2009.02.17 New Tip: Misty May Not have Been Home

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Sorry if this is repetitive, can't seem to keep up with all the postings:)

I have been following another forum, a poster there has been giving some grapevine, local type of information. The poster does not know what is true or not, just passing along what is being heard.

Earlier the poster said they heard there was a bar, within close walking distance of the mobile home, and that R and M were there very often on the weekends. Now it seem that LE is questioning whether M was home at the time the child came up missing.

To me, the bar seems like at least a possibility as to her whereabouts. (One has to wonder how she would even be in a bar at all at her age, but stranger things have happened. Perhaps if she is with someone of legal age, it's not a big deal or maybe she could have a fake ID?) Just pure 100% speculation on my part.

this Misty , just doesn't show as being kosher with the kids being in bed & asleep!
Sorry if this is repetitive, can't seem to keep up with all the postings:)

I have been following another forum, a poster there has been giving some grapevine, local type of information. The poster does not know what is true or not, just passing along what is being heard.

Earlier the poster said they heard there was a bar, within close walking distance of the mobile home, and that R and M were there very often on the weekends. Now it seem that LE is questioning whether M was home at the time the child came up missing.

To me, the bar seems like at least a possibility as to her whereabouts. (One has to wonder how she would even be in a bar at all at her age, but stranger things have happened. Perhaps if she is with someone of legal age, it's not a big deal or maybe she could have a fake ID?) Just pure 100% speculation on my part.


There is one within walking distance, it's in the same Hermit's Cove community..

Hermits Cove Community Club

200 Hermit Dr
Satsuma, FL 32189
I think this is really what happened ... look at the quote in the article:

"I didn't make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and the back door is wide open," Croslin told Channel 4's Laura Mazzeo. "I go in the room and she's gone. And that's all I know. When I went to bed she was there and then when I got up and she was gone."

These are key phrases - she sounds like she was coming in from somewhere else, out drinking at bro's place, had to use the bathroom but saw the kitchen light on or something else awry and instead of going into the bedroom where the bathroom and kids are, she proceeds to the kitchen and then notices the door open. It is only then that she goes to the bedroom.

She is totally hiding something, IMO.

One thing that bugs me is Misti admits to seeing that the time was 3 something, but she never mentions thinking that the light on in the kitchen and the door open could have been that Ron was already home and doing something. She never mentions looking out to see if Ron was home, looking at the time to see if he was about to be home, or even looking out to see if any cars were leaving the area. She just says that she ran back to the bedroom and noticed Haleigh being gone. I know she seems to have communication problems, maybe even a disability, but this is sort of strange.
One thing that bugs me is Misti admits to seeing that the time was 3 something, but she never mentions thinking that the light on in the kitchen and the door open could have been that Ron was already home and doing something. She never mentions looking out to see if Ron was home, looking at the time to see if he was about to be home, or even looking out to see if any cars were leaving the area. She just says that she ran back to the bedroom and noticed Haleigh being gone. I know she seems to have communication problems, maybe even a disability, but this is sort of strange.

Really good point. Wouldn't she think maybe the light was on because Ron was home. If you really wake up at 3am, you are a bit disorientated, you notice a light, aren't sure of the time, I would think it might be Ron. Of course she didn't say this...or think this, because her story isn't true.
My original thought: Misty was just coming home when the father came in, which is why she "just happened to be up" at that exact moment. She knew what time he was expected and made sure to be back. She may have come in and found things just as she said - back door propped open, kitchen light on, etc - only she wasn't getting up to go to the bathroom; she was walking in the front door. JMHO.

This is what I'm thinkin' too!
Anyone know what time the bars close in that area (Hermits Cove)? In my state it is 2 AM, statewide. Looks like in FL it varies by location.
...I'm thinking something close to that...but IMO she left and came back through the back door and that's why it was propped open...
Marc Klaas was a guest on NG last night and he said, "Truth never changes." He's absolutely correct! In any situation, when someone asks you what happened, you relate what you saw, heard, or did. No matter how much time goes by, you relate what you saw, heard or did exactly the same.

In this case, Misty has changed her story so many times, it's hard to keep track of the changes. She's not telling the truth. I feel that whatever happened to Haleigh, happened because Misty was in some way irresponsible.

I think it's highly plausible that Misty wasn't there when Haleigh was abducted. I don't think it's a coincidence that this tip was reported late yesterday afternoon, and Ron's mother appeared on both NG and Greta, saying that she believes Misty was at home. At this point, Ron and his family are concerned about the implications of leaving two children with an irresponsible teenager, who may have left them alone and vunerable.

