2008.11.20 The Significance of Cindy's "Silent Interview"--Did Cindy "Know"?

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I believe deep down both George and Cindy knew Caylee was gone the moment they smelled the car. Only further confirmed when Casey could/would not bring Caylee home.

I get the feeling the silent interview shows Cindy's internal breakdown. Likely enhanced by psychiatric medication. Media hounding their every move. Protesters outside their home. I see someone who despite every attempt to remain strong and stand by her daughter, has been destroyed. Not only because of the loss of Caylee but also the knowledge of the monster she raised. I see shame written all over her in that interview. She knew all along.. but during this small period of time, she could no longer hide it.

ETA: You can only fool the mind/body connection for so long. It will catch up to you.. and when it does, you will look a lot like what we see of Cindy in the silent interview. I truly believe that's what we are witnessing. Her body has caught up to her mind and all hell has broken loose internally.
I suppose it could be that there was something going on with DC and CA, and that's how she found out something GA didn't know. It does appear those two are on the same wave length at the vigil, but CA body posture looks almost self protective huddled into herself. What kind of hope Caylee's alive is this?

Cindy's shoulders are down, slumped in a no hope posture, in both the video and the pics from the Hope vigil. In the video, she is so folded into herself, she should've worn a better bra. Whatever it was that got to Cindy seemed to knock all the air out of her, and it was something conclusive pointing to KC actually killing Caylee, IMHO.

P.S. Just one more thought, could it be that's when CA found out KC had hired JB on June 17th? That would say alot to someone even in deep denial.
I believe deep down both George and Cindy knew Caylee was gone the moment they smelled the car. Only further confirmed when Casey could/would not bring Caylee home.

I get the feeling the silent interview shows Cindy's internal breakdown. Likely enhanced by psychiatric medication. Media hounding their every move. Protesters outside their home. I see someone who despite every attempt to remain strong and stand by her daughter, has been destroyed. Not only because of the loss of Caylee but also the knowledge of the monster she raised. I see shame written all over her in that interview. She knew all along.. but during this small period of time, she could no longer hide it.

ETA: You can only fool the mind/body connection for so long. It will catch up to you.. and when it does, you will look a lot like what we see of Cindy in the silent interview. I truly believe that's what we are witnessing. Her body has caught up to her mind and all hell has broken loose internally.
Only by this time...the protesters were gone...long gone...they left almost as soon as Casey did.

She did KNOW all along, deep down I believe, she is an RN for God sake, but I think she got some kind of verification during this time period. Somehow they found out she was in those woods and went hunting. How is the million dollar question?
i suppose it could be that there was something going on with dc and ca, and that's how she found out something ga didn't know. It does appear those two are on the same wave length at the vigil, but ca body posture looks almost self protective huddled into herself. What kind of hope caylee's alive is this?

Cindy's shoulders are down, slumped in a no hope posture, in both the video and the pics from the hope vigil. In the video, she is so folded into herself, she should've worn a better bra. Whatever it was that got to cindy seemed to knock all the air out of her, and it was something conclusive pointing to kc actually killing caylee, imho.

P.s. Just one more thought, could it be that's when ca found out kc had hired jb on june 17th? That would say alot to someone even in deep denial.
i t a !!!
Also y'all remember the emails CA sent out to SK and KathiB? That was that Thanksgiving weekend, whatever date that was.


Cindy told Kathi she had not sent any emails and Monday said she had been locked out of her account over the weekend and said Yahoo found someone in Ocala who might have gotten in.

"It would be a connection between Ocala and Orlando or several protesters that we did run background checks on throughout that period. As to me saying it would be attributed to them, not what I'm saying, but possibly an Ocala to Orlando," said Dominic Casey, Anthonys' private investigator.

The FBI asked Eyewitness News not to reveal the details of emails because of their investigation. They include exchanges between Cindy Anthony and her spokesman, her private investigator, and even the PR person for Kid Finders, angry with Eyewitness News after exposing their founder has a criminal background.
pictures I found interesting from November 30th


DC far left



I hate to be such a snot about it...but I think those are Cindy's "This will make the throngs who view me here, feel sorry for me" pictures.

ETA: Okay, after reading all this thread, now I feel badly for typing the above statement. It's just that I do not have any pity or empathy left for CA anymore.

ETA: Thinking that perhaps Cindy and George are sitting so far apart because maybe Cindy had found out about George's affair w/RC.
I see signs of too much Xanex too. She was "out there" in her own head and showed no signs of attacking the interviewer. But why would she be taking that much Xanex then? She looks lifeless, really doesn't rise to anything being said except that shaking of her head when GA suggested LE.

