2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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Anne's My Space pic has changed:

Mood: adored

Am starting to wonder what this means:
...hating me wont make you pretty...[RIP CAYLEE MARIE]

Who is she talking to? This girl knows something. I think she is speaking to KC. Maybe they were lovers and were hiding it and CA found out. CA couldn't have that found out.

That Quote thing on ANNIE : just hold me down hard and drown me in love

THAT IS VERY VERY S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

What does that mean?????????????


God Bless !
Take a look at AD's MySpace as of tonight.....'Hold me down hard and drown me in love....(Maybe song lyrics?)
Her mood is 'Stuck up B****tch?'
Everything she does comes off as obnoxious, though she could be a swell chick. She seemed an awful lot like Casey in the interview.

:clap: yes... it was hard to tell them apart... this Anne/ KC

they used the same words.. and just generally spoke in the
same tone... and attitude..

scary to me...
I know people say when couples live together a long long long time..
they start to L@@K alike and talk alike...etc...
but... now really
these 2 two g i r l s ! ?
is this an on purpose thing ? is KC acting like ANNE / or
is ANNE acting like KC ?
that saying : hold me down hard and drown me with love..RIP Caylee !

I don't know if it is a song... or if it is W H A T ?
It is just NOT R I G H T ! ! ! !

I Pray this attitude come back and bites them :behind:
Who cares... they are going down...


God Bless !
That Quote thing on ANNIE : just hold me down hard and drown me in love

THAT IS VERY VERY S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

What does that mean?????????????


God Bless !

They are song lyrics to a current hit "Come on Get Higher" which i think is about a guy trying to get a girl to come back to him. I think the "Hating me won't make you pretty" comment is a movie quote. I seem to remember it being in context of "being a B--tch doesn't make you all that."

And I agree...she aint a 10!
That Quote thing on ANNIE : just hold me down hard and drown me in love

THAT IS VERY VERY S I C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

What does that mean?????????????


God Bless !

Its a song ..... "Come on Get Higher" ...by Matt Nathanson (very popular in the younger crowd)


I miss the sound of your voice
I miss the rush of your skin
I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in

If I could walk on water if I can tell you what’s next
Make you believe, make you forget
Thanks guys. So I'll quit trying to read stuff into it. LMAO
I was browsing through some of Dante's old posts, and I'll post the link here to reference my post, hope it works, if not it's his post from 10/23/2008 post #327.

In the AD interview. The SA & LE both stated that she had to be supaned into talking to them. And this was apparently the first time they had talked to her and this is Jan 6 2009?

BUT according to Dante's post, he and AD 'have both given statements' and that was in october....Hmmmm :waitasec:

An alternative take on Annie's remark "Hating me won't make you pretty" may mean something like -

it is what it is
nothing you say or do will change your circumstances
you made your bed now lay in it
you can blame me but that won't change the truth of what you did

To be fair to AD, assuming she is innocent of any wrong doing and hating this situation as much as any of us do or even more cuz she knows the A's and cared for Caylee personally, she may not mean she thinks she is pretty at all, but is using that expression as in "you're screwed and it is of your own doing".
An alternative take on Annie's remark "Hating me won't make you pretty" may mean something like -

it is what it is
nothing you say or do will change your circumstances
you made your bed now lay in it
you can blame me but that won't change the truth of what you did

To be fair to AD, assuming she is innocent of any wrong doing and hating this situation as much as any of us do or even more cuz she knows the A's and cared for Caylee personally, she may not mean she thinks she is pretty at all, but is using that expression as in "you're screwed and it is of your own doing".

I agree with this. It could also be a slam on a "pretty person" who is mean to her. Meaning, "your mean attitude/actions make you ugly even if people think you look hot." And this person could be KC.
....certainly I can imagine her and KC had drunk make out sessions in front of others but I don't think no way they were lovers,as in being in love ,and again I am sure Annie's issues are low self esteem.I went through that phase when I was a teenager.You try to act the opposite when actually I think annie is not happy with herself at all or she would not feel the need to defend herself so outrageously.
An alternative take on Annie's remark "Hating me won't make you pretty" may mean something like -

it is what it is
nothing you say or do will change your circumstances
you made your bed now lay in it
you can blame me but that won't change the truth of what you did

To be fair to AD, assuming she is innocent of any wrong doing and hating this situation as much as any of us do or even more cuz she knows the A's and cared for Caylee personally, she may not mean she thinks she is pretty at all, but is using that expression as in "you're screwed and it is of your own doing".

