2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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Ron needed to lawyer up along time ago, but I don't want to see BC show up. I couldn't take it. Maybe Dominick and Hoover will offer to help in the search..shut up nostoneunturned you are starting to rant..lol
I didn't see the show, but can you imagine what this bully is doing to Misty? Last I heard is Misty "went home" -- not sure where that is. Has anyone seen her lately.

A man who can abuse a woman, can certainly abuse a child. My son did fall on his face at school, and they called me. If Haleigh fell at school, there would be a record of it. So I'm more prone to believe the dad hit her. :(



Have we found record of any assault/abuse charges brought against Ron by bio mom? Any restraining order? Did the judge address it in the custody order? Strange that the judge gave custody to a proven woman abuser!
Theres a girl staying with us this weekend who grew up thru the Fl foster care system. Her mom died when she was two and her dad is in jail. What a happy, delightful young woman. This is Saturday night, our guest is 18 and my daughter is 19. They went to church tonight and have been playing their guitars since they came home. Sometimes the system works very well.

Yes, but if she had been very troubled or mentally ill and caused lots of problems she might have been sent from foster home to foster home or even been sent to Juvie very young. It's great for the normal kids who live in a normal family situation all their young years, but I pity the mentally ill kids.
Well,I do think it happened at school,because they said it did,they wouldn't cover for him.But,another incident must have happened.A child can fall and bruises will come out even a couple of days later up to the skin,actually with anybody.
But,I have no doubt he has a very bad temper and he is definitely a smart mouth and could have enemies.I don't think he did anything to Haleigh,I do however think it's because of his lifestyle and he,I think,knows who could have taken her.Him and Misty need to go in and tell everything they know and not worry if they'll get in trouble.
Theres a girl staying with us this weekend who grew up thru the Fl foster care system. Her mom died when she was two and her dad is in jail. What a happy, delightful young woman. This is Saturday night, our guest is 18 and my daughter is 19. They went to church tonight and have been playing their guitars since they came home. Sometimes the system works very well.

Yes, sometimes it does. Sometimes it works out. I honestly dont know what the numbers are that dont. But it also dont. Florida DCF has issues, its been a widely known problem for a long time.
one of the reasons LE wants to go back 30 days is to show a pattern, whatever that pattern may be, of the manner in which the principles lived. personally I see a pattern of neglect. and daddy wanted and was given custody so daddy is ultimately responsible. I'd support picking up daddy on child neglect/endangerment charges soon. Based on what has played out I think there is plenty of evidence.

That my vote, pick up daddy. and than maybe some peoples will start talking:razz:
IF Ronald made this statement of being 75% sure of who had his daughter, then he better have related that to LE.

I do not think that either side is telling the complete truth. However, if Ronald made the statement Chad said he made to him, then I feel Crystal and her family have a right to be upset.

This is not a who's on who's side to me. I have felt that neither Ronald nor Crystal should have custody of either child.

I still think that Crystal and her side of the family should be polygraphed. They have agreed to it. Then let's see if they can be cleared. Ronald and Misty surely haven't been.

Yeah, like 75% Ron and 25% Misty
I am not blaming the disappearance on Misty. I am saying it is HER fault for not telling exactly what happened. To my knowledge, we are still getting conflicting stories from Misty.

In bio Mom's first interviews, she acted like a tweaker. Rocking back and forth in the chair was clearly not normal at all.

Dad didn't say he was a Saint either. However, I did see the dad take the high road and not talk trash about the bio mom early on. He could have, but chose not to run her down. I respected the way he handled the interview when asked why he had the children. Frankly, I would love to hear his side of why! We have only heard her side of it.

I don't know exactly what a "tweaker" is but I guess I may be one because when my son was in the ICU I rocked the entire time. It distracted me from the pain in my gut.
My Mom's best friend did that with teens,people don't want to take teens in,but she did and was a good Mom to them,they still treated her as a Mom till she passed away.
This is just breaking my heart. The subject of abuse is very sensitive and familiar for me, particularly when allegations are challenged, disbelieved or explained away. That said I do not, in any fashion, agree with the way in which this information has been exposed to the public. I think LE has tried to handle this angle with sensitivity for a reason, not necessarily because it bares upon what happened to Haleigh, but because of how this can affect a family, and most importantly children like Haleigh's younger brother. Hence the statement about embarassing relatives.