In regards to the tip that Misty may not have been there when Haleigh was abducted, I don't think LE would act on this if it was just a theory among the reported 1200 tips. I think they would have to have a credible witness who saw Misty somewhere else during the time frame in question, or saw her leaving the mobile home. LE would not answer the question asked by a reporter in regards to whether or not Misty had a vehicle available to her. This may become a factor as we learn more.

One thing I noticed about Ron's mother in her interviews on Nancy Grace and Greta..........she doesn't state that she knows for a fact that Misty was there, only that she believes Misty was there. If it's proven that Misty wasn't there when Haleigh was abducted, Ron's mother has left some wiggle room, so she can then say she's shocked to learn that Misty wasn't there.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Major breaking news, just in moments ago, involving the desperate search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. A flurry of conflicting reports about 17-year-old Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh before she vanished. Was she even at home?

CNN affiliate WJXT now reporting that authorities are looking into the possibility, based on a lead, that Misty was not at the trailer with Haleigh, but the lead investigator in the case says, quote, "We have no evidence to believe that she, Misty, was not home."


JENNIFER BAUER, REPORTER, WJXT-TV: We are reporting that more than 1,200 tips so far have come in to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office, Jane, about this investigation.

And we have learned that one of those leads that they are looking into as a possibility is that 17-year-old Misty Croslin, who is Haleigh Cummings` father`s girlfriend, was not home the night the 5-year-old disappeared. Now, again, in the same breath when we talked to investigators about this, they remind us that they have gotten 1200 tips and this is one tip that they are looking into as a possibility.


ROSE: The investigation, we feel pretty confident, as to the general timeline when the girlfriend last saw Haleigh to the time when she reported it on the 911 call. That`s the timeline we`re focusing on. But there again, as far as the timeline prior to and afterwards, we`re not releasing that.

Sometimes what is actually said by investigators gets lost in the breaking news.
One thing I noticed about Ron's mother in her interviews on Nancy Grace and Greta..........she doesn't state that she knows for a fact that Misty was there, only that she believes Misty was there. If it's proven that Misty wasn't there when Haleigh was abducted, Ron's mother has left some wiggle room, so she can then say she's shocked to learn that Misty wasn't there.

If what I've read about Ron and his mom is accurate, she's been very helpful in getting her son out of serious trouble in the past. It wouldn't surprise me one little bit that they'd hold Misty close to them and keep her going on the story she told first off about waking up and Haleigh being missing. It wouldn't surprise me a bit that it serves their needs very well.
i really hope this little angel is found safe but i have a bad feeling ..
why would they defend her only knowing her for 5 months though unless somehow indirectly he is involved such as owing a drug dealer money or mabey misty and him both do ? or mabey haleigh went looking for her
do you think she couldve tripped hit her head in the woods and misty did find her and hid her body under the dock ? and weighed her down with
another cinderblock a matching one to the doors cinderblock ? we have those helping to hold our mobile home up have they looked to see if that is the case (any missing from under thier mobile home )? sorry bout rambling cant sleep and took meds to try to .
Whatever it is, it smells of a family grab to me.

Maybe bio-mom learned that the kids were being left alone in the house at night, while RC worked and some concerned relative or boyfriend took matters into his/her own hands. There was a hearing the next day. The imminant hearing date and the timing of the kidapping make me question this as more than mere coincidence.

There was not a hearing the next day. There was some kind of filing for child support. Bio mom and her family have agreed to polygraph but LE has not made them take one- that speaks volumes about what they think- because while Bio mom has had no polygraph, Misty the girlfriend has had at least 2 and is being questioned daily

Just saying.

First instinct for me was bio-gma and mom as suspects. Then their significant others. Then their relatives. But, that is just my humble opinion.

I still don't get a hinkey meter reading at all on the gf and Dad.

He's dumb and she is dumber, but I think they are both telling the truth and someone else stole Haleigh from the house. The little inconsistencies do not concern me. It really does not matter in the grand scheme of things whether MC was home or not, or whether Haleigh was 4 feet away in her bed, or in the next room. What matters is that she is missing and I believe she was taken by an intruder. I will define "intruder" to be someone other than MC or RC.

My comments above in red.
I would love to know the floor plan of the house, it sounds like the trailer my sister had; (also double wide; master bath/bedroom).
In the dead of night, there's no way Misty could have slept through someone coming in that house and abducting Haleigh from next to her on the bed, or even the same room. Even with carpet on the floors, you can easily hear people walking around in those trailers.
If the layout is the same as my sisters was, then if Misty came out the bedroom, the backdoor would be on her left, a closet across from it. Then a foot later, the kitchen.
Is there any way we could all get an exact floor plan?