I agree. I did not read her myspace message as a boast about herself. Baez probably wants to depose her and she knows it won't be to explore using her as a character witness. She may have caught wind that KC is angry with her for not standing by her. So KC hates her, and she knows it. KC also thinks KC is pretty...we've seen not just her appearances in court recently but also videos of interviews, and she does a lot of preening for the cameras. In Annie's way she is trying to bring KC back down to where she belongs.

The "RIP Caylee Marie" messages tacked on say one thing to me: unlike the A's she stands 100% behind seeing justice done for Caylee.
Back before her interview with LDB, I thought maybe KC and Annie had a falling out (all that speculation over the baseball hat, etc.) but I don't think so any more after hearing the deposition. I think a lot of it was calculated to not only remove herself from the immediate situation in various ways (the xanax "correction" and saying that Caylee wouldn't even let Annie hold her when KC was there), but to do it in a way that left KC with a variety of supportive alternatives.

For one thing, even though she made a big show of acting like they weren't close, she was certainly at KC's spending the night in a heartbeat when she went through something "personal". She emphasized the fact that KC had told her she was having mental problems at one point and wanted to be hospitalized and bolstered that with describing CA's stress-inducing conduct at the birthday party. She also corroborated the story of JG having possible access to the car thing for KC. She derided the whole hat incident as ridiculous saying JG had given KC the hat, thereby implying that KC had something to be upset about with JG. She said nothing that would not fit into an accidental death/PPD theory which may have been being tossed around as a good alternative at that point in case the defense team couldn't point the finger at anyone else.

I also think that Annie probably felt she was a second fiddle type when they went out in the past perhaps, with KC getting more of the male attention. Perhaps she is reinventing herself in a way she feels is more glamorous now that she has received some public attention, like others, as one of KC's former posse.

I just didn't get the feeling she was throwing KC under the bus at all, although she was being careful not to embed herself in the situation. I still think she knows more than she said about a lot of things having to do with the ZG Identity.
WOW! cecybeans-----Yup---Yup---I feel like you are right. Esp about the reinventing herself. There is something different about her now. Actually, I think she has gotten prettier. I just wish she would not try to be so "sexy" looking. Life is more than sex and I wish she would work on being a better person and not let this take her down to below her level. I wish she would leave the party scene and---I guess grow up---get on with making something out of her life---other than the party girl. What do I know------am just an ole woman.
I'm speculating based on others' comments, and AD's overnight visit with KC and CA in August, that AD may know more about what happened to Caylee but not be responsible for what happened.

If AD's initial interview with LE took place earlier than the one that has been released, as told to us by DS, could there be an interview that contains more specific information? Based on DS's comment that both he and AD had spoken to LE, she may have lawyered up after her initial interview knowing full well that, because she told the truth, somebody may try to turn the tables and implicate her in a way that isn't true.

Can one be interviewed by LE where they tell you are free to leave at any time, door closed but you're not locked in, etc. and, for some reason, you return under subpeona with a lawyer to be interviewed again? Under what circumstances would that happen?

Would LE keep the first interview under wraps?

Also, DS could of been mistaken that AD had already been interviewed. I doubt it though.
Pretty is, as pretty does:crazy:

Attitude goes a loooong way in making somebody more attractive....or not.

The fact is that it doesn't really matter who is pretty, who isn't pretty, who we think is pretty, if they think they are pretty - ya know? Who gives a rats arse who is pretty?

