2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

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DNA Solves
Exactly. This is getting out of hand.

What concerns me is Tim is such a quiet man that for him to make such a strong statement about Leonard means he must be very very angry.

There must be so much going on behind the scenes we just do not have a clue.

Someone posted they were glad they never went out on a limb and supported Leonard.

I never felt it was going out on a limb supporting the Padilla's and what they were trying to do. I don't regret supporting both of them and I stand by what I said in the past.

Maybe the focus has been lost along the way by Leonard. I don't know. I am not going to throw anyone under the bus until I know the facts. And when the facts come out I won't be blinded by any sort of mis-placed loyalty if need be.

Let's wait and see.


I read your post after I had already posted my opinion!
Well, one thought is if the "bags" appear to have been planted, LE might want to make sure LP didn't do that himself.

See, if those bags and the items in them have been in the water for any length of time, there will be evidence of that. If they have just been recently chucked in, then LE might be suspicious that they were planted.

I'm guessing, of course, and NOT saying who did or did not plant anything...just speculating.

I saw them poking through one of the bags or something.....

It was wet & heavy with a thick MUCK.... it just didn't seem likely that it was freshly planted because it looked so firmly packed together when they tried to look through the stuff.
I have to say it makes me sad to see people fighting over this because this is just what KC wants.
Anyone that has seen LP on TV should know he just works from a different base than TM...I'm not saying it's right or wrong..I'm just saying thats the way it is. I don't believe you should throw anyone under the bus..A few weeks ago TM was the one on the pedastal and if you dare say anything bad you were bashed and now people are throwing him under the bus...Just wait a few weeks and LP will have tire tracks all over him...
Exactly. This is getting out of hand.

What concerns me is Tim is such a quiet man that for him to make such a strong statement about Leonard means he must be very very angry.

There must be so much going on behind the scenes we just do not have a clue.

Someone posted they were glad they never went out on a limb and supported Leonard.

I never felt it was going out on a limb supporting the Padilla's and what they were trying to do. I don't regret supporting both of them and I stand by what I said in the past.

Maybe the focus has been lost along the way by Leonard. I don't know. I am not going to throw anyone under the bus until I know the facts. And when the facts come out I won't be blinded by any sort of mis-placed loyalty if need be.

Let's wait and see.

I agree. What I saw today was media there before even Murt. What I saw today was when the bag was found....media ran up to film while LP was walking away on the phone. I later heard he was calling LE. I think this was media's fault this time. I can't comment on the TM thing because I haven't read up on it fully. I think there are a lot of players involved right now who want to do the right thing and "be the hero." I don't fault any of them for trying to find her, a mission which may prove unfruitful. I still believe there may have been something found today, some egos were bruised, some hopes were dashed or strengthened. I think something is coming to a head really soon.
I saw them poking through one of the bags or something.....

It was wet & heavy with a thick MUCK.... it just didn't seem likely that it was freshly planted because it looked so firmly packed together when they tried to look through the stuff.

Even weighed down, it would take sometime to sink thru 2 ft of sediment, and get animal damage.

Not to mention, you'd be reisking attntion from some hungry alligators in that location.
So are you saying that LP can do never do anything wrong?

I don't think that is what they meant - I think it is at least LP is doing something productive - yes TES was there searching and it was a massive search, a few times - why they left suddenly I don't know - it seems to be a problem with the A's again

LP is talking the talk and walking the walk is how I took it - I don't see the A's doing anything but talking - I've never ONCE heard a tip given out, I have never heard ANY help given by them to help solve this - and again today, they said they got a tip and the newscaster asked for a license plate number so that they could air it and have everyone looking for these people - but no, she wouldn't give anything out - and to me it means they don't have anything and they know that these tips are false

This is how I see it
This leads me to believe that LE knows something that LP and us don't. They were sure that it was not Caylee. They didn't take long to figure that out and then they practically accused LP of planting evidence. Then LE must know exactly how Caylee died and must be sure of the fact that she is not in that water.

French, ITA, and it gives me HOPE!!!!!

I think that there is a strong possibility that they now have evidence linking Caylee to the Amscott dumpster. This would explain a few things: If it was shared with TM, it would partially explain his hurried departure, and his certainty that Caylee will never be found. It would also explain LE's apparent certainty that Caylee is not in that water.

It gives me hope because if they have evidence to make them so certain, KC will be nailed to the wall.
Even with my law enforcement backround, I know that I would (to coin miss A herself!) "beg, borrow and steal" for my child. It would be almost unfathomable to put my kid into handcuffs knowing they might well end up on death row.

If G &C feel that they're actions (the big argument) caused Casey to lose her temper and resulted in the accident that killed Caylee, they're carrying a 20-gallon drum of guilt and feel they might repreave themselves if they save their daughter.

This is just my theory....take it or leave it. To each their own!

I feel you, I do. I know the Anthonys must be suffering a fate truly a living hell.

But if I raised such a monster, I would have to accept that my child had become a monster if I knew it was true she killed her child, my grandchild. To turn my head, close my eyes, and pretend it wasn't true would mean I would be putting other innocent people at risk. Sooner or later, that monster would do it again.

I think we've seen what protecting your family at the expense of all others means in the Ramsey case. I guess what I believe, what experience has taught me is that denial simply compounds the problem and causes more suffering. If I choose to let someone else suffer in my family's stead, then I'm as much the monster as my child. And that would reveal me to be the root of the evil in my child, because that would be the lesson she learned from me.

