last night too, but didn't see anything else about it.
ITA - I've been posting on another thread about wishing OSCO had simply said "no comment" today instead of bashing LP for "letting the media know first." Would've beena little less hypocritacal, since LE aired those comments to none other than the same media LP "involved..."

The statement by LE was to let media know exactly how high an esteem LE holds Leonard. And it's not very high.

My thought on what Tim said about LP is that maybe since TM is always talking about how much every Caylee search costs, that TM would like to get more donations!...I mean, it's not like LP is the only one talking about the money issue!...Just sayin'!:crazy:

Tim Miller is the father of a murdered daughter who has suffered more and done more to help other parents of missing and murdered children than you or I will EVER do. He has NEVER once suggested collecting PROFITS from the public. Never once.

I can't even believe you'd compare the two. Asking for donations to cover costs is so incredibly different from suggesting that someone hold up Caylee's SKULL for the cameras, isn't it?
Originally Posted by whittymom4
Whatever happened to this statement made by CA?

"If I have to go out myself, door to door, and look for this child, until the day I die, I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door everyday and I will look in every nook and cranny," Cynthia said. Fox News Interview, July 20, 2008

It appears that was some sort of misstatement. I think she meant to say CROOK & NANNY.

Best post so far, in this whole convoluted case. :clap:
Whatever happened to this statement made by CA?

"If I have to go out myself, door to door, and look for this child, until the day I die, I will walk every inch of this earth and open every door and knock on every door everyday and I will look in every nook and cranny," Cynthia said. Fox News Interview, July 20, 2008

She didn't say when she'd start.

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