2008.11.20 The Significance of Cindy's "Silent Interview"--Did Cindy "Know"?

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Yes, I have commented and in a number of threads a while back this video is the one video not like any of the others. She is barely coherent, and looks very heavily medicated. I thought at the time I first watched it "live" something certainly happened that day or very recently that knocked her heart to her feet.

Even in her interview on Larry King, just before Caylee was found, Cindy hadn't quite found her real belligerent interview legs - she is still "a stroke off".

And I think George and Cindy's relationship is symbiotic enough that the only time George is "strong" is when Cindy is weak.
At this point and time though, George was clearly in the " I'll do whatever it takes" mode. He had joined forces with Cindy, and had reversed his statement about the smell. I feel he was simply being the stronger voice for the Anthony's at that time, since Cindy was so distraught.
what a load of carp. George goes on about "there should have been cooperation from day one" elluding to LE. Hey jo jo - how about asking your daughter to cooperate from day one and you wouldn't be sitting in that interview chair. GAG.

Cindy looks terribly xanaxed out :(


I'd bet serious money on that. Possibly, she had a reason to want/need to take it (bad news, anxiety, or whatever), but her posture and behavior just screams Xanax here.
I kept the sound off because I just cannot listen to them any longer ; this is the first time I've watched this. I also wanted to watch her body language.

I agree with everyone that Cindy is drugged to the gills. She looks like she's been crying buckets as well. Neither does she make any eye contact; except for a couple of brief, drugged glances, she looks down throughout. It looks as if at this point she knew and was trying to hide that knowledge in her eyes- very much fits with the DC search.

But what about George? Either he knew earlier so it's not a shock, or he didn't know (?); it's hard to believe that he didn't know if she did!

An aside: it looked like she had a hand to his back. Heh. Reminded me of a puppet master. She probably pressed George's back/pushed his buttons to direct his remarks.
Yes, I have commented and in a number of threads a while back this video is the one video not like any of the others. She is barely coherent, and looks very heavily medicated. I thought at the time I first watched it "live" something certainly happened that day or very recently that knocked her heart to her feet.

Even in her interview on Larry King, just before Caylee was found, Cindy hadn't quite found her real belligerent interview legs - she is still "a stroke off".

And I think George and Cindy's relationship is symbiotic enough that the only time George is "strong" is when Cindy is weak.

My bolded above: In order to be "barely coherent", you'd have to say something..she said nothing whatever.
As to her belligerence, she was belligerent from the first day (IMO) and only had brief moments (like this one) of not being belligerent.
Everything else you wrote, I totally agree with. :)
At this point and time though, George was clearly in the " I'll do whatever it takes" mode. He had joined forces with Cindy, and had reversed his statement about the smell. I feel he was simply being the stronger voice for the Anthony's at that time, since Cindy was so distraught.

Which is quite a change for Mr Weepy. :waitasec:
.... or GA had known all along, at least since Day 31 so this was business as usual for him -- and CA had so wanted to believe KC and her lies this time. All the stars align at this time.

Couldn't agree more - this is what I have always thought. GA always knew and no one told CA (until it was absolutely necessary) because her big mouth was/is such a liability.
.... or GA had known all along, at least since Day 31 so this was business as usual for him -- and CA had so wanted to believe KC and her lies this time. All the stars align at this time.

ITA. I have always thought that GA knew the moment he smelled decomp in that car. He knew it was either KC or Caylee and that is why he told the person working at the tow yard to open the trunk with him. The moment they found KC and she refused to produced Caylee he knew. I have always felt that way. As did Lee in my opinion.
I think George , Cindy & Lee knew when they found the car & Casey .
I think George , Cindy & Lee knew when they found the car & Casey .

I agree. If you can imagine that they are not totally morons, it's not too difficult, given their "issues" with the perp over the years, that this would be their first best guess- that the perp killed Caylee. It doesn't take a genius.
So, can we discern that GA might not have been privy? He seems no different than usual here.

If he did know, this is a superlative job of burying his emotions (denial) or hiding them (bald faced lying).

If he did not know, how the heck did he rationalize CA's demeanor? Extra glass of chardonnay at lunch? Yeeks.
And I think George and Cindy's relationship is symbiotic enough that the only time George is "strong" is when Cindy is weak.


(Wow. I think this is my first-ever post entirely in acronyms. :woohoo:)
pictures I found interesting from November 30th


DC far left


What IF when DC and Hoover went to the woods-it was planned right down to the videos. And what IF they actually did find Caylee's remains and did not disturb them (MUCH) but only reported back to Cindy that she was in fact there. Perhaps the videos were to throw us (society at large including LE) off. What if they actually found her and they just didn't remove her for whatever reason? Could he have reomoved SOMETHING that he was TOLD to remove, or things? Is that in the realm of possibility? Like for instance, I don't know, ummm, where are her shoes?
pictures I found interesting from November 30th


DC far left


Thank you so much and WOW! There are many things I can see from these pictures. Something had DEVASTATED Cindy-utterly and completely. George was a mile away from her and it seems even when he moved to comfort her, he was still better than a full arms length away. Something had changed for Cindy that did NOT seem to be having the same effect on George...maybe because it wasn't news to him, because George is a guy that knows a lot about a lot of things...

Adding: DC sure does appear to be watching Cindy from way over yonder doesn't he?
DC looks disturbed as well. It appears he can relate to Cindy's emotion and is more concerned with Cindy's state of mind than George, even from a distance.
DC looks disturbed as well. It appears he can relate to Cindy's emotion and is more concerned with Cindy's state of mind than George, even from a distance.
That is EXACTLY as it appears to me as well...like he feels her pain...maybe he is the one that caused it...hmmm...by something he told her or showed her? OR it could have been that George may have found out something was "going on" between them? It's possible...:banghead: Any insane thing you can create in your mind is possible in this case unfortunately...
If he did know, this is a superlative job of burying his emotions (denial) or hiding them (bald faced lying).

If he did not know, how the heck did he rationalize CA's demeanor? Extra glass of chardonnay at lunch? Yeeks.

There is one other possibility. It is possible that George knew this information LONG before it was made known to Cindy. It is possible he had already had time to adjust because he had already known a LONG time...

I believe more and more he knew before the 911 calls ever went out. I think he knew before they ever got the car. I think he smelled it when she was there and opened the trunk and he knew when there was no Caylee that the smell was Caylee. He did not make ANY commotion when he came in during the 911 call when Cindy hysterically informs him that Caylee is missing. We do not hear any outburst there from George do we?:waitasec:
DC looks disturbed as well. It appears he can relate to Cindy's emotion and is more concerned with Cindy's state of mind than George, even from a distance.

Was this the usual seating arrangement at these events? GA & CA in one spot, and DC separate?
DC looks disturbed as well. It appears he can relate to Cindy's emotion and is more concerned with Cindy's state of mind than George, even from a distance.

You are so right, Eidetic. It looks like DC and Cindy have a shared perspective in which George is not included.

These photos and the "silent interview" are most uncharacteristic of Cindy. I do have to note, though, that she was there. No matter how badly she felt; she was present. Probably felt she need to be there just in case she had to exercise some control over the situation that had totally run amuck. It is the only thing I can see that is typical and consistent about Cindy here. Is it strength or weakness? I don't know but it makes me want to avert my eyes.

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