2008.11.20 The Significance of Cindy's "Silent Interview"--Did Cindy "Know"?

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That is EXACTLY as it appears to me as well...like he feels her pain...maybe he is the one that caused it...hmmm...by something he told her or showed her? OR it could have been that George may have found out something was "going on" between them? It's possible...:banghead: Any insane thing you can create in your mind is possible in this case unfortunately...

There was the innuendo that Cindy and DC had an intimate relationship going on during this time frame. Maybe Cindy begged him to tell her if he had heard anything during the time he worked with JB. He tells her what he has heard about the possible disposal site. She latches on with that pitbull tenacity we all know she has and demands he goes out there.

He knows he has violated privilege and she is apt to spin out of control so he goes. That is why George is out of the loop, and the body language in those photos says soooo much.

There is also something in the 1000's of pages of discovery where George and Cindy are in the garage before Casey is drug home. Cindy questions George and basically starts to ask him if he thinks that smell is... and he says he cut her off and told her there was rotted pizza in the trunk that they threw in the dumpster.

Cindy is frequently described as the one that comes up with all this wild BS, but George is more of a driving force than a passenger in my mind. He knew she was dead, and I think he believed it was an accident now out of control, but that was before he found out about the duct tape, which is a hell of an accident.

In Pix #4......look how far apart GA/Ca are to each other.
I never saw that pic before!
I would say that at that time, CA world fell apart.
The truth about Caylee dead and a strained marriage (affair)
Fights about KC, Dom, attorny quitting.
There is one other possibility. It is possible that George knew this information LONG before it was made known to Cindy. It is possible he had already had time to adjust because he had already known a LONG time...

I believe more and more he knew before the 911 calls ever went out. I think he knew before they ever got the car. I think he smelled it when she was there and opened the trunk and he knew when there was no Caylee that the smell was Caylee. He did not make ANY commotion when he came in during the 911 call when Cindy hysterically informs him that Caylee is missing. We do not hear any outburst there from George do we?:waitasec:

ITA, we never heard 1 thing from Ga during the 911.
He was upset over the smell of the car, but NEVER called LE, yet he was LE once!
IMO, I always thought thhat GA helped KC cover up some things.
CA knew the smell, but denied everything like she did KC pregnancy til
she had PROOF...........
IMO, CA got her PROOF.
Then after the 30th went back into 'FIND CAYLEE' mode.
IIRC, they were in CAL when they got news about Caylee and calmly
returned on the plane to a hotel and dinner with a group in Fla.
That whole thing was awful, they knew before they went to CA.
Not upset that day.
There is one other possibility. It is possible that George knew this information LONG before it was made known to Cindy. It is possible he had already had time to adjust because he had already known a LONG time...

I believe more and more he knew before the 911 calls ever went out. I think he knew before they ever got the car. I think he smelled it when she was there and opened the trunk and he knew when there was no Caylee that the smell was Caylee. He did not make ANY commotion when he came in during the 911 call when Cindy hysterically informs him that Caylee is missing. We do not hear any outburst there from George do we?:waitasec:

building on that...
What if CA not only found out that Caylee was gone at this time but also found out that GA had known about it all along. Could explain a lot of the distance here.
There is one other possibility. It is possible that George knew this information LONG before it was made known to Cindy. It is possible he had already had time to adjust because he had already known a LONG time...

I believe more and more he knew before the 911 calls ever went out. I think he knew before they ever got the car. I think he smelled it when she was there and opened the trunk and he knew when there was no Caylee that the smell was Caylee. He did not make ANY commotion when he came in during the 911 call when Cindy hysterically informs him that Caylee is missing. We do not hear any outburst there from George do we?:waitasec:

This is a great observation. And I do think that George had more and earlier suspicions than Cindy. But based on the powerful pictures that Eidetic posted and the "silent interview" it looks like (to me) that George was out of the loop as far as some hard evidence that DC and Cindy may have shared.