What could have made CA look like she'd gone to he!! in her mind and wasn't back yet? Something. Is GA just doing a good job covering or is he clueless?

Glad this video was brought up. It puzzles me because CA may have found out about the remains being out there in the woods, but GA doesn't seem to know, if that is the case.

BBM. GA is doing a good job of lying er covering. He's a con artist. He knew the first time he smelled that smell. Remember him saying a prayer that the girls weren't in the trunk before opening it at the junkyard? And yet instead of doing what most of us would have done by freaking out and screaming for 911, he drives the car home and hides it in his garage. Tells CA don't worry, go back to work. This is the same thing he's doing in that video. The only time I've seen the guy crack over this is when he threw up at recalling the smell.

ETA: I stand corrected. GA goes back to work.
BBM. GA is doing a good job of lying er covering. He's a con artist. He knew the first time he smelled that smell. Remember him saying a prayer that the girls weren't in the trunk before opening it at the junkyard? And yet instead of doing what most of us would have done by freaking out and screaming for 911, he drives the car home and hides it in his garage. Tells CA don't worry, go back to work. This is the same thing he's doing in that video. The only time I've seen the guy crack over this is when he threw up at recalling the smell.
I think you are spot on the money on this one. I am now wondering how we KNOW George ever went back to work that day? I mean all we have ever had on THAT was that is what THEY told us. We never saw any verification interviews like we did with Cindy's coworkers did we? No I think we did not, and now that is HINKY to me...why did they not interview folks at Georges job like they did Cindy's? Maybe the work George was doing while CINDY went back to work was Let the coverup begin...or continue depending on when he knew. More and more I am thinking he KNEW before any of the rest of the family...besides Casey that is. And why did he keep saying, at the junkyard, Please don't let it be Caylee? Why did he already KNOW it wasn't Casey? HINKY!!!:banghead:
BBM. GA is doing a good job of lying er covering. He's a con artist. He knew the first time he smelled that smell. Remember him saying a prayer that the girls weren't in the trunk before opening it at the junkyard? And yet instead of doing what most of us would have done by freaking out and screaming for 911, he drives the car home and hides it in his garage. Tells CA don't worry, go back to work. This is the same thing he's doing in that video. The only time I've seen the guy crack over this is when he threw up at recalling the smell.

I thought CA told GA to go back to work. I may be wrong tho. :waitasec:
I thought CA told GA to go back to work. I may be wrong tho. :waitasec:

Hmmm, you may be right! I guess I'm remembering CA rushing back to work and what she said to her co-workers.
Those pictures look pretty bad, in the second one George is staring right at DC (or so it seems).

They (DC, JH, and most likely some or all of the A family) knew where Caylee's body was in November (if not sooner). So, IMO they knew she was deceased by November. I have often wondered if DC found her out there in the woods and relayed that information to Cindy and/or George. I am in hopes that DC has told the truth by now and will testify as such in the trial.
In the video, GA mentions the people they like or trust. The KF and MB, etc., so I see GA still thinking he can further the start of his new business career looking for missing children being the reason GA could make lemonaide out of his lemons while Cindy sits there caved in.

They do trade off on their roles as many of you pointed out. I can only guess that Cindy did find out something during that time period that confirmed her worst nightmares.

IDK, but I remember and understand the words better now "Trust No One".
I have always thought that Cindy had found out that Caylee was indeed dead shortly before the "silent interview". To me, in that interview, Cindy looks like she's just been run over by a truck.

Because I don't believe DC was out on Suburban because of something he heard from a psychic, because DC and Cindy were "friends" and because Jose was yelling privilege when DC was subpoenaed, DC is my number 1 suspect for Cindy's source. He could had received the information while working for Baez, which would make it privileged, but blabbed it to a 3rd party (Cindy) later (which would make what he blabbed technically not privileged).

It would be hard to know a child was out in the woods rotting and to watch George and Cindy get their hope up every time there was a Caylee sighting. Ethical or not, in DC's shoes, it would be hard for me not to say something to Cindy after we'd become "friends".


Without getting too far off topic, there are photos in another thread of DC picking up what has to be Caylee's blanket, hole in it and all. All he had to tell CA is that he found a pooh blanket down there....and the fact that she said she "sent someone down there a month ago" to LE, well I gotta wonder why CA would send someone to the woods to look for a living Caylee anyway...Finally, she told LE on his voicemail that KC "had to have help."
She knew from day 31, IMO, but I do believe something etched it in stone right around the time of this interview. And Nejame was not going to be of any help spinning it away from KC.

