2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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You know what Tori2 that's a very good point. We have become a known as a paxil nation. Not throwing names out there, it's accurate. Sedation/anti-depressives/anti-anxiety meds are being prescribed at record rates since 2001.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here, Kat??
Don't quite understand what you are saying here. Maybe you didn't understand what I was getting at. I think RC's side might just have some good ole boy connections - more so than CS's side.

The fact that she moved away - get away from your abuser is one of the first steps you have to take.

RC has a history of "shacking up" with 16 - 17 yr olds. He is not a responsible person or parent.

I did not see anything in your post that mentioned anything about RC's family having GOB connections.

When you are twenty and under ... it is "shacking up", kind of an antiquated phrase, but when you are in your 30s, you are "living together", and when you are in your 40s and 50s, you have a "significant other", and in your 60s, you are "life partners" ... hmm.

No evil between heaven and Earth would justify an "abused" mother absconding to save herself while leaving and infant and a toddler in the claws of an abuser.

Sorry,just my investiture in my experience.
I am more interested in everything that G***** didn't say himself.

-That CS lost custody of her own children.
-That CS never showed up in court.
-That CS never completed parenting classes.
-That her pee test was not on record--which means it was never done.

-The neighbor that claims she heard Ron yelling and fighting when Haleigh was little. -Who was Ron fighting with? IIRC she never said who. Could it have been CS herself? Why was she not a witness for CS at court then?
-CS father wrote a letter to the court saying things about Ron but he never showed up in court to testify either.
-Ron had both children and Crystal did not but she also did not have a job, nor was she pregnant with Chloe yet
-CS is behind in her child support payments and has an order of contempt for that now.

-Ron has a record of a drug bust but Geritol didn't bother to mention what year it was from and that it was before either children were born.
-GR made a big deal about this picture yesterday saying it showed Haleigh beat to a pulp.
The picture shows a scratch, a small cut by the lip and light bruising under the one eye that is on the same side as the scratch and cut. Then tonight instead of starting out saying that the school did confirm that she fell at school, there are records of emergency room visit and a second follow up he waits until later in his show knowing full well that anyone tuning in to watch just this story has now tuned out.
-It was apparent that he spent time with the bio-mom's camp but did not afford the same type of interview with the dad camp.
-GR was polite, calm, kept a respectful distance from Crystal and was non confrontational with Crystal but was confrontational, demanding and was clearly baiting Ron by getting right up in his face in a threatening manor.
-GR was very exact with his questions to Crystal about what and when but was vague with Ron when rapid firing questions at him.
-With Crystal he allowed others to answer for her but with Ron did not. The only reason TN stepped in was she saw exactly what GR was doing and put a stop to it. Ron did not raise his voice, his hands nor did he even step back and square his shoulders in a manor that could be taken as hostile.

-GR set up that former states attorney lady and it was clear that she had know idea going into this that these were, again allegations being made with proof to back up the claims. He wanted her to comment on something that she was not familiar with so her answers then needed to be broad to cover whatever was tossed out there. This made her answers seem as though she was in agreement with bio-mom camp.

Thank you Shadow! Great post!

And with that GR has taken more than enough of my time.

Nice talking to all you folks. I hope Haleigh comes home safely!
Watching Geraldo again...

Ron definitely denies past drug use, even when Geraldo brings up the prior arrests.
Thank you Shadow! Great post!

And with that GR has taken more than enough of my time.

Nice talking to all you folks. I hope Haleigh comes home safely!

ITA! Great post and very well thought out!

OMG, 1st time watching Geraldo for this. What a mess. I thought Jerry Springer was going to pop out of the tent too.
The Maternal side wants answers. With little or no info from LE & the changing of the stories. I dont blame them for throwing a few "eye openers". The truth hurts...thats too bad, its her daughter too and she loves her just as much. AND I watched this family bite their tongues just about as long as they could, I could see this comin. Let the chips fall where they may.

Yes, I was just itchin' for them to spill now that someone will finally listen to them.

Any one else find Ron's statment odd "I believe that she's alive, until they find her"?????? at least this is what I think I heard.....

And I bet ole Teresa scolded him but good for that slip.

I will probably have to eat my hat but I believe the bio Mom and her family...ok I said it...night all...before I do leave though as one poster said....the dad's sister will pull that wig off and jerk her earring off and whip the mom...yep that is how that usually happens...and it ain't pretty.

I have believed them for quite some time. Once bio-mom stopped answering with, "I don't know," we are finally getting some real answers about father of the year. Kudos to you, Crystal!

You know, I don't get why everyone is all that upset with Geraldo. I don't usually say much on here b/c by the time I get finished reading everything has been said, but I just have to say something.

Yes, Geraldo is a jerk at times, but in this instance I think he did a good thing. That father is such a liar and I don't believe one thing that comes out of his mouth. Same with Misti. I think the bio-mom has had it. I think she wants to let everyone know what a creep he is. Yes, she might not have been much better, but I think she wants to tell what she knows b/c something just isn't right about all this.