George likes to think of himself as "the protector." Remember all that stuff he told LE about if they found something ~ to tell him first so he could break it to Cindy? Well, if I think if he knew Cindy had found out something that he already knew for a fact that he would dash in as the knight (white horse and all) to try to comfort her. He tries to be macho. He is not macho in this tape. IMO he only looks clueless.
Thinking back...looking back...I am recalling that DC stated he went into the woods THREE times. November 15 was the 1st time...then he went again the next day and again the next day...so Nove 15,16 and 17 DC is in the woods. By December 20th was it on the silent interview? She was COMPLETELY out of it, a ZOMBIE for all intents and purposes and here in these pictures provided by Eidetic(the 30th) her devastation is still MOST apparent. Cindy got some very bad news from SOMEBODY that week I am certain of it...
Was this the usual seating arrangement at these events? GA & CA in one spot, and DC separate?

I don't think there were usual events like this, it's one of a kind. It was called the National Vigil for Hope and was started by Michelle Bart in 2008 because of Caylee. I find it very creepy how Dominic is sitting all by himself on the edge just looking at everyone.
There was the innuendo that Cindy and DC had an intimate relationship going on during this time frame. Maybe Cindy begged him to tell her if he had heard anything during the time he worked with JB. He tells her what he has heard about the possible disposal site. She latches on with that pitbull tenacity we all know she has and demands he goes out there.

He knows he has violated privilege and she is apt to spin out of control so he goes. That is why George is out of the loop, and the body language in those photos says soooo much.

There is also something in the 1000's of pages of discovery where George and Cindy are in the garage before Casey is drug home. Cindy questions George and basically starts to ask him if he thinks that smell is... and he says he cut her off and told her there was rotted pizza in the trunk that they threw in the dumpster.

Cindy is frequently described as the one that comes up with all this wild BS, but George is more of a driving force than a passenger in my mind. He knew she was dead, and I think he believed it was an accident now out of control, but that was before he found out about the duct tape, which is a hell of an accident.


I really don't sleuth but I do recall George's encounter with the perp about the gas cans around the car. I recall everyone here questioning how George could not smell death even then. I think now that his vomiting during the LE interview had less to do with his recall of the smell as much as his realisation of what that smell meant- that the smell was Caylee and that the perp murdered her.
building on that...
What if CA not only found out that Caylee was gone at this time but also found out that GA had known about it all along. Could explain a lot of the distance here.
Definitely! He might have had to come clean to her AFTER she found out from DC that Caylee WAS in the woods. DC has been TOTALLY silent. His attorneys have resisted him having to tell what he knows. He KNOWS something terrible else they would not resist so fiercely.
My bolded above: In order to be "barely coherent", you'd have to say something..she said nothing whatever.
As to her belligerence, she was belligerent from the first day (IMO) and only had brief moments (like this one) of not being belligerent.
Everything else you wrote, I totally agree with. :)

Correction accepted! I guess I meant barely conscious.

And yes, I agree she's always been belligerent, it's still my belief she wasn't fully herself at LK. I don't have TheWorld's wonderful ways of being able to insert youtubes, or anything else for that matter.

I remember thinking at the time that George knew Caylee was dead alright, but Cindy was OFF so George was ON. Think button pushing and switching into roles and prewritten blurbs.
I just found this thread and will read and catch up.

Just wanted to give a shout out Affinity for starting this thread. I've always felt that week in November draws a picture.

Off to read...Brb...
Eidetic, those vigil photos are blowing out the margins.... of my MIND!

Thanks to you and all posters on this thread. You have readjusted my view of GA/his actions, in a way that makes much more sense. (This from a reformed GA-defender.)

Never thought I'd say this but IMO the most reasonable explanation for GA's stoicism through the mid-to-late Nov. 2008 period, while CA is having a very public meltdown, is that whatever devastated her did not surprise him at all.