ETA-Pure speculation, but maybe CA was upset that she had to (in her mind) leave her grand daughter down the block so that KC would not be in any more trouble-That would disturb and twist anyone's mind.
Also y'all remember the emails CA sent out to SK and KathiB? That was that Thanksgiving weekend, whatever date that was.


Cindy told Kathi she had not sent any emails and Monday said she had been locked out of her account over the weekend and said Yahoo found someone in Ocala who might have gotten in.

"It would be a connection between Ocala and Orlando or several protesters that we did run background checks on throughout that period. As to me saying it would be attributed to them, not what I'm saying, but possibly an Ocala to Orlando," said Dominic Casey, Anthonys' private investigator.

The FBI asked Eyewitness News not to reveal the details of emails because of their investigation. They include exchanges between Cindy Anthony and her spokesman, her private investigator, and even the PR person for Kid Finders, angry with Eyewitness News after exposing their founder has a criminal background.

Thanksgiving was November 27 , 2008..the fourth Thursday of November.
Without getting too far off topic, there are photos in another thread of DC picking up what has to be Caylee's blanket, hole in it and all. All he had to tell CA is that he found a pooh blanket down there....and the fact that she said she "sent someone down there a month ago" to LE, well I gotta wonder why CA would send someone to the woods to look for a living Caylee anyway...Finally, she told LE on his voicemail that KC "had to have help."
She knew from day 31, IMO, but I do believe something etched it in stone right around the time of this interview. And Nejame was not going to be of any help spinning it away from KC.

ETA-Pure speculation, but maybe CA was upset that she had to (in her mind) leave her grand daughter down the block so that KC would not be in any more trouble-That would disturb and twist anyone's mind.

Ooh, that's possible. How really sad. Not good, it's never going to be good again.

This is what I consider the worst nightmare to imagine for Cindy. I think if she knew the remains were there that she might even actually demand to see what was being reported. Couldn't do that. Yes, she had to keep sedated and pretend Caylee was still alive, if that was the case to keep KC's chances good, and that would twist you down a crooked path.
I remember watching this video in Nov of 08. I was convinced then that Cindy 'Knew'. She looks totally defeated and devastated. With all that happened at that time, the search with Hoover and Dom Casey, Nejames suddenly reaching the "I've had it" moment and quitting, it's no wonder. They all knew then. ( Except for George maybe ?)

Oh George knew alright. He knew the day he picked up the car and smelled decomp. He said something to the affect that he didn't want to think he brought someone into this world that could hurt another human. I believe at that time he decided it was an 'accident that snowballed out of control'. My Opinion Only

Cindy looks like she was on valium or something similar. I think she knew then. MOO
pictures I found interesting from November 30th


DC far left



Eidetic..thanks so much for these photos---can you tell me why there were so few people at this vigil? Do you know anything about this vigil? (like who arranged it and what was done there?) It is so poorly attended. It is very very pathetic looking--how can there be this few people here? Is it because it is a "find Caylee alive" vigil??


edited: nevermind, Eidetic, I googled it. This vigil was the National vigil for hope, arranged by Michelle Bart. Michelle Bart wanted the community to not give up hope and she started an organization to champion the cause. Not many people attended--but clearly, her heart was in the right place. She seems a very good communicator (but not too many people were in agreement at this time that Caylee might still be aive).
..who are the 3 people in the row WITH cindy and george ?

..i would have thought lee, but it's not, in fact i don't see lee and mallory there at all ..
Yes, I have commented and in a number of threads a while back this video is the one video not like any of the others. She is barely coherent, and looks very heavily medicated. I thought at the time I first watched it "live" something certainly happened that day or very recently that knocked her heart to her feet.

Even in her interview on Larry King, just before Caylee was found, Cindy hadn't quite found her real belligerent interview legs - she is still "a stroke off".

And I think George and Cindy's relationship is symbiotic enough that the only time George is "strong" is when Cindy is weak.[/QUOTE]

I agree!

I also believe that George was the "puffed-up" and assertive/"brassy" speaker in this interview because he had just been announced as KidFinder's new "Spokesperson". IMO, for years George had NEVER had any position of "authority" or even "respect". Now he was IMPORTANT and was fulfilling (he thought) his new identity and purpose as an advocate for missing kids. Oh Boy---George has an important position now! Of course, we all know that KidFinders was bottom-of-the-barrel in this respect, but for George----man oh man he was on his WAY back to being a respected man! (sarcasm fully intended). He came across as arrogant and authoritative in this interview and that is just so, so sad and pathetic.
Did he know about Caylee's death already?? I tend to think so!! Cindy, on the other hand.....her thin bubble of futile hope was just recently POPPED by then. She is completely deflated and medicated.

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