2008.11.20 The Significance of Cindy's "Silent Interview"--Did Cindy "Know"?

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new theory: 6/15 there was a fight over $ and Caylee's biodad (you need money where is this dad) KC pissed and was leaving. CA followes KC it escalates to an alleged choking. CA backs off leaves room. Caylee was left in the pool KC did leave she thought CAYLEE with CA.

CA thought KC took Caylee. ~she didn't. KC returned later thinking Caylee was sleeping with CA. KC goes to bed. CA thought she heard the girls sleeping behind the door.

later that morning~

GA finds CAYLEE in the pool .... 10-14 hours after the fact.TOO LATE TO EXPLAIN TO LE! CA and GA tell KC they will handle the situation.
CA and KC blame each other. GA is clueless. KC does not return. 6/21
"Ends justify means in diary"
Caylee perished, while on CA'S watch. I'll follow her script. mom says everthing wil be ok. Lets hope so. CA goes way overboard in cover up.
Car does not get picked up. etc etc etc.
Car found OH chit moment. CA cleans hides....
tow man knows CA aint taking the wrap calls LE.
KC follows script.
KC calls from jail. "you don't know my involvement n stuff"? mom its your fault! ( my words) "WELL IF YOU HAD TOLD the truth sweetheartyou wouldn't be there" this was about grandpa Plesae money.(my words)
CA assures KC she has got this handled. she will be out sn
KC jail video call the "we forgive you "don't worry I didn't say anything."
We cant get you out "mom yes you can!" my words) just tell them we both screwed up covered up..
(my words)CA oh heck no! after all I did for you and Caylee you want me to take the blame HA!

The blank stare was when CA realized KC at some point will spill the beans. The body will be found she overstaged the scene, it was her property and her pool...

hence al the aggresive behavior. she is trying to save KC butt cause she doesnt want to go down too. Caylee still alive ,pizza, there is no eveidence.

LOL~ I want CA to go down too. A real grandmother a loving one doesn't wait a month!

I do think she will CA do time and I do think she doesn't think she will!

had fun in fantasy land!
Good theory Gngr...but if CA or GA was any way responsible for Caylee's demise, ICA would scream it loud and clear, there would be no coded messages, she'd be off the hook...her bella vita would come true...:loser:

NO, this IMO, is all ICA and no one else...CA is still trying to get her out of messes but this is one mess she can't get her out of, even as she tries. She needs to watch her steps or she might find herself sharing a cell alongside ICA...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Good theory Gngr...but if CA or GA was any way responsible for Caylee's demise, ICA would scream it loud and clear, there would be no coded messages, she'd be off the hook...her bella vita would come true...:loser:

NO, this IMO, is all ICA and no one else...CA is still trying to get her out of messes but this is one mess she can't get her out of, even as she tries. She needs to watch her steps or she might find herself sharing a cell alongside ICA...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree with what you said LLL..
I am on the :fence: with the subject of this thread...l remember watching the silent interview and thinking to myself "wow she must be on some real strong medication today"
We have come to learn that many things were happening in the A camp in November..

Back to the beginning...
WESH 2's First News Report about Missing Caylee Anthony
Casey is already arrested by the time the local news began reporting about Caylee..

IMO At the beginning when Cindy found out Caylee was missing she is focused on Caylee and says in the first interviews with WESH that "their biggest fear is that she'll be missing forever or that they wont have her ever again alive.."

It would be nice to see all those FIRST reports (July 16 & 27 ,2008) about Caylee that Cindy did the day the story broke that Caylee was missing and her mother Casey was arrested.
It would be nice to see all those FIRST reports (July 16 & 27 ,2008) about Caylee that Cindy did the day the story broke that Caylee was missing and her mother Casey was arrested.

I'd love to see video of the one that made KC so mad she called from jail!
I'd love to see video of the one that made KC so mad she called from jail!

Here you go...there isn't any video...just the audio
Casey's phone call to her family after being arrested "on a whim" according to her.

and here is the WS thread on it
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68030"]Casey's first phone call home from jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
This might be of interest........

DC did take photographs of the scene. He admits to it during his interview with LE. I have no idea who has these photographs now, but I would assume that DC showed Cindy those pictures to see is she recognized anything. I would really love to see these pictures... if they weren't destroyed before LE could get to them?

As for why Cindy went on television in the state that she was in? I believe nothing was going to stop Cindy from appearing on television at that point. If anyone was ever addicted to being in front of a camera, it was Cindy Anthony.
I agree with what you said LLL..
I am on the :fence: with the subject of this thread...l remember watching the silent interview and thinking to myself "wow she must be on some real strong medication today"
We have come to learn that many things were happening in the A camp in November..

Back to the beginning...
WESH 2's First News Report about Missing Caylee Anthony
Casey is already arrested by the time the local news began reporting about Caylee..

IMO At the beginning when Cindy found out Caylee was missing she is focused on Caylee and says in the first interviews with WESH that "their biggest fear is that she'll be missing forever or that they wont have her ever again alive.."

It would be nice to see all those FIRST reports (July 16 & 27 ,2008) about Caylee that Cindy did the day the story broke that Caylee was missing and her mother Casey was arrested.

Bold mine

You mean Cindy's "cameos"? :crazy:
Yep that comment made me turn on CA immed. NO GRIEF STRUCK grandmother would say that. Curse her out for killling a grandbaby YES! but the honey camoe chit was CA;s way of showing KC she was still bigger and more importnat than KC. CA smelled the death car AND cleaned it. WHY did she even have the wits about her to even think speak of "cameos'? That my friends was a low blow by a wicked woman!
If nothing else she should have just rejected the call or hung up on KC. CA had already forgotten her grandbaby!
She knew Before 7/15, but CA had some other ideas up her sleeve about foudations and$$$ that she needed to configure before calling 911.

DC did take photographs of the scene. He admits to it during his interview with LE. I have no idea who has these photographs now, but I would assume that DC showed Cindy those pictures to see is she recognized anything. I would really love to see these pictures... if they weren't destroyed before LE could get to them?

As for why Cindy went on television in the state that she was in? I believe nothing was going to stop Cindy from appearing on television at that point. If anyone was ever addicted to being in front of a camera, it was Cindy Anthony.

To garner sympathy....which was lost on them immediately after ICA's first arrest, July 16th 2008...It appears to me there is always a method behind CA's madness...even as it backfires, she beleives she's doing this for the good of ICA..I also feel the things CA does comes from the head of Baez. Baez knows he's got an ally in CA, she will do anything to try and create reasonable doubt, even place herself in harms way, as she said, she too would go to jail for her child...I'd really like to call her on that. I'd really like to see if indictments come down would she be the martyr she makes ICA out to be...At any rate, this family is in for a rude awakening come August, 2011...The best could be if ICA is sentenced on Caylee's birthday...that would be poetic justice...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
GA & CA did not know about Caylee's death until after the car was found. Their calls, interviews and responses in the first hours of finding the car and Casey were the only real ones they gave to LE.
This interview of Cindy was done just a couple of days after DC went searching for Casey's body. IMO, she's behaving as though she's been told someone died. I think she found out that weekend.
Cindy had to of been horribly depressed so was probably on a new or different medication. Some can affect people that way. I once took one dose of Lexapro and could hardly move my arms or talk. It was awful and took a few days to wear off.

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