Want to know what happened to Caylee!!!
It's obvious that many of KC's friends have gone through the same and more feelings of shock and aw! we have felt sluething this. Young adults trying to find and make a place in the world are now having to take a look at themselves and how they want to conduct their futures. Life seems to smack us straight in the face and take notice when there is a lesson to be learned. I have a son who was fortunate to have played on an albumn that has gone platinum 11 times. His work has introduced me to the younger generation of women and how intense these young adult women can be while maturing into a full fledge woman of substance. Music and lyrics do play a role in helping them find themselves. I always pay close attention to the music someone is listening to because it seems like a window into their soul. So KC and friends social networking showing the music and lyrics they are drawn to is I feel valuable & viable to paying alittle attention to. The one thing in the song Annie was possibly refering to that caught my eye on a silly note was the comment of , "Faith and desire in the SWING of your hips" and I knew Annie was referring to KC. I find all these communications that refer to a song or a lyric very intriguing and of course revealing into the mindset of KC. Everytime I think of Caylee's death and the entire A family a song by Jon Mayer comes to mind, "Be kind to your daughters for they will be mothers too." As we can see there wasn't alot of kindness within the nucleous of the family. The one thing my husband and I don't allow to enter our private lives is unkind people. Maybe that is why the A's had no friends and have had to make new unsavory type of friends they could relate to.
WOW! cecybeans-----Yup---Yup---I feel like you are right. Esp about the reinventing herself. There is something different about her now. Actually, I think she has gotten prettier. I just wish she would not try to be so "sexy" looking. Life is more than sex and I wish she would work on being a better person and not let this take her down to below her level. I wish she would leave the party scene and---I guess grow up---get on with making something out of her life---other than the party girl. What do I know------am just an ole woman.

MAMABEAR - Everything you say is true on the deepest level. But young and somewhat dumb have always gone together. Just look at all the messages put out to girls from T.V. and Magazine ads, etc. It's hard for young women to be content with themselves. Popular culture supports that girls who are pretty are better so of course they want to be considered pretty. I don't fault a young woman for wanting to look her best. Nor do I think we should judge a young woman on our opinion of what she looks like. I know you're not doing that.

I have to admit, when I first saw the photos of the Lake Vaj guys I thought they looked rough. Not for one minute did I think it was a stretch to think they could be into recreational drugs and stuff. On the surface, peeps as a group tend to judge a book by its cover. When they drag peeps before a judge they usually clean them up and put a suit on them.

:waitasec: P.S. I've been trying to tell men that life is more than sex for a long time. Why won't they believe me? :blowkiss:
It's obvious that many of KC's friends have gone through the same and more feelings of shock and aw! we have felt sluething this. Young adults trying to find and make a place in the world are now having to take a look at themselves and how they want to conduct their futures. Life seems to smack us straight in the face and take notice when there is a lesson to be learned. I have a son who was fortunate to have played on an albumn that has gone platinum 11 times. His work has introduced me to the younger generation of women and how intense these young adult women can be while maturing into a full fledge woman of substance. Music and lyrics do play a role in helping them find themselves. I always pay close attention to the music someone is listening to because it seems like a window into their soul. So KC and friends social networking showing the music and lyrics they are drawn to is I feel valuable & viable to paying alittle attention to. The one thing in the song Annie was possibly refering to that caught my eye on a silly note was the comment of , "Faith and desire in the SWING of your hips" and I knew Annie was referring to KC. I find all these communications that refer to a song or a lyric very intriguing and of course revealing into the mindset of KC. Everytime I think of Caylee's death and the entire A family a song by Jon Mayer comes to mind, "Be kind to your daughters for they will be mothers too." As we can see there wasn't alot of kindness within the nucleous of the family. The one thing my husband and I don't allow to enter our private lives is unkind people. Maybe that is why the A's had no friends and have had to make new unsavory type of friends they could relate to.

I hear what you are saying. If one is not in the music biz though, he/she may just like a song for its beat, popularity and hit value, etc. If a kid is only into an exteme genre of music (dark stuff) I'd be concerned.

Just the other day, I was driving the car with my son in tow, and a song came on the radio from my era that is frequently played now. I was groovin to the music when, all of a sudden, the lyrics (what he wanted to do to her, etc.) dawned on me.:waitasec: I let the song play out cuz I didn't want to abruptly change the channel. It occurred to me that I hadn't really identified with the lyrics before but like the tempo, etc.

On the other hand, I can remember listening to The Temptations over and over and over again when this boyfriend I had forced me to break up with him cuz he was a cheater but wanted to keep me too. :crazy:
This thread is about Annie's D's. Interview, not her MySpace page.

Lets move on!
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