I have been shaking my head and saying something isn't right since day one. I don't know what it is, but I'd bet money someone in that trailer knows. Too many coincidences. Misti finding the pink shirt in the laundry was the final straw for me. Now isn't that just a big coincidence! Nope...something is not right.

I may be totally wrong, but so be it. I think Geraldo helped Haleigh big time, b/c now the gloves are off and maybe the real truth will be told. Oh, and did anyone notice how the dad said that every single thing said about him was untrue? He never said anything? Come on....REALLY????? You really want us to believe you are lily white? Nope....this has nothing to do with the bio-mom getting jr. This is about what went on in that home.

ITA. I also think Geraldo is a jerk, but I enjoyed the show tonight. And yes, when Ron's dad stepped into camera view and you could hear Teresa doing her best to enable her boy and protect him, as usual, I got a very Deliverance feeling, as others here mentioned. Mom taught Ron well. Deny, deny, deny.

I don't think they were trying to get revenge at all. I think they want answers. We're all so tired of so many stories changing. Imagine how they feel. I think this was probably very hard for CS. It was a very brave thing for her to do. I think she's still very afraid of RC and his family. RC and his family have been getting quite comfortable with all the gushing concern from NG. Somebody has to shake something up so we finally get some truthful answers.

Exactly! Crystal was very brave for telling her side of the story. And I am so sick of NG coddling this family. I hope everything will be ok there, because Ron and his family scare the daylights out of me.
Ron seemed to care about Haleigh. After being trashed on national television and with GR in his face, he still managed to refain from trashing Crystal and plea for his daughter. He has actually put feet on the ground in searches. Seems as if he cares to me. But I could be wrong.

I'm not sure if you saw the interview, Paintr, but Crystal did say that Ron loves Haleigh; that she was his heart.
I hope with all my heart Haleigh didn't watch that. I wonder if anyone thought to mention that to Crystal before she did the interview. I guess the media shouldn't bother to ask Crystal if she has a message for Haleigh at the end of the next interview. I feel bad for both of them but worse for the kids.

We have custody of my step daughter and we have dealt with this same type of thing from her mother. She runs from child support and never has a way to get here for visitation so we drive...she only stirs up my step daughter so she can take it out on us.
Welcome to WS, Myshell! It is all about the kids and whatever you can do as a mom is worth it for your daughter. (We never called them step or half anything...they were simply family in our house.) Some parents do not get that it is not about them, but about the children. There are no winners in any battle over children...the children always lose. The only thing you can do is love them and try to forgive their mothers/fathers out of respect for them.
Why can't they find Haleigh?! I am so baffled with all the clues LE MUST have in this case...why can't they narrow it down already?!

Did a rocket scientist swoop in and take this child not leaving a single fingerprint, DNA evidence, or sign of anything?! I can't believe someone can take Haleigh and walk away leaving NO evidence or even if someone in the house did this...LE should have a handle on it by now. Has LE botched this case?!

IMVHO, yes. I don't think they had the experience to handle a case of this nature and major egos got in the way, did not want to ask for advice and help. I think they would be happy if media and everyone else would just go away. LE is under a microscope and I think they are paralyzed with fear they will do something wrong, so they do nothing at all. JMO.
And then you think RC will pay "the other baby mama" the child support she needs for that child?

Didn't I read earlier that he wasn't named as the father on the bc? Does anyone know if there is an order for child support on this child yet?
That, does provide a little help. What did bio mom's family offer as counter?

Here in Virginia they'll look at who primary caregiver would be also,my daughter's ex has a brother who's Mom watches the kids,both parents have had drug problems and both seeing someone,but judge went w/the grandma watching them and made his decision for him to have custody.
I just watched the beginning part that I missed. when GR was talking to Crystal, she rarely would even look at him when retelling of the abuse. when GR confronted Ron, he looked GR squarely in the eyes and defended himself. If GR had gotten into my face that way, he would have had another broken nose.
Ron seemed to care about Haleigh. After being trashed on national television and with GR in his face, he still managed to refain from trashing Crystal and plea for his daughter. He has actually put feet on the ground in searches. Seems as if he cares to me. But I could be wrong.

Ron reminds me of that fellow in Utah a while back. And I'm not so sure a couple of his brothers could get him to tell the truth even if he had a couple brothers. Ron has convinced himself that his lies are the truth.
I don't know exactly what a "tweaker" is but I guess I may be one because when my son was in the ICU I rocked the entire time. It distracted me from the pain in my gut.
Rocking, shaking, tapping...all very normal "fear" behaviors.
I can see how they want the truth from Misty, as her story has changed but this is no way to get it. And where is Misty?

Misty went home. Her mother? picked her up at the police station after a five hour interview, and took her home. Saw her dad in a wheelchair with his hurt leg. The look on his face when Misty walked up the steps to the house was priceless. He looked shocked and disgusted at the same time. jmo of course.

I'm sure I saw it on youtube as I don't have cable right now, and pc is too slow for tv channel website video viewing.
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