Theres not an exact one but a good layout on the "former resident describes home thread".

o/t - just heard on my news a 3 yo girl was missing last night around here...found dead in the septic tank. Sad......
Gosh, this story has really grown. I dont get to post much during the week. Because of Work. But I since this story broke and I get tid bits here and there from the News and reading on here when I can in the mornings. I always have my "THINKING" cap on. Or should I say my WEBSLEUTH HAT on. Wondering about the WHAT IF'S and WHY'S.
I think that the Bio Mom should be questioned by LE along with that side of family members.
But if Misty left that house, and someone knew she was leaving at night after Ron went to work. Then someone knew this pattern for a few days. They seen and opportunity and grabbed it. Something tells me if would be someone that lived close by or a family member. Why would a pure stranger break-in not knowing weather Ron was home or not.
If what I've read about Ron and his mom is accurate, she's been very helpful in getting her son out of serious trouble in the past. It wouldn't surprise me one little bit that they'd hold Misty close to them and keep her going on the story she told first off about waking up and Haleigh being missing. It wouldn't surprise me a bit that it serves their needs very well.

Since grandma works with LE, I bet she has some inside track. If Misty was even suspected in the detective's minds grandma would have heard of it. I doubt she would close ranks to protect M if she was suspected of being involved. I have seen tons of speculation but no word from LE that M is being anything less than truthful or co-operative. I am not ready to villify her.

Keep in mind that a lot of the 1200 tips are prolly from self proclaimed psychics and people that call to make suggestions that are totally unrelated and unhelpful. Anyone can call and say to look close to the tree behind McDonalds, or whatever. The tip that says that Misty was not home will be looked into and followed up on if there is any merit whatsoever to it.
I would imagine that LE must have fairly significant intel if they're willing to come forward with this; I can't imagine they'd introduce pure conjecture into the case without doing the legwork first.ITA MoB!

If they have two or 20 people who have been able to corroborate the "tip" then it's probably valid. I doubt they were all "d00d. Look what this guy on Facebook said!"

The "they" thing is pretty normal, I think. I'm marginally well-spoken and say it all the time. It's easier than saying "Well, he or she likely..." And no offense to Misty, but she's not the most articulate sonnet in the compilation...

That's just great! I love it! Very diplomatic, but you get your point across!
I hope the stores around there have video and LE has checked them to see if she might have showed up during that night.I'm very concerned after reading the cbs interview that kellync gave.Now,the gf is saying when she laid down,the boy was up and left her bedroom,that wasn't stated before.I am beginning to wonder with all the changing stories if she doesn't have a lying problem.IMO

OMG :eek: which interview was it that Misty said Jr was the one to get up and leave the bedroom? I've lost track of how many different variations she's told, yet this is a new one..
I just do not understand how these kids can just disappear without a trace????? Nobody knows a thing! These events must be LE's worst nightmare!!:banghead:

Somebody had that little Angel! Somebody knows something! I am surprised that RJ has not taken things into his own hands. I would not want to be on th opposite side of his wrath and temper....
Yes, I am surprised that Misty has not cracked under LE's pressure. She know and only she knows of the events that lead up to Haleigh's disappearance...

My bold.

I'm wondering - if Misty was gone for a while - maybe it was with Ron's consent?

Ron's got to be wondering like the rest of us - if Misty was there all night or not. Only his temper is probably way worse than ours - so I can't believe he hasn't confronted her about the possibility - unless...

Maybe he knew she stepped out cuz he sent her?

For drugs maybe?

"So and so dealer says he's getting some drug later tonight. Go over there and get it."

So they both could know she left but will not say it - because of the reason for her leaving?
considering that LE has released little to nothing about this case, releasing this info on this "Tip" may be intentional - to see how Ron reacts.

Does he come to LE and demand to know if she was gone, does he get mad at Misty and they argue/fight? Does he ask LE if they think she has something to do with it? Or, does he act as though it is nothing and have no reaction at all???

If he has no reaction, no questions, doesn't confront her at all - he knows something as well.

I've been married for 11 yrs but if this were the situation our family was in and husband wasn't consistently telling the same info or possibly lied about his whereabouts I'd damn sure want to know what LE knew and would confront husband also!! and Ron doesn't seem to be afraid of confrontations.

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