Now, I cannot begin to imagine what happened to Haleigh that lead to her disappearance but this entire debacle is far too familiar. I truly feel for Haleigh and all of the children involved. I won't even touch upon the adults, what I have to say in their regard is better left unsaid.
I hear ya!
ITA with you. I have experience with a guy and his family that remind me very much of Ron and his family. Those kind of men think they NEVER do anything wrong, they're angels OR it's always someone else's fault. Their relatives defend them to no end. If you go against them, watch out because it'll be a long, hard battle that will break you down if you're a weak person. Catching them in their lies is the best way to get anything done or resolved. IMO, I think Crystal is just sick of everything that's been going on and she's finally putting her foot down.

I know people like this, too, and you're right, their family ALWAYS defends them! It's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Enough! And I've had plenty of Ron's lies.
Originally Posted by winterrose[/B said:
So,it's DCF,that's the Child Protection Service there?So,this is why he knows the law on why he can spank Haleigh,seems something came up and an investigation,that was the loophole and he sure knows it enough to throw it out there that fast.

Although I could be wrong, I believe in the beginning of this case we learned, it was Crystal who was charged or accused of some kind of child neglect/abuse. Therefore, it's POSSIBLE he learned it from that episode, not from something he'd done. (I believe that is why Crystal had already gone to parenting class by the time the custody hearing was held)
LMAO! Have one for me.. I'm starving and too lazy to go in the kitchen! (plus a little depressed b/c my dr. pepper is all gone - too lazy to go to the store - depressed and lazy - another pathetic saturday night - lol - you wanna be here huh?? can you stop on the way and pick up dr. pepper and toilet paper?)

I've got plenty of DP, wish I could send it to you through the net. I can never be without it. :p
where do you think they *news* gets their info from? :p

GR probably goes to the local pub & buys beers for the good ole boys & finds someone who doesn't like RC & runs with it.
I can hardly believe what we witnessed tonight. I always thought Geraldo was a lowlife, but this takes the cake.

It was obvious that GR was purposefully goading RC into losing his temper on camera. Not only was he hurling accusations at RC but as the questioning became more intense, GR got louder, spoke more quickly and got closer to RC - he was purposefully trying to get RC either to lose his temper or admit something in the heat of the arguement.

Last night, GR said he had seen the picture of Haleigh and that she had been "beaten to a pulp." The picture I saw tonight showed a scratch on her nose, some swelling and some bruising. It could have been consistent with a fall or with being hit, but she wasn't "beaten to a pulp."

Regardless of what you think about RC, this was a new low for "journalism." I also was appalled to see this ugly fight on TV - it should be about Haleigh - not about the family fight.
The mothers camp set up their own account???

Maybe she can pay off that child support now!

If there is a link, I want to donate! By golly, they should have a camper too. I feel badly that all of them missing work because they need to stay put nearby. :razz:
Neighbor of Crystal/Ron when Haleigh was tiny.......saves RC was vocally abusive.
Frmr. State attny....talking about people who use drugs..........
Joe Overstreet from TN...misti cousin another guy that molested Misti...........(2!)
Ron tell the truth.........
Chad (bio moms bf) has been threatened........thinks RC not telling truth..........allot of people seem to be on bio mom's side tonight???

how many times has Misty been molested????????? Give it a rest.
If no one is actually going out searching for Haleigh, I think they (the families) should just go home and wait for LE to find her. MOO

After this many days, I think they would probably be better off at home but it would be SO HARD for me to leave!!!!
Isn't it the mom, and her side that says haileigh wouldn't go with a stranger? She wouldn't have left that house, without making a noise, unless she was with someone she knew? The Granmother thinks she is in GA or AL state lines, or something like that? And now they have all this on GR!!

Why are they not suspected:rolleyes:

I seriously hope that LE starts looking into bio mom and family if they haven't already. The entire interview stunk of catty bitterness to me.
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