Of course, I have an overly developed sense of right and wrong.... It's probably not smart to think this way unless you really believe in having a society governed by laws--just an ideal at best.
Even weighed down, it would take sometime to sink thru 2 ft of sediment, and get animal damage.

Not to mention, you'd be reisking attntion from some hungry alligators in that location.


And then we'd have to believe that going to all this trouble to plant false evidence would be of some benefit to LP that it would be worth breaking the law & getting caught.

I mean.... the man already had all the media attention he wanted & he'd have been followed at the next search if this one didn't pan out.....

IF LP makes any money because of this case, it will be long after he's gone home..... just like countless people always do & always will when there's a high-profile crime.... media, authors, film producers, PI's, etc. I wouldn't fault him for doing the same thing others will do.... write about HIS personal experiences.

Nah, to break a law, destroy his reputation AND to involve countless innocent people in his scheme to break the law..... I'd be SHOCKED anyone could be that stupid OR thoughtless.

Heck, if it was about money.... he could go home this minute & write his book & cash in. He didn't.
French, ITA, and it gives me HOPE!!!!!

I think that there is a strong possibility that they now have evidence linking Caylee to the Amscott dumpster. This would explain a few things: If it was shared with TM, it would partially explain his hurried departure, and his certainty that Caylee will never be found. It would also explain LE's apparent certainty that Caylee is not in that water.

It gives me hope because if they have evidence to make them so certain, KC will be nailed to the wall.

I'm starting to wonder about this as well.

PS Just have to say I love your avatar and signature! Hilarious!

Caylee needs to be found!!!
Even weighed down, it would take sometime to sink thru 2 ft of sediment, and get animal damage.

Not to mention, you'd be reisking attntion from some hungry alligators in that location.

So...they have announced this was buried in two feet of sediment? I find that hard to believe, because that would be hard to find, like "feeling" a body 2 feet underground. But if that has been verified....

I have only seen people here say the bags were in 2 feet of silt, though, and that's just mushy plants...or at least, that's what I'm thinking it is. Maybe I'm just picturing it all wrong. Haven't been on a river or lake bottom in a long time....

And then we'd have to believe that going to all this trouble to plant false evidence would be of some benefit to LP that it would be worth breaking the law & getting caught.


Nah, to break a law, destroy his reputation AND to involve countless innocent people in his scheme to break the law..... I'd be SHOCKED anyone could be that stupid OR thoughtless.

Heck, if it was about money.... he could go home this minute & write his book & cash in. He didn't.

Who said LP had to plant it?
The media was not all over, they were not underwater where the bag was found. They had no way of knowing what was found unless someone told them. Why would someone tell them?

With all due respect CW. The MEDIA WAS ALL OVER. WFTV was parked RIGHT next to the van where LP, Tracy (FGH) and I were sitting.
Yes, but do we know for a fact that LP wanted to line his own pockets and wasn't talking about raising money for Caylee searching????

I know this is Tim's 'perception' of events but frankly, a lot of Tim's messages sound like he was overly concerned with placating the Anthonys so they'd back off & allow him to search for Caylee.
I tend to agree with you on TM's over concern with CA. Somehow he got himself believing he needed her permission and that she had the authority to give or deny him permission. CA is not Caylee's parent. KC is not a minor. So, CA had no authority to grant or deny permission. Further, TM didn't need permission in the first place.
Exactly. This is getting out of hand.

What concerns me is Tim is such a quiet man that for him to make such a strong statement about Leonard means he must be very very angry.

There must be so much going on behind the scenes we just do not have a clue.

Someone posted they were glad they never went out on a limb and supported Leonard.

I never felt it was going out on a limb supporting the Padilla's and what they were trying to do. I don't regret supporting both of them and I stand by what I said in the past.

Maybe the focus has been lost along the way by Leonard. I don't know. I am not going to throw anyone under the bus until I know the facts. And when the facts come out I won't be blinded by any sort of mis-placed loyalty if need be.

Let's wait and see.

Bolded by me. Thanks, Tricia!
I don't think that anyone can deny that a lot of the donations that TES has received for this last search were the direct result of LP's "promotions" for TES. On NG and through other media.

Something has obviously happened to set these two against each othe
r and, under the circumstances, it really is a shame.

No doubt, we'll be finding out more...

Has LP been heard bad mouthing TM? So far all the negative comments I've heard have come from TM.

Interesting that none of this started until after TM and CA met in the atty office on Friday, after seeing her work 1st hand on Monday, no doubt she had stories for TM regarding KC and the bounty hunters men and none of it would have been KC's fault.

I don't believe anything happened, but if CA is half as persuasive as her daughter I would understand Tim believing her. This would have caused a rift for sure.
I am on record from the beginning saying that Padilla never should have bonded Casey out. My opinion has stayed the same.

I felt that way, as well. If Casy had to sit in jail a long time, maybe she would have cracked. LP simply interfered in LE's investigation and prosecution when he stuck himself into this. And I have never doubted he did it for one reason: publicity.

Having said that, what he did was not illegal. Maybe he really thinks he is helping. Maybe he is. He could be a decoy, for all we know. I don't know the man and do not wish him anything but godspeed.

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