Random parallel. Has anyone ever witnessed or been in one of those awkward situations where a couple has clearly been fighting or discussing a sensitive subject together in public, and one of them is clearly very emotional, while the other essentially ignores their partner and attempts to engage in normal public conversation as though nothing had happened? This is what I'm seeing in the 11/20 interview and the 11/30 vigil photos. SOMEone has to keep up the facade of (what passes for) normalcy, and if CA is having an embarrassing meltdown GA has to maintain the pretense that EVERYTHING'S OK REALLY FOLKS, even if he does have to sit 5 feet away from her while doing so... (Where was LA at that vigil, btw?)

MOO of course. Sorry, long post, but you all got me rethinking, for which thanks!
I'd bet serious money on that. Possibly, she had a reason to want/need to take it (bad news, anxiety, or whatever), but her posture and behavior just screams Xanax here.

I see signs of too much Xanex too. She was "out there" in her own head and showed no signs of attacking the interviewer. But why would she be taking that much Xanex then? She looks lifeless, really doesn't rise to anything being said except that shaking of her head when GA suggested LE.

What could have made CA look like she'd gone to he!! in her mind and wasn't back yet? Something. Is GA just doing a good job covering or is he clueless?

Glad this video was brought up. It puzzles me because CA may have found out about the remains being out there in the woods, but GA doesn't seem to know, if that is the case.
Just watched it and I have to agree, Cindy looks like a zombie in it, why was she even sitting there with him?, and he is a good actor- remember this guy sold used cars. Also he refers to Caylee as "this little girl", which is the behavioral sign of a liar who is distancing themselves from that person, not "my granddaughter" or Caylee.
I don't remember these pictures, but it was a long time ago so maybe they became lost somewhere deep in my mind.

I can't get over how far apart CA and GA were sitting. My first thought was that maybe DC told CA about GA's affair and it had devastated her. It looks like GA was wanting to reach out to her, but was afraid to set her off.

My second thought was that they had found out that Caylee had died. But then, wouldn't they have been trying to console each other?
I don't remember these pictures, but it was a long time ago so maybe they became lost somewhere deep in my mind.

I can't get over how far apart CA and GA were sitting. My first thought was that maybe DC told CA about GA's affair and it had devastated her. It looks like GA was wanting to reach out to her, but was afraid to set her off.

My second thought was that they had found out that Caylee had died. But then, wouldn't they have been trying to console each other?
Or maybe the irony of being at a benefit for Hope when she knew Caylee was dead was eating at her...
article POSTED: Wednesday, November 26, 2008
UPDATED: 4:48 pm EST November 26, 2008

Cindy Anthony implored investigators to look into a recent possible sighting of the missing girl.

Cindy Anthony spoke at a press conference on Tuesday, saying that she doesn't know if a photo taken of a girl resembling 3-year-old Caylee is her granddaughter, but wants it investigated.

"We're working to bring Caylee Marie back home. I made that statement early on. The last breath that I take, I'm going to continue to look for her, and I feel very confident every day that we are getting closer and closer to finding her," Cindy Anthony said.

I'd bet serious money on that. Possibly, she had a reason to want/need to take it (bad news, anxiety, or whatever), but her posture and behavior just screams Xanax here.

what a load of carp. George goes on about "there should have been cooperation from day one" elluding to LE. Hey jo jo - how about asking your daughter to cooperate from day one and you wouldn't be sitting in that interview chair. GAG.

Cindy looks terribly xanaxed out :(



:yes: You say Xanax, and I say Xanex, but we both see lots of it in Cindy that day. :tsktsk:

Too many of these...:chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:

Hope your move went good, BTW.
Well, this thread makes it clear to me that I haven't decided yet whether George is bright and sly as a fox and knew what was going on from long before Cindy did or is a weak simpleton, empty coat that toes the line for Cindy. Passive-aggressive style when he thinks he can blindside Cindy? I dunno; it seems like a toss up. Either way, he's toxic in this relationship.

Gosh, with these characters and so many lies and contradictions, I feel really sorry for the jury. I will be praying for them as much as I prayed for Caylee.

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